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Faranisi, A. T.

(1995) defines social business as a business which objective is to solve

social, economic and environmental issues affecting humanity: hunger, homelessness,
illness, pollution, ignorance.
The purpose of this eassy is to (a) Identify and describe with
justification a sociali business venture you can do for this community
as a sociali entrepreneur. (b) Design a marketing campaign for this
sociali venture to show how both the community and donors wilili buy
into your concept and give it maximum support. (c) Develiop a
business modeli for this sociali business and cliearliy indicate sociali
benefits to you and to the community. (d) Cliearliy spelili out the
impliementation strategy using the 5W+H strategy.
The level of ignorance and poverty In this village opens door to venture into a social
business of producing village chicken. This can help to eliminate high level of
unemployment crisis in this village. Village chickens are on high demand due to there
ability to offer much needed body proteins. Village chicken are much different from
broilers they have a much better disease resist (Mapiye and Sibanda, 2005).
Village chickens play a vital role through their contribution to cultural and social life
of smallholder farmers (Makuza, 1999) In some cases farmers give birds and eggs as
gifts to visitors and relatives, and as starting capital for youth and newly married
women as well as token of appreciation for services rendered Chickens are reserved
for special guests or at ceremonial gatherings such as marriage feasts, weddings and
funerals. Village chickens are used to strengthen relationships with in-laws.
Indigenous chickens are an important reservoir of genomes that may be used in future
to produce hybrid birds since most strains have superior genetic constitution that has
not been fully exploited (Pedersen, 2002). Another important role of village chickens
is the provision of manure. Manure from chickens is applied in vegetable gardens, and
is regarded to be of high value for vegetables in comparison to goat or cattle manure.
Village chicken litter, offals and feathers can be used as ruminant feed to supplement
protein, hence if treated to eliminate bacterial infection can offer an attractive option
for smallholder farmers.
Village chickens are an important part of local food production and are relatively easy
to keep: The chickens and their eggs are a source of protein for children and
adults.They are widely eaten at important local events (weddings, funerals, church
meetings and other social gatherings) (Smith, 1990).
Village chickens are grown mainly for consumption. They produce their offspring
when the male and female chicken mate. The hen lays eggs that are kept for 21 days
before they hatch. The eggs hatch into chicks. Village chickens take six months to
grow. They usually feed on insects found on the ground, maize corn, and different
cereals (Faranisi, 1995)
Village chickens are easy to keep and more resistant to diseases. Generally speaking,
village chickens are said to be adults when they reach the point of sexual maturity and
begin laying eggs. This typically occurs when the chickens are between 16 and 24
weeks of age, depending on the breed, but even some individuals with a breed will
develop more quickly or slowly than others housing village chickens. Village
chickens can feed themselves, and they take about six months to mature (Mapiye and
Sibanda, 2005:43).
In order to capture the community and dorners at large will use this motto ‘Promote
Health Living’. Nothing people want more in this life than to be health or to be part of
the group that promote health. In this scenario production of village chicken is less
cost even without enough capital the business can be set. No need for much expensive
feed like for broilers, village chicken can even survive on their on with little
monitoring (Makuza,1999)
The motto of this campaign aims at spearheading health living among the community,
the idea is to open the community's on promoting production of chicken that doesn't
have chemicals in thrm , help the community understand the advantage of keeping
village chicken. In hospitals mostly they they advise to take village chicken than
The benefit of this business to the community will help to resolve their financial
crisis, at a low cost as well as lessen the needs for chicken that are rich in fats, as a
result it wil 'promote health living’ doners will realise the need to fund this project
(Pedersen, 2002).
One of the advantage of this kind of business to the village is that even without much
experience or skills they can be able to produce these chicken. More over with little
guidance the chicken can survive on and multiply. Therefore the people of this village
will get motivated with this kind on venture as it requires little or no skills or
experience at all (Smith, 1990).
The village chicken gets ready for market within 5 to 6 months. This means the
villagers will have enough time to focus on other ventures than doing one thing. For
example the village population may engage in farming as well as keeping chickens.
This will help doners to come on board as no much needed huge sum of funds for this
Village chickens offers double profits. In sixteen weeks the chicken starts reproducing
themselves. This great news to the village they can decide to sell eggs if necessary
depends on the demand at hand. As the chickens gets multiply they can decide some
for meet and some for eggy (Faranisi, 1995).
Business Model for Village Chicken Business
This business aims at changing the living standard of the community in the following
 Solve financial crisis to the community.
 Help the founder observe some profit.
 Enables to help the community maintain health diets
 Offer employement to the community
 Offer creativity and innovative to the community.
 Help the founder to maintain high reputation through collaborative measures.
 Eggs
 Chickens
 K1500 to build shelter for the chickens
 K300 for chicken disinfectant
 70 bages of mixed maize and Millet at k70 each (90 kg)
 500 small chicks (from locals) at k5 each
 20 empty egg trays at k2 each
 Two bicycles for products transportation at k700 each
 Village wooden space boxes for carrying chickens at k20 each
 Available k5 000
 Needed k6 000
 Total k11 000
Expected profits
 380 chickens by k120 ( K45.600)
 90 chickens 3 trays a day one tray at k60 by 3 months.(k15.120)
 Total K45.600 + K15.120 = K60720 - K11 000 Actual profit : K49720.
 Loses expected 30 chicks dead.
 Founders
 The community
 Hiring two poultry specialist to teach the community for quality products.
Targerts market
 Taking to uburn market
 Neighboring villages
 Local households
 Retail consumers and
 Places like funerals, Ceremonies and parties

Core values
 Ensuring best products to the market
 Leading chicken supplier in the community
 Helping vulnerable members of the community.
Implementing by using the 5W+ H approach
When: The Vilage chicken has no time it can be started during anytime of the year. In
this situation the business will start as soon as the finances meet the budget. More
over as longs the resources are around the business wil take course. As well as after
providing necessary basic skills to the community on village chicken production.
Where: This business wil be brought to the community door step agreeing with the
village headman for location within the same community this will guarantee
participation within majority members of the community.
Why: Village chickens provide cheap, readily harvestable protein-enriched white
meat and eggs with high quality, digestible protein for immediate home consumption
and sale for income generation (Dolberg and Petersen, 2000; Mapiye and Sibanda,
2005; Miao, 2005).
What: The business will provide two products to the community, that includes
Village chicken as meet, and eggs.
Whom: marking strategies includes: taking to uburn market, Neighboring villages
Local households Retail consumers and Places like funerals, Ceremonies and parties
How: Methods and approach that wik be used : Determination of information about
the business through village meetings School meetings Church services, Through
traditional ceremonies, through local radio stations. Making the community aware the
benefit of having village chicken as a meat through dramas. There two bicycles for
delivery in case of far areas.
In concusion Village chicken production is mainly hampered by feed shortage, poor
health and housing management. Chief socio-economic constraints include lack of
markets, poor marketing management, and poor infrastructural and institutional
support. Better understanding and modulation of these constraints can improve food
security and raise standards of living of the rural families. Use of locally available
indigenous feed resources and ethno-veterinary medicine, and educating farmers can
be viable options to improve village chicken in rural areas.
Faranisi, A. T. (1995) Village chicken breeding in Zimbabwe. In: Proceedings of
International Symposium on Livestock Production through Animal Breeding
and Genetics, Harare, Zimbabwe.
Mapiye and Sibanda, (2005) Indigenous poultry in Zimbabwe. Farming World
Makuza. (1999) Evaluation of indigenous livestock in Zimbabwe. A report
prepared for the Department of Animal Science, University of Zimbabwe.
Pedersen, C. (2002) Production of semi-scavenging chickens in Zimbabwe.
Agricultural University, Copenhagen,
Smith, A. J. (1990). Poultry. Tropical Agriculturist series. CTA,
Macmillan Publishers, London.

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