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The concept of Bureaucracy came from

sociology and political science referring to the
way of legal rules and regulation, it also a
Origen of Bureaucracy
• The term Bureaucracy was first used by- “M.DE
Gourney” a France economist during the first half of
18th century, than the different countries used it in
different ways-
France Bureaucratic

Germany Bureaukratic

Italy Burocrazia

England Bureaucracy
• In1788 the dictionary on France academy accepted
the word as ‘Power’ influence of the hands of staff
of the government,
• 1830 German dictionary defined its as a authority of
• Meaning of bureaucracy-

Bureau- Crazia-Greek
Franch word word


Desk Government or
Table administration
• Two types of Bureaucracy-
1. Bureau- rationality
2. Bureau-Pathology
• When bureaucracy work properly than it called
• When bureaucracy does not work in a proper way
than it called Bureau- Pathology.
• Definition of Bureaucracy-
• According to Finer- Bureaucracy is a professional
body of officers, recruitment ,paid and skilled.
• According to almond and powel- Bureaucracy is an
organization by which rulers and rule makers try to
establish their decision.
Max Weber’s Bureaucracy
• Max weber was the pioneer of Bureaucracy. In 1864
he was born in Germany. He developed the
bureaucracy on concept of power and authority.
• Max weber wrote a book on the concern of power and
authority. The name of book is-’ Essays on the
• According to Max weber in every organization there
will be power and authority.
• Power- It means the ability to enforce people to obey
commend, regarding of their resistance.
• Authority- It is right to do.
• There are three types of authority-
• Traditional authority-It maintains the delegation of
authority from generation to generation. Example-
The son of the emperor.
• Charismatic authority- The authority come from
extra-ordinary personality and super natural power.
Ex- Mashatha Gandhi,
• Legal Rational authority- The authority must selects
by the proper rules and regulations. Ex- Bangladesh
government elected by the democratic way.
Characteristics of bureaucracy
• Max Weaber gave the 6 principles of bureaucracy-
• 1)Division of work\specialization
• 2)Hierarchy
• 3)Rules and Regulation
• 4)Impersonality
• 5)Careerism
• 6)Management by objective
• Division of work\ Specelization- Division of work
means a divided a work in different group or sector.
• Specialization means right person in right place.
• Positive effect-
• 1)It is economical and cost effective.
• Negative effect-
• 1)The workers become isolated from the total
organizational goals.
Hierarchy- Each office under control of
supervision of a higher one. Ex-

• Bangladesh Secretariat
Hierarchy Political Head
Secretary Administrative
Additional Secretary

Join Secretary

Deputy Secretary

Senior Assistant Secretary

Assistant Secretary

Line and staff

• Positive
• 1) It create the accountability to the higher authority.
• Negative
• 1) Hierarchy create the redtapsm.
• Rules and regulation-Rules and regulation Bering
disciple and increase the performance of the worker.
• Positive
• 1) In increase the quality ,uniformity, consistency
and order.
• Negative
• 1) Too much rules and regulation create confusion.
• Impersonality- Impersonality considered by special
virtue, emotions, sentiments and interfere, nepotism
and favoritism.
• Positive
• 1) Impersonality Bering impartiality.
• Negative
• 1) Impersonality make a man machine.
• Careerism- Employs are promoted on the bases of
their good performance.
• Positive-
• 1) As reward they receive a promotion and pension
after retirements.
• Negative-
• 1) Career system is close system.
• Management by objective- According to weber
organization is organized by administration who came
from general line.
• Positive-
• 1) Generalist are top of administration.
• Negative
• 1) Create generalist and specialist conflict.
Criticism of Max weber Bureaucracy
• There are some authors they are criticized the Max
weber bureaucracy. They are-
1) Martin Albrow
2) Robert k. Marton
3) Phillip Selznic
4) Alvin w. Gouldner
5) Warren G. Bennis
Robart k. Merton
• He criticize Max weber’s bureaucracy in his book
‘Reading of sociology’. He has criticized two
characheritis -
• 1) Rules and Regulation-Rules and Regulation
create inefficiency.
• 2) Impersonality- Impersonality make a man machine
Phillip Selznick
• He criticized Max weber’s Bureaucracy in 3 aspect-
• 1) Informal Structure- Bureaucracy based on
professionalism and hierarchy.
• 2) Division of Work- In every organization the whole
in divided into small groups and each group concern
their own department and their goal. As result they
become divided the total organizations goal.
• 3) Organizational interaction with environment-
• Max weber ignore the interaction with the environment
because it is close weber ‘s principles are
not appropriate for bureaucratic organization.
Alvin w. Gouldner
• He critizes only Rules and Regulation-
• 1) Rules and Regulation- It is dis-function methods .He
criticize rules and regulation in three aspect.
• 1) Mock Bureaucracy- The Superior shows that
• He is very strict and maintain the rules. but he does not
fallow it truly. Its also show or mock bureaucracy. Ex- No
• 2) Representative Bureaucry-Every organization has
safety rules such as-fair but no one fellow.
• 3) Punishment-centered bureaucracy-
• It is effected become both side as well manager and
workers. Ex- if any worker absent from the
organization without any application than organization
give punished.
Warren G. Bennis
• He wrote a article on criticize of bureaucracy. The
name of article ‘The coming death of bureaucracy’.
He said that bureaucracy will die one time because
become a machine. He criticize Max weber
bureaucracy in10 way-
• 1) Theoretical conflict and contradiction.
• 2) For moral and ethical reason.
• 3)Inefficiency
• 4) Methodological weakness.
• 5) Too much emphasis on rules and regulation.
• 6) Bureaucracy does not allow for personal growth.
• 7) It does not take into account the informal
• 8) System are control and authority are top level.
• 9) Communication are distorted because of hierarchy.
• 10) The human resource of bureaucracy are not being
utilized because of miss trust and fear.
• He focused two reasons for death of bureaucracy.
• 1) Reciprocity- Max weber bureaucracy is
reciprocals system. They only fallow the order.
There is no mutual contract.
• Adaptability- Max weber bureaucracy only adapted
internal presser in the organization but they can not
take external pressure .
• Bureaucracy go with their 'traditional rules but
environment are changeable. Bureaucracy can not
adapted with their changing environment.

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