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Фіщенко Валентин, студент групи 1М

спеціальності «Менеджмент соціокультурної діяльності»

Завдання на 20.02.2023 (1_ДМ)
Вправа 1. Report the statements. What did Mary tell her Granny!
— I wasn’t at school because I felt badly. - Mary told her Granny that she hadn`t been at
school because she felt badly (as example)
— I had a horrible headache.
Mary told her Granny that she had had the horrible headache.
— Mother didn’t call the doctor.
Mary told her Granny that her mother hadn’t called the doctor.
— I have just had dinner.
Mary told her Granny that she had just had dinner.
— I haven’t done my homework yet.
Mary told her Granny that she hadn’t done her homework yet.
— My parents were at the theatre on Tuesday.
Mary told her Granny that her parents had been at the theatre on Tuesday.
— I’m going to Pam’s birthday party on Friday.
Mary told her Granny that she was going to Pam’s birthday party on Friday.
— I’ll meet you at the bus station.
Mary told her Granny that I would meet her at the bus station.
— We can buy the pills for you.
Mary told her Granny that they could buy the pills for her.
— Father will drive you back home in the evening.
Mary told her Granny that her father would drive her back home in the evening.

Вправа 2. Report what Mr Mendes told his staff. Use appropriate introductory verbs
(to suggest, to remind, to explain, to beg, to ask, to forbid, to refuse, to agree, to advise, to
promise and so on).
— Jeff, please, remind the clients to pay their bills. - Mr Mendes asked Jeff to remind the
clients to pay their bills. (as example)
— OK, Mary, I’ll look through the documents for the conference.
Mr Mendes told Mary that he would look through the documents for the conference.
— Sally, don’t use the office phone for your private talks!
Mr Mendes forbided Sally not to use the office phone for her private talks.
— Ben, remember to order three rooms for the participants of the conference in the hotel.
Mr Mendes remainded Ben to order three rooms for the participants of the conference in the
— Jane, you should send the advertisement to the local newspaper.
Mr Mendes advised Jane to send the advertisement to the local newspaper.
— Ron, don’t play computer games during your working day!
Mr Mendes warned Ron not to play computer games during their working day.
— Cindy, please, don’t be late for the appointment with the representative of the bank.
Mr Mendes begged/asked Cindy not to be late for the appointment with the representative of
the bank.
4. Read, translate and be ready to retell the text “National History Museum exhibition
focuses on Hetman Mazepa”. (the text is added)

 Form a List of 10-15 keywords of this text.

focus on зосередитися на
opening ceremony церемонія відкриття
to coincide збігатися
a set of very precious artifacts набір дуже цінних артефактів
the upper echelons of Ukrainian society верхівки українського суспільства
Polish gentry польська шляхта
democratic values демократичні цінності
spirit дух
persistently fought to survive наполегливо боролися за виживання
the vast scale of the struggle величезний розмах боротьби
rare antiquities рідкісні предмети старовини
to preserve зберегти
to subordinate підпорядковуватись
to get a glimpse of отримати уявлення про

 Put all types of questions to the following sentences.

- Ukrainians have always demonstrated their strong spirit and persistently fought to
1. Have Ukrainians always demonstrated their strong spirit and persistently fought to
2. Who have always demonstrated their strong spirit and persistently fought to
3. Why have Ukrainians always demonstrated their strong spirit and persistently
fought to survive?
4. Ukrainians have always demonstrated their strong spirit and persistently fought to
survive, haven’t they?
5. Have Ukrainians always demonstrated their strong spirit and persistently fought to
survive or just agreed with their faith?

- The exhibition is a part of efforts supporting Ukraine’s heroic struggle for its
European identity.
1. Is the exhibition a part of efforts supporting Ukraine’s heroic struggle for its European
2. What is a part of efforts supporting Ukraine’s heroic struggle for its European
3. Why is the exhibition a part of efforts supporting Ukraine’s heroic struggle for its
European identity?
4. The exhibition is a part of efforts supporting Ukraine’s heroic struggle for its
European identity, isn’t it?
5. Is the exhibition a part of efforts supporting Ukraine’s heroic struggle for its European
identity or a simple set of artifacts?

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