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Pattern of Development

-It is about the manner or technique in which •Definition

we express our thought and ideas in writing ◈Explain what something is in
-Logical arrangement of ideas comparison to other members of its class
-tamang pagsasaayos ng mga ideas in along with any limitations
writing para po mas maunawaan yung text. ◈ dinisdiscribe dito yung details
and tells the reader what term is being
Narration defined.
-Describes what, when, and where something ◈Signal Words: as defined, refers to,
happened to define, to illustrate
-Starter Transitions: ex. at first, at the outset, ◈This process is often referred to as
first thing, in the beginning, it all started, global warming
and it first happened when •Exemplification
•ex. It all started when Georgia left home
◈provides typical cases or examples
and met Zion.
of something
•ex. At first, I didn’t want her to be with
◈pinepresent po dito yung general
my brother.
statement and provides specific and
-Transitional Words: ex. a brief time later,
concrete examples para po maexpand yung
after a while, afterward, during, later on,
main idea.
◈Signal Words: after all, for example,
•ex. Ginny is brilliant and kind; however,
to be specific, as an example, in short,
she has mommy issues.
•ex. The lightning flashed so bright that my
◈ As an example, let us consider the
room lit up; afterward, I heard a loud sound
of thunder. case of Ms. Belinda
-Concluding Transitions: ex. all in all, at last, •Classification and Division
at the end, finally, in conclusion, ultimately, ◈groups item into their parts or types
whenever ◈categorizing or creating divisions
•ex. Two hours later, the train finally and arranging things
arrived ◈Signal Words: another, classified as,
•ex. At last the bride arrived the first category, the next part
◈The first type is known as a
converfent boundary.
Different Types of Pattern Development
•Cause and Effect
•Description ◈pattern organizes details based on
◈Details what something looks like the cause, the reason, and the result or
and its characteristics consequencs of a certain phenomenon
◈Description Pattern gives ◈focuses on the cause, reason, and the
information of what a person, an object, a result or consequences of a certain
place or a situation is like phenomenon
◈Signal Words: above, across, along, ◈Signal Words for Cause: as, for, one
around, behind, below, under reason, because of, seeing that, due to
◈The chairs were lined up along the ◈Salmonellosis is a type of food
wall poisoning caused by Salmenello enterica
◈Signal Words for Effect:
accordingly, as a result, as a consequence,
therefore, so, thus
◈As a consequence, they suffer from
severe hydration
◈pattern organizes ideas into
problems and proposed solutions
◈organizes ideas into problems and
offers solutions
◈Signal Words: first, second, one
reason for, nonetheless, the one solution is
◈First, using alternative sources of
energy such as solar energy would lesson
•Comparison and Contrast
◈pattern organizes ideas based on
how events, places, people, things, and
concepts are similar to or different from one
◈This pattern of organization is
where the differences and similarities
of two or more things are explored

◈Signal Words for Comparing: also, as,

both, equally, similarity, in the same way, in
◈Leonardo Da Vinci and Michelangelo
are both geniuses
◈Signal Words for Contrasting: but,
instead in spite of, the fact remains,
although, however, otherwise
◈However, they had a distinct style.
Da Vinci developed a style that was feminine
and full of light. While, Michelangelo
preferred more masculine and dark.
◈pattern organizes ideas to show how
a set of evidence leads to a logical conclusion
or argument
◈Shows set of evidences leads to a
logical conclusion or argument
◈Signal Words: in that case indeed,
accordingly, finally, of course, no doubt,

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