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HRMT2160 – Assignment # 1

Assignment Description
In this assignment students will read the three-part case description and develop a plan for
implementing the changes to how North West Company store managers manage their inventory.
The major issue in the case is implementing a culture shift. Students will need to evaluate how
the company can implement a decentralized system of inventory ordering. It involves a change in
duties for store managers, and like most organizational changes, it must be managed carefully if
it is to be successful. Students will need to integrate what they have learned in the course into
their plans. For example, what barriers to change described in Chapter 9 would you expect and
how can you mitigate those barriers? Make sure your analysis and plan relate back to content
from the course.

There are three documents which describe the situation. The most pertinent one is NorthWestCo-
C, but all will provide some helpful background.

Use the marking rubric contained in this file to help you organize your report.

Technical Aspects
The assignment should need the following criteria:
 have a cover page
 use 1.5 line spacing, 12-point font, one-inch margins
 use proper spelling and grammar
 use proper citation of sources
 use headings where warranted

The content should not exceed ten pages. A cover page and list of references may use additional

Due Date
Sunday, April 9, 2023

15% of final mark

Marking Rubric

Excellent (80% - Satisfactory (50% - Poor (0% - 49%)

100%) 79%)
Brief description of Provides a clear, The summary omits The summary omits
the case (10%) concise summary of one or two key major points or is
the case aspects of the case entirely missing
Issue identification Clear description of One of the major Two or more major
(20%) the current major issues is missing or is issues are missing or
issues and what the poorly described are poorly described
company is doing
about the issues
Alternative evaluation Identifies a) three Either the alternatives Neither the
(40%) alternatives which or criteria are not alternatives nor the
address the central clearly described criteria are clearly
issue and b) criteria described
for evaluating the
Recommendation and Recommendation is Either the Neither the
action plan (20%) well-reasoned and recommendation or recommendation nor
clearly articulated, the action plan is not the action plan is clear
and a viable action clear or are not well or well reasoned
plan is outlined reasoned
Format (10%) Good format Two or three serious Four or more serious
Good spelling and spelling, grammar or spelling, grammar or
grammar flow issues are flow issues are
present present

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