RM 76 S. 2017 Continuous Improvement CI Symposium

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Republic of the Philippines

m6ffi*Rro" iri*
DEPARTMENT GF EDUCATIffIE \ rnfi rxl it /^\r;i$-i,
D.M" Governrnent Center, Maimpis, City of San ternando, Pa
rJUNrsicri ffi
Website: wwr{.cieoedrecion3.com +Ernail: reglon.3@depecjnov oh
Tel Nos. (045) 455-230$ a 455-2312 r 455-2307

June 7,2A17
No. "i{, s.20tr7
To: All Concerned Schools Division Superiatendents
(Division CI Teams {Cabanatuan City, Gapan City, Science City of Munoz, San Jerse del
Monte CiS, Meycauayan City and Maiolas City)


1. Fursuant to DepED Unnumbered Memorandum dated .Tanuary 29, 2A16, s. 2015, the
Department of Education (DepEd) in collaboration with the Basic Education Sector
Transformation (BEST), tirough the Curiculum and Learning lManagement Divis*n
(CLMD) annoLrnces the conduct of C*ntinucus Imprcvenaent (Cf) Sympasiurx ai
Malolos City Division on June 27-2&,2*17.

Z. The oQectives of the Ci Symposium are:

* shorvease the impravement projects of the divisions and regional CI Tear:rs by
presenting their projects through the plenary and breakout sessions and thr**gh
the exhrbit:
. recognize the accomplishments of the CI Teams through the Graduatior:
ceremony; and
o creats a rollout work plan for the approval of the Regional Directors and Schcols
Division Superintendents.

3. Participants to the Symposium are.

a. The Ci Advocates from Cabanatuan Cit-v, Gapan City, Science City of Munoz, San
Jose del Monte City, Meycauayan City and Malolos Cit3, who are completers of the
CI Course in Master Training and Coaching;
b. Regi*nal Directcr, Assistant Regional Director, Regianal Chisfs, (6) Schools
Division Superintendents, RegronallDivision CI Teams;
o. DivisicnslSchools Cl Teams
There shall be a Registration Fee of Php 1,500.00 to cover meals and accommodation of
the Schools CI Tearns/participants. First meal is Dinner cf Day 1 and iast meal is pm
snack of Day 2).

Faynrent of Registration Fee will be upon arrival of the participants at the venue.

5. Registration Fee cf Regional participants, Division SDSs and CI Teams l\,{embers.

Tarpaulin, Materials/Supplies and Kits, contingency, and other incidental expenses shall
be charged against the Regional MOOE subject to the usual accounting rules and

Meanwhile the Registration f,ee and traval expenses of the Schools CI Team
Mernirers/participants and Division participants travel expenses shall be charged agairist
Divisiott/School MOOE or any other available funds subject to the usual accounting rules
and regulations.

6. Immediate dissemination of and compliance ra,,ith this N{emoranduil is desired.

Rei: Usnumbered Merc, Usec Riv€ra

Begionai Memo No. ?3,s.ZOL6
Februery 17, 2016


Director III
0ificer In Charge
clmd4 Office of the Regionai Director
Republic of the PhifiPPi*es
D.M" Governmeni Cenier, Maimpis, City of $an Fer*ando, Pampanga
W*ste: www depqdlqlq&].com * Email: reqion3@deBed.sov.ph
Tel" Nos. {045} 45$2303 r 45}2312 * 455-23fi7


Malolos City Divisicn
.Iune 28-29,201,7

Mafrix of Activities

TIME Day 1 TIME Day 2

9:0CI- 11:00 Travel Time 8:00-9:00 Opening Ceremonies

1:00-2:00 Registrati** 9:00-9:3S CI Overvierry

1:00-3:00 Exhibit Set-up 9:30-10:30 Plenary Presentations

3:0S-3:30 Review of C{ Prcje*ts t0:30-1 l:fiO Exhibit

with Coaches

3:30-4:30 Presentation of 11:00-1?:00 Breakotrt Sessicns

Rollout Work Plaa

4:30-5:00 Group Activity:

Review, Revise and
Re-align i:00-4:SS Craduation R"ites

5:00-6:00 Graduation Rehearsal

6:00-7:30 Feliowshin Nisht

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