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History | Graded Assignment | Cast Your Vote

Name: Leticia Fuzari Date: 12\11\2021

Graded Assignment
Cast Your Vote!
The campaign of 1828 was unlike any other that had come before it. For the first time electors in most states were
chosen by popular vote. The electorate had been expanded so that there was universal suffrage among white

Suppose you had lived during the time period of the 1828 election. Would you have voted for Andrew Jackson?
(50 points)


1. Write a well-constructed essay supporting either Andrew Jackson or the re-election of John Quincy Adams.
Keep the following points in mind as you write your essay:
● Determine your position and plan your essay by listing the reasons for it.
● Be sure you back up your position with clearly stated reasons. Use at least one primary source.
● Read your essay aloud to be sure that it makes sense.
● Check your grammar, spelling, and punctuation.

In 1828 the USA was at the period of presidential elections. The dispute was considerably tight and not at
all fair, the options were the re-election of John Quincy Adams or Andrew Jackson, the popular military hero.
Neither are saints, nor, in my opinion, perfect for the charge, however, I would have voted for Adams, since he is
the one who has more potential and knowledge to be a president, and stands up more to my beliefs than the
Firstly, Adams is more suitable to this position, he graduated in Harward, and was once a Senator,
secretary of State for James Monroe, besides from being involved in many laws of the Constitution and serving
as a diplomat, including in the Treaty of Ghent, one of the reasons he is hated for, but this will be talked about
later on. He had a great mind, spoke seven languages, was acquainted with the majority of the most important
European Leaders, along with the fact that he was ambassador to many European countries, therefore, he had
stable relationships with these people, which would obviously help when needed. Whereas, despite being a great
warrior, Jackson had no capabilities whatsoever to handle a country, he did not have any knowledge of other
languages, he could barely write on his own, due to, I imagine, his poor, or lack, of education.
Secondly, Jackson would never have been an option to me. First of all, he is pro-slavery and grew hatred
towards native americans, he already had showed signs of this while only being a candidate and after that
moment too. According to “Aventuras na História” he had over 500 slaves during his lifetime, and during his
presidency he was leader of the program Trail of Tears which intended to torture native americans and force them
to immigrate. These memories of his awful legacy are resulting in burning disgust and anger, so much that in 2020
manifestants tried to knock it down. While Adams abominated slavery and as stated in “Digital History” he
partially defended the native americans rights, he supported the ideia that the government couldn’t just annex
their lands, but that they should purchase or trade them.

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History | Graded Assignment | Cast Your Vote

Thirdly, Adam was discarded by many because of their, in my point of view, unreasonable hate towards
him. Since Adam was one of the US diplomats for the Treaty of Ghent, which ended The War of 1812, many
considered him as a unpatriotic man, due to the fact that this treaty with England to finish the war was saw as an
act of disbelief in the country’s population and their soldier, and a kind of surrender to the enemy, and, to intensify
his campaign Jackson fed that lie, and, as a important soldier in this war, he was seen as the opposite of his
opponent, a nationalist. However, Adam loved his country, according to “Comozed” he even opposed the Stamp
Act, on the grounds that it interfered in the colonists’ rights. As a proof of his sense of nationalism and ability of
being an open minded person he strongly supported economic growth by building roads and canals, and signing
protective tariffs. But the public opinion, less revolutionary, especially the South’s because of the protective tariffs,
were against his behavior.
Lastly, these are the reasons why I would have voted for John Quincy Adams, and, like I said, even
though I don’t completely agree with all his ideais, which is the fact that he did not trust in the public opinion and
believed in the elite of Republicanism, he was the best option available back in the election of 1828.

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Your Score ___ of 50

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