Educación Ensayo

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Laura Tatiana Cortes Washing - 64212050

La Salle University

Faculty of economics, business, and sustainable development

Statistical Methods

How do the school environment and the fourth industrial revolution influence

students' knowledge?

Before defining the school climate, it is necessary to understand that the school or

educational institution needs a good learning environment since it is an intentional space

for the development of skills, interactions, and collaborations with all the people that make

it up. In the same way, it is important to mention that the main objective of why research is

carried out regarding this concept is to be able to start making changes in the current

structures and thus guarantee an environment where schools are built to provide peace and

security, implementing strategies that help make good use of the tools that modernity offers


Consequently, López (2014) points out that the school climate affects the

construction of dignified environments for the exchange of ideas and knowledge, citizen

training, and the development of school educational practices consistent with the context.

On the other hand, Unesco (2012) emphasizes the importance of the school climate,

since there is a direct relationship between the elements of the climate and the

learning of academic performance and achievement. Therefore, the school climate is

defined as the set of psychosocial characteristics of a school determined by those factors or

structural, personal, and functional elements of the institution that are conditioned

simultaneously to different educational processes.

Now, it is important to mention that during the development of this essay, it is

intended to analyze and compare the different changes that the academic climate has had

concerning the fourth industrial revolution.

Contextualizing a bit, it is important to know that the fourth industrial revolution is

a mix of cutting-edge production techniques with intelligent systems that integrate with

organizations and people. It is also creating a world where physical and virtual production

systems collaborate flexibly on a global scale, but it's not just about smart, connected

systems. Its scope is broader, from gene sequencing to nanotechnology, renewable energy,

and quantum computing. The convergence of these technologies and their interactions in

the physical, digital, and biological realms make the fourth industrial revolution different

from previous ones. (Repsol, 2023)

Concerning the aforementioned, it is also valid to compare how the school climate

was and is before and after the fourth revolution. First, Education is the most powerful

weapon to create awareness and reflexivity, which can then be directed towards

transforming or reproducing purposes of the social and economic order. That is why the

revolution has a strong impact on education. Although the initial changes belong more to a

purely technological sphere, the transformations that they introduce are directly reflected in

the behavior of society and the alteration of job profiles. In this sense, educational

institutions have to know how to adapt the preparation of their students to new jobs,

understanding and differentiating "those that can be automated from those that will always

have human labor at their base."

Already concluding the new education should focus on ensuring a dignified future

as a priority, free people and critics trained to collaborate and decide how to build

technologies and economies that respect people's needs. This goal stands for universal

equality, critical awareness, teamwork, common ground, creativity, reasoning, and

emotional empathy for others. They are virtues and goals light years away from the current

zombie school system, exhausted and condemned, whose homogeneous curriculum and

models continue to work for the extinct industrial society.

Pinto, R. (s.f.). Analytical Essay on School Climate. Scribd.
UASB-Digital: Invalid identifier . (s.f.).
What is the Fourth Industrial Revolution or Industry 4.0? | Repsol . (2023, February 23). REPSOL.
Celorrio, XM (2020, February 18). Education and the fourth industrial revolution. The Journal of

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