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Far East Asia Pacific Institute of Tourism Science and Technology

A Qualitative Research: The Negative Effects of Online

Games to the Academic Behavior of the Selected Grade

11 ICT Students of FEAPITSAT Colleges - Tanza

Prepared by:

De Vera, Bon Kristian N.

Mercado, Angelo Carl B.

Inso, Dante M.

Laguardia, Sean Francis M.

Marquez, John Brex



The Problem and its Background


In this generation, people seems to embrace technology, mostly

computers as a part of their life. Computers has a many features that the users

may enjoy. Especially students who often use computers in their generation.

There's a lot of uses that a computer can do to those who uses it. It can be their

way of relaxing, releasing out their stress, entertaining themselves and so on. For

students, it has been their main source of information, using computers to finish

their home work or school projects which is way more convenient for them.

People looks like they can’t stop using computer. How many times do you

use computer for a day? People would take a look on their computer and ended

up to playing computer games. This shows an addiction towards computers and

any other technology. Technology addiction expert, Dr. David Greenfield, refers

to computer as “the world’s best slot machine.” He explains that computers, just

like slot machines, operate on a variable reinforcement schedule. “Every once in

a while you get a reward… a piece of information, a notification, an email, an

update… something comes through that you find salient or pleasurable, but you

don’t know when you’re going to get it, what it’s going to be and how good it’s

going to be.” This is exactly the same reinforcement schedule as a slot machine.
What’s highly addictive about these things is the idea and the neurobiological

expectation they set up that a reward is coming, but you don’t know when you’re

going to get it.

Background of the Study

The researcher's created the study for us to know the negative effects of

online games to the academic performance of the students.

Computer give students access to tools that can help them complete and

stay on top of their class work. These tools can also teach students to develop

better study habits, like time management and organization skills. Computers can

also give students access to more information, letting them research more about

a topic while having class discussions. This is especially true for current events

that have not yet been covered in school textbooks. While computers can be

used as learning tools, it is a challenge to make sure students are using them for

school-related tasks. A computer can easily turn from “class learning tool” into

“class disruption”.

Students were seeming to embrace computers as a part of their journey.

There are lot of uses of computer that the students can use one of these uses is

online gaming. The researchers want to know what are the negative effect of

online games to the academic performance of the students.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to know the perceived effects of the Online Games to the

academic performances among the selected ICT Student of FEAPITSAT Tanza.

1. How does Online Games affect Academic Behavior?

2. What are the lessons learned when playing Online Games?

3. How do students focus on activities, which require more attention?

Objectives of the Study

1. To know how does Online Games affect Academic Behavior?

2. To know what are the lessons learned when playing Online Games?

3. To know how do students focus on activities, which require more

Purpose of the Study

This purpose of the study is to serve as a guide to the future researchers

that may need to know the Negative Effects of Online Games to the Academic

Performance of the Students. These may also benefit the society and the



Assumption 1

Online Games does not have a negative effect to the Academic Behavior

of Grade 11 Students.

Assumption 2

Online Games does have a negative effect to the Academic Behavior of

Grade 11 Students.

Significance of the Study

Research study will help the readers to understand about the effects of

online games. Future researches may serve as a basis for future research that

they will conduct.

This study will benefit the following:

Students. Students use online games to get things out of the way. They

are always doing it to speed up their work of projects or assignments. The

students were able to know the negative effects of online games to their own

academic performance. Revise, ano kahalaggahan ng study na ito sa mga

student, tignan nyo ginawa nyo sa ibang significance un ang tama

Teachers. This study is important because it can help teachers to teach

the students about the negative effects of online games in their study habit. And it

is also help to prevent the increasing addictive people in playing online games.

This study will sure that playing online games is have a good and bad effect in

students, teachers and their child and also to their relatives.

Parents. This study is important because as a parents, they need to know

what are the commonly issues about teenagers and to know if their child is

addicted or have a status about playing online games and also as a parents they

teach them child how to prevent playing online games and to prevent being

addicted to playing online games and to teach how may online games can harm

or help them they will be benefited by they will have more time and

communication with their children. They surely know how to limit their child from

playing online games by guiding them wisely.

Community. This study can become a guide to the community for them to

know the negative effects of online games to the academic performance of the

students pakicheck sa correction ko, pinatanggal ko ata to

Future researchers. This will serve as their basis for their upcoming

research that has similar topic.

Conceptual Framework


Grade 11 Students Online Games Negative Effects to
the Academic

Scope and Limitation criteria of respondents dapat nakabullet, kulang kayo

timeline and location of study

This study focuses on identifying the negative effects of online games to

the academic performance of the students.

This study was limited to the students whose studying at FEAPITSAT

Colleges – Tanza. The respondents will be the Grade 11 male ICT Students. The

students were playing online games for around 4 to 7 years. The students were
playing online games for Relaxing, removing stress, for gaming and chatting with

people, researching school works and home works. Remove this, this is wrong

Definition of Terms some meaning are taken in the dictionary, hindi lahat

yan ay gawa ni mercdo

Convenient - suited to personal comfort or to easy performance (Mercado,


Salient - most noticeable or important (Mercado, 2020)

Neurobiological - is the study of cells of the nervous system and the

organization of these cells into functional circuits that process information and

mediate behavior. (Mercado, 2020)

Disruption - disturbance or problems which interrupt an event, activity, or

process. (Mercado, 2020)

Perceived - become aware or conscious of something. (Mercado, 2020)

Eradicated - to do away with as completely as if by pulling up by the roots.

(Mercado, 2020)

Compelling - The researcher used this word to apply to our study as the gamers

can’t resist playing online games. (Mercado, 2020)

Gamer - The researchers used this word to describe the person who interested
playing online games. (Mercado, 2020)

Online Games - in the research, online games pertain to the thing

that most students got addicted with played through the internet using

mobile phone or computer. (Mercado, 2020)


Review of Related Research

Related Literature

In this research, we learned and find helpful information about the negative

effects of Online Games to the Academic Performance of Selected Grade 11 ICT

Students of FEAPITSAT Tanza. This Chapter presents a brief review of related

literature and studies, both local and foreign that is related to these studies.

A. Local Literature

Nowadays, children and young people were engaged in playing online

games. This game is a video game that can be played via Internet or Online.

They choose this hugely popular game because it inspires the users to complete

different challenges in which they can interact or link up different players around

the world. It also teaches the players to have teamwork and cooperation when

playing as well as planning, decision making and formulating strategies like what

they do in real life situations. (Online gaming, 2011)

According to an article by ABS CBN News, Online Game Development in

the Philippines are blooming. It also has a lot of potential on providing jobs and

services right now, they also have a few professionals related and responsible for

creating games provided in our industry who are trained in the field of gaming

and information technology industry. This has a comparison from other countries

such as China, Singapore, and Malaysia as stated also by an executive from

China that they have 50,000 game developers ready to make an online game. If

we were to compete with them, it would make a great difference or impact in

game development if they start at schools or earlier of possible so that

companies that develop games could hire a highly skilled team for the job.

According to an article by Philippine Gamers Association, Online Games is

one of the many reason it affects the academic performance of the students

mainly many students focused on the games called League of Legends, DOTA or

Defense of the Ancients, CS-GO or Counter Strike Global Offensive, also added

by them that one of the many games listed 25% of the student are addicted to

these games that it affects their academic performance that results to their low

performance in school.

According to the article “The Gamification of Education: Why Playing is the

Future of Learning” by Michael Logarta (June 11, 2014), more and more students

can benefit more in Gamification of education rather than using traditional way of

teaching way of educating students. Gamification means using games mechanics

to make teaching more interesting, motivating, casual and fun for students. So

instead of restricting them from playing games, why not use certain games that

can increase their knowledge, memorization and skills. Also, of lessons are given

in a game – like manner, students would tend to remember it more than lectures

that are stated in a news – like manner.

According to an article by the student’s learning takes place

unexpectedly, but the inappropriate usage of playing online games also leads in

some problems such as being distracted in school. Further, it is where the

attention of the child was divided that even their health and social life is

unknowingly affected.

B. Foreign Literature

As of today, most people relate online games to low

a c a d e m i c performance. Through the years, studies have yielded different

results. Some of them say that they are co-related when some say that they are

not. According to Anderson and Dill (2000), there is a negative

correlation between the two. Thus, meaning that there is no relation between

the number of hours played by a player and his grades. At times, the students

defend the games they are playing by saying that they do learn something

from it. A paper from EDUCAUSE backs these students up by suggesting that

the faculty learn and know about these games to help students in in class

learning experience (Hitch and Duncan, 2005). Furthermore, another paper

claims that these games are not just for entertainment (Shaffer, Squire,

Halverson, & Gee, 2005). They claim that these games may be used to

learn and experience different things and interact with other people and

belong to a virtual community.

Online games have both positive and negative effects on

people, especially students. One of the negatives is this. Many cases

among students are addiction. And this addiction may lead to worse problems.

The students might steal money.They may become lazy when it comes to

studying and prefer playing the whole day long. Some may even skip school in

order to have more playing time. (Sujat Ali Hamza) A d d i c t e d g a m e r s

s p e n d s o m u c h t i m e p l a y i n g t h a t t h e i r p e r s o n a l re l a ti on sh ip s ge t

n e gl e cte d an d so me ti me s di sa pp e a r al to g e th e r. Amon g addicted

gamers who are married, up to 50 percent report a strain in their

m a r r i a g e a s a r e su l t o f t h e i r a d d i c t i o n . A d d i c t e d g a m e r s a l s o

n e g l e c t t h e responsibilities of everyday life such as school and work. (UNC-

OASIS). In the world of today, there are different genres of online games. First

are the console games. Console games are more commonly referred to

as videogames. They are played on a device specially made for game play

called a videogame console. The player interacts with the game through a

controller, a hand-held device with buttons and joysticks or pads. Video and

sound are received by the gamer though a television. Examples of consoles

include the Microsoft Xbox, Sony PlayStation, Nintendo GameCube, and

Nintendo Wii. Second are the real-time strategy games. This is a type of video

game in which players exercise strategy along the way, typically to conquer

enemies and reach a final destination without being eradicated. For example,

to win, players decide which routes to take, what needs to be done and how

to do it. Contrast with first-person shooter. Third are the cross-platform

online games. Developing software for, or ru nn i n g so ftw a re on , mo re

th a n on e typ e o f h a rdw a re pl a tfo rm. Th e mo st universal cross

platform application is the Web browser. Written for every de skto p

comp uter an d mo bile pl atfo rm, Web brow se rs rend er Web pa ges

“almost" the same no matter which computer they run on.

According to an article by Bartleby Research 25% of students out of 100

students prefer studies over online gaming, also added by them that many

student uses gaming as a platform to studying. Most student say that gaming is
like a modern textbook they can use to learn a lot of stuff like accuracy in playing

fps games and increasing logic skills by playing logical games. Many of them

takes games as an advantage for them to kill their time or escape their own cells

Chapter III


Method of Research

Qualitative research is a scientific method of observation to gather non-

numerical data. Qualitative research is widely used by political science, social

work, and education researchers. This is important for the researchers there are

variables that are not quantifiable such as perceptions and preferences through

this, the researcher will emphasize the opinion or even though interviews and

experiences of respondents. The researcher used exploratory design because

we can further study as researchers and we still want to know what is the

negative effects of Online Game's to the Academic Performance of students.

Exploratory research is a research used to investigate a problem which is not

clearly defined. It is conducted to have a better understanding of the existing

problem, but will not provide conclusive results.

Locale of the Study

The study will be conducted in the Tanza Cavite. The respondents will be

interviewed in their classroom or any comfortable place that the respondent will

choose to. These respondents will be interviewed via in person and use a voice

recorder to record what they say. The study will be conducted in the second

semester of the academic year 2019-2020.

Description of the Respondents

The researcher's interviewed random Grade 11 ICT students and they all

play Online Games in different platforms. Someone play in their mobile phones

some students in computer. The respondents age is ranging from 16 to 19. The

researcher's need to gather 15 respondents in total.

Sampling Techniques ano ba talaga? Purposive o

random? Ditto din dapat nakalagay kung ilang

respondents ang kukunin nyo

Purposive Random Sampling is used in this research. Purposive Random

sampling refers to a variety of selection techniques in which sample members are

selected by chance, but with a known probability of selection. Most social

science, business, and agricultural surveys rely on random sampling techniques

for the selection of survey participants or sample units, where the sample units

may be persons, establishments, land points, or other units for analysis. Random

sampling is a critical element to the overall survey research design. The

Researchers selected Random Students from Grade 11 ICT to be the

researcher's respondents, for us to know what are the negative effects of Online

Games to the Academic Performance of Grade 11 students.

Instrumentation describe the questions (how many,

tungkol saan, ilang category etc.)

The researchers used self-constructed questions for the respondents. The

researchers used a voice recorder that will serve as our evidence and basis for

our research topic. The researchers used Semi-structured interview, a semi-

structured interview is a meeting in which the interviewer does not strictly follow a

formalized list of questions. They will ask more open-ended questions, allowing

for a discussion with the interviewee rather than a straightforward question and


Data Gathering Procedures bawal nga “we” dba, bawal

din ung ibang nakared

The research began with the development of the research title. We started

by researching ideas and developing a variety of research titles that would be a

great fit in our group and would surely be enjoyed by the panels that will read our

research title. After our Title Defense and our research title was approved, we

started doing our research which we continued in Chapter 2 after we finished

Chapter 2 we started doing our interview questions so that we would not have
difficulty in furthering our research later. After doing the research questions we

also started to produce an interview approval letter to legalize our interview with

the respondents within the FEAPITSAT Tanza school campus. This Letter was

approved by our Practical Research 1 adviser Pablito Flores and our school

Academic Head Roberto Digno. After our letter got approved, we considered

which respondents we will choose to answer our research interview questions,

we selected the male students of ICT Grade 11. We chose the male students of

ICT Grade 11 because they are the most frequently used and play online games

and we also think that they are more aware of the negative effects of online

games on them. Our questions were translated into Tagalog so that our

respondents could better understand, we also explained to the respondents

about the reason why we are interviewing, we also told our respondents that we

could ask them where they were more comfortable answering our questions, after

they answered our questions we thank them because they answered our

questions correctly and honestly. After we interviewed our respondents we began

to tally the answers of our respondents in Chapter 4 of our research study, after

which we were able to put together the coded version of their answers and their

interpretations. Our research culminated in the making of chapter 5 of our

research study. - remove ung malaking nakared, nagconclude agad kayo

Chapter IV
Findings and Interpretation bawal ang because


What are the negative R1- Masama ang epekto nito -Hindi nakaka pag

effects of online games to naaadik ako at nawawalan focus sa pag-aaral.

your studies? ako ng oras sa pag-aaral.

R2- Hindi nakakabuti dahil sa

mas inuuna nila ang pag-

lalaro ng games kaysa pag-


R3- Kakulangan ng oras sa

pag-gagawa ng gawain sa


R4- Magpupuyat ka kakalaro

at maaadik.

R5- Masama ang epekto ng

Online Games hindi ko na

nagagawa ang mga takdang-

aralin ko.

R6- Malaki kasi,

nababawasan ang oras sa

mga subject.

R7- Hindi ako makapag-

focus sa aking pag-aaral.

R8- The bad effect of Online

Games is maaaring

makasama ito sa ating


R9- Labis na kakulangan sa

oras ng pasg-aaral.

R10- Pagpupuyat at

napapabayaan ang kanilang


R11- Naisasantabi ko na ang

aking pag-aaral

R12- Hinde ako nakakagawa

ng mga gawaing eskwela.

R13- Hindi ako nakakagawa

ng mga Gawain sa eskwela.

R14- Maaapektuhan ang

pag-aaral at sa ibang bagay.

R15- Maaaring hindi ako

makapag-focus sa studies


According: To an article by Philippine Gamers Association, Online Games is

one of the many reason it affects the academic performance of the students

mainly many students focused on the games called League of Legends, DOTA or

Defense of the Ancients, CS-GO or Counter Strike Global Offensive, Mobile

Legends, also added by them that one of the many games listed 25% of the

student are addicted to these games that it affects their academic performance

that results to their low performance in school.

Interpretation: Students nowadays, keep using Online Games even there's a

negative effect to the students’ academic performance. Grade 11 ICT Students in

FEAPITSAT Tanza can't focus on their studies because their time goes to play

Online Games and forgetting all the projects in school.


Which do you prioritize R1- Pag-aaral, mas -Pag aaral kasi ito

Online Games or your mahalaga yon kesa sa ang mag-bibigay ng

studies? Why? Online Games. magandang buhay as

R2- Pag-aaral, mas uunahin atin.

ko ang pag-aaral dahil

sayong ang baon na

binibigay ng aking magulang.

R3- Pag-aral, dahil dito

nakasalalay ang aking

pangarap sa buhay.

R4- Pag-aaral, para umahon

sa kahirapan.

R5- Parehas dahil

nagbibigay alis ang Online

Games at pag-aaral dahil

nagbibigay ito ng kaalaman

sa akin.

R6- Education, because it

will make more achievement.

R7- Kasi ito ang

makakatulong at magiging

tulay para sa maginhawang


R8- Pag-aaral, kasi hindi

naman ako nag-o Online

Games minsan lang.

R9- Pag-aaral, dahil walang

maidudulot ang Online

Games sa akin.

R10- Pag-aaral, dahil ditto

nakasalalay an gating


R11- Syempre pag-aaral,

dahil mas kailangan koi to

kaysa sa pag-lalaro.

R12- Pag-aaral, kasi ito ang

magbibigay ng magandang

buhay sa akin.

R13- Pag-aaraal, kasi ito ang

magbibigay sa akin ng

magandang buhay.

R14- Pag-aaral dahil walang

maidudulot na mabuti ang

Online Games.

R15- Online Games, kasi

mas nakaka-enjoy at mas

nakakalibang ito sa atin.

According: According to an article by Bartleby Research 25% of students out of

100 students prefer studies over online gaming, also added by them that many

student uses gaming as a platform to studying. Most student say that gaming is

like a modern textbook they can use to learn a lot of stuff like accuracy in playing

fps games and increasing logic skills by playing logical games. Many of them

takes games as an advantage for them to kill their time or escape their own cells

Interpretation: Student more prioritize their studies even they play Online

Games. Most of the students chose to prioritize their studies because it will help

them for their future. It will help them to get a decent job when they graduated

from their studies.


Have you learned R1- Nag-try akong maglaro -Meron, matutong

anything from playing at wala naman akong dumiskarte sa

Online Games? naatutunang aral. anumang laban at

R2- Meron, din naman yun meron naman na

ang nagagamit sa CSS dahil nagsasabing wala

sa paglalaro, nahahasa ang sila natututunang aral

aking kamay mula sa online games

R3- Meron, sapagkat sa

bawat epekto nito sa akin ay

nagsisisilbing aral upang

upang mas pagbutihin ko

ang aking pag-aaral.

R4- Meron, may mga laro

kasi na ang kailangan ay


R5- Ang napulot kong aral

ay pakikisalamuha sa ibang


R6- None, because it’s not

related to education.

R7- Wala, sa totoo lang ang

Online Games ay ang

sumisira sa aking pag-aaral.

R8- Wala, kasi wala naming

magandang dulot ang pag-

lalaro ng Online Games.

R9- Wala, dahil hindi ko

naman ito magagamit sa


R10- Wala, dahil ang pag-

lalaro ng mga Online Games

ay pampalipas lamang ng

iyong oras.

R11- Meron, natutunan ko

na wag susuko sa kahit

anong laban.

R12- Meron, huwag maging

adik sa Online Games para

hindi mapabayaan ang pag-


R13- Meron, matutong

lumaban sa anumang

pagsubok sa buhay.

R14- Wala, dahil ang Online

Games ay nakakasira lang

sa ating kalusugan at pag-

R15- Oo, mas tumataas ang

diskarte o strategy lalo na

kung Mind Games.

According: According to the article “The Gamification of Education: Why Playing

is the Future of Learning” by Michael Logarta (June 11, 2014), more and more

students can benefit more in Gamification of education rather than using

traditional way of teaching way of educating students. Gamification means using

games mechanics to make teaching more interesting, motivating, casual and fun

for students. So instead of restricting them from playing games, why not use

certain games that can increase their knowledge, memorization and skills. Also,

of lessons are given in a game – like manner, students would tend to remember it

more than lectures that are stated in a news – like manner.

Interpretation: Students think online games as part of their life, for them it is like

a skill training program that help them to improve their own skill and experience in

handling computer.


By playing Online Games R1- Hindi ako nakapag -Hindi kasi nauubos

can you focus on your focus kasi halos nakuha nito ang oras sa pag

studies? Why? ang oras ko. lalaro.

R2- Oo namn, 50% sap ag-

aaral 50% na pag-lalaro ng

Online Games.

R3- Hindi, sapagkat

nakakahati ito ng oras ng


R4- Oo, kasi minsan na lang

ako nag-lalaro ng Online


R5- Nakaka-focus namn ako

sap ag-aaral kase ang

Online Games para sa akin

ay isang pain killer.

R6- Hinde, kasi nalalamon

ng Online Games ang oras

ko sap ag-aaral.

R7- Hindi na, kasi minsan

labis na ang pag-lalaro ko

ng Online Games kaya

napapabayaan ko na ang

pag-aaral ko.

R8- Oo, kasi minsan lang

ako nag-lalaro.

R9- Hindi, dahil mas napag

tutuonan ko ng pansin ang

pag-lalaro ng Online Games

kesa sa pag-aaral.

R10- Hindi, dahil imbis na

sa pag-aaral nalang ibuhos

ko ang aking oras sap ag-

lalaro ng Online Games.

R11- Oo, basta marunong

ka mag manage ng oras.

R12- Hindi, mas nauuna

kong mag-laro at hindi na

ako nakaka-focus sa aking


R13- Hindi, mas nauuna ko

ang pag-lalaro at hindi na

ako nakakapag-focus sa

aking pag-aaral.

R14- Hindi, dahil hindi na

natin mabibigyan ng oras

ang ibang bagay o di kaya

ay ang pag-aaral.

R15- Hindi, kasi sa sobrang

nakakalibang nakakalimutan

ko na yung pag-aaral ko.

According: According to an article by the student’s learning takes place

unexpectedly, but the inappropriate usage of playing online games also leads in

some problems such as being distracted in school. Further, it is where the

attention of the child was divided that even their health and social life is

unknowingly affected.
Interpretation: Some students consider online games as a tool they can use to

consume their free time, while other students think online games as a barrier that

consume their time and prevents them from doing other more important thing.

Chapter V

Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation

Summary of Findings

The information the we interpreted about our research study from our

respondents has a negative effect to their academic performance, is unable to

focus on the education and is no longer have time to help with other things they

needed to do. They have time to play online games instead of themselves. In this

research of the negative effects of online games to the academic performance of

the students, there are reason why many students use online games as a tool to

relieve their stress. Many of these students can't focus on their studies for the

reason even though they have a limited amount of time they choose to play

online games than to focus on their study. We all know that playing online games

can be quite addictive it also may be the one to lead the negative effects of online

games to the students’ academic performance, some students more prioritize

their studies because they know it will help them to achieve their want in the

future and it can also help them to get a decent job in the future. Other students

use online games as a skill training program to help them improve their own skill

and experience in handling computer, lastly some students consider online

games as a program that consume most of their time. These summary of finding

are the results that our respondents have given to us.

Based on the above findings, the researchers accept the assume that

Online Games does have a negative effect to the Academic Behavior of Grade

11 Students. – anong assumption yan?

With the data that the researchers gathered, conclusions are made:

 The researchers found that online games affect your academic behavior

by consuming the free time you can use instead of playing online games

 The researchers learned that online games can be helpful and at the same

time it also can be the root of the negative effect to your academic


 The researchers concluded that they need to focus more on improving

their academic behavior than spending their time playing online games

Sagutin ang SOP, hindi ito ang sagot, dapat may kinalaman sa study and



Researcher formulated the following recommendations based on the

findings and conclusion drawn. Give advice, ginawa nyo is katulad langng

significance of the study

 Students, it will benefit in this study by having knowledge of the negative

effect of online games to their academic performance. For them to know

the consequence to their future if they became gamer.

 Parent or Guardian, it will help their children to stop playing online

games to know that it can result to the negative effect towards their

children’s academic performance.

 Teacher It will provide additional knowledge to identify the reason for

their low grades, and inadequate learning and to help students.

 Online Gamers, this research will give the information that playing

online games may result to the negative effects towards their academic


 Future Researcher, this study will help them to serve as a reference if

they have the same or related study. Giving them some information

about their study.

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