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Dinca Cristian Mihail

Clime Change Grigore Ionut Andrei

Climate change refers to long-
Climate Change term shifts in temperatures and
weather patterns. These shifts
may be natural, such as through
variations in the solar cycle. But
since the 1800s, human activities
have been the main driver of
climate change, primarily due to
burning fossil fuels like coal, oil
and gas.
The ocean has greatly slowed the
Ocean rate of climate change. It is a
powerful carbon sink. Absorbing a
quarter of the carbon dioxide
(CO2) released since humans
started burning fossil fuels, it has
also trapped an estimated 90% of
the excess heat created by
climate warming gasses.
But at a cost. The ocean has also
Negative warmed, lost oxygen and
acidified, currents are changing,

effects and sea levels are rising. To

continue along this path not only
threatens marine ecosystems, but
also the future ability of the ocean
to indirectly support life. The
ocean is not only a victim of
climate change, it is also a vital
part of the solution.
Governments at COP26 look to
Solutions to the water, ocean and coastal seas
for climate solutions. A healthy

climate change ocean can play a key role in

reducing CO2 emissions and
limiting global warming to 1.5 °C.
To do this, governments, NGOs,
companies, financial institutions
and other non-state actors need
to scale up their action in
protecting the ocean, its
ecosystems, species and

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