Study: (Anthropos-Man, Logos

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Sharing of Social and Cultural

Backgrounds of Students as Acting Elections
Subjects or Social Actors, Agents, Person
-A formal decision making process by
Gender choosing an individual to hold public office
-The range of characteristics pertaining to, - May fill in the legislature, sometimes in the
and differentiating between masculinity and executive and judiciary, and for regional and
femininity local government.
Socioeconomic status (SES)
-Is an economic and sociological combined C. Observations on Social, Political and
total measure of a person’s work experience Cultural Change
based on income, education and occupation
Social Change
Ethnicity -Refers to transformations that alter the
-Refers to cultural traits that are shared by roles and status of people as well as the
a category of people such as language, structure and organization of society and its
religion, or national origin. institutions
Religion Political Change
-Unified system of beliefs and practices -Occurs when there is an alteration in the
related to sacred things- beliefs and way power and authority are exercised in a
practices which unite into one single moral particular state
community -Examples of these changes:
-Refers to distinctive characteristics that
•Transnational families
define an individual
•Local public services
•Youth volunteerism
B. Observations about Social, Political
and Cultural Behavior and Phenomena
D. Definition of Anthropology, Political
Food Taboos Science and Sociology
-Ex. Muslims- eating of pork
A. Anthropology (anthropos-man, logos-
-Understand their culture rather regarding
them as ‘weird’
-Systematic study of the biological, cultural,
Istambays and social aspects of man
-Usually regarded as unruly, thefts, and -Significant branch of knowledge because it
other misdemeanors integrates from the biological sciences and
Political Dynasties humanities to fully comprehend the complex
-Refers to a group who are involved in human species, including their past practices,
politics. It can be seen in families that have and social patterns across diverse cultures
been part of the government for several -Edward Burnett Taylor, Franz Boas, Alfred
generations Kroeber, Bronislaw Malinowski, Clifford
Geertz, and Margaret Mead
Different Types of Anthropology
•Social Anthropology
◈Studies how social pattern and
practices and cultural variations develop
across different societies
•Cultural Anthropology
◈Studies cultural variation across
different societies and examines the need to
understand each culture in its own context
•Linguistic Anthropology
◈Studies language and discourse and
how they reflect and shape different aspects
of human society and culture
•Biological Anthropology
◈Studies the origins of humans as
well as the interplay between social factors
and the processes of human evolution,
adaptation, and variation over time.

B. Political Science
-The systematic study of politics, which
Andrew Heywood describes as the “the
activity through which people make, preserve
and amend the general rules under which
they live”
-It focuses on the fundamental values of
equality, freedom and justice and its
processes are linked to the dynamics of
conflict, resolution, and cooperation

C. Sociology
-Is defined by Anthony Giddens as “the study
of human social life, groups, and society”
-It is an academic discipline that attempts to
provide a deeper assessment of individual of
individual and group behavior, as well as the
phenomena, by examining the interplay
between economic, political and social

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