Jellyfish Impacts On Marine Aquaculture and Fisheries

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Jellyfish Impacts on Marine Aquaculture and


Mar Bosch-Belmar, Giacomo Milisenda, Lorena Basso, Thomas K. Doyle,

Antonella Leone & Stefano Piraino

To cite this article: Mar Bosch-Belmar, Giacomo Milisenda, Lorena Basso, Thomas
K. Doyle, Antonella Leone & Stefano Piraino (2021) Jellyfish Impacts on Marine
Aquaculture and Fisheries, Reviews in Fisheries Science & Aquaculture, 29:2, 242-259, DOI:

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2021, VOL. 29, NO. 2, 242–259


Jellyfish Impacts on Marine Aquaculture and Fisheries

Mar Bosch-Belmara,b , Giacomo Milisendac , Lorena Bassod, Thomas K. Doylee,f,
Antonella Leonea,g , and Stefano Pirainoa,d,h
Consorzio Nazionale Interuniversitario per le Scienze Del Mare (CoNISMa), Roma, Italy; bDepartment of Earth and Marine Science
(DiSTeM), University of Palermo, Palermo, Italy; cDipartimento di Ecologia marina integrata, Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn, Palermo,
Italy; dDipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie Biologiche ed Ambientali, Universita del Salento, Lecce, Italy; eSchool of Biological,
Earth and Environmental Sciences, University College Cork, Cork, Ireland; fMarine and Renewable Energy Centre, Environmental
Research Centre, University College Cork, Cork, Ireland; gIstituto di Scienze delle Produzioni Alimentari, Consiglio Nazionale delle
Ricerche (CNR-ISPA), Lecce, Italy; hMuseo di Biologia Marina “Pietro Parenzan”, Porto Cesareo, Italy

Over the last 50 years there has been an increased frequency and severity of negative Marine aquaculture;
impacts affecting marine fishery and aquaculture sectors, which claimed significant eco- fisheries; stinging gelatinous
nomic losses due to the interference of stinging gelatinous organisms with daily operational zooplankton; jellyfish
activities. Nevertheless, original scientific information on jellyfish-related incidents, their
consequences, and potential preventative and mitigation countermeasures is limited and
scattered across gray literature, governmental technical reports, and communication media.
A literature scan searching for records of any interactions between jellyfish and the marine
fishery/aquaculture sectors was carried out. Out of 553 papers, 90 contained original
information, referring to more than 130 cases worldwide of negative impacts of jellyfish on
marine fishery/aquaculture over the last century. Calling attention on too often neglected
socio-economic and ecological impacts of jellyfish blooms, the purpose of this paper is to
review and analyze the most up-to-date research on this subject and to provide a global
perspective on the importance of jellyfish impacts and their cascading effects on marine
fishery and aquaculture sectors.

Introduction controlling polyp and medusae budding and growth

Jellyfish aggregations are a natural feature of healthy rate of newly liberated medusae (Arai 1997; Purcell
pelagic ecosystems (Graham et al. 2001). Periodic fluc- 2007; Hubot et al. 2017). Ecosystem eutrophication
tuations in occurrence and abundance, alternating rar- has also been associated with increased jellyfish
ity to population blooms, are known for a number of blooms (Parsons and Lalli 2002) and overfishing has
gelatinous zooplankton taxa, including medusozoan been associated with some increases in jellyfish
cnidarians and ctenophores (Arai 1997; Shiganova blooms due to the removal of jellyfish predators and
1998; Boero et al. 2002, 2008; Hamner and Dawson competitors (Purcell et al. 2007; Richardson et al.
2009). In the last few decades, high-density jellyfish 2009; Utne-Palm et al. 2010). Moreover, the prolifer-
populations have been observed in many coastal areas ation of hard artificial substrates in the marine envir-
around the world (Goy et al. 1989; Brotz and Pauly onment (ocean sprawl) provides additional suitable
2012; Brotz et al. 2012; Condon et al. 2013; Canepa habitats for the polyps, the sessile life stage of many
et al. 2014). Global warming is considered to have medusozoan taxa (Richardson et al. 2009; Duarte
caused expansions in some jellyfish populations, et al. 2013; Bosch-Belmar et al. 2019). Conversely,
facilitated recruitment of invasive native and non- massive blooms (or outbreaks) and large aggregation
indigenous species (Boero et al. 2016) and migration (swarms) of gelatinous organisms may have broad
of tropical species to sub-tropical and temperate lati- negative consequences on many sea-based human
tudes (Boero et al. 2016). Water temperature may activities, including tourism and leisure, fishery and
regulate jellyfish physiological performances, aquaculture, and coastal industrial installations (e.g.,

CONTACT Giacomo Milisenda Dipartimento di Ecologia marina integrata, Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn, Palermo, Italy
ß 2020 The Author(s). Published with license by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives License (
nc-nd/4.0/), which permits non-commercial re-use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited, and is not altered, transformed,
or built upon in any way.

energy or desalination plants) (Purcell et al. 2013; De purpose of this paper is therefore to gather, review and
Donno et al. 2014; Lucas et al. 2014). analyze the state-of-art information on jellyfish impacts,
In recent years, negative interactions between jelly- and their cascading effects, on marine fishery and
fish aggregations and marine human activities are aquaculture sectors at global scale.
apparently increasing in frequency and severity (Purcell
et al. 2007; Brotz and Pauly, 2012; Bosch-Belmar,
Materials & methods
Azzurro et al. 2017). Many of these negative jellyfish
interactions may simply be due to the increased spatial An in-depth literature scan was carried out across Web
footprint of these coastal industries in recent decades of Science (WOS) and Google Scholar (GS) databases
regardless of any jellyfish increase (Bastian et al. 2011), searching for records of all kind of jellyfish interactions
however, many are also likely due to increases in with fisheries or marine aquaculture sectors. The
jellyfish blooms. Net clogging, catch deterioration and main search terms used, singly or in combination
increased fishing time and fuel consumption are among were “jellyfish” or “jellyfish bloom”, or “gelatinous
the most frequently reported impacts on fishing fleets plankton”; “impact” or “affect-ed” or “damage”;
worldwide (Purcell et al. 2007; Dong et al. 2010; “fisheries” or “fishermen”; “aquaculture” or “fish farm”
Palmieri et al. 2014). Indirect effects of jellyfish include or “facility”; “global” or “worldwide” or “Mediterranean”
predation on eggs and larvae, impairing recruitment or “Atlantic” or “Pacific.” The literature search aimed to
in fish populations of commercial interest, and sort out every kind of finding/reporting on the occur-
competition (especially with juvenile fish) for crust- rence of direct impacts of jellyfish on fishery or aquacul-
acean plankton, contributing to the shrinkage of fish ture sectors all over the world. This type of information
stocks (Purcell and Arai 2001; Milisenda et al. 2018; rarely comes in scientific publications as a targeted
Tilves et al. 2018). research objective or result; instead, it is more often
Marine aquaculture underwent a rapid expansion, encountered in the introduction or discussion sections,
now representing a key source of food production delivered as “personal communication,” or as a reference
worldwide (FAO 2020). The number of reports of to previous research or technical reports, or as informa-
jellyfish blooms interfering with finfish mariculture tion from newspapers or from popular social media
facilities or farmed fish health has increased over the (e.g., Facebook, Instagram), or sometimes as part
last 10–15 years. Whole jellyfish, or broken pieces of of citizen science campaigns.
jellyfish including tentacles, can be swept through Papers were examined and divided in two different
finfish cages by water currents, where they can sting groups/matrices, depending on the activity sector they
fishes leading to gill and skin injuries and eventually referred to (fishery vs. aquaculture). Within each
fish death (Baxter, Albinyana et al. 2011; Bosch- group, only those papers reporting direct impact of
Belmar, Milisenda et al. 2017). Moreover, hydrozoan jellyfish blooms (e.g., impediment of common harvest-
colonies, a key component of fouling assemblages in ing operations, displacement of fishing fleet from
aquaculture cages, are also known as a threat for mar- traditional fishing grounds, damage to gears or net
ine aquaculture due to direct contact envenomation or cages, damage or killing of harvested fish) were
through budding and release of free-living medusae, selected for (indirect effects such as fish larvae preda-
medusoid stages, or larvae armed with stinging cells, tion/competition were discarded). Information
too (Fitridge et al. 2012; Bosch-Belmar et al. 2019). obtained from manuscripts was organized in two dif-
So far, information on jellyfish bloom impacts on ferent groups. The fishery group included nine catego-
fisheries and aquaculture has been mostly collected ries: “report year” and “paper publication date,”
from sector workers through direct personal communi- “geographic area” (Mediterranean Sea, North and
cation and/or technical reports, and it is scattered in South Atlantic, North and South Pacific), “jellyfish
scientific papers usually focused on different topics, or species” (as presence/absence record), “jellyfish number
in gray literature and media. Nevertheless, to develop or biomass” (when available), “fishing gear,” “reported
adequate frameworks of marine spatial planning, impact” (damage on fishing nets, on the catch and on
coastal governance and sustainable development of the fishermen), “economic impact” (when available)
human activities at sea requires understanding the and “other information” considered relevant for the
complexity of the mechanisms of functioning of marine study. The aquaculture group also included nine cate-
communities through an ecosystem-based approach, as gories: “record date” and “paper publication date,”
adopted and recommended by the EU Marine Strategy “geographic area,” “jellyfish species” (as presence/
Framework Directive (MSFD; EU-COM, 2008). The absence record), “jellyfish number or biomass” (when

available), “farmed organisms” (salmon, trout, seabass, aquaculture activities worldwide. In-depth examin-
seabream and bivalves), “reported impact” (injuries on ation disclosed 90 manuscripts reporting original
fish gills, on fish skin, effects on fish growth, mortality information (never published elsewhere). Out of 55
and damage to the facility installations), “economic articles from 1922 to 2019, up to 94 negative interac-
impact” (when available), and “other information.” tions between different jellyfish species and fishing
To search for significant differences between jelly- operations were reported. With reference to marine
fish taxa and type of impacts acting on fisheries and aquaculture, 35 articles published from 1954 to 2019
on marine aquaculture, one-way PERMANOVA listed up to 45 episodes of jellyfish impacts.
(Anderson 2001) was performed on the similarity Data mining showed an increasing number of
matrices constructed using the Jaccard index. records of jellyfish direct interference with fishing activ-
Differences in the total number of reports among ities in the last 30 years (1990–2020) reaching the high-
“geographic area” for both fishery and aquaculture est values in the 2000s (Figure 1). Aquaculture is a
matrices were assessed using Chi-squared analyses. relatively more recent industrial activity that has under-
Moreover, Chi-squared test analysis was used to inves- gone a faster growth in the last decades than any
tigate differences in the total number of reports other major food production sectors (FAO 2020).
among different “fishing gear” and among different Accordingly, the number of reports of jellyfish impacts
“reported impact,” for the fishery sector; and differen- on aquaculture operations has considerably increased
ces in the total number of reports among different over the last 20 years (Figure 1). With respect to medu-
“farmed species” and among different “reported sozoan jellyfish, 18 taxa (14 Scyphozoa, 1 Cubozoa, 3
impact” for the aquaculture sector. Finally, one-way Hydrozoa; Table 1) are known to exert direct impacts
PERMANOVA was chosen to study if there were sig- on fishery operations around the world, while 13 taxa
nificant differences among the jellyfish species (5 Scyphozoa, 8 Hydrozoa; Table 1) caused direct
reported in the different “geographic area” within each impacts on aquaculture activities. Moreover, 2 cteno-
sector matrix (fishery and aquaculture). phore species were both reported in 2015: Mnemiopsis
Systematic review and metanalysis of jellyfish leidyi (class Tentaculata) interfered with the European
impacts on fishery and aquacultureThis literature scan eel fisheries from S’Ena Arrubia Lagoon (Italy)
throughout a period of almost a century (1922–2019) (Diciotti et al. 2016) whereas Beroe cucumis (class
retrieved 553 articles (published on scientific journals, Nuda) together with other gelatinous organisms fouled
or as gray literature, e.g., technical reports) including and clogged the fishing nets in a north Norwegian
information on jellyfish impacts on fishery and fjord (Knutsen et al. 2018).

Figure 1. Temporal trend of published papers including reports on jellyfish interference with fishery (blue) and aquaculture
(red) sectors.

Table 1. Reported jellyfish species interfering with fishery and Fishing and marine farming activities were affected
aquaculture sectors worldwide. by different jellyfish species (F ¼ 4.62, df ¼ 1, p-value
Fishery sector Aquaculture sector ¼ 0.001), with Aurelia spp., Chrysaora spp., and
Aurelia spp. Aurelia spp.
Nemopilema nomurai as the most common jellyfish
Pelagia noctiluca Pelagia noctiluca taxa directly interfering with fishing activities whereas
Cyanea sp. Cyanea capillata
Chrysaora spp. Chrysaora plocamia
Pelagia noctiluca and Aurelia spp. represented more
Rhopilema nomadica Phacellophora camtschatica than 50% of reports on aquaculture (Figure 2).
Rhizostoma pulmo
Phyllorhiza punctata
Cotylorhiza tuberculata
Nemopilema nomurai Jellyfish and fishery sector interactions
Phacellophora camtschatica
Periphylla periphylla The majority (82%) of reports of jellyfish direct
Lychnorhiza lucerna impacts on fishing activities refers to (at least) 8 taxa,
Crambionella orsini
Sanderia malayensis (namely the scyphozoan representatives of Aurelia
HYDROZOA spp., Chrysaora spp., Cyanea sp., and the species
Velella velella Aequorea coerulescens
Aequorea sp. Phialella quadrata Pelagia noctiluca, Nemopilema nomurai, Rhopilema
Olindias sambaquiensis Porpita porpita nomadica, and Rhizostoma pulmo and the hydrozoan
Solmaris corona
Ectopleura larynx jellyfish Aequorea sp.) (Figure 2A). Species of the
Ectopleura crocea worldwide common jellyfish taxa Aurelia and
Hydrozoans (unidentified)
Siphonophores: Chrysaora, as well as the mauve stinger P. noctiluca,
Muggiaea atlantica may form very large population outbreaks with mil-
Apolemia uvaria
CUBOZOA lions of individuals that may spoil fishing nets with
Chiropsoides quadrigatus stinging mucus, broken pieces of umbrellas, oral arms
Mnemiopsis leidyi and tentacles that enter in contact and damage the
Beroe cucumis fish catch (Doyle et al. 2008). Furthermore, N.
nomurai, Cyanea sp., R. nomadica, and R. pulmo are

Figure 2. Percentage of reports where every jellyfish species and cnidarian class have been involved: (A) for fishery; (B) for aqua-
culture sector.

Figure 3. Percentage of reports related to: interactions between jellyfish and fishing activities by area (A); fishing gear affected by
jellyfish blooms (B); jellyfish direct impacts on fishery activities (C); jellyfish interference on marine aquaculture activities by area
(no reports were found from the South Atlantic region (D); most affected farmed species or group by jellyfish blooms occurrence
on worldwide marine aquaculture facilities (E); jellyfish direct impacts on farmed species health and facility structures (F).

jellyfish with large, heavy bodies. By occurring in p-value ¼ 2.50409), as well as the jellyfish species
mass, they can easily clog the nets and may impair involved (F ¼ 2.43, df ¼ 5, p-value ¼ 0.001).
the stability of the fishing boats while hauling the The geographical areas most affected by direct jellyfish
nets, up to capsize them (Kawahara et al. 2006; impacts were also different relative to fishery or the aqua-
Palmieri et al. 2014). culture sectors. Most of the reported interactions between
jellyfish and fishery sector were recorded in the North
Pacific (approx. 60%) (Figure 3A), where the highest mar-
Fishing areas ine capture production is concentrated (more than 22
Jellyfish are ancient organisms and ubiquitous in nearly million tons in 2016; FAO 2018). China is by far the
all marine ecosystems from the poles to tropics (Parsons world’s leading producer, reporting more than 15 MT of
and Lalli 2002; Boero et al. 2008). They constantly inter- marine captures in 2016 (20% of world total marine
act with several marine human activities, but effects on catch). Japan is also among the top producer countries,
fisheries are frequently reported impacts worldwide with more than 3 MT produced in the same year (FAO
(Purcell et al. 2007; Palmieri et al. 2014). From the ana- 2018). The jellyfish Nemopilema nomurai was involved in
lysis, the number of jellyfish-related issues among geo- the 41.7% of reported events in North Pacific, followed
graphical areas was significantly different (X2 ¼ 45.966, by Aurelia sp., Cyanea sp. and Chrysaora sp., identified as

problematic taxa in the 30.6%, 27%, and 25% of the Fishing gears
recorded events, respectively. Information regarding fishing gears subject to interac-
Available information indicates the Mediterranean tions with jellyfish (31 reports) was available only in
Sea is the second most affected area in terms of jelly- 28 out of 55 papers. Different fishing gears were dif-
fish impacts on fishery (nearly 18% of the total ferently affected by jellyfish (X2 ¼ 37.871, p-value ¼
reported events). The scyphozoans Aurelia sp. and 1.1907). Out of reported interactions, 58.1% were
Rhopilema nomadica were responsible of more than related to bottom trawls, being the most affected fish-
50% of jellyfish reported issues in Mediterranean fish- ing gear type; followed by set nets (32.3%). Other
ing operations, while P. noctiluca and R. pulmo repre- mentioned fishing gears impacted by jellyfish were
sented approx. additional 35% of the total reports longlines, traps and surrounding nets (Figure 3B).
(Figure 4). Research performed in the other areas In the North Pacific area, where the majority of
showed a significant lower number of described jellyfish/fishery interactions were concentrated jellyfish
events, especially for the Indian Ocean, where a single impacted on a diverse range of fishing techniques
report was found (related to the endemic species including trawling, set nets, longline, surrounding nets
Crambionella orsini). Only seven reports were from and traps. The jellyfish Chrysaora spp. interfered in
the North Atlantic area, most of them involving this area with all five fishing gears types, while
Aurelia sp.; in South Atlantic and South Pacific areas Aurelia sp. and N. nomurai outbreaks significantly
Chrysaora sp. (C. hysoscella and C. plocamia) and associated with damages to trawl and set nets. Bottom
Lychnorhiza lucerna are reported as the main species trawling was impacted by various jellyfish species
interfering with fishing activities (Figure 4). In South (including scyphozoans and hydrozoans) (Figure 5),
Atlantic, L. lucerna recurrently impacts the fishery involving Aurelia sp. and R. nomadica in the
sector in Brazil and Argentina, mainly by clogging € urk and Işinibilir
Mediterranean (Lotan et al. 1994; Ozt€ _
nets and reducing total fish captures and catch quality 2010; Palmieri et al. 2014), Phyllorhiza punctata in the
(Schiariti et al. 2008; Nagata et al. 2009). subtropical eastern Atlantic coasts (Graham et al.

Figure 4. Number of reports of jellyfish impacting fishery sector across world’s geographical areas.

Figure 5. Number of reports of jellyfish taxa interacting with different fishing gears.

2003) and Periphylla periphylla in the North Atlantic indirectly, affecting marine food webs and eventually
(Conley and Sutherland 2015), and Olindias sp. and reducing fish catches due to food competition or dir-
Lychnorhiza lucerna in the South Atlantic (Schiariti ect predation on fish eggs and larvae (Purcell and
et al. 2008; Nagata et al. 2009). Arai 2001; Richardson et al. 2009; Ruzicka et al. 2012;
Trawling represents the most common and Tilves et al. 2018). A paradigmatic case is represented
extended fishing activity all over the world (FAO by the non-indigenous ctenophore Mnemiopsis leidyi
2018), with hauls covering large area and filtering in the Black Sea, which led anchovy fishery to collapse
large volumes of water at different depths (midwater (Kideys 1994). As noted previously, yet this review is
and bottom trawl). Trawling is associated to a com- focused on the direct impacts of jellyfish blooms on
paratively low catch size and low species selectivity fishery and aquaculture sectors.
with respect to others fishing gears, resulting in large Information regarding types of jellyfish impacts on
by-catch quantities and dramatic, deep impacts on fishery was available in 78% of selected scientific
habitat integrity and biodiversity (FAO 2018). articles. Statistical analysis showed a significant differ-
Throughout trawling operations, hundreds of jellyfish ence among the kind of reported damages (X2¼
may be trapped in the cone-shape net together with 43.69, p-value ¼ 7.4509). Problems were mainly
target species and other by-catch, increasing process- related with the quantity and quality of capture fish
ing time during sorting operations aboard and com- (46%), as well as with the net manage and mainten-
promising catch quality. Jellyfish by-catch in trawling ance (40.5%) (Figure 3C). Specifically, fishermen
fishing operations is a well-known issue, so that worldwide, reported intense clogging and bursting of
Norwegian shrimp fishermen developed a special net the nets (Lotan et al. 1992; Schiariti et al. 2008;
(Nordmøre grid) to reduce unwanted by-catches of Fuentes et al. 2011; Uye 2011; Palmieri et al. 2015),
jellyfish (Graham 2003). increasing by-catch sorting time aboard (Uye and
Shimauchi 2005; Kawahara et al. 2006; Conley and
Direct impacts of jellyfish blooms on fish- Sutherland 2015), and injuries to fishermen during
ing operations sorting and net cleaning operations (Uye and
Jellyfish blooms may impact fisheries not only Shimauchi 2005; Mariottini et al. 2008; Conley and
through interference with fishing operations, but also Sutherland 2015). Clogging shortened the hauls

Figure 6. Reports (n) related to the most frequent interferences/impacts caused by jellyfish to worldwide fishery activities.

fishing time and increased the risk of capsizing trawls US$204.6 million, depending on fishery gear type
boats (Kawahara et al. 2006). The catch presented a (Kim et al. 2012). The impact of Chrysaora fuscescens
high mortality of finfish by nematocyst envenomation, from the Northern California Current on Oregon’s
with significant reduction in annual mean fish catch salmon and pink shrimp fisheries was estimated over
in most cases, and a lower commercial value of cap- US$650,000 during the peak jellyfish season (June–
tures (Graham et al. 2003; Chen et al. 2004, 2007; Yan September) in 2012 (Conley and Sutherland 2015).
et al. 2004; Kim et al. 2012; Nastav et al. 2013; South America also has experienced the negative
Palmieri et al. 2014, 2015). Some fishermen displaced relationship between jellyfish and fisheries. The by-
the hauls to areas further away from the landing ports catch of Chrysaora plocamia generated economic
trying to avoid the jellyfish blooms, increasing travel losses mainly to artisanal and commercial purse seine
times and fuel expense (Palmieri et al. 2014); and in fisheries. In only 35 days of fishing, this jellyfish
some cases, they temporarily shift the fishing gears to caused more than US$200,000 economic losses to a
other fishing practices (ex. anchored gillnet and drift single port of the Peruvian fishing fleet. Moreover,
net) (Nagata et al. 2009; Conley and Sutherland 2015). fishery factories refused to receive the catch if jellyfish
The interference of jellyfish blooms in fishery oper- by-catch was > 40% of the catch in weight (Qui~ nones
ations has been reported and documented several et al. 2013; Mianzan et al. 2014).
times but the information on the economic conse- Regarding the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean
quences of these events is scant. Up to 25% of exam- Sea, only two reports contained information on eco-
ined papers included data related to economic losses nomic losses. The Gulf of Mexico commercial shrimp
suffered by fishing sector and the majority came from industry is among the most valuable fishing activity in
the North Pacific area (Figure 6). In Japan, the giant the United States. Total losses recorded in 2000 due to
scyphomedusa Nemopilema nomurai was responsible P. punctata interference could have been as high as
of huge economic losses between 2005 and 2006 (ca. US$10 million (Graham et al. 2003). The most complete
US$270 million in one year), with more than 100,000 study focusing on the economic impact of jellyfish
complaints from fishermen to the Japanese fishery blooms on Mediterranean fisheries was published by
agency (Kawahara et al. 2006; Uye 2011). Korean fish- Palmieri et al. (2014) regarding Italian northern
ery industry observed significant catch decrease and Adriatic Sea. Economic losses due to reduction in fish
product value due to jellyfish interaction with fishing catches were estimated to be as much as US$9.7 million
activities. The annual direct damage caused by jellyfish per year, only for the Italian northern Adriatic trawling
was estimated to be between US$68.2 million and fleet. Other costs included additional fuel costs due to

displacement of fishing activities, representing an last decade, the hydroid Ectopleura larynx has become
increase of over US$542,000 per year. Jellyfish respon- one of the most common fouling species in northern
sible of these interference with fishing operations were Europe aquaculture, causing increasing problems for
mainly Aurelia sp. and R. pulmo. fish farmers (Guenther et al. 2010; Baxter et al. 2012;
Bosch-Belmar et al. 2019); together with Pennaria
disticha, it has been identified as a problematic species
Jellyfish and aquaculture interactions
for Mediterranean marine aquaculture facilities, too
Out of 35 papers, a total of 45 events were found (Bosch-Belmar, Azzurro et al. 2017; Bosch-Belmar
related to jellyfish interfering with aquaculture activities et al. 2019).
in the scientific literature: the majority of cases involved The number of jellyfish-related detrimental events
5 jellyfish taxa (Figure 2B): three scyphomedusae for aquaculture activities was significantly different
(Pelagia noctiluca, Aurelia sp., Cyanea capillata), one among geographical areas (X2 ¼ 39.82, p-value ¼
hydromedusa (Solmaris corona), and one siphonophore 4.7008) (Figure 7), as well as concerning the involved
(Muggiaea atlantica). Whereas jellyfish interfering with jellyfish (either medusa or polyp stage) taxa (F ¼ 2.29,
fishery are mostly scyphozoans, nearly 50% of gelatin- df ¼ 3, p-value ¼ 0.005).
ous zooplankton affecting fish farming activities are rep- The mauve stinger Pelagia noctiluca was the most
resented by hydrozoan taxa (Figure 2B). Their polyp reported species, being involved in the 23% of reported
colonies are indeed a dominant component of the bio- events. Aurelia sp. interfered in the 16% of reported
logical fouling of cages and other submerged structures cases and represented a problem to aquaculture in all
(e.g., floating pontoons, piers, anchors, buoys, ropes) studied areas except for the Mediterranean Sea,
and can impact farmed fish in different ways (Baxter where P. noctiluca was the only scyphozoan identified
et al. 2012; Fitridge et al. 2012): the reduction of water as a threat for aquaculture activities (approximately
flow through net occlusions; the seasonal budding of in 50% of reported incidents in this area). This species
free-living propagules, such as medusae, medusoids, or is the most common and conspicuous jellyfish in
larvae of progenetic hydroids (e.g., Tubularia spp.), all Mediterranean waters, and recent studies from the Gulf
well equipped with stinging cells; or by direct contact of of Tunis, the Balearic Islands (Daly Yahia et al. 2010),
fish with the large polyp colonies growing on the inner and Ligurian Sea (Bernard et al. 2011; Ferraris et al.
border of the cages. 2012), indicated that blooms may now be occurring
more frequently in the western Mediterranean Sea
Marine farming area (Canepa et al. 2014). The hydroid Ectopleura larynx
Until recently, cnidarians were not considered as pos- and the siphonophore Muggiaea atlantica represented
sible harmful agent for aquaculture, and low levels of the other 50% of reports in the Mediterranean Sea.
mortality and unspecific gill pathology of unknown eti- Both species were significant related with European sea
ology were generally referred to as generalized bass mortalities recorded in Spanish aquaculture facili-
“waterborne irritant damage” (Marcos-L opez et al. ties during 2012–2014 years (Bosch-Belmar, Milisenda
2016; Bosch-Belmar, Azzurro et al. 2017). Only very et al. 2017; Bosch-Belmar et al. 2019).
large mortality events that coincided with conspicuous More than 60% of reported interactions between
jellyfish observations were correlated with farmed fish jellyfish and aquaculture facilities were recorded in the
health problems. Well-known examples of this are North Atlantic region (Figure 3D) and involved the
those reported in Northern Europe (Scotland and highest number of jellyfish taxa. The scyphomedusae
Ireland mainly), where huge blooms of P. noctiluca and Pelagia noctiluca occurred with the highest incidence,
Aurelia sp. caused severe gill disorders to thousands of followed by the hydromedusae Solmaris corona and the
farmed salmons and were responsible for several fish siphonophore Muggiaea atlantica (Figure 7). All of
mortality events in the last 15 years (Doyle et al. 2008; them have been previously identified in literature as
Baxter, Sturt et al. 2011; Mitchell and Rodger 2011). In potentially harmful species for farmed fish (Baxter,
parallel, tiny hydrozoans, which are less visible organ- Albinyana et al. 2011; Fitridge and Keough 2013;
isms, are equally affecting aquaculture facilities, espe- Purcell et al. 2013) and together with Phialella quad-
cially in Northern Atlantic and South Pacific (up to rata caused the death of > 700,000 farmed fish in
45% of total reports). Medusae of Solmaris corona and northern Europe (Fosså et al. 2003; Rodger et al. 2011).
Phialella quadrata and the polyp colonies of Ectopleura North and South Pacific marine aquaculture farms
sp. (E. larynx and E. crocea) were cited in the 34% and were mainly impacted by Aurelia spp. jellyfish, but
16% of the problematic events, respectively. Over the facilities from the southern Pacific area reported single

Figure 7. Number of reports of impacts on aquaculture facilities caused by different jellyfish species across different geograph-
ical areas.

Figure 8. Number of reports related to impact of different jellyfish taxa (including polyp stages) on different farmed organisms.

negative interactions with many different jellyfish spe- Marine farmed species
cies (N ¼ 8), summing up to near 20% of total reports Salmon fish (Salmo salar in most cases) was the
for jellyfish-related issues in the aquaculture sector farmed species most affected by jellyfish abundances
(Figure 7). (>70% reports), followed by gilthead seabream

Figure 9. Number of reports relative to different jellyfish species and type of impacts caused on farmed organisms health and
facility structural integrity.

(Sparus aurata), European seabass (Dicentrarchus lab- causing mass mortalities of fish and bivalves (Yasuda
rax) and bivalves (Mytilus sp.) (X2¼ 75.91, p-value ¼ 1988, in Purcell et al. 2007) (Figure 8).
5.99 15) (Figure 3E). For salmon farm facilities, 84%
and 16% of reports occurred from North Atlantic and Direct impacts of jellyfish blooms on marine
South Pacific, respectively. Indeed, Norway and Chile aquaculture
are the second and the fourth marine and coastal A significant difference was detected in the type of
aquaculture finfish major producers in the world (1.3 damages caused to farming activities (X2¼ 36.65, p-
million tons and 726.9 thousand tons of fish live value ¼ 2.1207). The most common negative impacts
weight per year, respectively) (FAO 2018) with salmon of jellyfish on fish farming concerned fish mortality
representing over 80% of the harvested product (74% of reports), macroscopic damage on gill epithelia
(Norambuena and Gonzalez 2020). Differently, jelly- (44%), and skin ulcerations (24%) (Figure 3F).
fish impacts on European seabass and gilthead seab- Complex gill disorders have become one of the
ream came only from aquaculture farms in the most serious causes of mortality in marine farmed sal-
Mediterranean Sea, where these two species represent mon in Ireland, with average losses of 12% per year
the most important marine aquaculture fish product (Baxter, Rodger et al. 2011; Marcos-Lopez et al. 2016;
(DANAQ 2020). Herrero et al. 2018). Jellyfish nematocyst discharge
Interestingly, bivalve culture facilities have also and venom injection usually lead to local inflamma-
experienced problems with stinging gelatinous zoo- tory response, cell toxicity and histopathology
plankton. Two Mytilus galloprovincialis mussel farms (Helmholz et al. 2010; Rodger et al. 2011; Marcos-
from the eastern coast of Japan and Australia were Lopez et al. 2016). Prolonged nematocyst discharges
impacted by mass growth of the hydrozoan polyp col- in fish tissues may often cause secondary bacterial
onies of Ectopleura crocea. Farmed mussels presented infections and associated systemic reactions, including
reduced shell length and flesh weight, coupled with an respiratory and osmoregulatory distress, altered behav-
impairment of the overall physiological condition of ior, and death (Bruno and Ellis 1985; Seaton 1989;
young developing mussels (Sievers et al. 2013; Fitridge Baxter, Sturt et al. 2011; Rodger et al. 2011). In add-
and Keough 2013). Aurelia taxa jellyfish were also ition, some jellyfish species can act as vectors of
reported to impact Japanese marine aquaculture, Tenacibaculum maritimum, the causative agent of

tenacibaculosis (Småge et al. 2018), or as potential res-

ervoirs of Neoparamoeba perurans (Downes et al.
2018), the causal agent for amoebic gill disease. Both

major pathogens affect fish farming worldwide and

(O’Sullivan 2017)
(IntraFish 2012)

(Practical 2014)
(Practical 2014)
(Siggins 2013)
may heavily exacerbate the impacts of jellyfish injuries

(Ford 2019)
(Zaki 2018)

(Zaki 2018)

(BBC 2014) (Ferguson et al. 2010; Delannoy et al. 2011; Floerl

et al. 2016; Clinton et al. 2020).
Table 2. Records of jellyfish blooms interference with aquaculture farming activities found in the web media (not previously reported in scientific literature).

Some records reported also on fish reduced growth

rate (Baxter, Albinyana et al. 2011; Fitridge and
Keough 2013; Bosch-Belmar et al. 2016) (Figure 9).
Economic losses

Interference of functioning or damage of facility infra-

> US$ 1.2 million

US$ 1.9 million

US$ 7.1 million

structures was also reported: Mitchell et al. (2013)

described the blockage of boat pumping system in a
salmon farm in northwest Ireland clogged by hun-



dreds of adults and juvenile ephyrae of Aurelia sp.;

Bosch-Belmar, Azzurro et al. (2017) reported on two
>200,000 salmons killed ¼ 80%
production lost in 4 facilities
120,000 þ 45,000 salmon killed
Damages to aquaculture

different finfish mariculture farms along the Spanish

Thousands of salmons killed
> 65,000 individuals killed

20,000 individuals killed

1,500 smolt salmon lost

100,000 salmons killed

300,000 salmons killed

Mediterranean coast whose nets had to be replaced

> 2000 salmons killed

after P. noctiluca swarms were smashed by currents

against the fish cages. Similar episodes have been
repeated in these farms during 2016 and 2018 (Bosch-
Belmar pers. comm).
Farmed fish stocks mortality, which is the most
Farmed fish sp.

noteworthy direct impact of jellyfish on marine aqua-



culture and the most reported one in literature, entails

significant and sometime dramatic consequences for
the industry. Economic losses due to jellyfish out-
breaks have been significant in aquaculture sector
Aurelia spp. Cyanea capillata

(Cronin et al. 2004; Purcell et al. 2007; Bosch-Belmar,

Jellyfish sp.

Muggiaea atlantica

Azzurro et al. 2017). The last scientific reports

Pelagia noctiluca
Pelagia noctiluca
Pelagia noctiluca
Pelagia noctiluca
Pelagia noctiluca

included different events in northern Europe and the

Aurelia spp.

Aurelia spp.

Mediterranean Sea: Irish and Scottish aquaculture


repeatedly suffered huge economic losses (up to

US$1.3 million) due to mass salmon mortalities
New Zeland

New Zeland

caused by recurring P. noctiluca invasions (Doyle




et al. 2008; Bosch-Belmar, Azzurro et al. 2017). In


2009 fish mortalities in Tunisian farming facilities

entailed dramatic economic losses, leading to near
Galway, Mayo and Cork regions

bankruptcy. Since 2011, seabass marine farms from

D’Entrecasteaux Channel
North Uist (Western Islands)

Tasmania’s Huon River and

Glenarm Bay in Co Antrim

Spain recorded mortality events due to different jelly-


fish species leading to relevant economic losses

Stewart Island

Stewart Island
Quemchi area

(Bosch-Belmar, Azzurro et al. 2017; Bosch-Belmar,

Clare Island

Red Bay

Milisenda et al. 2017).

The number of reports related to jellyfish interac-
tions with marine aquaculture increased in the last




years, and several events were detected across web-



based blogs and digital media, gray literature, also


reported as “personal communications” from aquacul-



ture facilities staff (Table 2). This new information


integrates and updates the table of reports provided

by Purcell et al. (2013).


Conclusions for zooplankton food), so reducing jellyfish-related

pressures and risks for mariculture. In the last years
Fishery and aquaculture are two of the most import-
global aquaculture production showed the potential to
ant industrial marine activities worldwide, annually
replace reduced fish captures and to overcome total
providing nearly 178.5 million tons of food, i.e., 17%
fishery landings. Despite this, more aquaculture facili-
of global animal proteins available to the world’s
ties might have a counterintuitive, paradoxical effect
human population (Ababouch 2015; FAO 2020). The
of boosting outbreaks of jellyfish species with planula-
negative impact of jellyfish blooms on fishing activ-
polyp-medusa life stages, by increasing ocean sprawl,
ities is known, nevertheless much information is lost
every year. Fishermen rarely report to port authorities i.e., substrate availability for the polyp benthic stages.
Outreach and training programs to fish farms staff
the presence of jellyfish in their catches, which are
considered as discard and returned to the sea together and fishermen would help raise awareness on this
with other unwanted species. Until recently, the emerging issue and assist in evaluating the feasibility
majority of oceanographic and scientific fishing cruise of action plans, with a case-by-case definition of man-
reports did not incorporate information on jellyfish agement guidelines and countermeasure protocols for
catches since these were not research target species. prevention, mitigation and adaptation against recur-
Even when jellyfish presence is recorded, information rent jellyfish abundances in coastal area.
regarding species ID, number of individuals or bio- Lastly, jellyfish represent a valuable fishery target in
metric data is usually missing. Given the significant most of the Southeast Asian countries and the limited
impact of jellyfish on fisheries worldwide, information data about the impacts of jellyfish bloom on local fish-
on their occurrence should be included in commercial eries represent a significant gap in this analysis. In
fishing reports, as performed for other species. addition, also several non-Asiatic jellyfish species are
Equally, scientific cruises should collect as much as showing the potential to be a target for fishery and
possible information on jellyfish, facilitating the cre- aquaculture even in countries outside of Asia, includ-
ing Western countries (L 
opez-Martınez and Alvarez-
ation of large temporal databases. This will be key to
understanding the environmental conditions favoring Tello 2013; Brotz et al. 2017). Mediterranean jellyfish
increased jellyfish blooms, modeling jellyfish growth species are proving to have a great potential as novel
rate, predicting abundance and spatio-temporal distri- and sustainable food or feed ingredient source whose
bution at regional and subregional levels, and eventu- acceptance is growing also in European countries’
ally to develop adequate marine spatial planning and young consumers (Bleve et al. 2019; Torri et al. 2020).
mitigation countermeasures to reduce impacts and Sustainable fishing of jellyfish produced by polyps liv-
consequences of jellyfish abundance. ing and asexually reproducing in a different habitat
Negative interactions of jellyfish with marine aqua- may represent a truly resource, where the medusa
culture traditionally went unnoticed or received little stage represents the harvested fruit produced by a
attention; however, in the last decades awareness of the long-living, large tree (the benthic, polyp clonal popu-
risk and threats associated to jellyfish blooms is rising lation). Jellyfish may also be regarded as a target spe-
among fish farmers, scientists, and associated sectorial cies for aquaculture, either for food production or
stakeholders. because jellyfish are known to support enhanced sec-
Future scenarios of climate change and ocean ondary production in extensive or semi-extensive
warming now foresee increasing jellyfish as a potential polyculture coastal pens with shrimps, bivalves, and
driver of negative impacts on fishery and aquaculture sea cucumber (Guo et al. 2014; Li et al. 2014).
(Boero et al. 2016; Barange et al. 2018). Jellyfish may Moreover, jellyfish have been shown to be a treasure
also establish different links between the two sectors. trove with regards to the content of bioactive mole-
For example, overfishing may release food and eco- cules of great interest for pharmacology, nutraceutics
logical space to jellyfish populations (Purcell et al. and cosmeceutics (Leone et al. 2013, 2015; De
2007). Increasing occurrence of jellyfish, as currently Domenico et al. 2019). A more realistic picture of the
observed in many places, may be a manifest symptom impacts of jellyfish on fishery and aquaculture could
of marine ecosystems in distress, which will eventually be obtained taking all those aspects in consideration.
affect human activities at sea including sea food har- This would lay the foundation for a more helpful
vesting. Therefore, more responsible fishery activities assessment of the comprehensive impacts of these
(i.e., reducing overfishing, responsible use of sustain- organisms on fishery and aquaculture, possibly leading
able resources) may gradually keep jellyfish blooms in to a planning for fishing diversification and a possible
check (by increased fish predation and competition more effective management of this sector. Future

study on the biology of jellyfish are needed as they knowledge, adaptation and mitigation options. FAO
relate to understanding population fluctuation, which Fisheries and Aquaculture Technical Paper No. 627.
Rome, FAO. 628 pp.
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