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How do we earn money ?

We have our local students in Egypt and give them courses face to face , we don’t have any payment
method in the webite or money transfer, all the subscription fees are paid in cash face to face with the

We Do not charge anything in the website in the meantime

2- how teacher create his account ?

we have five roles in the website (admin, teacher, assistant, parent, student), only students and parents
can register or create new account, (teacher and assistant are created by the admin in the admin panel)

3,4- for a preview in the website and mobile app we can get into a meeting to see everything in real time


1- How are the collected data used by the organisation? for example- data used by organisations
for marketing purposes ?

We only collect the data to contact the students and their parent and send them email notifiying them if
there is a new quiz or exam or assignment for the student

2- Is there any usage of cookies or web beacons?

No, We only use local storage to store the user token and his data
3- What are the various types of cookies that you use? (For example Third-party Cookies, Session
Cookies, Persistent Cookies, Functional Cookies, etc).?

No cookies used in our website, but in version two we will use cookies

4- Is there any usage of third-party plugins or third-party links or collection of data by third parties?

we are using a paid fontawesome package for icons, tailwindui a paid material design library , firebase
to send and receive real time notification, also we embed links or books and videos from google drive
and youtube in our website

5- Will the data be shared or used by third parties?

No it will not be shared or used by any third parties

6- Is there any way to opt out of the data collection process?

Yes the user can delete his account and his info from our database

7- Will the data be transferred to another jurisdiction?

No we don’t think so

8- Whom to contact for any grievances?

The admin and we can write his email in the policy

9- Who are your target audience and target country?

Target audience is students in school between between 14 to 18 years old and their parents
our target country : mainly we are targeting Egypt but we also have students from UAE and Kuwait,
USA… and if you are wondering how they pay us , they transfer the money using the admin bank

10 - Are you using google analytics, google ads, pixel or any other marketing tool? If yes, please specify.

We are not using any marketing tools but soon we will use google analytics.


1- Is login mandatory for users? Can you please tell us the purpose of the
login? Is there any extra service that a user can avail through login to the
Yes it is, because we have a specific data for each user like his (quizzes, exams,
grades, homework, online classroom, attendance, subjects … etc), so he will not
be able to see all of this if he’s not logged in.

2- Are you using any third party for payment processing? like Paypal etc. In case
no, Then please describe, how you accept the payment.

In the meantime we are not accepting any payment in our website we only accept
payment through a bank transfer, but soon we will integrate stripe as a payment
method for our users

2- Are you storing your customer's payment details? If yes, How do you ensure
the security of their data (payment details)?
We do not request any payment details from our customers yet, and we ensure
our data is secuired by enabling the SSL certificate for safe browsing and
encrypted passwords, proxy server…etc

3- Is there any feedback system? Where customers can share their

experiences? will it be publicly visible on your website?

In the meantime No, but Soon Will be available a review system

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