Noah Straits Copy of TTTC Vocab Anticipation Worksheet - 2

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The Things They Carried

Vocabulary List #2

Read each sentence. Based on the context, write your own definition for the word and
the part of speech in the space beneath.

The word “dentist” has the denotation of a man or woman who fixes teeth.
(n) the direct meaning of a word or phrase.

That approach will frustrate students and possibly skew the data.
distort or mess up.
You cannot fight this massive enemy with just a few rifles; you need heavy artillery.
(n) a piece of machinary used to launch huge shells at enemies.

Here is a scripted scenario for a movie about the life of Fred Astaire.
(n) sequence of events

While on vacation in Asia, I saw a mongoose eating a rat.

(n) ferret-like carnivore

The soldiers braced themselves, knowing they would have to withstand the impact of high-caliber
(n) ammunition.

After months of tests, he was finally given a definitive diagnosis.

(adj) the final solution, final results.

The biker carried two containers of water and a bag of trail mix in his rucksack.
(n) a sack with stuff

Bombs containing napalm managed to flatten every building in the city within seconds.
(n) flammable substances in bombs

It is difficult to ensure public order in a country gripped by anarchy.

(n) type of government where it is free for all.

I hope we can treat each other with civility and respect.

(n) politeness

There was bedlam in the courtroom as the defendant pulled out a gun to attack the judge.
(n) scene or state of confusion.

She yearned for excitement and strived daily for a way out of her mundane, humdrum existence.
(adj) ordinary
We were in a vulnerable position with no physical barrier between us and the enemy.
(adj) easily to be hurt

I remember realizing we were being attacked by a sniper. There was supposed to be some sort of
greeting ceremony at the airport, but instead we just ran with our heads down.
(n) skilled military shooter from far range.

The complex plan intrigues me, but I wonder if it will work.

(v) To arouse curiosity.

The horror film editor removed all scenes containing gore in order to avoid controversy.
(n) murder or bloodshed

His ability to outrun and hide from the enemy during violent battle was aided by the amount of
adrenaline running through his body.
(n) a hormone triggered by stress.

She took a 2-hour nap on the hammock that was strung between two trees.
(n) hanging bed or couch

Tired and hungry, we plodded back up the hill.

(v) walked heavily

In the midst of war, no human is invulnerable to its damaging effects.

(adj) immune to attack
I could see the curving roof of the pagoda, and decided it might be an appropriate place to stop and
(n) a sacred temple

The crewman cleaned the deck with a swab.

(n) a large mop

The new group of soldiers arrived and Fort Hood and met the cadre that was to train them.
(n) a key group of officers and enlisted personal

He had a distinct cowlick on the left side of his head which made it difficult to part his hair smoothly.
(n) tuft hair that grows in a direction different than all the other hair

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