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E. gingivalis E. coli E. nana I.

buetschlii E histolytica

Entamoeba nana, E.Iodine Cyst of Wenyon, A. coli / dysenteriae,

A. coli, Endamoeba homini,
Entamoeba dysenteriae /
Other names A. gingivalis, A. / E. buccalis Loschia coli, Councilmania intestinalis Entamoeba williamsi/ buetshclii,
dispar / tetragena, Endamoeba
lafleuri Endolimax williamsi
histolytica / dysenteriae
worldwide, pop. w/ warm - cosmo, prevalent infection
Geographical climates; if in cold à unsanitary as E.coli Worldwide, high in tropics &
cosmopolitan Less common infection than
Distribution disposal of human waste - warm, moist climates subtropics
nana & coli
(primitive hygiene) - low hygiene standard
Troph -5-35µ (ave. 10-20) (NSS) - 16-15µ -6-25µ (small-medium) - invasive, growing, feeding
Diameter -nearly spherical 20-30µ -in living & stained - 10-60µ (living)
Nucleus -well-defined, small, near - not easily visualized -unstained: surrounded by - NSS: center of endop
Karyosome center periendosomal granule (fine
fibrils connect it to NM)
-Multiple pseudopodia (Long &
Pseudopod/ lobose OR Short & blunt) - Sluggish movement, rarely -short, blunt, hyaline - active troph - progressive
Movement progressive w/ broad, short (sluggish) -Blunt, hyaline pseudo; fairly directional movement (long,
pseudopodia active, progressive in fresh fingerlike pseudopodia) à
stools, older à sluggish direction changes in response
to conditions of microclimate
-Demarcation bet. clear
ectoplasm & granular endo -clear ectop (not well diff. from - NSS: ground glass
Cytoplasm Endop - food vacuole, - colorless, viscous (no - granular, vacuolated w/ endop) à clear demarcation
phagocytosed demarcation) narrow rim of ectoplasm -endop - has food vacuoles w/ à food vacuoles w/ ingested
-Nuclear fragments of WBC in bacteria, yeast cell, debri RBC (green refractile bodies in
stained à ID of amoeba wet mt) - doesn't have
essential food for amoeba

Troph (IH) - nuc: spherical, spoke of wheel

- condensed, thick, round - food vacuole, crystals, small
or bulls-eye
- Spherical nucleus w. thick NM veggie cells
- kary: small, dot-like; anchored
lined w/ coarse chromatin - spherical/oval nucleus
- Kary: large mass (center or to inner NM by radiating
- eccentric karyosome - conspicuous, irregular
eccentric), large, surrounded by achromatic fibrils
- Nongranular ectoplasmic rim, karyosome (central or
periendosomal granules - NM: lined by fine, regularly
densely gran. Endoplasm eccentric)
arranged chrom. granules w/c
- Endoplasm - vacuolated - achromatic strands
can be aggregated into large
(honeycomb or dirty-looking) -thin marginal chroma
plaquelike masses
-1-2 nuclei
Cyst -1-4 nuclei - 5-14µ
- 6-15µ - glycogen mass w/ hazy
Young - Glycogen mass w/in vacuole w/ - oval/round
- irregularly pyriform or ovoidal margins
diffuse borders - 1-2 nuclei
- uninucleate (rarely binuc.) - chromatoidal bodies à
- Chromatoidal bars (spicules / - ill-defined glycogen mass
- large ovoid, polygonal or long/short rods w/ rounded
irregular masses of hema-toxylin, - slightly curved chromatoidal
broadly reniform (kidney ends (cigar/sausage shape)
broomlike / rods w/ splintered bodies
NO CYST shaped) glycogen vacuole à ------------------------------------
pushes nuclei aside - 10-20µ
--------------------------------------- ----------------------------------
à I2 - golden brown - 4 nuclei, rarely 8
Mature -Spherical, 10-33µ diameter - 4 nuclei, rarely 8
à IH - devoid of content - central karyosome
- 8 nuclei (rarely 16-32) - no cytoplasmic inclusions
(dissolved) - spherical, subspherical or
-No cytoplasmic inclusions
- eccentric karyosome
- no cytoplasmic inclusions
mouth (clean / unhygienic) à
- Lumen of large intestine Cecum (contact w/ mucosa or
gum disease
Habitat lumen of large intes (cecum) Lumen dweller of cecum (cecum) become lodged in glandular
-Pyorrheal pockets bet teeth &
- troph feeds on enteric bac. crypts)
gums in tonsillar crypts
Stool exam:
Stool examination:
Stool examination: - Direct - w/ I2, specific Dx can
in scrapings from: - Direct (fresh-NSS or I2)
-Diarrheic / dysenteric / liquid à be made on type of glycogen
1.Gingival margins of gums - stained (IH) - ovoidal cyst in
Diagnosis (Dx) troph vacuole Look at other paper
2.Bet teeth or dentures fecal films; round cyst & living
-Semi-formed à troph & cyst - Stained IH permanent mounts
3.Soft tartar of teeth troph can't be diff. from E.
-Well-formed à cyst - nuclear structure & glycol are
species Dx
better hygiene & sanitary Personal hygiene & proper
Prevention proper care of teeth & gums same Same
disposal of human excreta disposal
- ingest food w/ mature cyst
Same as coli (cysts more
droplet spray from mouth of - feces
MoT susceptible to dessication & same as coli Same
infected (close contact - soiled fingers or on objects w/
putrefaction than coli)
mature cyst
- tissue invading
- only pathogenic bacteria of
- Atrial [in a cavity] man
-1st parasitic of man to be - not as organized as histo Formites - bacteria has - cause amoebiasis, amoebic
described (Leeuwenhoek) - I2 inhibits troph infectious agent dysentery & hepatitis
- Only species that ingest cells (perforation of intestinal lining)
& liver abscess (Am. goes to

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