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Tiberio macmillan education Contents = creetings = Word cera retin people ‘Mhealphabat run 2 Speng ut words $ Nembers 90 afar Usigmuers and eouning cours 2 hie /tat * ing pone ues 2 Schl ines * fering lous 2 inte cero * lenin chal hing an ed Synge ye tbe week “ea ae + unersandn csoon RTREETIE « erorstivorstion — # mists. /meseare. * Ging pers nermaton pony countiesandetes © Preset imple —be ‘invader peonie emt snd vez kingandnaweing about bet grout (es tnd oars Present snp be = Faily ‘Possess aeves and Descbing aes 1 Dect acecies —”possesshe * Desebing peo animals equiv ond sh kina anaes aout + Thavs Those. PERETTI = wonrs.sesonrand + Present singe hing tes Beet canbe Stave snd esate Taking aba shoes + Rovner nate roe Asking nd answering aout Yes questions Teng tine (homme td Tang abot speci as consliatin A (ns +3) putas Feetine acts © Pest singe: * Ange ig shot STedmsoer ‘ree cate and eae Giese ste8”—« akagabatelorn + Tg southowoen PEE «ras Thee /aw:afemae © fle undone sont Se ‘2 Places (2) and negative ‘holiday destinations poe ceed /emsqusion © Descbigpier * Aokingandasierng bout * points and abies Cacaimatve gabe Aang nd ansesng bout Pansat ine ody guess sine oven behowegot, _eWentvngputs ofthe dy Percale he s/om, © Deseing ails ‘onslidation (Ut 4-6) pet288) ee eee ay ‘Reading Ane profit, pp + Readings Aposter 94 frroiecr] iapis cee aia Sting speating aig bouton TES ‘= raatng An nine hat pz ens andsinger ps + Wing Pot capone 06 + Progress Check 7 Wee iv! Tito wing captions © Marboak p89 {ari /Thse ve mth om) ‘tuading Readers comer 92 # Randlng Armonia are p26 Foxonecr seine: Aaya 923, Using Speaing Ahn abutsomeore, TA heading magazine p4 we poe ‘+ Witing:Adescspton ot tus p28 Weert iptretingadeiin ¢ Posen check ay Reading Asudets'webie,933. Reading: Caen 38 {tain Un Spee sec Toner a 1 Weting Acescpoon ofthe schol calendar and + Progress Check ‘ipl ey ge 1 Wortbok p86 08 "Nee th! Praparine tine (acim pom to.) Reading: A Scoo magazine Reding Tet nd coupons 5:2 tie 1 Ustening&Spekig: nin somone ot 953 Ustsing: Oe fowe things, S Weng Acezrpon oa type ese 950 ako meer A nee eee ee eres tear so, — = wenboak p03 07 Ss Rening: Atel websie, psp mading Aare plete pg mo *igeding hepa, Ung Spel Tango mets gant ‘ Raaing: Qs Groqunny Asked Wing: A desiption of cy ort, 966 eorose, ‘uestonspe2 Tare rsh! Using pronouns dialing © Progress Check py tne * Wonbook pats ‘headog:Amseuioe interview, Renin: Abeachresr mabe, 76 mo oe * Usenng& Speaking: Waa lans 77 ee “Une: wid sina, 73 * wating escption ofan arial 78 aes sending: Arewspeperarici.ara write rh Using bot anda + ropes checkp79 + Monbookpassn9 Vocabulary ‘3 complete the conversations. Answer about you. Greetings o eae ers Hella. tn Peter 2 oe Listen and repeat. The alphabet 4 GBD Listen and repeat the alphabet. Hella fn Beth 2 ABCDEFGHISKEMN OPAKRSTUVWKYZ 5 QD Listen and write the three names. Vocabulary Numbers 1-20 4 QWD usten and repeat eleven twelve thirteen Fourteen Fiteen sixteen Seventeen eighteen twenty £2 Write and say your phone number. 155405954: © one Ave the fur oh Hell. im Sandra My phone number Is 0843 HL My name's Jack. My ‘mobile phone number ic PN te Colours 4 GBD iisten and repeat, ‘5 Practise in pais. You saya number and a classmate says the coresponding clout ‘Then change roles. ti 4 19 @ swseen © orange! Numbers 21-100 6 GBD Listen and repeat. 2a | wenty-one thiny 22 | wentyno forty 23 twenty-three finy 24 | twenty-four sixty 35 twentyfive seventy 36 |twentysix | Bo |elghty 27 |wentyseven 90 | ninety 28 | twenty-eight | 00 one hundred 39 | twenty-nine I 7 Look and write the numbers. 18 Practise pits. You sy a umber and 2 Classmate says the next one. Then change oles. @ Aiy-seven, @ Finy-cigne 3 tookat rere gan andsaythe eos Vocabulary fheschootthing: hentia. School things match the school things tothe words inthe box. ww /Z... = one + QHD sten and epost Ten ten agin and an, Oe; apn anther ‘pencil D apencitcase C) abook = alapop notebook C) asthoolbag CO) anier— O—asheetof paper C) £2 Read the conversation. Then practise in pale. @ wer repiein Engen? "Ruler Wher pene in Spanich? @ Lap Vocabulary In the classroom + QED Usen an reps ‘Then listen again and match the objects tothe words inthe box. aboard Classroom language (B rointa objects yourcassoom and practise. QED Listen and repest Then ston again and Sate the plates tothe incon nthe bo Tiss cre ga WY rari eran @ Mie ea dest Days of the week 3 QHD Look at he photo in Exercise a again Took the ays ofthe week. Uisten and repeat 4 Answer Wiitea numb isittoday Read he text eee ‘pen the window. ‘5 Praise npc. You sy 9 day ofthe week and Close the door, please, a classmate says the net day. Then change Pease sit down roles Cleanthe boord, please. @ Wesreséay Tharséay 1 Vocabulary Personal information 4 Look atthe identity cards and find the names of the stent, (GD end the identity cards and complete the {abe Then sen and check 4 thee schools 2 four 3 four 4 aphone number 5 two cies 6 two counties 7 anemail asdress AVY CELA PUBLIC SCHOOL ‘Student I: 6350 Student nane: Tanya Rojas Chass: 7th B Eesgency call: 08344355 WESTON SCHOOL 1 sn Spay yaad CARD PAUL SANDERO- STUDENT 14775768 \aLiO UNTIL A72000, Paar ‘Name Email address LEARNING TO LEARN Create your identity card to practise the new vocabulary W5> pea Reading An online profile > Look tthe profit and write the name ER 10:35PM a 4 Before youre Thisis in Hes am, He it rom Argentina, es tom Austaia. | | | “These are my fends { ten and i ‘Theyre inmy ass. ete inclags th, ‘Tose are Rob ana Inter aertn Tissue shes 2, nd ‘she’s in my class. walawortal were good ends. Qo | usc TWsisnet A a a ‘hss my fend) Tes aro tds i —a) y) 3 elie cnet ee Sateen Se are capaonte ere tone |ey| ae | viely - ese Sees 2 ‘ards. What about in yourcountry? Is this | 2 good idea? Explain, Rob and jack Grammar Present simple - be: affirmative and negative; Subject pronouns ‘A Analyze these sentences from the texton ‘page 9, Underline nine more examples of be. im om Santa Fe. tm 32 years ol This isfy. He set fom Argentina. He's rem Australi. She's 12 years old Were good fiends. ‘These are my frends. They arentin my lass. Theyre in Year. B Look atthe sentences In Exercise A agai, Find and write an example foreach We use be: wate oe eee + + from + county + +n school yer/clss: © Analyze these sentences. Underine seven ‘more subject pronouns. -My name is Vicky Marin. fm from Santa Fe, This say. He's 14. Jayis from Syeney. sin Australia This is ula. She's 12. Shes in my class. We're good friends ‘Tese are Karen and Lull They're my class. We're inclass 7th 8, “4 Complete the sentences with the corect form ‘ofbe. Use short forms. 4 Lo Tanya Rojas. 2 We... secondary school students 3 He... from Buenos Aves. 44 They in Class sth. 5 She... my fiend. 6 You.” my teacher 7 It.a school in Australia, £2 Make the sentences in Exercises negative, Use short forms. FORM 1D complet the tables. Attemaive Singular 1 anfn Yeu [aeie PO He/She) Plural we re Yeu |e Santa. They Nogatie Singular 1 amnot mot] Yeu! rent arent 0 He She isnot Plural we | fron You __ave not} ——| santa Fe. They Answer 4 Whotate the short foms ofam,isand 2 What ae the fll forms of not, n't andar? {3 Free pracice > white sentences about you, Include information about your: + name + ase = class + ends COMPARING LANGUAGES: “Translate nto your language: es Mares eS in Year ‘What are the two meanings of be? WO > poeaass Vocabulary Countries ard cities 11 Lookcat the photos. Can you identify the countries? the USAC) ttaly() China) the UK} the UAE) Peru) Breall) France () 2 QED Match the photos tothe words inthe ~—- Listening Box Ten listen, heck nd eeest. Capital cities i Aa ibe thre Secu 5 QHD Ustentoa radio quiz about apt 1 Boing athe usa Shes. Choose te caret answers bt ved LE neal 4 The correct spelling of the capital of the 3 Lon om Unites ra Emirates a ie a ABHU DABY. 5 Rome o thea : © New York f Pew 5.440 Dnas 7 Roveleneko aly 2 The correct name ofthe capital othe Unies Pane B Ghina Sats {8 Washington, 0. 4 White sentences about the cites in Exercise 3 Receeecel ngs > Chins wares qu: Hi, Fede, How are you? Fine. And you? neon Carla? Who's Carla? A friend. she’ new in school Cook Is she in your cass? eae Bre eaten es Reading CChilea? Is thata city? Anonline chat 11 Before you read > Look atthe chat What is the Sea ees Muna name ofthe boy? Isitthe capital of Peru? 2 Read for general ideas >Complete the sentence Vicky is with Carta, a. fom ‘3 Read for detals > Write T (True) or F (False). 4 Carla sew inthe school 2 Vicky from Peru 3 Carlaisin 7th. {Chiles is the capital of Peru, ‘What's the capital of Peru? Oh, yes. You'e right! eos e Grammar Present simple - be: questions USE ‘A Match the answers tothe questions. 4 Who's ara a 2issheinyourcass? =) 3 sche sciy? Oo 4 Is Chica the capita of Peru) 5 Whats thecapltalotPers? (—) 2 Yes, itis. 1 No, she ist. Its Lima 4 No, itis @ Arend, Look at Exercise A agan. Find and write two examples of questons and answers foreach le. 4 Weanswer Yes/No questions with Yes01 No, 2 We nsmer Wh- questions with 11 Write Yes/No questions. 4 Rome J taly? 2 Vicky and Fede frends? 3 you {fom this country? 14 Madiid J the capital of Spain? 22 Write short answers forthe questions in Exercise 3 Complete the questions with Who, What or ‘Where and the correct form of be. 4 the capital of France? its ars 2. Paul? He's rien. ry ED FORM ‘© Complete the table. ‘Yes/No questions amt ‘are [you we/ they _| rom Peru? he/she /it “Short answers i [am ves, [you/we they [are he/she /it [is No, [you/we /they he [she fit “Wir questions Who cara? What |=——! | the eapital of Peru? Where Chlea? 1D compare the word order of sentences and ‘questions. Waite new examples ins new diagram. e:@:@ e:@:@ e&:-@:@ 2 your name? My name is oe. 4 you? ‘mtr. 5 «Tokyo? its infapan. 6 sn aleria? ‘She's my teacher 4 Free practice > Wee four questions. n turns, askand answer, @ ts change) the capital of China? (© ho, trert Where te Barcelone? A poster +4 Before you read > Look atthe poster. WhoIs nthe photos? in TOP WORLD wy Daddy Yankee is reac n Coons Tt ere eae Poe ene a Eres Sierra ae : ate a and songwriter, DE Uc ee ue ee eS a He eect ammeter Th 2 fend Complete the sentences. ee See aes anal Maras ihan-bind They ehoniecty — MMUMIERERES a aoe (tore sone ard ser ar 2 Karol G is a ... and songwriter. Her .. are a - syeat She's fom 3 Daddy Yankee i rom... His songs arein jaive your epiiion \Wnat is your favourite band? WhoIs your favourte singer” ‘My feourte band 1 Coplay and my Spanish and in Wo> pes Listening & Speaking Talking about favourite bands and singers 41 Before you listen > Look a the photo. Who ae the girs? £2 QHD iste for general deas> Match he gist thelr favour bands and singers. 2 il lsh tM BuSheean t hnoons 3 QHD Listen for detalls > complete the conver Bile Elsh? 4 Speak? Rote play in pars. 4 Roleplay the conversation in Exerese 3, 2 Role play 2 new conversation and use other bands and singers. 3 Change roles, ‘Theyre very good! rethey? ‘Cool My favourite singers Ble Ei ‘Yes. She's girl She's from the () Yap going he Circle these words inthe conversation. Yes. Cool! [Remember tose them to sound natural Writing Photo captions “+ Read the captions fr the photos. ‘This is mo. My name is Maxi. min Year? ata state school fm from Mendoza in ‘Argentina ‘hina Tala Soe ‘geod rend She Sst in my dass ‘and she ent in ‘ny school Shes Get thee o four photos of you friends and your favourite band. your touse ot forms of be after pronouns, + This is singular forms. | wite>witea caption forex pot Remember | Ccheck> Check your wating wo> 089 Progress check Vocabulary Personal information 41 Complete the identity card. Matias Colombo ‘ 1463555453 Fapoints: Countries and cities 2 Complete the sentences with the corect words. 4 NewYorkisa Inthe usa, 2 Belling is the of China 3 Dubaiisa city the UAE 4 Lima isthe capital Peru Grammar Subject pronouns 3 Complete the sentences. 4 Thisisme. am Maria, 2 This sie Isattiend, 3 ThisisCara, Isa, 44 These ae my lends. are Inmy dass. 5 look ric and me, are fends, 6 Thisistyon Isa cityin France. ¥ This unitis about.. 3efore working on! ke. Present simple - be 4. Complete the sentences with the correct form of be. Use short or fll forms. my fiend. She ry lass, student at Washington 4 He (ot) rom my county '5 Paul and Vicky. (atin my school 16 points: '5 Complete the questions and answers. + she near 7? Yes, she 2 Is Paris inital? ot they in your class? Yes they Is Cairo? 1 in Egypt 5 isthe copita of Canada? les ottawa 6 Isroy? He's frend from Australia, 7 —______you in my class? Yes, [0 points, | TetalScore: 30 points PROJECT Learn about the project. Thic unit's projects to create a trivia quiz. Now ead and do this sample quiz. Rk Pe eure Boner ue 4 Whereis Athens? Where Is Coplay rom? 2) InGrece. =O a Tey =O ») infronee. ») Thess. =O 2 Is Madagascarin fica? 6 Bad Bunnys a. 2) Yes. 0 2» git. o 2) No. oO 2) boy. Oo 3 Whatis Monaco? 1 ‘Sefer is a sons. a Acity Q 2) Shawn Mendes. 5) Acounty » karl, 44 Whatis the capital of aly? 8 Whois rom colombia? 2) Venice oO 2) Onuna o ») Rome oO ©) Shakira 2 Search online and write the ‘Countries and cities’ section of your quiz. Workin pairs. Look ata map and write four questions. Then write two answers for each question. Use the quzin Step 12s a model Tips tod your online earch: ‘/ Te find worl maps in English you can visit: wor seology com worl/world-map shtml Search online and write the ‘Singers and bands" section of your quiz. Workin pais. Choose singers and bands. Write four questions about them. Then write two answers for teach question. Use the qulzin Step 1 as 2 model. Tips todo your online search To ind information about singers and bands, you can write {ants name] county [anes name] songs [band's name] members [singersname| county 6 [singer's name] songs Hand in your quiz to your teacher for feedback. NOW GROOSE! S_ Work in pairs. Make a S Work in pairs. Make a final digital copy of your quiz. clean copy of your quiz on paper. Create a Word document or use an online quiz maker, for example, Use aitferent colours, Be tidy! ‘uieemakercom, & othe quiz as a class. © Do the quiz in pairs. ‘Your teacher dieplays your Join another pat Aigital copy ofthe quiz exit Your classmates read the quiz Se Do the quizzes and corect the ‘You confirm the ight answers. Vocabulary Family 4 Look atthe family ree. Find Lara, father = dod érondiather = grandad. lgeandotner = grandma 2 QHD ook tthe family tre again and Complete the sentences, Then ten checkand repeat 2 mara, Hanah is my 2 tm Brenda. Tommy 3 Myname’s Gey Ls is my 4 Imcathy Sam simy § Mynames sa. rma sy & tmBrandon. J is my 7 tmiohn. Gerry sm Honnsh. Cathy LEARNING TO LEARN Classify words ina table Saale W1> p90 Reading Areader’s corner 11 Before you read > Look atthe photo. Find Alexander and identily the people in his family. YOUR CORNER Dine eta ey ee ena ne pen gh 2 Read for general ideas> Complete the table, Family members mother stepfather halfsiste halsicter sandfather srandmother Hilo. My name is Alexander and I'm from ‘Russia. ive with my family. Our house is ‘in Saint Petersburg, ‘My mother’s name is rina. She's 34, My stopfather's name is Fedor. He's 40. ‘My half sisters names are Julya and Mila, “ulya is 4 and Mila is 2 years old. ‘My grandmother and my grandfather are from Saint Petersburg to, They are my mother's parents. My grandmother is 60, Her name is Lida. My grandfather is $8. His name is Marko. Look at their brown. ‘and white dog. Its name is Rudolf, ‘Tell me about the members of your family ‘What are their names? How old are they? Sendtaher + grandmother = Srandoarens |B Read for details > Write T (Tue) or F (als). 4 Alexanders fom Russia 2 rina le his stepmother. 3 Fedor Is 40 years old 44 Milas his half sister 5 Julyaisa baby. 6 Lida and matko ate his mother's parents ‘COMPARING CULTURES In some countries, atypical Friis a Father, a mother and one cil. Ave famles big orsmallin your country? Grammar use ‘A Analyze these sentences from the text on ‘page 21 Underine six more possessive adjectives. ve with ny Fri. (ur house isin Sait Petersburg Her name is Lida His name fs Marko, Its name s Rudo Tellme about the members of your family. What are theienames? 1B Analyze these sentences from the text. Underline three more examples of possessive 5. My stepfather's name is Fedor. My mother’s nome i ina >My half sisters names are ulya and Mila. ‘They're my mother’s parents. {© Complete the rules withthe corect examples. their Alexanders your parents ‘otalk about possession, we can use: * possessive adjectives for example, +» possessive 5, for example, 4 Complete the sentences with possessive adjectives, 4 Hi. name ig Alexander. im 12 years old. 2 This Ismy stepfather... names Fedor. 3 My grandmothers 60... name's Lida. ' What’... name? My name's ay 5 Ae these your brothers? What are. names? 2 choose the corect options. 1 yates’ sister / father sisters good. 2 His name’s teacher / teachers name isoraine. 3 Myuncle surname / undies surnames Pérez 4 My brothers’ names / brother's names are Tedand Vin. Possessive adjectives and possessive 'S — p His amd Brad. My: eee Brad, FORM 1D Complete the table, Subject pronouns i you Possessive adjectives, IE Read the rules and write a second example. We can use possessive adjectives «singular corplural nouns. “+ his ste his sisters We use the possessive Sin this way! + singular noun +: brother, * plural noun + brothers, BR asal dg ‘es sort fom otis cS Wooly Free practice > wit ve sentences about the names of members of your family. My Grandparents’ names are Allerto and Marta COMPARING LANGUAGES: Translate nto your language: ‘My fathers name is Leo. ‘My teacher names are Ana and Lina Compare the word order. WA > ppsetss Descriptive adjectives 11 Looket the picture, Find agi, @ boy, woman, 2 man, a dog and ahouse, strong man o aveakinan eevee 2 bigbrother 2 GAD Match the pictures tothe words inthe tenin Box Ten stn, check and tepest. afaimily piotd Lookatthe picture again. tntuns, point and 4 QED Listen toa boy describing a family, describe the opposite pars. Dhoto. Tick the correct photo adiective + noun We>pe2 A magazine quiz 4 Before you read > Looks the photos. Say the names othe characters that you know. Fist hes bad. Then, hes good, His fathers strong and good, His grandfathers trong and bad, Hie fathers name is Han Solo. Mis grandfathers names Darth Vader Who she? ‘he's 14yeats ol. He's 10 yeats old. They've got {big family. Their parents are Bob and Helen. ‘Their father isn't a weak man, Theyve got litle brother Who are they? 22 Read for general ideas > Match the photos to this information 2 Violet and 0 hiell‘Dash’Rabert Parr —_[ 2 Jo, Meg, Amy and Seth fom 3 Kylo Ren fiom the Stor Wars series 4 Harry Pote rom the Hory Potter series '3 Do the quiz: match the photos tothe Families in fiction Who are these characters? Have they got big or small families? ‘They are sisters. They've got 9 be arly but they haven't gata brother They are at home vith thelr mother. Teirfather is away at wat Hea goodman Hes got an aunt and an uncle, He hast gota brother ara sister His parents are dead. He's _gtspecal powers He's got bad enemy, Nolemert. Whois he? o 4 Read for detalls > nite T (rue) or F (False) Kyla Rens fathers good but weak 2 Kyo Ren's grandfathers ston and bad, 3 Jo, Meg, Amy and Beth have gota brothe others and sisters are dead, has gota sister and a brother, 'fatheriea ston man, Which Is your favoutit fir rom the quiz 2 ls your family big or smal? W5 > opvanss Grammar Have got: affirmative, negative and Yes/No questions. USE FORM ‘A Analyee these sentences rom thetexton © Completethe ables. page 24, Unerine even more forms of sae beer 1/you [have got They gota be fami We Fey _|weget | ‘They navent gota brother Heshesn [MSs Hes gotan auntand an uncle, —— Negative He hasnt got brother ora sister. bs 1/04 [have not got He’ gt special powers. We They He’ gota bad enemy. iasrotgor |" ‘They'e got ate brother He/she/it |aswtgot Havethey gt big or small fils? YesiNo questions Uyou/we they ao [20 , 1 Readthe ule and write a second example. fe [tae |™ emi We use have gotta ak about possession. ‘Short answers + prope: ve gota ren | ves, _LLvou/ we they [have seer * [he/she sit [nas ere wo, [Lfyou we [they_[ have + objects: ve gota pen he/she i “4 Complet these sentences with hove gotor 3 Wiitequstions. Then wie an firmaive haven’ gts they are tive for you. newer anda negative answer for exc of them, 2 oothiee dogs. 1 you/ big dog? 2 abrther 2 She / aie bother 3 Lota siste 3 we/ atiend from Bri? 4 Iccatloe pe. 4 he /anice nouse? 5 Ica good end 5 they! a bad enemy? 2 Complete with the correct format have got. (a Free practic >Intums, ask and answer about 1 Hany otter ..abad unc iS 2 Dash ait brother © Hove you gor a brother? 3 Jo. ot a brother vate 4 The Simpsons... a cat and a dog, cee 5 The mcreables (00 a pt nai ont SESS Build your skills Reading erePTIyRyITROISPRSTTRRSTINREIEG Tis photo of ley and her mothe, | pape SEER Ts Cyrus Tshis famous too, she's Miley’ manager She has got five chiren~ tree ‘daughters and two sons. In this photo, Miley swith her father Bly Ray Crus Hesa singer to. A family of stars! | Miley has gota lotof brothers and sisters. This is ‘photo of Bison, Noah Bil ay, Tish and Brandt. ‘They ae al stars! raison Is Miley's brother and Noah IbMiley' sister, andl is Miley's half sister ee ee Answer " Use the words from the box tonite sentences about the text, children daughter son Whois your favourite sta? What do you know about his/her family? Listening & Speaking Asking about someone 41 Before you listen > Look tthe photo on the let. Who are the gil and the boy? Look atthe photo on the right Find the name ofa fim. 2 BED Listen oc general ideas>Tekthe Covet option Cle and Jason talk about: 1 An Amrcan actor and is brothers 2 An American singer aris ay. 3 An American actor and his family. J fe 8 % 4 \ 3 QED tiston fr details > Complete the conversation Jason @. that man onthe right? @_—___ he an actor? [And who are those? ‘And the lady in (i. 4 Speak > Roleplay in pals. 1 ole play the conve 2 Role play anew com a celebrity you tke 3 Change roles tion in Exercise 3 sation and tak about | cise Wil Smith Yes, hes an American acto. They are his @). Trey.and his ache Wl ae Keep it going! ——4r— Circle these words inthe conversation. Yee Oh Remember to use them to sound natural Writing A description of a family 4 Read le’ description. | andanei nikon nese se root | nso ue go. bi fy. i My mari name is Grace. Shek 42 [ve got aster Her name Joana and she 6. Ne | Gerongirone esstong Hsranels | aves ananet6 || Mygonder 66 sndmy ganar 8 OF | Mernanesere tad sm “Tere very ice! | Ne gotan un and onunde. Ter names ar || story and WH Thee young, Hilary is 26 and | Willis 25. Theyve gota pt ts ab brown and ite dog, ts name is Rex. | ‘Nick 2 Read the Wt rah section 4 Lookatthe description again Cl Pose acts Uno ame Ree possensie Writing tas, ——__fp— ~) For descriptions, use be + adjective: ie ioe tan» Wea ef fay members for your ou description. voor > Use / an av noun ite wie > with descipton fourm pagnieamng seat el halla teas saeco Use ano jin word and sentences es ee “ ‘+ and to join words or sentences. er ames ae Cle and Ting * posses ajcves My dad ad my ur 40. * posses Check > Cheek your writing 2 Leokat the desciptonn Exc. an example for each rule, =e wo >oos Progress check Vocabulary Family 4 Complete Tom's family re, LP | randfather + -Wepoinis: Descriptive adjectives 2 Complete the sentences with the corect adjectives, 1 Myhouse isn't 2 His brather int weak. He's 3 They aren't happy this photo. Theyre ies small 44 My arandparents arent They'e old 5 Heist rman, Hes good speins Grammar Possessive adjectives 3 Complete the sentences with the corect possessive adjectives. 4 This is my brother 2 lve got two good frends. ae Cathy and Jen, 3 Thats my mother ‘4 Were in Years. \sPaul name is Ro. names Karen, teacher's name Possessives 4 Choose the corect options. = 4 My grandparents grandparent’s names are Steven and Maria, 2 My fathers / father’s parents have gota cat. 23 Mybrothers/ brother's dog is brown. Ws points Have got '5 Complete the sentences with the correct form ‘of have got. Use short forms. 3 We big lassroom, 2 They (ot big family. 3 |_____ (rot) anidentity card 4 She: alte dog 5 He (Gat) a new rend 6 You 1 6points- {© Complete the questions and answers. 1 alittle sister? Yes, he 2 sinh Yes, she big famiy? N 1. Loarn about the project. ‘This units projects to design a Family tree riddle. Now look at this family tree, read the sentences and solve the riddle by writing the names inthe boxes FAMILY TREE eto Thi my fry ‘Sarah and John have got «son. Aled. and 2 havent got ab Brother ve gota baby brother daughter Ace. is name ic Wi Jue ot an aur Her name i Alice, My fathers name ie Alfred. He John son Sve got an uncle His name & Fed John ie my randiarher Heb od Alte and Fed hove got two cone. Their names are ‘My mother name is Tn. Brad and Tim us ot a big sister Har name ie Cathy chet Brad ssuscen years old seventeen years od Tm is fe years od - My grandmothers nam is Sarah ‘My name’ Ain. thirteen years old. Wh am 17 Go online and find photos of 10-45 Get magazines or newspaper people of diferent ages fr your and find photos of 10-15 people of Famty tee different ages for your fel re. Paste them on a digital file and Draw family tree on paper and create your re, paste the photos. ‘Add blank boxes forthe names. ‘Add blank boxes forthe names. Vocabulary Months, seasons and ordinal numbers “4 Look at Gabrat's school calendar Where she from? isten and repeat the words in blue. Then complete the sentence and explain. My favourite months. 3 QHD Look atthe catendar again and complete the table. Uisten, check and repeat Crdinal numbers: tet-Stst 4st 23 twenty frst hry frst nd| 2 second 22__twenty-second third ___25_—_twenty third ‘All the other numbers, for example: 4— fourth 7ihseventh th | theteventh 16 sixteenth | 2o—twenteth 25 twentyfith asthiwentycighth 30th hireth * cas Sverre rine eo a 44 In turns, ask and answe* about birthdays. @ When your birthday? @ tiv on 22nd June S GBD Find the four seasons inthe calendar. Usten, check and repea {© Complete the sentences with the dates from the calendar 4 New Yearis on 2 Classes start on 3 Flag Days on '4 Winer breaks fom to 5 Summer holidays arefrom to LEARNING TO LEARN Pay attention to words with similar meaning halidays / break a period when you dont 0 to schoo, or example, summer holidays, Easter break public holiday: a day when you don’ goto choo! for example, Flag Day W> ps Reading A students’ website 11 Belore you read > Look atthe text quickly and find three places. Say where they are. liven Alaska. Classes startin August We have two breaks a winter beak and a spring break. The winter breakin December. The spring break sin March Clases end in May. We dort go to school insummet (ur summer holidays are very long Lauren 1m fom France. Classes startin September and ‘end n]ul forthe summer hlcays We have breaks Jn October, December, February and Apr. min secondary school and| go to school five days a week. Primary schoo students goto schol four days @ week, They don't got schoolon Wednesdays Louls Live in Austla.n my country, classes start in February and end in December. We don't have long summer holidays but we have three breaks! We have an auturn break in Api, winter breakin july anda. | song beak in September-Oeober Olver 2 Read for general ideas >sthis sentence true or false? In Alaska France and Australi, students have summer holidays 3 Read for details > Look atthe calendars and complete the sentence with Alaska, France or Australi ° bow [oa] oo | a ‘The st calendars rom... the 2nd calendar is [Feanal Saal ereaafoesael from... and the ar calendar is rom asses ) oreaie I semmerntdys © Finer ‘COMPARING CULTURES: Draw and colour your school calendar. ‘Compare itwith the schoo! calendars of Alaska, France nd Australia, Say the calendar you prefer. Grammar Present simpl affirmative and negative (J, you, we, they) usE FORM ‘A Analyze these sentences frm the text © Look atthe table ‘on page 33. Underline si more present ee simple verb forms. ich Hive in Alaska We/ They _|"¥® nciesies ‘lasses startin August Negative rd ‘We have two breaks. \yyou) [donot ve lin France We don' go to schoo in summer. pita They Classes startin September. hea They don't g to school on Wednesdays. We don't have long summer holidays. What isthe short form ofo nor? Pearse ee ae E Complete the dlagram with the present simple form of go. B Look atthe sentences in Exercise Aagain. ee sires eaters 3 ee a ++ ce ene + routines, forexample: — +4 Complete the sentences withthe corect form (Free practice > Write six sentences about your ‘ofthe verbs in brackets. school calendar. Use words from the box. 4 They ive in india 2 They (not have) Culstmas break. 5 InFrance, students. (ot go) to school lasses /start have /an Easter break lasses /end have / summer holidays have winter break have / final exams in August 4 Classes... (tar in March, oe aioren nies In my school, classes start m March “2 comect these sentences so they are ttue foryou. Write a negative and an affirmative sentence. on sdates: Clases start.on 7th March 4 We have a winter break in January. ina hdl 5 (ab Rea sie Ine seasons: go 1 school in winic 4 We start classes in January. § We celebrate Spring Day on 2st March. 6 Our summer holidays ae i uly ‘COMPARING LANGUAGES In English, we use an aailiary (do) to form the present simple negative We dont (do no) have a spring break o you use an aul to form the negative Inyour language? W5> pescsar Vocabulary Routines and the time JUNE 11 Look atthe calendar and the pictures. What date sit? 5 2 Ald 00am stoidock 70am seven o'clock 30pm ralpactfour | al past sie sotoscheolby bus) getup oO have breacfast watch TV f do my homework ‘gotobed watkbsckhome have ner - have neh washthe dies 2 QHD natch the pictures tothe phrases in the bor. Then listen, check and repeat 3 QED ookatthe cae repeat te times. 4 Read thetimes. “5 intums, describe your routine. again. Listen and © 1 get wat sie oct Got pat quarter pats Wo > p98 730am, ha past seven 9.15pm ‘quarter past rine 3.30pm half past three 9.45pm ‘uartertoten Pow ate lock Listening My daily routine © QHD Listen toa git deserbing er routine. We 7 Crue) or ale). 1 thave breakfast with my Far 3 walk to school 3 Ihave lune at shoot 4 Ion wateh TV in bed 10:30 pm half past ten 7 GD usten again and choose the comet Sine 1 | getupatzasam {730m 3 lke ne uste schoo at as am / sam 5 hyttstss tsetse ona om 3 TMC tiner at 25 pm 930 pe f |guisted stoop /so3e pm qa: Online interviews “4 Before you read > Take a quick look at the website. Whats its name? What isit about this week? Ts eee Pe een ety Pee eee telnet 2» Hell, Lingiwe and Nandi Here ae our ‘questions for you! What time do you getup? Do you goto school by bus? What time do you start classes? +» Do you have lunch a sthool? eer 2m What time do you finish school? ee a nes +» What time do you do your homework? Brera {3 Read for details> Write M (ManueD or F (ale). Linde). 4 Manuel, Lindiwe and Nand arein the same 2 | goto schoo! by bus school year 2 Inalkto schoo! 2 HanuelLindlwe ang Nandi goto choolinthe 3 Ihave lunchat schoo rmoming. 4 Thave lunch at home. +3 Manuel, Lindiwe and Nand finish schoo at 5 Ido my homework at 7.00 pm. dierentimes 1 Answer. 4 Do you got school by bus? 22 What time do you start classes? 3 Do you have lunch at school? Grammar Present simple: questions (/, you, we, they) USE ‘A Match the answers tothe questions. 4 Doyou have lunch at school? 2 Doyou goto school by bus? 3 What time do you nish school? ‘4 Doyou do yourhomework every day? I finish school at 2.00 pm. Oo No, dont. have lunch at home at 3.00 pm. « Yes, Ido. atch Vand then ldo smybomework 4 No,wedort.Wewalkioschoot BB Look tthe questions in Exercise A again. Find end wate an example of: + a Yes/No question. + ih question 11 Complete the questions with do and the verbs ftom thebox. Then complete the short answers. go have wash watch do 1 youl. breakfast athome? Yess 2 you. tobed ato lock? Wo, don't, 3 Olle dishes on Saturdays? nas. 14 “you. your homework on Sundays? aint 5 you. TVinbed? Not poet EET FORM © Lookat the tables. Yes/No questions Bo |1/ you we they Tuneh at school? Short anewers, Yes, [I/you/we/they | do. No, [Ifyou we /they | dont. 1D Complete the dlagrams. os ='@:= Take the roles of Manuel and Lindiwe from page 36. Inturns, ask and answer about your routine. © Do you fo 1 schoo on Fridays? No Jaen. Buildyourskills Reading Calendars 14 Before you read > Look atthe photos. Can you guess the special days? Special days in the United Kingdom Peek) a Oa = VG em co SE Fathers Day st¥atentine'e Mathers Day ‘Summer Bank Halioy Third Sunday Day Thre wees belo Lat Monday in (TENE Scadey Spring Bank Holiday 4 Leatn new words > Use the words from the box toanswer about the United Kingdom. 22 Read > Match the photos to the calendar. 4 When Is Mothers Day? Bp Aner about your county 22 Whenis the Spring Bank Holiday? 1 Doyou celebrate Valentines Day? 3 When's the Surmer Bank Holiay? 2 Do you celebrate the international Day of Frendship? {5 think aout four special days in your county. 3 Do you have spring beak at school? Wie sentences. Give your opinion Independence Day is 2 puble Which is your favourte speciatday? hatday in my cour ‘When do you celebrate it? W8> p00 Listening & Speaking Talking about special days “4 Belore you listen Look atthe photo. Where are Carla and Ryan fom? 2 BD isten for general ideas > Tek the corect option. Carla and Ryan tak about: 4 the Intemational Day of Friendship. [ 2 Mother's Day and Father's Day 3 summer holidays. 3 QED user for dete > Complete the conversation carla Hey, Ryan, when's Mather’ Day in your country? Inmy country, sn October. es the @ Sunday in October Te the thi Sunday in 4 Speak> Rote payin pairs. 4 Role pay the conversation in Exercise 3. 2 Roleplay anew conversation and use Information from your country ad from page 38 3 Change roles Ryan ts the second Sunday in). Really? When iit? ‘And when's @) Really? n my country tool Keep it going — Circle these words inthe conversation. eye Realy? And Day in your country? Remember to use them to sound natural Writing A description of the school calendar and a typical school day 4 Read Jason's description, In may school, classes start in September and fend in June. We have Christmas break from 20th December to Tth January. We have & long Easter break in April. We don’t go to school in summer, Our summer holidays are in July and August. | go t0 schoo! from Mondays to Fridays | get vp at quarter part seven and [have breakfast. | take the bus to school. | have lunch at schoo! act twelve, oidlock. Classes end at half past three. ‘At home, | do my homework. | go to bed at half past ten. ‘2 Read the Wilte lt right section. ‘3 Look at the description in Exercise a again. Find an example foreach ‘Write tight! rule. tite it vgn ———»— Witig tas ———af»— > Use at + times: Plan > Write notes about your school calendar i ie we bela Include information about clases, holidays and breaks. Then write alist of the activities you do on > Usein + months: atypical schoo day. Write them in chronological 1 fish cacses in une once \Write> Write the description of your schoo! calendar > Use in seasons ‘and atypical school day. Remember to use the 189 0 schoo! in winter ‘correct prepositions oftime. Check > Check your writing, 9 Use rom.. to. for periods af time: 10 1 schoo! from Mondays to Fridays wo > pis Progress check Vocabulary Months and ordinal numbers 41 Write the dates. Use ordinal num 2/6:___ = 5/8: a3/u ‘Seasons and months £2 Lookat the photos and write the seasons. Present simple '5 Complete the sentences with the correct resent simple frm ofthe verbs in brackets. + They (not go to school on eae 7 Grammar ‘saturdays, 2 |__ watch 1V in bed, B ——— 5 ciases (tar in February. Waoints — sg We (not nish) school indetaber 3 Choose the correct options. 1 dont gota schoal non sures “apis 2 Our winter break i in /on uy. 3 Classes start In / on toth March. {© Order the words to make questions. 4 classes / June fend fin do? Routines and the time 2 Sundays] wash /do/ you dishes onthe]? 4 Lookatthe photos and complete the sentences, —— 3 take] do [the [time [what /they /bus /? 7 Write two possible answers fr question Inexerdse 6. 1 Thisuntis bout. “Vapoins 1 Before working on, kevin % er working ont kno. Total score: 30points ¥ thave a question:..? This unit's projec is to create an Avatar Bingo and play with your friends. Look at the Avatar Bingo Board and read the 2 sentence cards about the avatar. Then match eight sentence card to the categories onthe Bingo Board MORNING FRIENDS ROUTINE FAVOURITE ee COLOUR FAMILY iy name's Patrick My favourite colours ed rte numbers 32. 1m from Bogoté in Colombia. 1 veep Onc Ive got big My bes fiends In my country, classes January and finish in 0 watch TV at5,00 pm and ve got a nice dos. = then | do my homework ny. Now match the remaining four sentence cards to these categories PN nts AFTERNOON asad ora 2 Create your own Avatar Bingo Board with nine squares. Draw an avatar in ‘he middle and choose eight categories from this table for the remaining squares. Use the Bingo Board in Step 1 as a model Name FAVOURITE COLOUR ‘enya couNTRY ‘MORNING ROUTINE net FAVOURITE SINGER ‘SCHOOL CALENDAR [AFTERNOON ROUTINE Per ravouRtre NUMBER ramiey FRIENDS 3 Write a sentence for each category. Use the sentences in Step 1 as a model. Hand them in to your teacher for feedback. Then cut out 12 sentence cards and write a sentence on each card. me AGE: ‘uTYAND COUNTRY: Fain FRIENDS: rer JOOL CALENDAR: MORNING ROUTINE: AFTERNOON ROUTINE: FavOURITE COLOUR: FAVOURITE SINGER: FAVOURITE NUMBER: 4. You're now ready to play! ‘it in groups of four and putall the Sentence cards face down on your desk Pick up 2 sentence card and read the sentence outloud. Then say the «category fr that card, for example, "Morning routine ‘The players who have got that category ‘on thelr Avatar Bingo Board put a small lip or piece of paper on the corect category Continue playing. The fst player to ‘compete his/her Avatar Bingo Board ‘wins the game! Consolidati onA A famous family 4 Complete the text wth the words fom the box. ™ mot ste at do dont go breakfast finish Hil My name (2) __ Bart Simpson. lve with my family in Springfield a small town, This is a picture of my family, My (2) —— name is Marge and my father's name is Homer. |(@) a brother. | (4) two sisters, Maggie and Lisa. Maggie's 1 year old, Lisa's 8 years old. he's a good student and (5) grades ae excellent ve got two (6) Patty and Selma. They (9) ——my mather’s sisters. My father's 39 years old He hasn't got anew cat He (@) an old pink car. 1 (@) —— 10 years old and | (10) to Springfield Elementary School 1) like school and | (22) a good student. My grades aren't good. £2 Choose the corect options. 4 We've got act Its / Their name is Snowball 2 Thats my father. Her / Mis name is Homer. 3 My sisters are in the picture, Her | Their names are Usa and Maggie. 4 My teachers’ / teachers name is Edna Krabappel 5 Welivein the USA, Our / Thee house isin small town, 3 Correct the sentences. Write a negative and an affirmative sentence. 4 Maggie and Lisa are Bart's aunts. 2 Bart's father has got a blue car vegot haver'tgot —‘sgot mother’s aunts lunch 5 getup start wateh 1143) at about 7o'lock, Ihave (64) and! go to school by bus. Classes (45) at 8.00 am. Ihave (46) at the school canteen with my friends. lasses (7) at 400 pm and go back home. | don't (13). homework. (9) 1 goto bed (20) TV every day. 11.00 pm, 4 Patty and Selma have gota broth. 4 The Simpsons lve in Melle 4 Complete the questions 4 art adog? Yes, he's got a brown dos. 2 Lise and Maggie sisters? Yes, they are, 3 Where the Simpsons __? They lve in Spring 4 What tine ss05__at Barts school? They start at o'clock Schools of the Air + QED Watena vieo about Schools ofthe Ar IrAusata ana Usten Then choose the creck cntions o- 5 4 The children onthe video are / arent from Australia 2 They go /don'tgo to school every day +3 They lve / don ve inbig cites. 14 They listen / dan listen to lessons on their compute. 5 They need / dow't need 2 good internet connection 2 QD Watch heist segment ofthe vdeo Usten to Alce Then compete the Sentences withthe correct fom athe verbs irom the Box. (Loeteal do fave gota) go We walk 4 Alice —__two bothers. 2 Their names. Wiliam and Olver. 3 They ona farm, They sheep, 55 Their school a School ofthe Ai 6 They to school 7 They ~ schoo! at home. 8 They te school everyday, 3 QED Wateh the nest segment ofthe video yan. Ustento Ryan Zara and Peter and ‘oose the corel options. ~ 4 ‘tmso /s2yearsold” 2 My county nos3 35, Sehools ofthe Ai? 23 ‘Ihelp my mother / father ‘onthe farm” {4 "ldo my homework / watch videos on my computer 5 ‘Ineed a good computer / Internet connection to isten tothe lessons” 6 ‘When the connection is bad, Histen to the lessons inthe ‘morning | afternoon” 4 Complete the text withthe words from the box. You can watch the last segment ofthe video again to check your answers. um m_ work (Kavesot im work % dontsee dive} My name @ Emily and (2) a teacher ofa School ofthe At.) on my computer sixhours a day (4) my students every day. (6). small white car.) my carforfveorsixhours to See some of my students once a year. cama Free time activities 4 Look at the photos. Tck the activities you ke & COOL ACTIVITIES TO DO IN Your FREE TIME! , €- 2 QBED tisten and repeat the words in blue, 4 Inturns, ask and answer about the free time activites you do on Frilays and Saturdays, 3 Complete the sentences withthe verbs fom the box. wo> pee Reading Aschool magazine article 4 Before you read > Look atthe photos. Say the activities you can see. What's your favourite day of the week? What do you do on that day? (hy this doy, Pau gets up eary in the ‘morning but he dosen't go tech He goee ta the ub and play foebat ‘wit ie frends. Inthe aiernaon, be ‘watches TV or meats irande, Saturday iste fovounte doy ofthe week! eff thes Fridays, He goes {oa frends house a fey ‘ly vdeo games. Je thes Formate, His trend ies FPA Fest, they play ane game and then, they play the other! (aes Jan the Mondays? Yes, ‘the wees Sunday. On Poa carne Sunda, Sty ons op ot free pba : 5*Voeach ana ie ncn Mondoy i pub hokey, Aether gandparer. son goes ate cinema with the eterton, she mets in tenga, Tran they go for ‘Pend: Does she enon burger Re hn Sundays? No, she dosertt ‘2 Read forgeneral ideas } Write T (True) or 3 Read for dtals > Answer False) am + Paul ays football on Sundays 4 goes toa end’s house on Fiidays? 2 Nicole watches 1V on Friday 2 gets upeatly on Saturdays? 5 efile Fridays. 3 has lunch with his/her grandparents 4 Cathy studies on Sundays. on Sundays? 5 Jon lores Mondays. 4 Iovtes a end home on Fiidays? 5 goes tothe cinema and then goes for. aburger” 6 goes tothe dub on Saturdays? Grammar Present simple: affirmative, negative and Yes/No questions (he, she, it) USE ‘A Analyze these sentences from the text ‘on page 47. Underline nine more present simple ver forms, ‘on this day, Paul gets up early. He doesnt goto school. He goes to the club He watches V, Nicole doese’t do homework on Fridays. Jeff kes Fridays. She gets upat 1 o'elock Does she study on Sundays? No, she doesnt. ‘Does Jon tke Mondays? Yes, he does! BB Look. the sentences in Exercise A again. Find and write an example for each rule. We use the present simple to tak about: + tikes, for example: + routines, for example; ___. 4 Complete the sentences with the cortect form ofthe verbs in brackets 4 Sandy. ister) to music everyday. 2 Joe watch) TV on Saturdays 33 We . (go) tothe cinema on Fridays. '4 He. ot do) homework at weekends. 5 She . (study) on Sundays. 6 Max. (go) toa fiends house on Tuesdays. 7 We... (not nish) school early on Fridays. sensi PD vewersnne ch ah sn weeny onee mah Pe 8 «verbs endingin consonant +9: + les study studles FORM © Lookat the tables. Attirmative Negative He / She /it burgers. Yes/No questions oes [he /she it_|tike | burgers? Short answors Yes,_[he /she it [does No, [he /she fit | doesnt 1D Complete the diagrams withthe present simple of ploy. Qh pct» sd asso megere fd ret ei bming® Shee co COMPARING LANGUAGES ‘The two present simple forms of play are play ad plays. ‘What ate the present simple forms of play In your language? Are they two or more? Wa > ppse2esoy Vocabulary Technology ‘4 Lookat the photos. Find alaptop, a tablet and a mobilephone. take and send photos follow a fiend/staron Instagram watch videos on YouTube chat online on WhatsApp so research download music post comments / photos DED Match the photos tothe phrases inthe Dox. Then listen, check ané repeat '3 Complete the sentences withthe verbs from the box ‘download take chat do watch past fallow 4 Uke my mobile phone. send them to my Flends musi ram Spotty songs when Pm affine. [videos and... comments on TikTok | leo ‘online ie've gota computer at tome,..esearch for school My tl Bother pays online games. 5 Tomy favourite singers an instagram, reat photos and then listen tothe Wa prog Listening Our favourite things 4 GBD Listen to.a radio programme about favourite tings. Choose the correct answers 1 Victoria's Favourite thing ish. 2 computer, 1 mobile phone. 2 Robs favour things i 2 tapop. bie 3 Tras favourite thing ihe. laptop i computes & QED Listen again. ite Vio) Rob) Prenns hes photos oly umes pow pote ents etaps to ends, wt ter ony. etches ose us feestac Reading An online message board eonie 2007 11.02 am Ive gota laptop and a mobile phone sometimes do my Fomor on my astp. always that online oa WhatsApp. never {aiktomy tones on my motile Dona nevarhave eet on Dylan 2007 08am} Fe got aTV in my bedroom. Sometimes stuay win tha On| Seal nays wat when 90 2007 112 am ove music. aways downoad ‘matic rom Spotty on my mobile ‘hone ad stn 0 my favour ‘ange. { usually study ond fate to tous atthe same time “4 Belore you read> Look atthe text quickly. Who posts comments onthe webste? esta 2007 1.40 am {havea gota tablet or @lpt0p | hares computer with my brother Sind my stort don't use very ‘ten | sbmetimes do assur oo the imorret snd sometimes wat videos onvouTube Maxi 2007-1153 am {go to bed at half past ten ‘utualy pay oninegomes on my {able Ara soye atch fanny eos on Instagram, love them! maa ae OO ae ancien er pedealg seat. Bp] Post them too. e's fant Ga) 2 ead for general ideas > rite the five appliances mentioned and describe one use for each, Appliance Use £ Read for details > Write T (True) or F (False). 4 Connie talks to her Fiends on her mobile phone 2 Dylan studies and then watches TV. 3 Emma has got a mobile phone and downloads songs. 14 Justin uses his table todo research 5 Max chats online on nstagram 6 Goldie doeswt use hstagram. COMPARING CULTURES Whats the impact of advances of technology on your culture? Think about how technology aflets your routine. Ie this impact similar in other cultures? Share your ideas with the dass. Grammar Adverbs of frequency ‘A. Analyze these sentences from the text on page 50. Underline seven more adverbs of Trequency. | sometimes do my homework on my laptop. {always chat onine ever tak to my fends on my mobile phone | sometimes study withthe TV on. | usually study and listen to musica the | sometimes do research onthe internet. ‘usually play ontine games. | always record videos n TkTok. B Look tthe sentences in Exercise A again and complete the rule. We use adverbs of frequency with forms of verb, “4 Complete the sentences withthe correct adverbs of frequency so they are true for you. 4 I listen to music and d> homewerk at the same tie. {study withthe TV on, 12 wate TV after schoo 1 use the lntemet to de research 1 ehat onine when tz to bed, £2 Order the words to make sentences. 4 chat / onlin f usually we J 2 always f she / music / downloads / 3 never / use / Facebook /1/ 44 posts he / comments / sometimes / 5 messages / they / send ) usually / © Putthe items in order to complete the diagram. adverb of frequency / verb / person + _+ 1D Puttheadverbs of frequency in the corect place. sometimes | always | never {usually “3 Free practice >In tums, talk about the things you do. You can use ideas rom the box. Remember to use adverbs of frequency listen to music and do homework watch TVinbed 0 ontine and chat with frends download musi ‘watch videos on YouTube ‘se Skype / WhatsApp post photos on Instagram watch funny videos on TikTOK L @ vcometnes sty withthe TV on. We 00 (dor but Fsametines study and listen to music Build your skills Reading Tickets and coupons 41 Before you read > Look atthe pictues. Find two tickets and two discount coupons. nous me xe SSS Gn WORD, a 46 sur eh on ano» pores 40s 0 TH ‘2 Read > Complete the sentences. 4 The cinema tickets € for 22nd e's forthe fm 2 The football match ticket i for The match on. August 13 One discount coupon is fora free ‘The £0.50 off coupon is for. 2 ‘3 Learn new words > Find these words onthe tickets. What do they mean? ‘ereen row seat entrance | MANCHESTER UNTTI TOON 4 Answer $38 07, Aug 2021 V FC JUVENT, Entrance ce HIPS Or LARGE COKE 4 What cinema is Jurassic Word at? 2 What time isthe Film? 3 What time does the match star? 4 Where isthe Manchester United stadium? '5 What fastfood restaurant are the coupons for? @ cive your opinion Which ticket or coupon do you prefer? Wa > p06 Listening & Speaking Inviting someone out 4 Before you lsten > Look at the photo, Where are Rob and jack? £2 QED Uisten for general ideas > Tick the core option. Rob and ack tak about: 4 cinematickets. —() 2 footballtckets. §—) 3 discount coupons. (—) 3 QED iisten or detats> Complete the conversation. Rob | | Jack Histhere. | | Oh, hifi. Usten, are you free on 2 | | Yes, tam Good. ve got) Wow! Cool a for Jurassic Word for Doyouwanttocome? | | Sure. @) ia 4 Speak > Roleplay in pals. 4 Role play the conversation in Exercise 3, 2 Role pay anew conversation. Use the tickets {andthe coupons on page 52 23 Change oles. Keep it going! ——— Circle these words inthe conversation. Good. Usten, Wow! Sure. Remember to use them to sound natural! Writing A description of a typical weekend “4 Read Clara's notes and her description of Michael’ typical weekend. Wa a sometimes chats ning usu stches TU. never does homework aluays goes to cb and plays fatal sometines doce homewort sometines washes theses 2 Read the ‘Write It rght" section, Write it ighth yp > Toorganize your writing, wit one paragraph {for each day ofthe weekend, 9 Time expressions can go at the beginning or atthe end of sentences. Use a comma when you puttime expressions atthe beginning of Sentences, ‘play football on Sundays: ‘On Gundays, play football 1 go the cinema inthe afternoon In the afternoon, | 1 the cinema, weekend (On Saturdays. ry end Michae iss goes ‘he cb and play Sota she morning. the, ‘ferroon he utaly watches TV. he sometimes hats enn wth rend and he newer does homework, ‘On Sunday, Michael ays get up ate, He usualy read or weiches TVs bea. nthe ‘femoon he sometimes does homework and he sometines wathes he dstes By Clara Bris 'B Look at the description in Exercises again and: 4 markthe beginning and ending of each paragraph; 2 undertine the time expressions; 3 circle the adverbs of frequency. Writing tas ———}p»— Plan> Interview a classmate about what he/she ‘does on Saturdays ana Sundays. Oraw a table and make notes of his/her answers. @ What do you do on Saturdays? © tn the morning, fo schoo! Inthe aPernoon, ‘ahays go 2 fhends house. Then. Wirt > Write te description ofyour cassmate's ‘typical weekend. Remember to: + divide the text into two paragraphs. ‘se time expressions ~ ade commas when you put them atthe beginning of sentences. ‘use adverbs of frequency. ‘Check > Check your wring. W0> p07 Progress check Vocabulary Free time activities ‘4 Lookat the photos and complete the phrases. fends tothe Technology 2 Complete the texts with the verbs from the box. chat talk take send post do watch ete: My favourite thing is my tablet. | use it everyday. ae a" ae ro yf and end. ea Grammar Present simple 3 Complete the sentences withthe present, simple frm ofthe verbs in brackets. 41 OnTuesdays, Tom. (study) and then he. (eed fiends 2 Maria (use) Instagram. She trot use) TkTok 13 Sarah and Kris (ot watet) TVin the morning. They______(wateh) TVin the afternoon. 44 On Fidays, Max (Gist) schoo! athalf past one and. Goto friend's house. | Bpoints 4 Complete the questions with door does and the verbs from the box. Then complete the short answer, have Uke go do 4 she Mondays? No, she 2 you sometimes. ‘mean Sunt te lunch at .30 pm? Yes,he__ they tothe club on Tuesdays? No, they 1 B points: Adverbs of frequency '5 Order the words to make sentences. 4 always /for/ they /on/ burger / Sundays / 2/0) 2 Tootball/in plays | the / usually /e morning 3 music /1/ my / download / sometimes | computer Jon / E Play a memory game 1 Learn about the project. ‘This unit's project is to play a memory game. Now look at these cards and match them. ro pear Pea fies ey ei cin nd iret rey Coreg cn ca cores 2 Write the sentences for your game. Workin pairs. Write x6 sentences for your game. Use words from the boxes and your own ideas ‘Remember to put the verbs inthe correct present simple frm Then hand in your work yout Reacher for feedback Usten to muste 1 play video games a go tothe cinema in the morning always 0 foraburger is have breakfast in the aternoon She watch TV They em play football ‘on Mondays We rect fiends = goto the cub con Fridays My lends shies chat online My sister Sometimes lanier on Saturdays My brother take photos My aunt watch videos on fon Sundays never YouTube emer oresearchonline at weekends My grandmother ienieat wash the dishes Workin pais. Use a Word document to Work in pals. cut out 16 cards. write create x6 sentence cards, Print and cut your sentences on them, them out, Work n pairs. Cutout x6 cards. Draw ‘Work inpairs Go online and find pletures that match your sentences on pies or photos that match your the cards. You can also find petures In Sentences. Paste them on x6 cards and newspapers or magazines. pit ther out. Cut out the cards ‘Sit in pais. Putyour 32 cards face down on your desk. “Take tums pekng ip two card to find matching pairs. Keep the pairs ifthey match. Put them face down again ifthey dont. The player with more matching pars win the ame. Exchange cards with another par and play againt Places (1) “4 Lookat the photos Can you ind similar places in your city/town? 2 QED Listen and repeat the words in be 'B Intums, askand answer about holiday destinations Where do you usualy goon underground station 4 Complete the sentences with words from Exercise 2 4 We sometimes have dinner ina 2 My mum takes the rain atthe 3 We always gota... duting out holidays 4 My grandma takes the coach atthe LEARNING TO LEARN Drawa map ofthe area where you ve and label he places to practise te new vocabulary Wo> pros Reading Look tthe website What i it about? REALITY ee meen pate Aaa for gen ite ora R alls> Wee T (True) or F (als). 4 This tourtakes you to ore country. nd the work Bio de Janeiro is in Braz 2 This tour takes yo 2 Toledo Metro Station isin Swe 3 This tour goes under the earth 3 Ontour#, you see buildings, beaches and 4 This tour goes over a ci mountains 5 Ths tour goes to stations ‘On tour #3, you Ry over national park. (On our #2, you see rivers and lakes (n tour #2, you goto underground stalons. Which tourdoyou tke? Grammar There is / are: affirmative and negative use ‘A Analyze these sentences from the text on page 59. Underline sixmore examples of there sor there ae. Theres a beautiful beach There are mountains. ‘There is a national park ‘There aren't any buildings. ‘There aren't any lakes. There isn'ta park. ‘Tere are underground statons 1B Lookat the sentences in Exercise A again. Find and write an example fr each rule. ‘We use there ito say that a thing exists in place, for example We use there ar to say that two or more things exist ina place, fr example: 4 Complete the sentences wit there i, there Isnt there areor there aren". really like this place. () ance beach, {@) any modern buldings. (3). small houses. (4). beautiful mountains. tis a ice holiday destination.) tourist all year round, ea aes Sao a parkora beach, eet ar tating 'D Complete the diagrams with there is there ‘re and there isn't / there arent In affmatve sentences, we use: In negative sentences, we use: Ot a __+@ +m Choose the correct options to complete the ule, ‘We use any in affirmative / negative sentences with singular /plurat nouns. £2 Write sentences. Use theres, there isn’ there ‘ore or there arent any. 4 good restaurants in my town 7 2 alain station near my house ¥ 3 underground stations inthis town x 44 ativer nearmy town x 3 Free practice > Choose a city or town. Write five ~ sentences to describe it. Use theres, there ae, there isn't and there aren't any. COMPARING LANGUAGES Translate these sentences: Theres train station. There are two tran stetions ‘Whats the translation of there is and there are in your language? ‘We > pprosasos rmoseum (shopping cenre Vocabulary Soe ape} Places (2) m0" themepark mae Ol ae 0 4) lookst the photos. Doyen wsualy gotothese places? Sadum PLACES TO VISIT THIS WEEKEND! LES QED Match the photos tothe words inthe — Listening, ox Then listen, check and vest “The place where hive 3 Complete the sentences with words from © 5 QED uistento Greg and Stopiedescring — the place where they live, Choose the correct We sometimes snowers 1 ete ime a the. 2 play otbal inthe + Seabee ay 3 ath football matcesat the ae nts takaboutine tings sou ore eats © QED, iste ganan ick wat you can ing in your famity do. Use words from Exercise 2 and F Eten regs ace sei’ place as : atweekends sometimes fo to the Sadun at weekends fo he stadium My father andy times 0. ‘big park to parks restaurants | 7e) at weekends. cafes ~ wep ue « Reading Frequently Aske! Is the FC Barcelona Camp Nou Stadium open to visitors every day? Yes, itis, It is open all year round tis closed on 1st Janvary and 25th December. What isthe visit about? There isa tour ofthe stadium and there {32 museum. The tour isn't open on match days. What is there in the museum? There are trophies and there are interactive screens. The screens are about the history ofthe club. There ie 2 Messi Space too, Read for general ideas > Tk the correct boxes. AAtCamp Nou ther is 4 astadium 2 apark 3 amuseum 4 ahotel 5 arestaurant 6 acalé 7 acnema 8 a big shop 9 attain station HEE Are there any restaurants inthe stadium? WEBS Yes, there are, There are restaurants and cafés GIs there a shop in the stadium? IEE Yes, there is. There isa very big shop I's 3 megastore! ED Whereis the stadium? HEB 1s inthe city of Barcetona, Spain HED Is there a train station near the stadium? IE No, there isn't. There are four Underground stations 3 Read for detalls> Wite T (True) oF F (False) 4 The stadium is open on sst January. 2 Visitors take a tour ofthe stadium, 3 The trophies are inthe museum. 4 There san exibition about Mess. 5 There are four tran stations near the stadium, Name a stadium in your country. i? Is open tovisitors? Has it Grammar There is / are: questions ‘A Match these questions and answers from the text on pages2 4 Istherea shop inthe stadium? (_) 2 Are there any restaurants in the stadium? a) 3 Isthere a tran station near the stadium? oO 44 What isthere nthe museum?) 2 Yes, there are. There are restaurants and cafés, 1 No, there ist There are four underground € Thete are tophies and there are 4 Yes, theres. There i 2 very big hop. BB Look tthe questions in Exercise A again. Find and write an example of: Yes/No question: + a¥m. question 4 Complete the questions and anwers 4.8200 this cy? No srt 2 .. 8 shopping certre near your house? 3 any resiarants near here? ‘es, 44 o-3ain station near your house? ves, 5 any theatres inyour ct? ves, FORM © Look atthe tales. ‘any museums? 1s. / ae, isn’t / arent inthe museum? 1D Complete the diagrams with there and Arethere. In questions, we use: Ee te + ate E Choose the correct option to comple the tule Wie use any in questions with singular / plural nouns 2 Complete the conversation. ‘Tim: This ance holiday destination Isa town near the sea, Kate: Good. () .. there any nice beaches? Tim: es, @) ae Kate: OK (3) there (4). mountains near the beach? Tim: No, there () Kate: nd (6). there). z00? Tim: No,there (8)... But () 1s an aquarium Kate: Sounds great! 1S Free practice > Choose a cty or town in your ‘county. In turns, ask and answer to guess the place @ ss there a ake? © No there tot | Buildyourskills Reading Lookat the leaflet What does it give information about? ete gc Peel eg) en | PA a uy There are 20 restaurants in Cec Pan Cree ee Pe cotta Anon Tick the comet bores 1 hats Sic fags Dscover Kingdom? At Silas Discovery Kingdom, 2 Viner ist? 1 theres chem. 3 Wher isthe holiday season? ee Whet are the pak oust a . '3 there are animal shows. Find these words in the 4 there are they resturants leaflet, What do they mean? | ee 6 there is a shopping conte | meals souve B ses | 1 Doyou like 2008? 2 Do you like theme parks? 3 What 200s or theme parks do you know? Listening & Speaking Talking about interesting places 11 Before you lsten > Look atthe photo. Where are Lucy and Pam? (BBD Listen for generat ideas > Tek the correct option. Lucy and Pam talk about 4 a200. O 2 atheme park. [| 3 astadlum ) ED tisen for detts> complete the camersation. lucy | | Pam Whats your dream place to visit?” | | Six Flags Discovery Kingdom, ‘Shc Flags? What! ‘And what’ speclat about? Ws a theme park in California, There are (2), roller coasters. Theyre the best in the worll There are animals too. ‘Animal Istherea G) inthe park? | | Well yes there is 4 Speak Roleplay in pairs. ting! ahr 1 foleplythecomversatoninexerses, Keep Hh Our 2 Role play anew conversation. Use Information about a theme park or 200 you know 3 Change roles pe ‘And... Well, Citcle these words in the conversation. ber to use them to sound natural! Writing A description of a city or town +1 Read Caney’s description ofher dream place to visit. ir my nime’s Gandy. My dream place 10 visi 8 rodern chy ent any te city of Loe Angeles 178 8 68, rear the mountains 8nd the 260. There a tid buildings. There are nice hotels end big sorrng good restaurants, shops, cinemes big nouses in centres. Tere a land theatres, Celebrites ive In very ee angeles. Th he Hollywoed Homes tour. In Los Angeles she the Senya Monica beach, There are too! Ine name 16 Six Fiege Mame 4 beaurifu beach. I + ountsin Ive greet! candy £2 Read the ‘Write iright' section, Write it right! ——hy— fusing pronouns and making lists] Te describe places, you can use it and they agive additional information in a second sentence There 2 tour of he city Its gres There are bulings. They are ig and od 5 Use acomma in list of three or more things. There are cinemos theatres and 3 Look t these sentences from the description in Exercise 1. Find and underline two sentences that give additional information about the tour and the beach. 4 Theresa tour ofthese houses. 2 In tos Angeles, there isa beautiful beach, ere ig 8 tour of these houses: W's 4 Find these adjectives inthe text. What do they ‘describe? modem nice good big) old beautiful great) Writing task — Plan > Choose dream place to vist If necessary. do anonline search ind more information about. Write > Wie the description ofthe pace. Remember to use: * vocabulary from pages $8 and 6x. + there is /isn't and there are /aren'any. + fcand they to give additional information ina second sentence adjectives, commas inl, ‘chock > Check your writing. Wa> ou Progress check Vocabulary Places (1) 14 Look atthe photos and write words fr places. Pe ji. 9a - [6 points Places (2) 2 Complete the words for places. 4 When we ar on holiday, we usually stay at 2h__and we sometimes have dinnerat 2 Idon'tlke m_—_ ‘objects and paintings 13 My litle brother tikes 2 He loves animals! ‘4 My fathers a football fen. He always goes tathes 5 My grandfather does lke fins. He never goestothee 6 My aunt kes ballet. She sometimes goes tothe 7 love aller coasters. sometimes goto th__ parks. -/8 points don't tke old “/ Thisuntis about. | Before woking on tke. | ¥ After working on it,| know... | thave s question: 7 Grammar There is/are '3 Complete the sentences. Use affirmative and negative forms of theres and there are. 4 ___acoach stationin my town. 7 good cafés on this street. 7 3 ‘an underground tation neor inyhouse. x any tourists in winter. 4 Complete with a /am or any. 4 Theres ice shop near the station. 2 There arent modern buileings inthis tow, 3 Theres centre. 4 Therese old theatre in the city atk nea here ‘5 Complete the questions and answers. th Bes, visitors ak: any cafés in this park? B:No, But theresa nice café on Green Steet. an underground station nearyourhouse? B:No, station ak autumn? BiYes, all year round stadium in this town? ‘And W's open to ak ‘There sa coach any tourists here in There are tourists as This units project is to create an ad fora virtual tour. Now read this ad and answer: Where does the if Sekar kc takes you to RTT rly eC rl 8 eo In Singapore, there isa very big park: Gardens by the Bay. In this park, there are trees and flowers. There are lakes. There are cafés and restaurants, There are shops too. And there are big artificial trees. They are super trees! Work n pais. Here are some ideas to help you ‘Anot air balloon Aflying car Singapore is a great city Is in Asia. It's the capital of a country. Its name is. Singapore too. In Singapore, there are modern buildings. There isa very modern hotel It has got three towers. There are museums too, There is a famous museum. Its name is National Gallery Singapore. A fving bicycle B Search online and create your ad. Workin pairs. Choose a place for your tour and complete a web with notes. Choose photos. Then wits the text of your ad and hand it into you teacher for feedback. Places toceat Piacaato sick ‘ve there any good restaurants or caf? ‘re there any museums, cinemas, theatres, theme park, shopping centres or 2005? Buildings ‘re there any modern bullings? are there any other old bulleings? Are interesting ‘any nce hatels? facts NOW 4 Work in pairs. Make a final digital copy of your ad. © Create a Word document or use a poster making tol * Paste pictues (including the vehicle). 5 Your teacher displays the ads. Each student chooses a tour and explains why he/she ikes it. Transport Ae there any coach station, train stations or underground stations? ‘ve there any beaut OSE! 4. Work in pairs. Make a final copy of your ad + iestes poster on card + Include pictures and a drawing ofthe vehicle 5 Display your posters in the class. Each student chooses a tour and explains why he/she likes it Animals and abilities 1 Look at the poster. Can you name any ofthe animals? tigers ducks angaroos [| giraffes 2 QED Match the photos tothe words inthe 4 Ducks ‘2 can un very fast. box. Then listen, check and repeat. 2 Crocodiles can swimand fy, 3 Lions « cansleep in the water. 3 Match kee een area Ens to LeAnne a tallies To remember new words, compare them 3 Birds cantly with your language and classify them, 4 Dolphins a can sea inthe dark ey 2 Tigers Bb canswim, 3 Monkeys «can climb ves, Reading A magazine interview Ari Jamil {Ari Jamil works atthe Dolphin Conservation Centre. This centre rescues and rehabilitates dolphins. it also studies them. tn this interview, we ask Ari about these amazing animals! ‘where do dolphins liver They live in tropical oceans around the word. They Uke warm water ‘re they sociable animals? Ys, they are Dolphins ar very sociable arma They usally travelin groups often often dolphins / 5 Do they usually live more than ten years?, Interview with dolphin expert > +4 Before you read> Look at the photo. What can you see? u} 100 they play together? Yes they do. They play together and they help one another ‘What can dolphins do? They can jump. They can jump 5 or 6 m outof the water They can make sounds too, They use sounds to communicate an they swim fast? Yes, they can! They can swim at 30 km per hour. Dolphins look happy. Can they smile? No, they can't They've got a very big mouth with ‘many teeth but they cat smile, o you like your job at the dolphin centre? Ys, do! Dolphins are amazing animals! ' Read fr detals > Complete the sentences. 4 Dolphins vein... oceans 2 Theyare usually groups of. or. dolphins, 5 They can jump «or. metres ot ofthe water 4 They con swim very fast~ at llometres per hour 5 They've gota 6 Theyare mouth metres long. COMPARING CULTURES ‘re there any 2005 your city or country? Where are they? Do they study animals? De they have conservation projects? y Grammar Can: affirmative, negative and questions USE ‘A Analyze these sentences fom the text on page 71. Underline eight more examples of What can doiphins dor They can jump. They can jump 5 oF 6m out ofthe water. CCanthey swim fast? Yes, they can. They can swim at 30 km per hour Canthey smile? No they cant ‘They've gota very big mouth with many teeth but they cat sl 1B Tickthe correct option to complet the rule. We use can to talk about: ‘routines. ) + obites. O) 4 Complete the sentences with con or cont 4 Tigers. sleep in the water. 2 Horses... un fas. 3 Kangaroos... swim 4s Ducks. Ny. 55 Crocodies. jump. 6 Cats... climb trees. FORM © Look at the tables. [Attiemative and ni 1/Yeu/He/ She / ean Sm ‘t/We/ They [eannet jeawt |" Yes/No questions, can || fyous he/she 7 Can Lie fwe fthey ‘Short answers: Yes, | you / he / she / Wo, _|it/we / they aE Whi 1D Complete the diagrams wth these words: subject /can {can't verb In affirmative sentences, we use i __ ges __| In negative sentences, we use: a __ In Yes/No questions, we use: —__ i _—_-_ ie 2 'B Free practice >In turns, ask and answer about the things you can do. Use ideas from the box. Jump play football climb mountains seeinthe dark unfast take go0d photos clibtrees swiminthe sea speakenelsh download music from the intemet © Can you climb mountains? ves. fcan (B Free practice >Use can or can’tto write three sentences about you and three sentences, about a classmate ‘COMPARING LANGUAGES In English, cans the same fr all persons and the word orders different in questions. ‘What about in your language? WB> posadass Parts of the body 11 Look at the photo. What animal i? Then read the le Mountain gorillas Mountain gonilas live in Africa, They've dot black, brawn or grey hair. Their arms tare long and strong, Their legs are short. Their hands and fest are big. They've got 1 big head too. Their eyes and ears are smal, Their nose and mouth are big. ‘They've got 82 teeth. Humans tool Have gorillas got a tall? No, they haven"t. vet Qe tems ver moun O} ges) es. [teeth ets 0 Wild animals moe Ooms Ch ot OO 4 QED Listen to twee descriptions of animals 2 QED Matchthepartsofthebodytothewords Match the deserptions tthe photos We, 2 Inthe box Then ste, check and repeat a3 nthe bores. Tere is anes photo, 3 Intums, describe and guess animals fom page 70. They've got brown hsie They've ot @ They've go ng tal wa> pus Reading A newspaper article 14 Before you read > Look tthe photos. Describe the animals. Small but Special These animals are small. But they are amazing! ‘ugar gers have got bi ees an sal ears. They are very sal 17 anand Dita s very ong ~ 19 om. Tay sloop dhring the doy. You can soe ther in thea aight. Yea! Inthe fr Can soar gers? No thoy cant But they ar gil | ‘They can glide 90 m from one tree to another tree. Imagine | Tra Sugr gers ive tooe nthe forest of state, Tey ihe sugar They ea nectar fom Towers, They eatinsacts oo Poison dart frogs are very small— 2.5 cm — but they are very toxic. Thay have got poison in their skin. The poison In one frog can kill ten adult men! They don't use their Poison to catch insects. They use itfor defence. There are poison dart rags of efferent colours. They can be red, ‘green, orange, yellow and blue. They eat insects. They live in rainfereats in Central and South America. They are ‘amazing arimalst ‘2 Read for general ideas > Complete the table. Or aides | 3 Read for details > Answer. Poison dart 4 Have sugar gliders got big or small eyes? frogs 22 What do they do during the day? 3 What do they eat? | {4 What colour are poison dart frogs? | '5 What do they eat? {6 Where da they ive? a Grammar Revision: be, have got, present simple, there is / are, can ‘A. Analyze these sentences. Theirtalis very lone, They tke sugar. They have got poison in ther skin, Their poison cankil ten adult men They livin rainforests They have got big eyes. They canglide 90m. There.are rainforests in South Americ. There are olson dart frogs of diferent colours, They are amazing animale! 1 Correct these sentences, Wie a negative and ‘an affirmative sentence, 4 Dolphins tive akes. 2 Agorilahas got four legs. 33 Cats have gota short tal 4 Tigers are weak animals 55 Sugar gliders can Ny, 6 Elephants can ump, 1B Classify the sentences in Exerclse A be = They are very smal ‘have got + They have got smal ears, present simple + They sleep during the day. ‘there is/are _ * Theres nectar in flowers ‘They can cath nce 2 Complete the questions and answers. 4 tigers lve in Asia? Yes they. 2 «horses sieep on thelr feet? Yes, they can! 3 there any monkeys in this forest? Yes, there 4 crocodiles got a small mouth? No, they havent. 5 there a desertin fica? Yes, there 6 the dolphin trainer tve in the aquarium? Wo he doesr {Free practice > Choose an animal and complete the sentences, 2 Theyve got 3 They. during the day at right. 4a They can. 5 They cant em - A beach resort website 14 Before you read > Look a the website. Whats a beach resort? Crain Geos nenc nce? 2 Read > White T (True) or F (False). 4 Inturns, describe the Bright Sun Beach Resort. 4 Bright Suni. 2 itis near the mountains 5 There are activites for teenagers, ‘3 Learn new words > Find these words or phrases Give your opinion ‘onthe website. What do they mean? Do you ike Bright Sun Beach Resort? ————— es Tick the things you like and share your havefun swimming pool trampoline answers withthe clas, climbing wall dance the beach ) the trampoline } the rock climbing wall) the dance shows wa> pus Listening & Speaking Making plans 14 Before you listen > Look atthe photo. Where are Meg, Alex an their fiends? 2 QED Usten or generat ideas > Tekthe comect option. ‘Megan Alexa plans to go tothe: 4 swimmingpool. |) 2 trampoline. Oo 3 rockeinbing wall) 3 GBD Listen for details > complete the conversation. Alex ‘What can we do this () = ‘We can goto the climbing wal ‘The climbing wall? | cant climb! Don't worry. You can learn! There are good a OK. What times it now? Great, See you there ‘4 Speak > Role playin plrs. 4 Role play the conversation In Exercise, 2 Role lay anew conversation. Use other activities from page 76. 23 Change roles It's ane clack We can have (3). and meet a the walla (4). Kept yes! tap tye ase in the com ‘OK. "Great. Remember to use them to sound natural youthere Writing A description of an animal +1 Read the description of Fennec foxes. Fennec foxes live in Aftica and the Arabian peninsula. ‘They are very small but they have got along tail. Their ears are very big. ‘They live in groups of 10 to 15 foxes. They sleep during the day, At night, they eat fruit, insects and small animals. ‘They live in the desert. They can run fast. They can jump ‘too. They can jump a distance of 1.2m! 2 Read the ‘Write it right!" section. Write it right! ——y— > Use butt join contrasting ideas. They are big tat they are wea > Use too to add information Ducts can sui, They can fy 0. ‘3 Lookat the description in Exercise Fi ‘example for each ofthe rules. 4 Lookat the description again. Find one or more sentences for each ofthese topic. + abilities habits ‘habitat + physical description el ‘Size: body — 250 40 em; tail - 20 em ‘Weight: 1 kg Life span: 10 years Writing task Plan > Choose an anima to describe, necessary, aan online search tod information about it. Write >write the desertion of the animal Remember: ‘include vocabulary from pages 70 and 73. + use but to ain contrasting ideas and too teadd information. + inckide a physical description and information about habitat, habits and abilities, +d photo anda facile to your desertion, ‘Check > Cheek your wet. — Progress check Vocabulary Animals and abilities 4 Lookat the photes and complete the eae mB eat Soaieen a t catered ih 5 Monkeys an f 6 catscan inthe dark Parts of the body 2 Lookat the photo and write words for parts ‘ofthe body. Grammar Can '3 Write sentences or questions, 4 she /run/ fest 2 cocodies Tune + dabpine [make [sounds ? 4 If win [308 5 Fennec foxes ump? 6 ions / sleep / 18-20 hours a day 7 4 Answer questions 3 and 5 from Exercise 3, ‘Question Questions fz pints Revision '5 Complete the questions and answers with are, 10, does and hove. 4 _tigers got bg ears? Yes they 2 ___sugar gliders eat insects? Yes, they 3 the poison dart fog Ive in rainforests? Vest 4 ‘there any ions in the 200? Yes, there “18 points: {© Complete the sentences with the present simple frm ofthe verbs in brackets. 4 Fennec foxes (pot tie in rainforests. They. (ive in deser. 2 Manuel (not go) tothe aquarium inthe morning He Gopinthe afternoon. i Pil —_ “This uit’ projects to play an animal guessing game. Lookat the cards, aa read the questions and answers, and guess the animal Canit swim? — No, teat Does it eat animals? No it doesnt Masi gor big eyes? ~No, Ithastt anit fy? —No team anit jump? — No, icant Hasit gota tall2—Ves,Ithas, Isitsmall?— No, itis. Does it travel in groups? ~Yes, it does. Canitrun? Yes, can, but not very fast! Has it go big ears? —Yes, 2 Create the cards. Work in groups of four. Create 36 animal cards. You can make drawings, cutout pictures from newspapers or magazines, or search pictures online and pin them out, Write the name ofthe animal on tach ead, ‘Tiss of animals to help you. You can also choose other animals and use a dictionary ar ask your teach tiger olphin crocodile duck bird Hon kangaroo giraffe monkey at horse ota sugarglder fog fox dos raccoon sloth whale elephant 3 You're now ready to play! Workin pais. Here are some ideas to help you Place your 16 animal cars face up on your desk. Each player chooses and writes the name of an animal ona small pece of paper. Take turns asking questions and guessing the animals, Use the questions in Step 1 asa med 4 Choose the correct options. This is Maggle Dent. She () is / are from the USA. She (2) live / tives in Los Angeles, a city {@)in /on California, Los Angeles has (q) beaches beautiful / beautiful beaches. Maggie loves yoga. She (5) do / can do yous and she can (6) teach / teaches it too. She's +3 years old and she's a yoga instructor! On a typical day, Maggie (7) getup / gets up early and (8) do / does yoge. Then she goes to school. nthe aftemoon, she does homework and (@)in on Tuesdays, she (20) gives / give yoga classes. (1) His / Her classes ae from 5,00 10 6.00 pm. (12) There are / Are there any adults yr classes? Yes, (13) there is / there are! £2 Correct the sentences. Write a negative and an affirmative sentence. 4 Maggies fom London. 2 Magale plays video games inthe afternoon, 3 She canteach music. 14 Her students go to class on Wednesdays. ‘3 Complete the questions and answers. 2 Maggie meet fiends on Saturdays? ves, she 2 you watch Maggie's videos on YouTube? 3 ‘any nice beaches in California? ‘Yes, there Consolidation B A teenage yoga instructor Mageie (xa) have got / has got students of al ages ~from 4 to 60 years old. What (as) does Maggle / does Maggie do Inher free time? She (s6) isnt / aren't always on her mobile phone. She (67) Sometimes watches / watches sometimes Vand she usually (18) study / studies yoga. 4 -Magae swim inthe ocean? Yes, she 4 Look at the photo and complete the text with the words rom the box. sleep climb head can We tall eat sit @. animals do yoga? Some animals can! Lookat the lemur inthis photo. Lemurs sit Ina youa pose every morning. And they can (inthis pose for hours! Lemurs have gt a small (3) anda tong They () fruit, leaves and insects during the day and they © uring the night. They can trees. They @ on the atican sland of Madagascar. A photographer's view 1+ GED warn rennet ® grapher and listen. Then answer. 4 Who is James Tindal? 12 Where does he take photos of animale? 3 When does he take phatos of onimals? hats spacial about the book The African 2 Complete the sentences with the corect form of ‘the verbs in brackets. You can watch the segment ‘ofthe video again to check your answers. 2 James Tindal__ (et up) very eat. 2 Animals (be) usually active inthe ‘morning, 3 Some animals _(lay) inthe 4 James Tindal __(not have go 2 favourite animal 5 He (not / take) photos at night 6 He day. 7 Atte end ofthe day, animals —_ (ale) backo their sleeping place. 8 They (Gat / go) to waterholes to rink water at ght (take) photos atthe end ofthe ‘3 Complete the sentences about lions withthe correct affirmative or negative form ofthe verbs In brackets. You can watch the segment ofthe video agai to check your answers. 1 Uons (6) family animals. 2 They (live) in groups. 3 Male fone live) in the same soup all her ives 4 Female lions — 5 Male lions (hund for food unt) for Food, 4 Rewrite the sentences. Put the adverbs of frequency nthe correct place. + James Tindal gets up eal. (always) 2 He sees animals in waterholes. (often) Fi eee eel ‘4 Lions hunt at night. usually) 5 lames Tindal takes photos at night. (neve) 4 My world Vocabulary Personal information 4 Complete withthe words fom the box. 3 Surname 4 Gly 5 County: 6 Email address 77 Phone number: 2 Crete od one out 4 Juan= Francisco -Helena 2 Barcelona Santa Fe=aly Texas 3 usta Argentina France Mar el Pata 4 4700909— sym 5 Jsxer—Leonon~Susen~Corey 6 tational Pubic Seo ~ Pack School ~ Weston Sehool 312367768, 'S Write the odd words from Exercise 2 Inthe table. First name Surname Heméndez Grammar Present simple - be: affirmative and negative; Subject pronout 4. Complete the sentences wth shor forms of be. 4 She from New York 2 We a3 years old 31 astudent. 4 They. my lends. 5 He inmy cass. 15 Wiite sentences. 1 Thomas | Aegentine-/ Canada “Tomas ot fom Argentina He 2 Julia | -SomeFe-/ Cordoba 13 Kevin and Sam /irmyetoss-/ Class 9 44 Juan and / Brest) Argentina 5 Texas | Argentine / the USA {© Complete with the correct subject pronouns. TistsAaton. (He is from Peru. (2) is ‘4 years old His email adress apf@mmailcom ‘Aaron and Daniel are good ends. @. are students at Colegio Real de San Martin (0) ae from Lima, Thisis toma. 6) my cass. (6 Canada. () Years. RCT aE Laake) Present simple ~ be: affirmative and negative; Subject pronouns ‘A. Complete the sentences withthe correct affirmative form of be. 2 Myname Ean, 2 Paulo, from Bra 4 He___in mylar 5 she Mara 6 Maria and send 7 Ths. yeas. 2 You ass 7G 1B Rewrite the sentences in Exercise A. Make them negative. 2 Mysore i an In pairs ‘A Listen to Student 8 and complete the table. Student B, goto paze 8. © Complete the sentences withthe words from the bos. 4 Myrameis Fran. 1 _am from Mexico, 2 Thisisuana. Isin Years. 3 ThisisFacundo. isa student. 44 These are Jan and Jennifer. aremy feienas 5 Smith Sarah, arein class 7th. 6 He's fom Santa Rosa Isa big cy. 7 Please come wth me. areinmy D Complete the sentences with the correct form of ‘be and information about you. 4 Myname (be). at. (6) rom 3 |____ 060 in lass__. at 0) years ol st (be) student at school 6 Myemail address. (be) —__ Student A, look at this page. 1B Look at the table and make sentences about Nicole. as ab aie — : end qu «: Vocabulary | Countries and cities 7 Makeup the names ofseven more capital cles, ‘Then write them under each question. 28) ton} ma} 96) 005) ton) 80 | se} ne} UI pa} ne) wal HE) fue} don} | AL] ae] 1 Wats the capt ety of hina? Belng 2 Whats the capital ct of France? 3 What the capital ty ofthe USA? 4 Whatis the capital cy of tay? ‘5 Whatis the capital cy of Argentina? 6 Whats the capital ey of gland? 7 Whatisthe capital city of Perut Grammar Present simple - be: questions & Write questions. Then answer. + you teacher? ‘Arey teacher Nanna. 2 your father student? 3 Maroon 5 | from Mexico? 4 we fear st 5 Mar del Plata / city? 6 you / from Argentina? J your email address? © Match the answers tothe questions. Who is Andrew? 12 Whereis Milan? ‘3 Whats the capital of Venezuela? 14 Who are you? 5 ‘Whereis Linda ron? leis Caracas. lam Fed Iris in tay She's fom Peru. Hels my frend. 410 Find five questions and write them next othe answers Thre is anextra answer. wnere | peru? | of | capital | the we | you | trom | whoa] is were | _boye<-{—thet-| What is | setrader | they | ave | wna 1 Who sista? __He is my fiend, 2 ‘Lima, 3 Itis in Serbia, 4 Iimftom Argentina 5 ‘They aren Sata 6 They are my fends. Extra Grammar Practice Present simple - be: questions {A Order the words to make questions. © Read the answers and complete the questions country (a / Brazil /is |? with the words fom the box. 5 utr ond uaa Amen in)? 3 heerenyiayt i you / Argentina / are } in / ? 5, Buenos Aires and Santiago de Chile / are { 4 Who's that? ‘small cities J ? ‘My English teacher. ‘utente i/o fom? sche | sin South er ; ‘eyour email address? It's, 'stull? ‘She's my frend. 'sthe capital of tly? es Rome 1B Answer the questions in Exercise A. 6 'sDubai? les nthe United Arab Emirates. 1D Complete the questions and answers. 45 Madrid the capita of Spain, Yes itt 3 4 5 6 Belingn Japan? 3 the studentsin class? Yes, they 4 Lima and Bogot in Europe? No they. inbalis Sater. A Lookatthe table and make sentences boutTin. Listen fo Student Aan complete the table. @ tints years od jeer fi Name To Age {ee a que tell Saino eres Year 7 cass ‘lass he iy County = ‘ly / Country _| Bristol acyin he UK Reading An invitation 444 Read the invitation, How old is Alejandra Molina? sty, International Summer School Hi, everybody! ‘We are students in Year 8. We are from different countries. Giacomo is from Florence, a city in Italy. Ginter is from Berlin, the capital city of Germany. Rebecca is from Haifa, a city in Israel Alfonso and Javier are friends. They are from Madrid, the capital city of Spain. Tam Alejandra Molina, lam from Argen:ina Join the Music Club! *-sx2sudestin the rteratona Summer School? Come and join us! 42 Read again and write rueor False. Then correct 13 Read again and answer the false sentences, ited 4 Two students are from capital ities, — 12 Whereis Florence? 101s not rom Spain. 3 Whatis Bertin? 3 Alejandra is fom Spain, ‘4 re Afonso an Javier students in Year 9? ‘4 Gunteris from a capi ity. — 5 Is Rebecca rom Argentina? 5 Haifa isthe tal city of srl re Speaking Talking about favourite bands and singers 44 Order the lines 1-8 to make a conversation. Then practise it in pats. 8 Image Dragons, Cool. My favourite band is Coldplay. 1 Listento this song. 4 __Theyte my favourite band. They' from Las Vogas, acityinthe USA, Coldplay? Who are they? They are great! Writing Photo captions 15 Use capital laters, commas ful tops and apostrophesto write captions, Then complete the last capt on, 4 thisismytiendpeterheisatinmyclasshesfiom oriandoaciyintheusahesaverygaodtiend Tsien end Deer 2 thesearemyfriendstomasandjuantheyaretrom iguazuanimportantcltyinargentinjuanistaand {omasisiswereinyearBweareverygoodtiends 5 thisiememynametzantoniaiminyeardatapuble secondarychoolimfromriogallegasinargentina 4 thisisimaghedragonstsmytavourte bana ‘ 1 Yes. They'e four men. They're from England and Scotland. b 416 Match the captions in Exercise 5 tothe photos. ‘at © ug ug a, YS! Play with a classmate, Choose noughts or «crosses. Then in turns, choose a word, aska ‘question, draw your symbol on the game board and wit frre yr ed 2 Families Vocabulary Family 4 Complete the words a mother 5 81__d_o_h 6 g_anmt_r rut 2 Look at Jon's family tee and read. Complete the text and the names in thetree. at a Bearish ‘sibs abn Hi there! 'm John and this s ny fei My mother's name is () ‘Shes go. My father's name is George. Hes 42, wa) name is Sabrina and my brothers name's Jack. They are 2. Frida is my father's @) ‘She ls in (@) Frida and Gregory are my father’s parents. They are my grandparents ‘My mother’ fathers Nichola. He is my (6) Magia is my mother's mother. ‘hes my Abbie s my mother's sister. She ismy @). reais my mother's brather, He is my (8). Grammar Fossessive adjectives and possessive’s ‘3 Choose the correct options. 1iy) Her name teeter 22 These are Susan's brothers. Wis / Their names ae Rolf and Gus. 3 My grandfathers from Spain, His / Her name is Fernando. 4 Whatis your / myname? 5 Sonia is my mothers mater. We ove thelr cour grandma, 6 Thisismy fiends dog Tei Its name is Nappy. 4 Compete wit possessive adjectives. 4 Look! This ismy sister. He name Jackie 2 Theyare my uncles. and Bad 3 Wearein tassfoom. 4 Ae What’ your brothers name? name Frank 5 Look st this photo! This is me and this is father. 15 Remit the sentences using ful forms. ‘Then circle the possessive Sin red. 4 My mum's name's Vera rare ers 2 My brothers in China ames are 3 Hersisters a student in Years. ‘4 Cathys Alexia sister 5 Tee's mothers young, 6 Alberts dog's name's Fido

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