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Another Revolution by Jaqueline Bircher

Henry: I don't consider it because we're not important. This planet is... microscopic,
really. It's not even the largest in our solar system. That's Jupiter, 12 hundred times our
size. And then the sun... you could fit 1.3 million Earths inside our sun. And that's
puny. The runt of the litter, as far as stars go. There are stars that are billions of times
larger and denser than our sun. Blue giants. Red giants. Red supergiants. And every
star belongs to a galaxy, which can contain hundreds of billions of stars. And that's just
one galaxy. There are trillions of galaxies and superclusters of galaxies spread across
an expanding and possibly infinite universe. And that makes it sound very exciting and
crowded, but in reality space is just a lot of… space. Dark, silent, empty space that
extends for trillions of light years. And we are nothing but an interesting and unusual but
minuscule accident that is entirely insignificant in the vast expanse of space and time.

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