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12/13/22, 11:34 PM Mid-Term Multiple Choice: ANLY-6250-70R-F22

Mid-Term Multiple Choice

Due Oct 16 at 11:59pm Points 50 Questions 47
Available Oct 11 at 12am - Oct 16 at 11:59pm Time Limit 75 Minutes

The Mid-term is open book, but not open classmate or open professor. 

Only a single attempt is allowed. 

75 minute time limit

This quiz was locked Oct 16 at 11:59pm.

Attempt History
Attempt Time Score

LATEST Attempt 1 47 minutes 39.33 out of 50

Score for this quiz: 39.33 out of 50

Submitted Oct 13 at 12:29am
This attempt took 47 minutes.

Question 1 1 / 1 pts

Which best describes a one-to-one (1:1) relationship

  Foreign Key

  A record in Table A can relate to zero, one, or many records in Table B

A record in Table A can relate to zero, one, or many records in Table B
while a record in Table B can relate to zero, one, or many records in Table
B 1/22
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Correct!   Each record in Table A relates to one, and only one, record in Table B

Question 2 1 / 1 pts

Which best describes a one-to-many (1:M) relationship?

A record in Table A can relate to zero, one, or many records in Table B
while a record in Table B can relate to zero, one, or many records in Table

  Each record in Table A relates to one, and only one, record in Table B

  All of the above

Correct!   A record in Table A can relate to zero, one, or many records in Table B

Question 3 1 / 1 pts

What do aggregate functions do?

  Used in a WHERE clause to filter

Correct!   Used on columns to perform calculations

  Define the data types of a table

  Used to apply conditions to a table

Question 4 1 / 1 pts 2/22
12/13/22, 11:34 PM Mid-Term Multiple Choice: ANLY-6250-70R-F22

Which term best describes the relationship between database tables?

  Primary Keys and Foreign Keys

  Two or more Columns combined to uniquely identify a row

Correct!   Cardinality

  Table joins

Question 5 1 / 1 pts

Which best describes a column in a database table?

  A group of related data held within the same structure

  Collection of fields that make up a record within a table

Correct!   Defines an attribute or metric of the table

  Unique identifier in a table

Question 6 1 / 1 pts

Which best describes a composite key on a database table?

  A single column that uniquely identifies a row

Correct!   Two or more columns combined to uniquely identify a row

  Identifier in a table that relates data to another table 3/22
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  A group of related data held within the same structure

Question 7 0 / 1 pts

What happens when you join two tables but there are no common
columns that exist in the tables or the columns were not specified in the

  You cannot, you must always specific how tables are joined

orrect Answer   You get a Cartesian Product

  Your DBA will stop your query and likely send you to time-out

ou Answered   The database uses the ERD and relationships are implicit

Question 8 1 / 1 pts

Which definition best describes what data is?

  A collection of graphs and charts

  Identifier in a table that relates data to another table

facts like numbers, words, measurement, etc that are related to an object

Organized collection of information stored electronically in a computer
system 4/22
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Question 9 1 / 1 pts

What is a database?

An object comprised of columns and rows holding a collection of related

  A group of related data held within the same structure

Organized collection of structured data stored electronically in a computer

Database where stored pieces of data have a relationship to other stored
pieces of data

Question 10 1 / 1 pts

Which best describes a database management system

Computerized data-keeping system designed to define, manipulate,
retrieve, and manage data

  A group of related data held within the same structure

Software used to create, edit, and execute SQL queries against a database 5/22
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A database object comprised of columns and rows holding a collection of
related data

Question 11 0 / 1 pts

The methodology of collecting aggregate statistics about a table, such as

unique values and frequency, missing values, and ranges that helps you
understand data in a table is called

  Data Management

ou Answered   Data Visualization

orrect Answer   Data Profiling

  ERD development

Question 12 1 / 1 pts

What is used to describe the kind of data in a column (like Integer,

Varchar, Text, etc)

Correct!   Data Types



  Derived Table 6/22
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Question 13 1 / 1 pts

You can use a query as a table in a SQL statement

Correct!   True


Question 14 1 / 1 pts

What does DML stand for?

  Data Manifestation Language

Correct!   Data Manipulation Language

  Date Manipulation Language

  Domain Manifestation Language

Question 15 1 / 1 pts

Which statements are DML statements?

Correct!   SELECT

Correct!   INSERT

Correct!   UPDATE

  CREATE 7/22
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Question 16 1 / 1 pts

What is an Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)?

Correct!   Graphical representation of relationships among database tables

Computerized data-keeping system designed to define, manipulate,
retrieve, and manage data

  Visual representation of columns and fields in a table

  Picture of a database creator

Question 17 1 / 1 pts

Which identifier in a relational database table helps you understand how

data in that table relates to another table?

Correct!   Foreign Key

  Foreign Record


  Primary Record

Question 18 1 / 1 pts 8/22
12/13/22, 11:34 PM Mid-Term Multiple Choice: ANLY-6250-70R-F22

When joining Table A and Table B, using a FULL OUTER JOIN will

  Return all records in Table A and matching records in Table B

  Result in a Cartesian Product

  Return all records in Table A and matching records in Table B

Return all records in Table A and all records in Table B regardless of

Question 19 0.33 / 1 pts

When can a GROUP BY clause be used? (select all that apply)

Correct!   To collapse fields into distinct values

ou Answered   To filter aggregate columns

orrect Answer  
Used with aggregate functions to specify the level of granularity the results
of the SELECT statement will be at

When you have aggregate and non-aggregate columns in your SELECT

Question 20 1 / 1 pts

Where do you specify filters on an aggregate function? 9/22
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  ORDER BY clause

  JOIN clause

  WHERE clause

Correct!   HAVING clause

Question 21 0 / 1 pts

When joining Table A and Table B, using an INNER JOIN will

  Return all matching records in Table A and all records if Table B

ou Answered   Return all records in Table A and matching records in Table B

orrect Answer   Return all matching records in Table A and matching records in Table B

Return all records in Table A and all records in Table B regardless of

Question 22 1 / 1 pts

In a SQL statement what is the purpose of a JOIN clause

Used to indicate what tables are used in your query, how they relate to
each other, and any conditions applied while joining tables

  Used to create a result set of a stored query into a virtual table 10/22
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  Used to apply conditions to tables

  Used to specify what columns you want in your query

Question 23 1 / 1 pts

When joining Table A and Table B, using a LEFT JOIN will

Return all records in Table A and all records in Table B regardless of

  Return all records in Table A and all records in Table B

Correct!   Return all records in Table A and matching records in Table B

  Return all matching records in Table A and all records in Table B

Question 24 1 / 1 pts

Which best describes a many-to-many (M:N) relationship?

  Each record in Table A relates to one, and only one, record in Table B

  A record in Table A can relate to zero, one, or many records in Table B

  None of the above

A record in Table A can relate to zero, one, or many records in Table B
while a record in Table B can relate to zero, one, or many records in Table
A 11/22
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Question 25 0 / 1 pts

A Null value in a database record represents:

  an unreadable special character like tab


orrect Answer   that data does not exist

ou Answered   a blank space

Question 26 1 / 1 pts

A column in a table that is a unique identifier is a called a:

Correct!   Primary Key

  Master Column

  Master Key

  Composite Key

Question 27 0 / 1 pts

Which best describes a relational database 12/22
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ou Answered  
An object comprised of columns and rows holding a collection of related

Organized collection of structured data stored electronically in a computer

  A group of related data held within the same structure

orrect Answer  
Database where stored pieces of data have a relationship to other stored
pieces of data

Question 28 1 / 1 pts

When joining Table A and Table be, using a RIGHT JOIN will

Correct!   Return all matching records in Table A and all records in Table B

Confuse anyone who looks at the SQL because a RIGHT JOIN doesn't

  Return all records in Table A and matching records in Table B

  Return all records in Table A and matching records in Table B

Question 29 1 / 1 pts

A row in a database is: 13/22
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  defines an attribute or metric of the table

A database object comprised of columns and rows holding a collection of
related data

  Unique identifier in a table

Correct!   a collection of fields that make up a record within a table

Question 30 1 / 1 pts

What describes joining a table to itself?

  Cross Join

  None of these, you cannot join a table to itself

  Cartesian Product

Correct!   Self Join

Question 31 1 / 1 pts

What is an SQL Editor used for?

  Software used to edit SQL queries

Correct!   All of the above

  Software used to create SQL queries

  Software used to execute SQL queries against a database 14/22
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Question 32 1 / 1 pts

What is a SQL IDE?

  Independent application used to execute SQL against a database

Correct!   SQL Editor integrated/embedded into another application

  Computerized data-keeping system

  Integrated Derived Environment

Question 33 1 / 1 pts

What does SQL stand for?

  Standard Query Language

  Standard Question Language

Correct!   Structured Query Language

  Structured Quandary Language

Question 34 0 / 1 pts

A subquery is a: 15/22
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orrect Answer  
Select statement inside another SQL statement, useful for returning 1
column in a WHERE clause to apply a table condition

ou Answered  
Select statement inside another SQL statement, useful for returning
multiple columns in a WHERE clause to apply table conditions

  Result set of a stored query, a virtual table

  Way to use the output from an inner query as a table

Question 35 0 / 1 pts

A result set of a stored query is a:

ou Answered   Derived Tables


orrect Answer   View

  Stored Query

Question 36 1 / 1 pts

What do you put in a WHERE clause?

  any conditions to apply any aggregate columns

  the tables you want to use in your query 16/22
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  what columns you want returned in your SQL statement

Correct!   any conditions to apply to the tables in your FROM clause

Question 37 1 / 1 pts

As an analyst, where's the best place to store all of your dad-jokes?

Correct!   In a Dad-abase

An analyst would want to store their dad jokes in a dad-abase so

they're easily queried

  Social media, they should be shared with the world

  A notebook

  There's not dad jokes are lame

Question 38 3 / 3 pts

In a SQL statement, there are 3 primary clauses

SELECT what you want

FROM where to get it

WHERE any table filters or conditions

Answer 1:

Correct! SELECT 17/22
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orrect Answer select

Answer 2:

Correct! FROM

orrect Answer from

Answer 3:

Correct! WHERE

orrect Answer where

Question 39 0.5 / 1 pts

Which are REQUIRED clauses in a SQL statement

Correct!   FROM

Correct!   SELECT

ou Answered   WHERE

You don't always have to have a WHERE clause, only if you want to
apply conditions to the tables in your WHERE clause


Question 40 1 / 1 pts

Which of the following is not an aggregate function:

  MAX 18/22
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Correct!   COALESCE



Question 41 0 / 1 pts

We have two INTEGER type columns in a table that we want to divide.  

ColumnA (INTEGER) = 7

ColumnB (INTEGER) = 2

What will the results of this query by:

SELECT (ColumnA / ColumnB) as Answer

FROM Table


orrect Answer  3

ou Answered   3.5

  SQL Error, you cannot divide two columns of the same type

Question 42 0.5 / 1 pts

Which of the following would be considered good coding standards?

ou Answered  
Use column names in your results despite your company's internal jargon 19/22
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You should alias your columns with meaningful names based on

your companies jargon or the requestor's preferred terms

Correct!   Use aliases to improve readability

Correct!   Put keywords in upper case

  Comment every line

Question 43 1 / 1 pts

What is the purpose of a FULL INNER LEFT JOIN?

  Returns all records in both tables

  Joins all records together from both tables regardless of matches

Returns only records in the first table and only matching records from the
second table

Correct!   There is no full inner left join

Question 44 1 / 2 pts

We want all Artists that have more than 10 tracks.  Complete the following

SELECT COUNT(TrackID) as TrackCnt

, Artist

FROM Track 20/22
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Where TrackCnt > 10

Answer 1:

ou Answered Where

orrect Answer HAVING

orrect Answer Having

Answer 2:

Correct! >

Question 45 1 / 1 pts

Describe what you'd expect to see when using this join

Select a.Column1, b.Column1

FROM TableA a


ON a.Column1 = b.Column1

Returns all records in Table A and all records in Table B regardless of

  Returns all records in Table A and matching records in Table B

Returns all matching records in Table A and matching records in Table B

  Returns all matching records in Table A and all records if Table B 21/22
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Question 46 1 / 1 pts

When filtering on aggregate columns you can use either the WHERE
clause or HAVING clause


Correct!   False

Question 47 1 / 1 pts

Which clause is used to filter a query using non-aggregate columns



Correct!   WHERE


Quiz Score: 39.33 out of 50 22/22

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