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And Notes on Text And Grammar

Prepared by C.N.Pujar
Lect in English
Govt P U College. Morab(JJ-0288)
Navalgund TQ. Dharwad DT 580112



1. Juliet teaches the torches to……………………

a) Look beautiful b) look colorful c) burn bright d) look sharp

2. Who is compared to a rich jewel………………..

a) Romeo b) Ethiope c) Dove d) Juliet

3. Juliet is a rich jewel in ………………………..

a) Rosaline‟s ear b) Romeo‟s ear c) dove‟s ear d) an Ethiope’s ear

4. ………………………… is compared to a snowy dove.

a) Juliet b) Romeo c) Ethiope d) Rosaline

5. …………… is too rich for use, for earth too dear.

a) dove b) jewel c) torch d) beauty

6. Romeo wants to touch Juliet‟s hands to make his hands …………….

a) beautiful b) blessed c) rude d) ugly

7. Romeo looks like ………… in night.

a) day b) jewel c) dove d) torch

8. Romeo is …………… than new snow

a) Brighter b) darker c) greater d) whiter

9. ………………. Will make the face of heaven so fine.

a) Julie b) Romeo c) Capulets d) Montagues

10. He will make the face of heaven so fine and all the world will be in love with…………

a) snow b) dove c) night d) day


1. The population of Monaco was …………………….

a) Five thousand b) four thousand c) seven thousand d) six thousand

2. The army of Monaco consisted of…………………. men.

a) sixty b) forty five c) fifty d) fifty five

3. The special revenue came from …………………..

a) Tobacco b) wine c) a gaming house d) spirits

4. ……………….. was played by the people of Monaco.

a) Tennis b) roulette c) football d) cricket

5. The German sovereigns stopped gaming houses because they did so much……….

a) harm b) good c) happy d) healty

6. The people of Monaco were peaceable but a few years ago ………….. was committed.

a) robbery b) pick pocket c) theft d) murder

7. The king of Monaco condemned the criminal to have his …………. Cut off.

a) Hand b) leg c) head d) fingers

8. ……………….. was the name of the machine used to cut the head off.

a) Turbine b) guillotine c) engine d) dynamo

9. The French government said that the cost of the machine and an expert would be………..

a) 13000 francs b) 14000 francs c) 15000 francs d) 16000 francs

10. The Italian government said that the cost of the machine and an expert would be………..

a) 12000 francs b) 13000 francs c) 14000 francs d) 15000 francs

11. The ministers decided to convert death sentence into imprisonment for life because it was ….

a) harsher b) severe c) cheaper d) simpler

12. The food for the criminal was brought from ………………

a) the palace kitchen b) restaurant c) the jail d) the temple

13. ………….. was dismissed thinking that the criminal would run away.

a) the minister b) the king c) the cook d) the guard

14. The annual expenditure for the criminal was ……….

a) 300 francs b) 400 francs c) 500 francs d) 600 francs

15. Finally it was decided to offer the criminal a pension. The sum fixed was ………

a) 600 francs b) 500 francs c) 400 francs d) 300 francs

3.ON CHILDREN-Kahlil Gibran

1. The parents can give their ………… but not thoughts to children.

a) money b) wealth c) love d) care

2. Parents can house children‟s bodies but not their …………

a) Hearts b) heads c) legs d) souls

3. The souls of the children dwell in the house of …………

a) Tomorrow b) yesterday c) today d) tonight

4. Parents are the bows and children are the …….

a) living things b) living arrows c) living creatures d) non living things

5. …………… sees the mark upon the path of the infinite.

a) The poet b) the mother c) the archer d) the father



1. The songs and poems composed by Vandana Shiva‟s mother were about ………….

a) Himalaya b) farmers c) industries d) forests

2. Village woman ……………….. led resistance against her own husband.

a) Bachni Devi b) Vandana Shiva c) Bachni Devi‟s mother d) Bachni Devi‟s sister

3. Navadanya farm was started in ………………

a) 1992 b) 1994 c) 1996 d)1998

4. …………. community seed banks were set up by Vandana Shiva with the help of farmers.

a) 101 b)105 c) 110 d)100

5. ………………has recognized the „Rights of Nature‟ in its constitution.

a) India b) Equador c) Ethiopia d) Egypt

6. The Earth University teaches ………………

a) Ecosystem b) biodiversity c) earth democracy d) Democracy

7. Tagore started a learning center in Shantiniketan in………………,India.

a) Uttarkhand b) Dehli c) West Bengal d) Himachal Pradesh

8. …………..is the name of essay written by Tagore.

a) Civilization b) culture c) Shantivana d) Tapovan

9. We are united with nature through our relashionship with the …………

a) Land b) water c) forests d) fire



1. Dona Laura brings ………………..to feed the pigeons

a) Biscuits b) cakes c) breadcrumbs d) popcorns

2. ……………priests were sitting on Gonzalo‟s usual bench.

a) Two b) three c) four d) five

3. Don Gonzalo used his……………………as a shoe brush.

a) Hand glove b) handcuffs c) hand wash d) handkerchief

4. Every ……… Don Gonzalo took his gun and dog , and went to one of his estates to kill time

a) Saturday b) Sunday c) Monday d) Tuesday

5. …………… brings peace between Gonzalo and Dona Laura.

a) a breadcrumb b) a shoe brush c) a handkerchief d) a pinch of snuff

6. When Don Gonzalo went to America, he was only ……….years old.

a) Six b) seven c) five d) eight

7. Don Gonzalo was brought up in …………….

a) Verona b) Valencia c) Venice d) Vatican city

8. ………………… was called „The Silver Maiden” in Maricela.

a) Petra b) Dona Laura c) the guard d) Don Gonalo

9. The silver maiden‟s parents wanted to marry her to a ………………

a) Merchant b) soldier c) guard d) gardener

10. The silver maiden did not get any letters because they were intercepted by her ………….

a) Brothers b) sisters c) parents d) brother-in-law

11. The tide rose with a boom and swept ………….out to sea.

a) Don Gonzalo b) Juanito c) merchant d) the silver maiden

12. The guard gave Petra ………..for Dona Laura.

a) Violets b) violin c) lilies d) lotus


1. „You” in the poem „When you are Old” is ……………….

a) The speaker b) the old lady c) the young lady d) the other people

2. Once her eyes had ………………………..

a) Soft look b) sleep c) dream d) fire

3. The other men loved her moments of …………………………

a) Sorrows b) tears c) glad grace d) pains

4. …………….......is “the one man” in the poem „When You Are Old‟.

a) The husband b) the speaker c) brother d) father-in-law

5. The speakers‟ love is different because he loved her…………………………

a) Beauty b) eyes c) grace d) pilgrim soul

6. The true love at last hid its face amid a ……………………

a) Crowd of people b)crowd of stars c) crowd of cars d) crowd of soldiers


1. The gardener was standing in a coconut grove near ……………………………

a) Chennarayapatna b) Channapatna c) Chamaraj nagar d) Chamarajpete

2. The gardener was holding a ……………….in one hand and tucked a newspaper uder his another arm

a. A crowbar b) sickle c) a spade d) a knife

3. After the arrival of the gardener the …………….came to an end.

a) Profits b) benefits c)produces d) petty thefts

4. Tammanna had …………………acres of land.

a) Nine hundred b) eight hundred c) five hundred d) one thousand

5. Basavaiah owned …………..acres of land.

a.) Six hundred b) four hundred c) eight hundred d) seven hundred

6. Tammanna hit upon an idea of composing all his experiences in the form of………..

a) Essays b) ballads c) stories d)epics

7. Basavaiah appointed a number of persons to ………………..him.

a) Praise b) tease c) mock d) ridicule

8. Tammanna‟s desease was Basavaiah‟s ………………

a) Wealth b) breath c) health d) life

9. After a particular age man loses his ………and his name becomes important.

a) Health b) name c) wealth d) fame

10. Tammanna thought his ………..alone could destroy Basavaiah.

a) supporters b) ballads c) death d) rebirth


1. The child‟s foot would like to be a …………………….

a) Flower b) leaf c) bud d) butterfly

2. After the defeat in the battle the child‟s foot is condemned to live in a …………

a) Room b) shoe c) hall d) hole

3. ……………………of quartz bunched together grow hard as the child grows up.

a) Soft nails b) soft hands c) soft legs d) soft fingers

4. The blind foot walks through fields, mines, markets and ………..

a) Schools b) colleges c) ministries d) universities

5. At last the foot descends into …………………

a) Sky b) water c) air d) underground


1. ………………….was Borges‟ first literary reading.

a) The Odyssey b) Decline of West c) Hitory of Books d) Fairy Tales

2. According to Borges whatever happens to him or her is a ……………….

a) Curse b) resource c) boon d) bane

3. According to Borges a book always retains something sacred, something …………..which brings


a) Magical b) musical c) lyrical d) logical

4. Borges says that his mother had no ……………..

a) Friends b) relatives c) enemies d) worries

5. In order to pretend that he was not ………………..Borges bought books.

a) Poor b) blind c) rich d) uneducated

6. Borges had a doubt of writing “The History of Books‟ because he was ……….years old.

a) Eighty b) eighty two c) eighty three d) eighty four

7. „Poetry‟, according to Borges is …………………….act.

a) An artistic b) an aesthetic c)a creative d) a critical

8. ………………..wrote “The Odyssey”.

a) Borges b) Alifino c) Homer d)Goethe

9. According to Borges books are the extension of our ……………..

a) voice b) sight c) arms d) imagination and memory


1. Heaven is on ………….according to the poet.

a) Mountains b) rivers c) earth d) oceans

2. If we ourselves cannot be gods then there can be no ……………..

a) Nymphs b) fairies c) humans d) gods

3. The roaring stream rushes ………………

a) Fast b) slowly c)gently d) harshly

4. Rolling surf is found at the edge of …………….

a) Streams b) garden c) waves d) earth

5. The tender sunshine leans on ……………………….

a) Roaring stream b) rolling surf c) gentle sun d) verdant gardens.

6. In the splendour of harvest and of moonlight ………………lies all over

a) Earth b) heaven c) ocean d) sky


1. The Japanese are described as ……………………….. people

a) Well dressed b) well to do c) well planned d) well mannered

2. In Japan a man‟s telephone receiver is his ……………

a) Home b) room c) castle d) hotel

3. Japanese have a mania for …………………

a) Bowing b) telephoning c) riding cars d) eating soup

4. The basic rule of bowing inside the family : the wife bows to her …………………

a) Father b) child c) brother d) husband

5. In one of the parts of ……………………George Mikes met a deer.

a) Tokyo b) Nara c) Osaka d) Brazil

6. When eating soup in Japan we must make a fearful …………….

a) Cry b) noise c) laughter d) music

7. ………………….are extremely expensive in Brazil.

a) Bikes b) bicycles c) motor cars d) mobiles

8. In Brazil the life of ……………………………is becoming more hazardous everyday.

a) Pedestrians b) cyclists c) drivers d) passangers


1. ……………….is where Rufus Okeke worked as bicycle repairer‟s apprentice.

a) Port Blair b) Umuofia c) Port Harcourt d) Mbanta

2. Marcus Ibe was a minister of …………………

a) Sports b) culture c) law d) education

3. Umuofia had neither running water nor …………………..

a) Roads b) bridges c) electricity d) gardens

4. The leader of POP placed …………. Pounds before Rufus.

a) Five b) four c) six d) eight

5. The „Iyi‟ comes from ………….

a) Port Blair b) Umuofia c) Port Harcourt d) Mbanta

6. ……………..was Maduka‟s election symbol.

a) Hand b) head c) ear d) nose

7. …………………was Marcus Ibe‟s election symbol.

a) Bicycle b) motor cycle c) motor car d) scooter

8. Roof and the leader of the POP campaign team were ……………

a) friends b) relatives c) enemies d) strangers


1. The rural women of…………… took to cycling as a means of hitting out their backwardness

a) Puducheri b) Pudukottai c) Arivoli d) Kudimianmalai

2. ………………. Is a secondary school teacher.

a) Jameela b) N Kannammal c) Fathima d) Kanakarajan

3. ……………………was Arivoli central coordinator.

a) N Kannammal b) Sheela Rani c) Fathima d) Jameela

4. Sheela Rani Chunkat was ……………………….

a) Teacher b) coordinator c) district collector d) trainer

5. ………………….was the owner of Ram Cycles

a) Manormani b)S Kanakarajan c) Muttu Bhaskaran d) P Sainath

6. ……………wrote the famous cycling song.

a) Muttu Bhaskaran b)S Kanakarajan c) Manormani d) P Sainath

7. .........................sanctioned fifty mopeds for Arivoli women.


8. The women preferred gents‟ cycles because they had additional……………….

a) Lock b) handle c) bar d) key

9. For women bicycle cuts down on …………..waisted in waiting for buses.

a) Time b) money c) work d) leisure

10. In 1995 the cost of a bicycle was around …………

a) 1200 b) 1100 c) 1400 d) 1300


1. Water knows the agony of …………….

a) Brahmana b) panchama c) Kshatriya d) sudra

2. ……………..opposed the kamma landlords.

a) Wada girl b) samaria woman c) Suvarthamma d) Jesus

3. The water is a witness to centuries of ……………….injustice

a) Cultural b) social c) political d) economical

4. Though blood flowed like streams the panchamas never managed to win even a small ……………

of water

a) Drop b) pot c) puddle d) glass

5. The panchamas welcomed their ……………….bath as if it was a wonderous festival.

a) Weekly b) monthly c) yearly d) daily

6. Water can also sit innocently in a ……………….bottle.

a) Juice b) milk c) Bisleri d) syrup

7. Water with its new name ……………………it takes to the skies, it raises a storm.

a) Warm water b) cold water c) sweet water d) mineral water


English Course Book

Second Year Pre-University


-William Shakespeare


 The city of Verona

 Romeo and Juliet
 Noble families-Montagues and Capulets/animosity
 Capulets‟ party
 Intense and passionate love
 Romeo‟s glorification of Juliet‟s beauty
 Juliet‟s beauty surpasses the brightness of torches
 A rich jewel
 Compared to a snowy dove
 Romeo meets after the dance
 Juliet praises Romeo
 Compares to the day
 New snow on ravens back
 Wants Romeo to be little stars


The poem Romeo and Juliet is an extract from William Shakespeare‟s tragedy „Romeo and Juliet‟.
Montagues and Capulets were the two noble families of Verona. They were arch rivals and known
for their animosity. Though Romeo belonged to Montagues, he attended the party hosted by
Capulets, in disguise. There in the party he saw Juliet and was fascinated by her enchanting
beauty. The poem expresses Romeo and Juliet‟s intense and passionate love for each other.

Romeo glorifies the beauty of Juliet. He finds that her beauty surpasses the
brightness of the burning torches. And she seems to hang upon the cheek of night like a rich jewel
in Ethiope‟s ear. Romeo was fascinated by the rich and rare beauty of Juliet. He compares her with
a snowy dove among the trooping crows. He expresses his desire to meet and touch her. So that
his rude hands will become blessed. He openly admits that he had never seen such a true beauty in
his life.

Juliet is also equally fascinated by the handsome and bright personality of

Romeo. She compares him to the day in night and praises his attractive disposition. She calls his
love a white snow which is pure and perfect. Juliet wants Romeo to be cut into little stars after her
death, so that he will make the face of heaven so fine. And the entire world will fall in love with night
forgetting the garnish Sun.


- Leo Tolstoy


 Monaco- a tiny little kingdom

 Various taxes
 Gaming house- a special source of income
 Murder- the unusual incident
 Death sentence
 No guillotine or an expert
 King writes to France and Italy but proved costly
 Change of death sentence into life imprisonment
 600 francs annual maintenance
 The criminal does not want to leave
 Pension/one third of annuity in advance
 The criminal leaves


“Too Dear”, is one of the finest short stories written by Leo Tolstoy. It ridicules the way that the
decisions are made by the kings and administrators. And explains how the criminals are let go freely
without being punished severely.

Monaco was a little kingdom with seven thousand populations. It was near the borders of
France and Italy. It had a king, ministers, courtiers and a small army of sixty soldiers. The king used
to collect taxes on the things such as tobacco, wine, spirits and a poll tax. But the special revenue
came from the gaming houses. The people played roulette which was generating a lot of income for
the king.

Once, an unusual incident happened in Monaco. It was a murder. The criminal was tried in
the court and awarded the death punishment. But the problem was, they had neither a machine nor
an expert to cut the head off. So the king sought the help of France and Italy. Both the countries
were ready to help by charging 16000 francs and 12000 francs respectively, but the king thought
that it was too costly. Then the army of Monaco was requested to execute the punishment, this was
refused on the ground that the army was not trained in it.

Finally the king decided to alter the death punishment into life imprisonment. Accordingly a
guard was appointed and the criminal was put in a cell. Even this also proved costly as the king
found a new item of expenditure of 600 francs every month. The guard was dismissed but the
criminal didn‟t run away. He had nowhere to go and had forgotten to work. The only way to get rid of
the criminal was to pay him a pension. The criminal agreed to it, and received one third of annuity.
He left Monaco and settled across the frontier. There he lived peaceably and well.


-Khalil Gibran


 A woman requesting prophet to speak on children

 Children belong to life not to parents
 Parents can give love but not thoughts
 Parents may give shelter to bodies but not their souls
 Children‟s souls dwell in the house of tomorrow
 Bows- parents. Living arrows- children.
 God- the archer
 Archer loves both children and parent


“On Children” is a philosophical poem written by Khalil Gibran. The theme of the poem is the
relationship between the parents and children. Traditionally the parents exercise a lot of authority
over their children. And they try hard to impose many things on them. It is just because they have
given births to them.

But the poet thinks in other way. The children don‟t belong to their parents; they
really belong to the life. The parents can‟t own or claim their rights over the children. Though the
children come from their parents but they belong to life. The parents can give their love but not their
thoughts as the children have their own individual personality.

The parents can only protect the bodies of their children but not their souls. The souls
of the children lie in the house of tomorrow. They can try to be like the children but should never
attempt to make the children to be like them. The children belong to the future and not to the past.
The future never stays with yesterday.

The parents are like the bows through which the living arrows are sent. It is the
archer, the God who sees the mark upon the path of infinite. Therefore the parents should act like
the guiding lights to the children and never be so authoritative in their attitudes. The children are the
creation of God and they have to be free from any bondage.


- Vandana Shiva


 Ecological journey from the forests of Himalaya

 Father-Forest conservator. Mother-a farmer
 Chipko movement-deforestation
 Logging-scarcity of water, fodder and fuel/women affected
 Bachni Devi‟s fight
 Bio-diversity-intensive and organic farming
 Navadanya Farm 1994
 Rights of Nature- Ecuador, Bolivia and UN
 Earth- a dead matter-industrial revolution
 Earth University-Earth Democracy-freedom for species
 Tagore‟s ideals-trees, rivers and lakes source of knowledge/thoughts
 Nature- source of beauty and joy
 Consumerism and accumulation


“Everything I Need to Know I Learned in the Forest”, is an essay written by Vandana Shiva.
It deals with the modern ideas such as deforestation, eco system, bio diversity, organic farming and
rights of Nature.

Vanda Shiva was brought up in the Himalayan forests. Her father was a forest conservator
and mother, a farmer. She learned everything from the Himalayan forests. She was associated with
the „Chipko Movement‟, a non violent movement against deforestation. Vandana Shiva was very
much influenced by the women who protested against logging. The logging was the cause of
landslides, floods and scarcity of water. The women were the victims as they had to walk for longer
distances in order to fetch water, fodder and fuel for their hearths.

Vandana Shiva was against monoculture. She preferred biodiversity and biodiversity based
economies. Therefore she started Navadhanya farm in 1994. The farmers were given
demonstration and training. She conserved 600 varieties of rice and 150 varieties of wheat.
Navadhanya was a movement for biodiversity conservation and organic farming.

Vandana Shiva strongly supported the rights of nature. And she gives the example of
Ecuador which has recognized the rights of nature in its constitution. This inspired the United
Nations Organization to arrange conference to discuss the domination of people over nature. She
expresses her disappointment over transforming the living earth into the dead matter which started
with the industrial revolution.

The Earth University which was started in Navadhanya, teaches Earth Democracy. The
Earth Democrcy means freedom for all species and the freedom and responsibilities of humans in
recognizing and protecting the other species. She stresses the need of ecocentrism as against

The ideals of Rabindranath Tagore have a great influence on Vandana Shiva. She quotes
Tagore‟s „Tapovan‟. This is an essay where Tagore claims that the forests are the source of material
and intellectual regeneration of our Indian civilization. India‟s best ideas have come where man was
in communion with trees, rivers and lakes. Vandana Shiva is of the opinion that nature is the best
teacher. And she appeals that we all should stop treating earth as a dead matter.

- Serafin and Joaquin Alvarez Quinter.


 Meeting between Don Gonzalo and Dona Laura

 A sunny morning/Park in Madrid
 Complain each other not friendly
 A pinch of snuff brings peace
 Fictitious story of „The silver maiden‟ and „gallant lover‟
 Meeting and exchanging flowers
 Dual with the merchant/ the lover hides
 Gonzalo writes letters but were intercepted
 Gonzalo and Laura get separated
 The gallant lover joins army- goes to Africa and dies
 The silver maiden leaves her house- goes to beach-swept away by waves
 Don Gonzalo and Dona Laura hide their real identity


"A Sunny Morning," is a comedy of in one act, by Serafin and Joaquin Alvarez Quintero. It is
a humorous play which tells the story of Don Gonzalo and Dona Laura who loved each other on
their youth but were forced to separate in life. The play begins on a sunny autumn morning in a
quiet corner of a park in Madrid. Dona Laura a handsome seventy year old lady is feeding pigeons
in the park. Don Gonzalo, a gentleman of seventy, gouty and impatient enters. The meeting of the
Laura and Gonzalo in the park strikes the note of humour.

The conversation between the two seventy year olds begins sarcastically, they accuse each
other. Don Gonzalo calls her "Senile old lady!”. She finds him "an ill-natured old man! Later a pinch
of snuff helps to clear their heads, and brings peace between them. Then they start talking of their
hometowns and other things. Then Laura reveals that she lived in a villa Maricela,. Gonzalo is
surprised to hear the name “Maricela.” He then tells that he knows a girl who lived in that villa in
Maricela, who was perhaps the most beautiful woman he has ever seen. He also reveals that the
girl‟s name was Laura Llorente. Both of them realize each other to be former lovers.

Dona Laura was known in her locality as „The Silver Maiden.‟ She was fair as a lily. She was
in love with Gonzalo, the gallant lover. He used to pass by on horseback every morning through the
rose garden and tossed up a balcony of flowers to her balcony which she caught. On his way back
in the afternoon she would toss the flowers back to him. But Laura‟s parents wanted to marry her off
to a merchant whom she disliked. One day there was a quarrel between Gonzalo and the merchant,
the suitor. So he fled from his hometown to Seville and then to Madrid. Even though he tried to
communicate with Laura through letters, all attempts failed. He then joined the army and went
to Africa.

According to Don Gonzalo, his „cousin- the lover of Laura‟ met with a glorious death
in Africa. Laura waited for her beloved‟s arrival for days, months and a year. But then one day she
went to the sea shore, wrote her lover‟s name on the sand and sat down upon a rock. The tides
rose to the rock and swept her out to sea. This is narrated by both Gonzalo and Laura respectively.
But in reality after three months Gonzalo ran off to Paris with a ballet dancer and Laura on the other
hand, got married after two years.

Thus there is a thread of humour running throughout the play. Even after realizing each
other they pretend to be not and frame stories about their own deaths. Laura poses herself to be the
friend of the real Laura and Gonzalo as the cousin of the „dead Gonzalo.‟


-W. B. Yeats


 The speaker addressing his beloved

 Asks her to read the book when she becomes old
 Asks her to dream of her soft looks
 Others loved her physical beauty
 The speaker loves her pilgrim soul
 He loved her joys and sorrows
 She sits by the glowing bars
 Murmuring about how love fled


„When You Are Old‟, is a beautiful poem written by W. B. Yeats. The theme of the poem is
love. Here the speaker is trying to explain his beloved how is love is a true and different one. He is
addressing a young woman whom he loved a lot. When she becomes old and gray, the speaker
wants her to take the book and read it slowly sitting by the fire. And dream of her soft looks that she
had once.

There were many men who loved her, but they loved only her moments of glad grace.
He is not sure whether their love for her was true or false. The speaker here is trying to convince her
that the others loved only her physical beauty. But he loved her pilgrim soul and the sorrows of her
changing face. By „changing face‟ the speaker means that he loved both her joys and sorrows. He
makes it clear that his love is not a temporary one.

The poem returns to the time frame of her old age. Sitting by the glowing bars she
should murmur sadly about how love fled and went on the mountains. And how hid his face amid a
crowd of stars. The time sequence of the poem is important because this isn‟t really written from the
perspective of two old people. It‟s written about two young people imagining what life will be like
when they are old.


-P. Lankesh


o It is about mystery of human relations

o Rivalry and its consequences
o Gardener- well versed in agriculture/intelligent
o Owner becoming lazy/wife worried
o Tammanna and Basavaiah‟s rivalry
o Basavaiah encroaching Tammanna‟s land
o Tammanna started composing and singing ballads
o Basavaiah amassed wealth
o Tammanna‟s decision to die
o Tammanna‟s repentece


“The Gardener”, is a short story by P.Lankesh. It tells us the story of rivalry and its
consequences. The story is told in a multiple narrative technique which reveals the mystery of
human relationship. The rivalry between Tammanna and Basavaiah keeps moving from visual
domain to the invisible. Both of them adopt different strategies and counter strategies to challenge
each other‟s wealth.

The gardener is an old man who lives in Channapatna. He is a tall figure with a long beaklike
nose. But he is very intelligent and well versed in agriculture. It is because of his hard work and
intelligence, he got a job. He could understand the problems of the workers very well. When the
gardener stopped the petty thefts, the owner‟s income increased. Then the owner became lethargic
and stopped working hard. Besides the owner developed all kinds of bad habits and had become an
extravagant. This made the wife anxious. The gardener tried to console her with his story of
Tammanna and Basavaiah.

Tammanna had one thousand of acres of land where as Basavaiah owned only eight
hundred acres. So Basavaiah asked Tammanna to sell two hundred acres of his land which he
refused. Basavaiah was mad with rage and he went along with his people and encroached
Tammanna‟s land forcibly. Tammanna started searching a method that could annihilate Basavaiah.
He hit upon an idea of composing ballads and singing. He became very famous and his reputation
started spreading all around. But Basavaiah couldn‟t do this; instead he went on amassing all kinds
of material wealth. One day Tammanna was ill and Basavaiah thought that Tammanna‟s decease
would be his health. But Tammanna at last thought of another idea of punishing Basavaiah. That
was death. Foolish Basavaiah gave a tough completion and died at the end.


-Pablo Neruda


 Foot- the symbol of the journey of life

 Continuously toiling
 The child‟s dream-butterfly or an apple
 Hardships teaching the lesson of reality
 Soft nails grow into hard opaque substance
 Blind foot walks everywhere
 Foot descending into underground
 Death marks the end of journey


“To The Foot From Its Child”, is a beautiful narrative poem written by Pablo Neruda.
The theme of the poem is journey of life. It narrates how the hardships of life crush the dreams and
imagination of a child. From birth to death a man goes through various hardships and difficulties.
Here the poet uses „the foot‟, metaphorically suggesting that the foot toils throughout the life. It
works continuously without rest and without stopping anywhere.

The child‟s foot is not yet aware of that it‟s a foot. It would like to be a butterfly or an
apple. But as the time passes the stones, bits of glasses, streets, ladders and the paths teach the
foot that it can‟t fly. And it can‟t be a fruit bulging on a branch. Thus the dreams of the child are
defeated. It becomes a prisoner confined to a shoe and falls in the battle of life. As the time moves
the foot grows in its own way and loses its touch with its fellows. It is almost blind.

When the child grows up, the soft nails of the foot become hard. They change into an
opaque substance. They grow as hard as the horns. The tiny petaled toes of the child are out of trim
and take the form of eyeless reptiles. At the end the foot faces the dangers of death.

The blind foot walks and walks without rest and stopping nowhere. Now it is a man‟s foot
walking in the fields, mines, markets and ministries. It neither knows love nor sleep. It walks until
man chooses to stop. Finally the foot descends into the underground and meets its end.


-William Shakespeare


 Luis Borges had a multifaceted personality

 Educated from father‟s library
 Great respect for mother
 Feels guilty for not giving the deserved happiness to her
 Blindness is a way of life
 Everything is given for a purpose
 Humiliations, misfortunes and embarrassments as raw material
 Poetry an aesthetic act
 Poetry-magical, mysterious and unexplainable
 Books are the extension of our imagination and memory


“I Believe That Books will Never Disappear” is an interview with the Argentinean writer Jorge
Luis Borges by Roberto Alifano. Borges had a multifaceted personality. He was a short story writer,
a poet, essayist and a translator and was born in Buenos Aires. In this interview Borges reveals his
thoughts about life and literature.

Borges was educated from his father‟s library rather than from any high school or a
university. The mother was a kind hearted and a gracious woman who had no enemies. She had a
lot of influence on Borges. He felt somewhat guilty for not having given her the deserved happiness.

Borges became blind at the age of 55 but he never complained about it. Instead he
considered it as a resource. He accepted his blindness and considered humiliations, misfortunes
and embarrassments as raw material. Apart from his personal details Borges expresses his views
on poetry and literature. According to him poetry is both an aesthetic and poetic act. It is magical,
mysterious and unexplainable. He says that poetry is the use of right words in right place. And he
reduces all metaphors into 5 or 6 groups such as time and river, life and dreams, death and sleep,
and stars and eyes.

He thought that books will never disappear because they are the extension of our
imagination and memories. The modern technology does affect the books. The books are the great
memory of all centuries. Their function therefore is irreplaceable. Borges firmly believed that if books
disappear, surely history would disappear and at the end man would disappear.

10. Heaven If You are Not Here On Earth

- Kuvempu

 The theme of nature and beauty

 Transformation of human beings into gods
 Developing divine qualities
 Changing the earth into heaven
 Beautiful objects of nature-roaring stream, rolling surf
 Harvest and moonlight
 Poet creating heaven through sweet songs


“Heaven If You Are Not Here On Earth”, is beautiful poem by Kuvempu on nature and its
beauty. Kuvempu is one of the greatest Kannada poets of the 20th century. He was awarded
Jnanpith award for his “Ramayana Darshanam”.

The theme of the poem is how we the human beings can transform this earth into a heaven
by following the path of virtue. The concept of heaven is an abstract idea. But we can have the
heaven here on the earth itself by becoming ourselves gods and nymphs. The poet expects us to
develop noble and divine qualities so that the earth will be transformed into a place beauty.

The objects of nature such as „roaring stream‟, „rolling surf‟, „tender sunshine‟, „verdant
garden‟ and the gentle sun make this earth a beautiful heaven. The splendour of harvest and the
moonlight that has spread all over make this earth a beautiful place. The poet creates heaven on
earth through his sweet songs. Thus the poem celebrates the beauty of nature and its beauty.

11. “Japan And Brazil Through A Traveler’s Eye”

- George Mikes

 A travelogue-a story of a travel

 People and culture of Japan and Brazil
 Privacy in Japan
 Bowing mania
 Making sound while eating soup
 Brazilians walk slowly
 Driving speedily
 Cars are expensive
 Life of pedestrians-difficult
 The drivers quarrel but no anger or hostility
 Depiction of positive and negative aspects


“Japan and Brazil Through a Traveler‟s Eyes”, is a travelogue. It tells us a story about the
people and culture of the two countries, they are Japan and Brazil. It is written by George Mikes, a
publisher and journalist from Hungary.

Japan is an island which is overcrowded but the people are extremely well mannered. They
respect privacy more than anything else. For instance they keep the telephone on a table or on a
cash counter as they don‟t have enough places for the booths. One can talk about his business or
about love, but nobody listens to him.

The Japanese have a mania for bowing. Everybody bows to everybody else. Their act of
bowing is natural and inimitable. The bowing is neither more nor less than shaking hands or kissing
on the cheeks. The depth and length of bowing depends on the social positions and ranks of
people. In the Japanese‟ culture one should make noise while eating the soup. And it is a sign of

The people of Brazil are very slow when they are walking but the same people become
dangerous when they are driving cars. Because no speed is fast enough for them. Though the cars
are very expensive in Brazil but their number is increasing leaps and bounds. The life of the
pedestrians is so difficult that sometimes it becomes impossible to cross the roads. The drivers have
wars but there is no anger or hostility and no hooting. Here the writer depicts both the positive and
negative aspects of the Japanese and Brazilians.

12. The Voter
- Chinua Achebe


 A short story
 Evils of elections
 Weaknesses for power and money
 Rufus Okeke – a young man from Umuofia
 Expert in campaigning
 Marcu Ibe- The minister for Culture-PAP party
 Former school teacher
 Amassed wealth in five years
 Maduka –POP party
 Roof takes five pounds
 Dilemma in Roof


“The Voter”, is a short story written by Chinua Achebe. He is a very well known poet, novelist
and a story writer. “Things Fall Apart”, “Arrow Of God”, “No Longer At Ease”, are some of his best

In “The Voter”, Chinua Achebe brings out the evils of elections in modern democracy and the
human weaknesses for power and money. Rufus Okeke, Marcus Ibe and Maduka are the important
characters of the story. Roof is a young and energetic man from Umuofia. People respected and
trusted him for his sincerity and innocence. Like the other boys he didn‟t abandon his village in order
to seek a better job in the cities. He stayed in the village to guide the people.

Roof was a real expert in election campaigning and he worked for Marcus Ibe, the minister
for culture in the outgoing government. Marcus Ibe was a school teacher and later he joined politics
to avoid the dismissal from service, as there was a complaint against him from a teacher. Within five
years he earned a lot of wealth and many degrees. He owned two long cars and built a large
mansion which he named it as “Umuofia Mansion”. After attending Marcus Ibe‟s feast people
realized his wealth and they decided that this time they would not vote for him free of charge.

Roof was strongly supporting the PAP candidate Marcus Ibe. Even he was in charge of
whispering campaign and distributing money. He reminded the people about the promise of pipe
borne water. But the day before election a POP campaigner visited Roof and offered him five
pounds. Roof not only took the money he even took oath on the deity Iyi to vote for Maduka. But on
the day of election, he was in a dilemma. Finally he took the ballot paper, tore it into two pieces and
put them in each of the boxes.

Thus Chinua Achebe exposes the candidates, voters and the election campaigners.

- P. Sainath


 Cycling as a movement in Pudukottai

 Rural women‟s participation
 Helped to fight against poverty and dependence
 N. Kannammal- the pioneer of cycling movement
 Vicious attacks on women
 Cycling training camp at Arivoli on Sundays
 Cycling- the brainchild of Sheela Rani Chunkat
 It helped in the literacy drive
 Cycling boosted income and reduced dependence


“Where There Is A Wheel” is an essay written by P. Sainath. It narrates how cycling brought
wealth and economic development among women in the poor and backward district of Pudukottai in

There was a cycling movement throughout the district of Pudukottai. The rural women specially
the neo-literates actively participated. These rural women used cycling as a weapon to fight against
their poverty and dependence. Women agricultural workers, quarry labourers and village health
nurses were among the fans of cycling. N. Kannammal was one of the pioneers of cycling
movement. According to her cycling gave women confidence and it reduced their dependence on
men. The women had to put up with vicious attacks on their character in the beginning but this did
not deter them. Cycling camps were held in Arivoli on Sundays and a large number of women

The cycling movement was the brainchild of Sheela Rani Chunkath, the former district collector.
She even encouraged the banks to sanction loans for women to buy the bicycles. Cycling played an
important role in the literacy drive as the women could reach the remote villages. The cycling
movement boosted the income of women. For them it cut down the time wasted in waiting for buses.
The women could cover large areas to sell their produces. It also reduced their dependence on
fathers, brothers and husbands.

- Challapalli Swaroopa Rani


 A narrative poem
 Discrimination on the basis of caste and creed
 The agony of low caste people
 Water has a long history of conflict
 Knows the difference of race
 Samaria woman and Jesus
 Panchama had no right to draw water
 Wada girl humiliated
 Suvarthamma‟s fight
 Mahad struggle
 The speaker‟s childhood memories
 Water as a commodity
 Falling in the hands of multinational companies

“Water” is a narrative poem written by Challapalli Swaroopa Rani. The poem deals with the
struggle against discrimination on the basis of caste and creed. It narrates how the low caste
panchamas underwent the hardships and exploitations in the hands of the upper caste people.

According to the speaker water is not an insignificant thing because it has a long history of
conflict. It created a huge gap between the village and wada. Water also knows the difference of
race between the Samaria woman and Jesus the Jew. It is sad that the panchama had no right to
draw a pot of water from a well. They had to wait all day near the well just for a pot of water. The
wada girl was insulted as the Shudra poured water to her from a distance.

Suvarthamma was beaten and threatened when she opposed the Kamma landlords polluting
the pond. Water led to many mighty movements like Mahad struggle. Every drop of water embodies
tears of the dalits and panchamas. The upper caste people enjoyed the bath twice a day but the
panchamas had only a weekly bath.

The speaker remembers her childhood when she used to carry a pot of water on her head
and used to walk miles together. Water was responsible for a number of atrocities on the low caste
people. Their houses were burnt; men and women were killed brutally. It swallowed village after
village. Water is both a creator and destructor and now it has been treated like a commodity. It is
unfortunate that it has fallen into the hands of the multi-national companies like Pepsi.



1 to 12 Multiple Choice Questions 12 Answers should

13 Right form of Verbs 03 be in the first
I 14 Expressions 02 three pages of
15 Linkers 04 the answer
16 Jumbled Segments 01 booklet
II 17 to 26 Four Mark Questions 32
III 27 Six Mark Question 06
28 ( a to j) Unseen Passage 10
29 Poetry 03
30 Reported Speech 05
31 Dialogue Writing 04
32 Note Making 04
33 Letter of Application 05
34 Speech Writing/Report Writing 05
35 Pronouns 04
TOTAL 35 100


1) Romeo loves Juliet

2) Juliet is loved by Romeo
When we study the above sentences we find out that there is no change in the meaning. But the only
difference is in the way of expression. Sentence no (1), is an Active sentence and the sentence no (2), is a
Passive sentence.

Structure of an Active Sentence: (S + V + O)


Romeo loves Juliet

Structure of a Passive sentence: (O + HV + MV III FORM /PP + BY + SUBJECT)


Juliet is loved by Romeo

 Note: Verb in Active Voice is called an Active Verb. Ex- loves

 Note: Verb in Passive Voice is called a Passive Verb. Ex- is loved

Structure of passive verb: HV+MV III FORM

Is + loved


simple present The king writes a letter A letter is written by the king

Present The king is writing a letter A letter is being written by the king

Present perfect The king has written a letter A letter has been written by the king

Simple past The king wrote a letter A letter was written by the king

Past continuous The king was writing a letter A letter was being written by the king

Past perfect The king had written a letter A letter had been written by the king

Simple Future The king will write a letter A letter will be written by the king


close the door Let the door be closed

Open the window Let the window be opened.

Use the appropriate forms of verbs given in the brackets. (3x1=3)


A fence ……………. (build) around Tammanna’s land by Basavaiah. Both of them ……………… (encourage) by
their supporters. Tammanna ……………….. (advise) by his supporters about the various means available for
getting back his land


A fence was built around Tammanna’s land by Basavaiah. Both of them were encouraged by their
supporters. Tammanna was advised by his supporters about the various means available for getting
back his land


In the Toy kingdom, a council ………… (call) to consider what ……………… (could,do) and it …………….
(decide) to send a letter of Italy


In the Toy kingdom, a council was called to consider what could be done and it was decided to send a
letter of Italy


The Prince agreed and so the matter ……………. (arrange). There was a small lock up where people
…………………. (keep) temporarily. The criminal …………. (put) there.


The Prince agreed and so the matter was arranged. There was a small lock up where people were kept
temporarily. The criminal was put there.


Finally the matter …………….. (settle). The criminal ……………. (give) one third of his annuity in advance. A
piece of land …………… (buy) by him and he started market gardening.


Finally the matter was settled. The criminal was given one third of his annuity in advance. A piece of
land was bought by him and he started market gardening.


Navadhanya Farm ………………. (start) in 1994 in the Doon valley. 630 varieties of rice and 150 varieties of
wheat …………… (grow) along with hundreds of other species. Biodiversity and intensive form of farming
……………. (practice).


Navadhanya Farm was started in 1994 in the Doon valley. 630 varieties of rice and 150 varieties of
wheat were grown along with hundreds of other species. Biodiversity and intensive form of farming
were practiced.

Exercise No: 1

The new house of Marcus Ibe ………………. (christen) as “Umoufia Mansions” in honour of the village. Five
bulls and countless goats ………………… (sacrifice) to entertain the people on the day it ………………..(open)
by the Archbishop

Exercise No: 2

The United Nations General Assembly ………………. (inspire) by the constitution of Ecuador and the
Universal declaration of the Rights of Mother Earth which ……………. (initiate) by Bolivia. A conference
……………. (organize) on harmony with Nature.

Exercise No: 3

Dona Lara …………… (write) many letters, some of them in verse. But they …………… (intercept) by her
parents, for she never answered at all. Then Gonzalo believed that his love ……………. (lose) to him

Exercise No: 4

Rufus Okeke …………… (give) the responsibility of election campaigning as he was an expert in it. The
mood and temper of the people ………………. (understand) by him. For example the minister ……….. (warn)
by Roof about the radical change in the thinking of people.

Exercise No: 5

A palatial house ……………… (build) for Basavaiah and a number of persons ………………. (appoint) just to
praise him. Scholars, poets and musicians ……………..(invite) to his house. This was his way of investing his
home with meaning.



1. It has two parts

Ex. Dona Laura said, “You scare away my birds”.


2. The direct speech is enclosed with quotation marks.

Ex. “You scare away my birds”.

3. It has two verbs (1) Reporting verb (2) Reported verb

Ex. Dona Laura said, “You scare away my birds”

Reporting verb Reported verb


1. It has only one part

Ex. Dona Laura said that he scared away her birds.

2. Inverted commas are removed and it ends with a full stop

Ex. Dona Laura said that he scared away her birds.

3. The part I and II are joined by a conjunction

Ex. Dona Laura said that he scared away her birds.

4. Conjunctions change according to the kind of sentence


1.Assertive Direct: Gonzalo said, “they have occupied my

(Reporting verb)

Said, replied.
Indirect: Gonzalo said that they had occupied
explained, added,
his bench
pointed, declared, that

suggested, admitted,

2.Interrogative Direct: Gonzalo, “what do you wish?”

A. “Wh” Questions Indirect: Gonzalo asked what she wished.

B. Yes or No Questions. same “Wh” word of the Direct: Gonzalo, “Have the priests gone?”
direct speech
(Reported Verb) Indirect: Gonzalo asked if the priests had
asked, questioned,
enquired, inquired,
Direct: Verb + Subject

Indirect: Subject +Verb

Imperative Direct: Roof said, “vote for the car.

(Reported Verb) to Indirect: Roof requested to vote for the car

begged, advised,

Exclamatory Direct: Laura said, “What an atrocious lie it

(Reported Verb) that
Indirect: Laura exclaimed that it was a great
atrocious lie.




I, you he or she

me, you him or her

mine, yours his or hers

we, you they

us, you them

our, your their

ours, yours theirs


am, is was

are were

has, have had

was had been


shall should

will would

can could

may might

must must


this that

these they ,them

here there


now then

ago before

today that day

tonight that night

yesterday the day before

the day before yesterday before two days

tomorrow the next day

next week the following week


simple present simple past

present continuous past continuous

present perfect pat perfect

simple past past perfect

past continuous past perfect continuous

Exercises: 1



Roof said, “you know that I work for Marcus” Roof said that they knew that he worked for

The man said, “we are after votes not gossip”. The man said that they were after votes and
not gossip.

Roof said, “All right”. Roof replied positively

Borges said, “I believe that metaphors exist Borges said that he believed that metaphors
from the beginning of time”. existed from the beginning of time.

The criminal said, “you have treated me badly” The criminal said that they had treated him

The minister said, “we don’t want to keep The minister said that they didn’t want to keep
you”. him.

The women said, “we have come to teach you The women said that they had come to teach
forestry”. them forestry.




“wh” Questions

Wh + Verb + Subject Wh + Subject + Verb

Laura: Why, have you been in America? Laura asked why he had been in America.

Gonzalo: What right have you to criticize my Gonzalo asked what right she had to criticize
actions? his actions.

The criminal: What can I do? The criminal asked what he could do.

The minister: Why do you not run away? The minister asked why he didn’t run away.

Petra: What does the senora wish? Petra asked what the senora wished

Yes or No Questions

Verb + Subject If or whether +Subject + Verb

The officials: Do you know what the forests The officials asked if they knew what the
besr? forests bore.

Laura: Do you use your handkerchief as shoe Laura asked if he used his handkerchief as his
brush? shoe brush.

Gonzalo : Have the priests gone? Gonzalo asked if the priests had gone.

Gonzalo: Can you read without any glasses? Gonzalo asked if she could read without any

Laura: Did you hear that? Laura asked if he had heard that.

Exercises: 3



Roof: Don’t forget to vote for the car. Roof requested the women not to forget to
vote for the car.

Roof: Let us not quarrel about small things. Roof appealed to them not to quarrel about
small things.

Gonzalo :Pardon me,senora. But never Gonzalo requested senora to pardon him and
interfere with what does not concern you. appealed her not to interfere with what did
not concern her.

Alifano: Please forgive me, Borges, for asking Alifano requested Borges to forgive him for
you this question. asking him that question.

Negative sentences

She: Don’t listen to the boy! She requested not to listen to the boy

He: Don’t rush. He asked not to rush

Exercises: 4



Laura : How strange it is! Laura exclaimed that it was very strange.

Gonzalo: What a wonderful morning! Gonzalo exclaimed that it was a very

wonderful morning.

Reporting of conversations :( 5 Marks)


Dona Laura: Do you use a shoe brush as a handkerchief?

Don Gonzalo: What right have to criticize my actions?

Dona Laura: A neighbor’s right

Don Gonzalo: I don’t care to listen to nonsense.

Dona Laura : You are very polite.

Reported Speech:

Dona Laura questioned Don Gonzalo if he used his shoe brush as a handkerchief for which he asked her as to
what right she had to criticize his actions. Dona Laura replied that she had a neighbour’s right. Don Gonzalo
continued that he didn’t care to listen to nonsense but Dona Laura remarked that he was very polite.


Dona Laura: Are you coming tomorrow?

Don Gonzalo: Most certainly, if it is a sunny morning. And not only will I scare away the birds but I will bring a
few crumbs.

Dona Laura: Thank you very much. Birds are grateful and repay attention.

Reported Speech:

Dona Laura asked Don Gonzalo if he was coming next day. Don Gonzalo replied positively and continued that
not only he would scare away the birds but he would bring a few crumbs. Dona Laura thanked him and said
that birds were grateful and repaid attention.


The women: We have come to teach you forestry.

The forester: You foolish women, how can you prevent tree felling by those who know the value of the
forest? Do you know what forests bear? They produce profit, resin and timber.

Reported Speech:

The women said that they had come to teach him forestry. The forester scolded that they were foolish
women. And he asked them how they could prevent tree felling by those who knew the value of the forest.
He further questioned them if they knew what the forests bore. At last he explained that the forests produce
profit, resin and timber

Question :4

Roof: You know that I work for Marcus and it will be very bad.

The man: Marcus will not be there when you put in your paper. We have plenty of work to do tonight. Are
you taking it or not?

Roof: It will not be heard outside room?

Reported Speech:

Roof said that they knew that he worked for Marcus and it would be very bad. The men replied that Marcus
would not be there when he put in his paper. They continued that they had plenty of work to do that night.
And finally questioned him if he was taking that or not. Roof asked them if it would not be heard outside the

Question :5

Petra: I see him over there waiting for me.

Dona Laura: Do not remain more than ten minutes.

Petra: Very well, senior. (Walks away)

Dona Laura: Wait a moment.

Petra: What does the senora wish?

Reported Speech:

Petra said to Dona Laura that she saw the guard over there waiting for her.

Dona Laura told Petra not to remain there for more than ten minutes.

Petra replied affirmatively and walked away.

Dona Laura asked Petra to wait for a moment.

Petra in return asked what she wished for.

Exercise No:1

Don Gonzalo: Are you speaking to me, senora?

Dona Laura: Yes, to you.
Don Gonzalo: What do you wish?
Dona Laura: You have scared away the birds who were feeding on my crumbs.
Don Gonzalo: What do I care about the birds?

Exercise No: 2

Don Gonzalo: This is a public park.

Dona Laura: Then why do you complain that the Priests have taken your bench?
Don Gonzalo: Senora, we have not met. I cannot imagine why you take the liberty of addressing me.
Dona Laura: What an ill-natured old man! Why must people get so fussy and cross when they reach
a certain age?
Exercise No: 3

Dona Laura: You cannot imagine how it affects me to see you reading with all those glasses.
Don Gonzalo.: Can you read without any?
Dona Laura: Certainly.
Don Gonzalo: At your age? You're jesting.
Dona Laura: Pass me the book, then.

Exercise No:4

Dona Laura: You seem to know the story well.

Don Gonzalo: And so do you.
Dona Laura: I have explained that a friend repeated it to me.
Don Gonzalo: As my cousin did to me. (Aside) This is Laura!
Dona Laura: (Aside) why tell him? He does not suspect.

Exercise No:5

Juanito: You can sit here, senora. There is only a lady.

Don Gonzalo: I won't, Juanito. I want a bench to myself.
Juanito: But there is none.
Don Gonzalo: That one over there is mine.
Juanito: There are three priests sitting there.


A language function is the use of an expression (a sentence or a phrase) for a specific purpose. It is
the purpose of speaking. For example when we say, “Good morning” our purpose is greeting someone.
And when we say, “I am sorry” our purpose is apologizing. In our everyday conversations we use
innumerable expressions for different purposes.

A language teacher’s task is to make the effective communicator. These language functions help the
students developing communicative skills. The students must be exposed to vocabulary and grammatical
structures associated with the language functions.



Good morning ….. Good morning …..
Good afternoon ….. Very good morning ………
1.Expression of greeting Good evening ….. Good afternoon …..
Good night ……. Good evening …..
Good night …….
I always……. Is it so …..
I often …… That is nice ….
2.Expression of personal Sometimes I …….. That is great ….
habits I usually ……. That is good …..
Bye ……. Ok then …….
Bye now …… Bye, take care ….
Good bye …. Good bye …..
3.Expression of leave taking See you later ……. Fine …..
See you soon …. All right …..
May I take leave …. Bye-Bye …
Well it is time for me now …

Would you please ….. Why not ……….

Could you possibly …. Don’t worry …………..
If you don’t mind …… By all means ………
4.Expression of requests Sorry to trouble you ……
I would be grateful if you ….
I hope you don’t mind ….
I like …… That is fine…..
I am fond of …. It is so nice ….
I love ……. That is very good …
…….. is my favourite…… Good, keep it up ….
I am addicted to ……. That is very bad …
5.Expressing Likes and I enjoy ……. Very good …..
Dislikes I am crazy about …. So interesting ….
I don’t like … Is it? .........
I dislike ….
I hate ……
I never like ….

I am grateful to you ……. It is my pleasure ….

It is very nice of you …….. It is my pleasure ….
6.Expressing Gratitude It is very kind of you ….. It is my duty …….
Thank you so much ….. Welcome …….
I beg your pardon …. It is OK …
I apologize ….. It is all right ….
7.Expressing Apology I am so sorry …. Don’t worry …
I am extremely sorry …. Nothing to worry
So sad …….
How sad! ……
8.Expressing sympathy I sympathize with you …
My sympathies are with you
May I ….. By all means ….
Would it be all right if I …… Why not ……
9. seeking Permission Can I ……. Go ahead ……
Shall I ….. Certainly …….
I am sorry to say …. Sorry for …….
10.Complaining I regret to inform you …. We will take note ……..
11.Congratulating Congratulations ….
I must congratulate you.. Thank you …..
We would like to

Question: Complete the following dialogue. (Deepak and his wife Rani plan to have a holiday. They
discuss the options.)

Deepak : Rani, today my boss told me that I could take a vacation.

Rani : Wow! …………………………………. (congratulating)

Deepak : ………………………………………….. (Suggesting a place)

Rani : ……………………………………… ; it will be too cold (disagreeing)

Deepak : ……………………………………… It will be lovely (Giving an option)


Deepak : Rani, today my boss told me that I could take a vacation.

Rani : Wow! I would like to congratulate you.

Deepak : Shall we go to ooty?

Rani : No it is winter season; it will be too cold.

Deepak : Then how about going to Goa, It will be lovely.

Question: (Raju is studying in PUC II year. He is suffering from fever so he wants to meet the principal
and get leave)

Raju : ………………………………. (seeks permission to enter the office)

Principal : ……………………………….What is the matter Raju. (gives permission)

Raju : Sir, I am suffering from fever for some days. ……………………………..

……………………… (requests to sanction leave)

Principal : …………………….. (gives permission)

Raju : …………………….( thanks)


Raju : May I come in sir?

Principal : Yes, come in. What is the matter, Raju?

Raju : Sir, I am suffering from fever for some days. Would you please sanction me
leave for two days sir?

Principal : No problem, you may take leave.

Raju : Thank you very much sir.

Question: (Savita and Kavita are friends and they are meeting after a long time)

Savita : ………………………….. How are you? (greets)

Kavita : ……………………… I am fine. (responds)

Savita : We are meeting after a long time. ……………………………….. (asks reason)

Kavita : I had been to my grandmother’s house.

Savita : It is time for me. ………………………. (takes leave)


Savita Good morning, Kavita. How are you?

Kavita : Very good morning. I am fine.

Savita : We are meeting after a long time. ……………………………….. ?

Kavita : I had been to my grandmother’s house.

Savita : It is time for me. See you later, bye.

Question: Ajay has lost his mobile and on the way he meets his friend Vijay)

Vijay : Hi Ajay.

Ajay : ………… (greets)

Vijay : Why do you look so upset? ………………………… (asks reason)

Ajay : ………………………………………………………… ( replies)

Vijay : It is better ……………………………………….. (suggests)


Vijay : Hi Ajay.

Ajay : Hi

Vijay : Why do you look so upset? What is the problem?

Ajay : I have lost my mobile somewhere this morning.

Vijay : It is better to lodge a comlaint.

Question: (telephonic conversation)

Customer : Hello, is it “The City Bank”?

Prakash : ………………………… How can we help you sir? (replies)

Customer : ………………………………… (wants to speak with the manager)

Praksh : Sorry sir. ……………………………. (informs manager’s absence)

Customer : …………………………………. (thanks and takes leave)


Customer : Hello, is it “The City Bank”?

Prakash : Yes please. How can we help you sir?

Customer : May I speak to the manager?

Praksh : Sorry sir. He is on leave.

Customer : Thank you for the information, bye.

Exercise: 1 (At the railway station)

Ramu : …………………………. (greets)

Station Master: Very good morning, ……………………… ( asks if any help needed)

Ramu : Would you please give me a ticket to Bangalore?

Station master: Sorry I can’t. …………………………… (gives reason)

Ramu : It is Ok sir. ………….. (takes leave)

Exercise: 2 (At College)

Geeta : Good morning sir.

Lecterer : ……………………….. What is the matter? (greets)

Geeta : Sir I didn’t bring the English text. ……………… (seeks permission to go home)

Lecturer : ………………….. It will take a lot of your time. (refuses permission)

Geeta : ………………… (apologizes)

Exercise: 3 (At the market)

Raman : Hello excuse me sir. ……………………. (asks direction for the bus stop)

Stranger : Yes please. …………………………….. (gives the direction)

Raman : ………………………………………….(asks the distance)

Stranger : It is just 1km away from here.

Raman : ……………………………………. (thanks and takes leave)

Exercise: 4 (At home)

The son : Good morning dad. I have got first class in the examination.

The father : ……………………………………… (congratulates)

The son : Thank you very much dad. …………………………….. (asks about the mother)

The father : She is at the kitchen. ……………………… ( guesses preparation of a sweet)

The son : ………………………………………………. (expresses joy)

Exercise: 5 (At the park)

Manu : Hi Sonu. How are you?

Sonu : ……………………………………… (responds)

Manu : Today you are looking very pretty. …………………..(appreciates dress)

Sonu : ……………………………… Today is my birthday. (thanks)

Manu : …………………………………………… (wishes)


Idioms and Phrases are group of words which have a different meaning when used together. People often
use them as a way of saying something.

Example: Blandford felt as though he were being split in two.

Here ‘split in two’ is an idiomatic phrase which means ‘confused or in dilemma’.

A list of idioms and phrases

Idioms and phrases Meaning

hard put to something difficult to do

get rid of to become free from something or someone

broke down to cry or weep

put up with tolerate

go in for to choose

cut down on to reduce

to throw away to lose

pass by miss something or someone

face lit up to show happiness

give up to abandon

take by storm to succeed overwhelmingly

the calm before the storm peaceful time before a trouble

in full swing very busy

in high spirits to be in good mood

keep a whole skin save oneself without suffering harm

leap higher over excitement

look blue sad

looking forward to to expect

run into to take or drive

Zip along to move fast

Shrunk into to become smaller

run out of shortage

hit out at to face

take to to become fond of

take part to participate

take account of to consider particular facts

take care of look after

Cut down to save

Hit upon too discover

All and sundry one and all

to get hold of to reach

to put up with to tolerate

to take a nap to have sleep for awhile

Move away to withdraw

Move to to shift

Question: Fill in the blanks by choosing the appropriate expressions given in brackets. (2x1=2)

(to be in high spirits, to throw away, pass by)

Marcus knew that he would win but he didn’t want ……………………… a single vote. All the while Roof weighed
down with guilt, pretended …………………………


Marcus knew that he would win but he didn’t want to throw away a single vote. All the while Roof weighed
down with guilt, pretended to be in high spirits.


(cut down on, put up with, go in for)

A lot of women in Pudukottai were unable to wait for lady’s cycles. Therefore they had to ……………………
men’s cycle. They knew that bicycles …………………………… time, wasted in waiting for buses.

Answer: A lot of women in Pudukottai were unable to wait for lady’s cycles. Therefore they had to go in for
men’s cycle. They knew that bicycles cut down on time, wasted in waiting for buses.


(taken to, ran out of, put up with)

The women had to …………………………. vicious attacks on their character when they began cycling. But Arivoli
gave cycling social sanction so the women have ……………….. cycling


The women had to put up with vicious attacks on their character when they began cycling. But Arivoli gave
cycling social sanction so the women have taken to cycling


(called on, get rid of, give up)

The only way to ……………………………. was to offer him a pension. So the ministers ……………………. The Prince
and reported the matter.


The only way to get rid of was to offer him a pension. So the ministers called on the Prince and reported the


(move to, go in for, move away)

Today, at a time of multiple crises intensified by globalization, we need to ………………….. from the paradigm
of nature as dead matter. We need to …………………… an ecological paradigm.


Today, at a time of multiple crises intensified by globalization, we need to move away from the paradigm of
nature as dead matter. We need to move to an ecological paradigm.

Exercise: 1

(run into, moving away , hit upon)

Tammanna …………………….. an idea of composing all his experience in the form of ballads and singing them.
Now the rivalry between Tammanna and Basavaiah started ………………….. from things that were visible
,towards an invisible, abstract domain.

Exercise: 2

(brought up, taken to, zip along)

In the heart of rural Pudukottai, young women ……………… the roads on their bicycles. Jameela Bibi who has
…………………… cycling told that it was her right.


Linkers or linking words are the words which are used to connect words, phrases, clauses, and sentences

Here is the list of commonly used linkers and their functions

Function Linker Meaning in Kannada

so ºÁUÉ/»ÃUÉ

so that ºÁUÁV

then D£ÀAvÀgÀ

because 0iÀiÁPÉAzÀgÉ

Cause and effect as a result vÀvÀàjuÁªÀĪÁV

consequently vÀvÀàjuÁªÀĪÁV

accordingly CzÀPÀÌ£ÀÄUÀÄtªÁV

therefore DzÀÝjAzÀ

thereby CzÀjAzÁV

also ¸ÀºÀ

besides C®èzÉ

Adding reasons again ¥ÀÅ£ÀB

and information
once again ªÀÄvÉÆÛªÉÄä

as well DzÀÆ/CªÀ£ÀÆ/CªÀ¼ÀÆ PÀÆqÀ

in my opinion £À£Àß ¥ÀæPÁgÀ

in addition CµÉÖà C®èzÉ

according to CzÀgÀ/CªÀ£À/CªÀ¼À ¥ÀæPÁgÀ

anyway K£Éà DUÀ°

Returning to topic in any case K£ÁzÀgÀÄ ªÀiÁr

to get back to F »AzÉ ºÉýzÀAvÉ

and ªÀÄvÀÄÛ

yet DzÁUÀÆå

but DzÀgÉ

To connect for ¸À®ÄªÁV

so ºÁUÉ/»ÃUÉ

all in all MmÁÖgÉ0iÀiÁV

For summarizing in other words E£ÉÆßAzÀÄ ªÀiÁw£À°è

to sum it up ¸ÀQë¥Àª

in short ¸ÀQë¥Àª

by and large §ºÀĵÀå

also CzÀÆ/CªÀ£ÀÆ/CªÀ¼ÀÆ ¸ÀºÀ

in the same way ºÁUÉ0iÉÄÃ

For comparing likewise CzÀgÀAvÉ

as CAvÉ

similarly CzÉÃ jÃw

in order to CzÀPÁÌV

purpose so that ºÁUÁV

surely RArvÀªÁV

certainly RArvÀªÁV

perhaps §ºÀĵÀå

showing certainty probably ¸ÀA¨sÀªÀ¤Ã0iÀÄ

possibly ¸ÁzÀåvÉ

undoubtedly ¤±ËA±À0iÀĪÁV

evidently ¤dªÁV

actually ¤dªÁV

really ¤dªÁV

for example GzÁºÀgÀuÉ0iÀiÁV

explaining in fact ¤dªÁV

of course RArvÀªÁV

since C°èAzÀ/ CzÀjAzÁV

indeed ¤dªÁV

while DªÁUÀ

sometimes PÉ®ªÉǪÉÄä

not only ... but also JgÀqÀÆ ¸ÀºÀ

logical argument for instance GzÁºÀgÀuÉ0iÀiÁV

neither ... nor JgÀqÀÆ C®è

for example GzÁºÀgÀuÉ0iÀiÁV

if MAzÀÄ ªÉüÉ

although EzÁÝUÀÆå

even if DzÁUÀÆå

conditions in spite of EªÉ®èªÀ£ÀÆß M¼ÀUÉÆAqÀÄ

otherwise E®è¢zÀÝgÉ

though DzÁUÀÆå

unless E®è¢zÀÝgÉ

as long as J°è0iÀĪÀgÉUÉAzÀgÉ

nevertheless DzÀgÀÆ

with regard to CzÀPÉÌ ¸ÀA¨sÀA¢¹zÀAvÉ

with respect to CzÀPÉÌ ¸ÀA¨sÀA¢¹zÀAvÉ

introducing a concerning CzÀPÉÌ ¸ÀA¨sÀA¢¹zÀAvÉ

as regards CzÀPÉÌ ¸ÀA¨sÀA¢¹zÀAvÉ

by the way K£ÉAzÀgÉ

later £ÀAvÀgÀ


order finally PÉÆ£É0iÀÄzÁV

chronological then D£ÀAvÀgÀ

after that D£ÀAvÀgÀ

at last PÉÆ£ÉUÉ

after £ÀAvÀgÀ

now FUÀ

eventually CAwªÀĪÁV

shortly ¸Àé®à ¸ÀªÀÄ0iÀÄzÀ¯Éè

already FUÁUÀ¯É

until / till ªÀgÉUÉ

instead §zÀ¯ÁV

anyhow ºÉÃUÁzÀgÁUÀ°

contrast yet E£ÀÆß

on the contrary vÀ¢égÀÄzÀݪÁV

in spite of that EªÉ®èªÀ£ÀÆß M¼ÀUÉÆAqÀAvÉ

despite ºÉÆgÀvÁV0iÀÄÆ

of course DUÀ §ºÀÄzÀÄ/RArvÀªÁV

at any rate K£ÁzÀgÁUÀ°

in any case K£Éà DUÀ°

concession anyway K£ÁzÀgÁUÀ°

however ºÉÃUÁzÀgÁUÀ°

after all K£Éà CAzÀgÀÆ

still DzÀgÀÆ

obviously ¸ÀàµÀÖªÁV


Question: Fill in the blanks with the linker.


(before, and, although, as)

……………………….Roof would have put it. Then he had received a strange visit from the leader of POP
campaign team. …………………… he and Roof were well known to each other. ………………………… might even be
called friends, his visit was cold business like. No words were wasted. He placed five pounds on the floor
………………………... Roof


As Roof would have put it. Then he had received a strange visit from the leader of POP campaign team.
although he and Roof were well known to each other. And might even be called friends, his visit was cold
business like. No words were wasted. He placed five pounds on the floor before Roof


(but,such as, and, in addition to)

Look at ay waste garbage dump …………………………. Vegetable waste, paper and broken glass, you will find a
considerable amount of plastic material ……………………. Shampoo bottles, bags …………………………..worn out

shoes. Vegetable scraps paper are biodegradable …………………………….. glass and plastic continue to
accumulate and harm the environment.


Look at ay waste garbage dump such as vegetable waste, paper and broken glass, you will find a
considerable amount of plastic material in addition to Shampoo bottles, bags and worn out shoes.
Vegetable scraps paper are biodegradable but glass and plastic continue to accumulate and harm the



…………….. a council was called to consider what could be done; ……………… it was decided to send a similar
inquiry to the king of Italy. The French Government is republican, and has no proper respect for the king;
………….. the king of Italy was a brother monarch, ……………………… he might be induced to do the thing


So a council was called to consider what could be done; and it was decided to send a similar inquiry to the
king of Italy. The French Government is republican, and has no proper respect for the king; but the king of
Italy was a brother monarch, therefore he might be induced to do the thing cheaper


(about, then,when, but )

You have treated me badly. In the first place, …………….. once you sentenced me to death you ought have
executed me; ……………….. you didn’t do it. I didn’t complain ……………… it. …………….. you sentenced me to
imprisonment for life.


You have treated me badly. In the first place, when once you sentenced me to death you ought have
executed me; but you didn’t do it. I didn’t complain about it. And then you sentenced me to imprisonment
for life.


(where, then,as, and )

One afternoon, just at sunset, ……….. the stars were appearing, she was seen to leave the house, ………….
With quickening steps went her way toward the beach ……………. Her beloved had risked his life. She wrote
her name on the sand, and ………….sat down upon a rock.


One afternoon, just at sunset, as the stars were appearing, she was seen to leave the house, and with
quickening steps went her way toward the beach where her beloved had risked his life. She wrote her name
on the sand, and then sat down upon a rock.

Exercise No:1

(who, and, in order to, but)

Roof was a very popular man in his village. ……………. the villagers did not explain it in so many words. He was
an energetic young man …………., unlike most of his fellows, had not abandoned the village ……………… seek
work in the towns. ………Roof was not a village lout either.

Exercise No:2

(later, and, finally, so)

………….. the matter was settled. …………… the criminal received one-third of his annuity in advance, and left
the kingdom’s dominions. …………… he emigrated …………… settled just across the frontier.

Exercise No:3

(at last, and, obviously, but)

Women knew the real value of forests, it was not the timber from a dead tree, ……….. the springs and
streams, food for their cattle, ………….. fuel for their hearths. ………………… the women declared that they
would hug the trees, ………. the loggers would have to kill them before killing the trees.

Exercise No:4

(in fact, after that, which, on the contrary)

Tammanna had one thousand acres, and ………………….. Basavaiah owned eight hundred acres. ………………
Basavaiah could not tolerate this. ………….. he sent word to Tammanna asking him to sell two hundred
acres..………………………was refused by Tammanna.


 Note the Points.

 Read the short passage carefully.

 Don’t rush through it.
 Understand the gist.
 Identify the main points.
 Remember the essential details.
 Fill in the blanks with essential details.
Example: Read the following passage and make notes by drawing and filling in the boxes given below.

Tigers belong to cat family. They live in both the environments cold and warm. And they don’t live in herds
or packs like other animals. A male tiger is bigger than a female tiger but apart from this they look same.
They have orange fur and white stripes. The stripes help them to hide in the grass and trees. Tigers rest in
the day hunt at night. They like to catch deer and wild pig but they will eat almost any animal.

Tigers belong to 1

They live in the environments and

2 3

They have 4 and 5

Help them to hide in and

6 7

They like to catch


cat family
Tigers belong to

They live in the environments cold and warm

They have orange fur and white stripes

Help them to hide in grass and trees

deer and wild pigs

They like to catc

Exercise: 1

Seals have a streamlined body and four flippers. So they are suited to live in water. They come to land to
rest, mate and give birth. Together with walrus they belong to the order ‘Pinnipedia’ meaning ‘wing foot’.
They live all over the world but are most common in Arctic and Antarctic where there is plenty of food. They
have been hunted for their fur and blubber.

Seals suited to live in

Come to land to

2 3 4
Belong to


hunted for

7 8


Seals suited to live in


Come to land

rest mate Give birth

Belong to



Wing foot

hunted for

fur 53blubber
Exerse: 2

Grasshoppers and crickets are the most distinctive insects. Most are weak fliers and prefer to move by
walking or jumping. They live mainly in grasslands, rainforests, deserts, and caves and a few wingless species
burrow underground. Grasshoppers tend to be active by day and crickets are out and about after dark.

Grass hoppers and crickets prefer to move by

1 2


3 4 5 6
wingless species

Grass hoppers Crickets
active by day


Grass hoppers and crickets prefer to move by

By walking jumping

Live in

grasslnds rainforests desrts caves

wingless species

Burrow underground

Grass hoppers Crickets

active by day After dark


The students are required to study the given advertisement carefully. And note down the following points

India Today Requires, Journalists

Qualification : M.A. In Journalism/Mass Communication
Candidates With 3 Years Experience Will Be Given Preference
Should Have Excllent Communication Skill
Apply Within 10 Days To
The Editor
India Today
No.1 M.G.Road

 Identify the company or the person who requires the position

 Identify the position or the post that is required
 Identify the name of the news paper in which the advertisement has appeared
 Identify the date of the publication of the advertisement
 Identify the prescribed qualification
 Identify the address of the company or the person to whom the application has to be sent

A letter of application is divided into three parts. They are..

I. Beginning
II. Middle


1) Sender’s name (Usually XXX) and address (YYY)

2) Date of the letter of application

3) Receiver’s address (that is in question paper)

4) Salutation (Respected Sir/Madam)

6) Subject (Application for the post of ……………………….)

7) Reference (Your advertisement published in……………Dated ………………..)


1) Information regarding academic background and qualifications

2) Place and year of the completion of courses and work experience
3) Information regarding current and previous employment
4) Courses and trainings undergone
5) Languages known etc.


1) Closing remark- (Thank you/Thanking you)

2) Yours faithfully
3) Signature (xxx)


•It includes all

details about the
candidate such as
TYPE personal
data, qualification
1 , courses, experie
nce and
languages known

•Here the details

TYPE are produced in a
format (resume)
and it
2 accompanies a
covering letter









Respected sir/Madam

Subject: Application for the post of …………………………………

Ref : Your advertisement published in……………………….dated…./……../……….

………………………(Body of the letter)

Thank you

Yours faithfully




Advertisement That Appeared in The Vijayavani dated 10-12-2014




Qualification: IIPUC with computer knowledge

Knowledge of Kannada, English and Hindi languages is must

Apply immediately to

The Manager

Classic Motors

Kusagal Road, Keshwapur,Hubli-23






The Manager

Classic Motors

Kusgal Road, Keshwapur, Hubli-23

Respected Sir/Madam

Subject: Application for the post of Receptionist

Ref : Your advertisement published in The Vijayavani. .Dated 10/12/2014

In response to your advertisement mentioned in the reference, I would like to apply for the post of
receptionist. I am 19 years old and a resident of Dharwad. I have passed II PUC with 75% in the year 2011. I
have studied in XYZ College and was a general secretary for the college sports club. I can fluently speak
Kannada, English and Hindi languages. I have already worked as a receptionist in the Hotel Residency in Hubli
for two years and I was drawing Rs.20,000 salary per month.

I have done a one year diploma course in computer and spoken English. I will serve to the best of my ability if
given an opportunity in your esteemed company. I will submit all my certificates at the time of interview.

Thank you

Yours faithfully








The Manager

Classic Motors

Kusgal Road,Keshwapur,Hubli-23

Dear sir/Madam

Subject: Application for the post of Receptionist

Ref : Your advertisement published in The Vijayavani. .Dated 10/12/2014

In response to your advertisement mentioned in the reference, I would like to apply for the post of

I have passed IIPUC with a distinction and I have a diploma course in computer. Besides I am fluent in
Kannada, English and Hindi. In addition to this I have an experience of having worked as a receptionist
for two years.

Herewith I have enclosed a resume. I hope that it will meet all of your requirements

Thank you

Yours faithfully




Name : XXX

Father’s Name : MMM

Date of birth : 00-00-0000

Permanent Address : YYY



Nationality : Indian

Languages Known : Kannada, English and Hindi

Educational Qualifications

Name of the Board/University Year/ Marks Subjects studied


SSLC SSEB 2010. 490/625 K.E.H.SS.Sc.Maths

PUC Pre-University Edu 2012. 540/600 Kan.Eng,Hist,Eco,Pol

Dept Sc,Soc

Experience : Two years

Other Hobbies : Reading, listening to music and sports





[Follow any one of the above types]


Write a letter of application in response to the following advertisements.

1. 2.

Vijay Karnataka dated seprember Vijay Karnataka dated June 12th 2009

8th 2012


KFC INDIA ONE, 1st floor

Near Kadri Temple, Mallikatta



TEACHERS: B.A,B.Ed/2 years
experience preferred, computer Qualification:B.Sc/B.Com
knowledge and fluency in English
is must. 3. 4

Karnataka th Apply to the above th
The Hindu dated 25 Sept 2009
Apply 10dated
days.June 12 2009
address within 7 days


Jeppinamogaru, Mangalore-
575002 Sugandha Bhavan
Showroom Sales executives
NH Bypass. P.B. No-2277.

Pollarivattom. Cochin-682025.
Qualification: Any graduation

Tulunadu Tower, Court Road, Udupi.

REQUIRES: Asst Director

Qualification: M.B.A.



“A speech is an oral communication which is usually made in public either on a formal or on an informal

A speech varies …..

-According to the audience that we are speaking to

-According to the topic that we are speaking about

-According to the occasion that we are speaking on

Some examples of speeches

 Thank you speech

 Farewell speech
 Welcome speech
 Speech on topic of interest
 Speech on social issues
 Speech on the introduction of guests
Note the Points

 Study the topic given for speech writing.

 Identify the audience and address accordingly.
 Identify the occasion of the speech.
 Organize the thoughts in a logical order.
The structure of good speech writing is as following.

A. Beginning

B. Middle

C. End

A. Beginning (Introduction):
 It includes the address to the audience.
 Introduction of the topic that you are going to speak.
 Mention the occasion on which you are speaking
B. Middle (Body):
 It includes the details of the subject of speech.
 The thoughts should be organized.
 There should be a logical progression.
 Avoid the repetition of the points.
C. End (Conclusion):
 It includes the summery of the main points.
 Conclude with a compelling remark.
 Say thanks for listening to you.



This part includes the following points …..

 Wishing the audience - good morning, good afternoon, good evening.

 Address to the audience –
At school- Respected principal, beloved teachers and my fellow students

At public – Respected president. honorable guests and dignitaries on the dais, ladies and

 Mention the occasion that you are speaking on-

e.g.. As you all know that we are celebrating ……………….. today

 Introduce yourself to the audience-(name and position)

e.g.. I am XYZ, the secretary of the ……….. Club

 Introduce the topic in brief-

e.g.. -I am here to deliver a speech on ………..

-It is both an honor and privilege on my part to introduce you today’s chief guest ……………..

Exercise No: 1

Question No:

Your college is celebrating ‘Road Safety Week’. You are asked to speak in your college assembly highlighting
some of the traffic rules and mention the need to follow them. Write a speech in about 100 words. Your
speech should include the following points—5

----Road accidents



----Use of mobile phones while riding /driving

----Overtaking and speeding


Good morning

Respected Principal, beloved teachers and my dear friends.

As you all know that our collage is observing this week as a ‘Road Safety Week’. On this occasion I am here
before you to share some of my thoughts with you on road safety. I am very sorry to say that road safety is
the most neglected discipline in our country both in rural and urban area.

Some of the causes for the road accidents can be pointed out as following

Every day there are reports on road accidents in newspapers. Most of these road accidents are due to the
violation of rules and regulations. People cross the road lazily without noticing the traffic signs and symbols.
So they welcome the dangers not only to themselves but also to others.

Negligence on the part of drivers is also responsible for the road accidents. The untrained drivers are posing
a great danger to the pedestrians. The excessive use of mobile phones while riding the motor bikes and
driving vehicles is a major cause for the road accidents. While speaking on mobile phones the drivers lose
their concentration on driving and they fail to notice the traffic signs.

Last but not the least of the cause of road accidents is overtaking and over speeding. Some drivers are so
hasty that they try to overtake other vehicles even at the point of dangerous curves. In addition to that over
speeding is also resulting in road accidents.

Here I am concluding my speech by saying that we will become the responsible citizens only when we
adhere to the traffic rules and regulations.

Thank you one and all.

Exercise number: 2.

Imagine you have been asked to deliver a speech on Dr. B. R.Ambedkar on the occasion of the celebration of
‘Ambedkar Jayanti’ in your locality. Prepare a speech in about 100 words based on the points given below:

Dr. B. R.Ambedkar—born 14th April 1891

Parents : Ramji, Bhimabai

Childhood : Intelligent, courageous

Education : Matriculation, Elphine Ston School

Graduation : Elphine Ston College—Mahraja of Baroda’s help

------went to Columbia, USA---higher studies

---- London School of Eco0nomics, got M.Sc, D.Sc

Achievements : voracious reader--- wrote articles on many topics----journalist

------ reformer---- fought for equality---- father of constitution of

India--- rewarded Bharata Ratna--- Passed away in 1956.


Good morning

Ladies and gentlemen

It is both an honour and privilege on my part to speak on Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, especially on this auspicious
occasion of “Ambedkar Jayanti”.

Dr. Bahim Rao Ambedkar was born on 14th April 1891 to the pious couple Ramji and Bhimbai

As a child he was very intelligent and courageous. He passed his Matriculation from Elphine Ston School. Dr.
Ambedkar was a meritorious student who graduated from Elphine Ston College. Then with the help of
Maharaja of Baroda he went to Columbia of U.S.A for his higher studies. He received his M.Sc, D.Sc from
London School of Economics.

Dr. Ambedkar was a voracious reader and a journalist. He wrote articles on many topics. He was a reformer
who always fought for equality. He has been regarded as the father of Indian constitution. Considering his
service to the nation he was awarded the highest honour Bharatha Ratna.

Dr. Ambedkar passed away in the year 1956.

To conclude my speech here I request all of you to join my hands in remembering the service of Ambedkar
to the nation as a scholar, journalist, and a reformer.

Thank you all.

Exercise No: 3 (June 2008)

You are the secretary of your College Union. You have invited the District Commissioner as the chief guest
for the College Day. Based on the following details about him, write a speech in about 100 words to
introduce him at the function.

Name : Dr Niranjan

Birth place : Bangalore

Education : M.B.B.S. from Bangalore University

I.A.S. ----2005 batch

Profile : Started career as an I.A.S. probationer. Posted as Asst.

Commissioner to Haveri-Got the budget sanctioned for city

Drinking water project and earned good name. Now D.C. in your



Good morning

Respected Principal, beloved teachers, my dear friends, ladies and gentlemen.

I, XXXX the secretary of College Union, have a great honour and privilege to be able to introduce you today’s
chief guest Dr Niranjan, on this auspicious occasion of our College Day.

Dr Niranjan was born in Bangalore and studied in this Garden City only. He received his M.B.B.S. degree from
Bangalore University. And he passed I.A.S. in the year 2005.

Dr Niranjan started his career as an I.A.S. probationer. Then posted as an Assistant Commissioner to Haveri.
As an Asst.Commissioner he got the budget sanctioned for city drinking water. This was his remarkable
achievement and it brought him a good name.

He has distinguished himself as a sincere officer. He took several measures to put an end to the menace of
corruption. And he has a great concern for the downtrodden people. We are very fortunate to have an
honest and sincere officer like Dr Niranjan as our District Commissioner.

I am sure that you will all enjoy his words of wisdom.

Thank you one and all.


Imagine that you have been invited by a local Social Club to speak on Superstition. Prepare a speech in about
100 words, on the basis of the points given bellow:

- Traditional beliefs –irrational-feeble minds

- Fear-ignorance-illiteracy-lack of scientific knowledge.
- Common beliefs-cat crossing one’s path-presence of owls in the courtyard.
- Measures to eradicate-scientific clarifications- creating awareness- literacy drive.


Ladies and Gentlemen

It gives me an immense pleasure to stand before you to share some of my thoughts and views on
Superstitions. It is my duty to thank the concerned for giving me this wonderful opportunity to speak on the
most interesting topic that is Superstitions.

Go to any corner of the world you will find the native people having a strong faith and belief in the
superstitions. The everyday life of these people is governed by these beliefs and superstitions. Some of these
beliefs seem to have scientific background but most of them are absurd and meaningless. For example
Monday is not good for shaving and Friday is not good for hair cut.

The absurd beliefs are the result of irrational and feeble minds. Fear in the minds of people, ignorance of the
poor people, illiteracy and lack of scientific knowledge in the people are some of the causes for superstitions.

Many of the superstitions are connected with birds and animals like peacocks, owls, lizard, cow, cat, and
donkey. For example if a cat crosses the path when somebody is going to attend an important work, it is
considered to be a bad omen. The presence of owls in the courtyard is also treated as sign of death to occur
in the near future.

The superstitions hinder the social and economic progress. In order to eradicate these beliefs and
superstitions people have to be given scientific clarifications, there has to be an awareness campaign. And
measures are to be taken to educate the illiterates.

Here I am concluding my speech with a call to all of you here to think scientifically and objectively.

Thank you one and all

QUESTION: Imagine you are the secretary of Eco Club of your college. On the occasion of “World
Environment Day” you are required to give a speech on the need for awareness to preserve nature. Based
on the following information write a speech in about 100 words.

- need for conservation

- cause of destruction

- depletion of ozone layer

- health hazards


Good morning everybody

Respected Principal, my beloved lecturers and dear friends.

As you all know that every year 5th June is celebrated as “World Environment Day” to create
global awareness in order to take a positive environmental action to protect nature and planet earth. As a
part of it we have assembled here. I XYZ ,the secretary of the Eco Club of this institution is here before you
to present some of my views on the “World Environment Day”.

Every one of us know the importance of nature. It consists of all living beings on earth, which are
mutually dependent on each other. Because of the pollution some birds and animals are on the verge of
extinction. So there is an urgent need for the preservation of nature. The increasing number of vehicles and
industries is leading to the excessive release of carbon dioxide. This is not only responsible for the depletion
of ozone layer but also causing many health hazards. Man, birds and animals all depend on plants and trees.

On this great day I humbly request all of you to plant trees on all the special occasions that you
come across and inspire others to do so. With this I would like to conclude my speech.

Thank you one and all.

QUESTION: Imagine you are the college Union President. On the occasion of college day you are given the
responsibility of presenting the welcome address. The chief guest is Dr. Sagar Diwakar.

Native of : Karnataka

Education : CA 2008 20th rank,IAS 2010 34th rank

Present Post : D.C Uttara Kannada District

Based on the information write a speech in about 100 words to introduce the guest at the function.


Good Evening.

Respected Principal, my beloved lecturers, dear friends, ladies and gentlemen.

Today is going to be an ever memorable day for all of us as we are celebrating our college day
with great pomp and joy. I XYZ, the President of Students’ Union of the college, have a great honor and
privilege to introduce you today’s chief guest Dr. Sagar Diwakar.

At the outset I thank Dr.Sagar Diwakar for accepting our cordial invitation whole heartedly even
in the midst of his busy schedules. I thank him again for being with us this beautiful evening. On behalf of
staff and students of our college I extend him a very warm welcome.

It gives me a great pleasure and I am very proud to tell you that he is a Kannadiga. He was born
in Bangalore and completed his education in the garden city itself. He passed CA in the year 2008 with 20th
rank. He was a punctual and hard working student. Dr .Sagar Diwakar passed the highest examination that is
Indian Administrative Service in the year 2010 with 34th rank.

He has distinguished himself as a sincere officer. He has taken many measures to curb the menace of
corruption and working hard towards the development of the down trodden people. We are very fortunate
to have him as the today’s chief guest.

I am sure that you will enjoy his words of wisdom.

Thank you one and all


Introduction: It is said that a picture is worth a thousand words, so also a graph provides us with an in-depth
information about variety of things. They help us to compare and contrast various facts and figures.

Graphs are very useful in the fields such as industry ,trade& commerce, education, science and technology.


 Graph is a diagram showing the relation between variable quantities, typically of two variables, each
measured along one of a pair of axes at right angles.
 a diagram representing a system of connections or interrelations among two or more things by a
number of distinctive dots, lines, bars, etc.
 A diagram that exhibits a relationship, often functional, between two sets of numbers as a set of
points having coordinates determined by the relationship.
 A pictorial device, such as a pie chart or bar graph, used to illustrate quantitative relationships. Also
called chart.

Line Graph

Line graphs are diagrams that represent data using dots and lines.


A diagram which uses parallel rectangular shapes to represent changes in size, value or rate of something.


A diagram representing data through pictures


A circle divided into sections to show the relative proportions.

Note the Points

 Study the graph carefully.

 Analyze the data.
 Find out the facts about the variation in data.
 Organize the facts in a logical order
 Write it in paragraphs
 Compose it in a good and simple language.
 Let it be impersonal or objective.
 State the matter in the beginning.
 Add your opinions if it is required


1. Introduction
2. Analysis of the data
3. Comparison
4. Conclusion


A. Given below is a vertical bar graph representing two kinds of data namely the number of employees and
the number of branches in the state bank of India over the years. The chair person of the bank presents a
report tracing this trend. Prepare a report for him.

25 No of branhes in thousands

20 No of employeesin lakhs
1960 1970 1980 1990 2000


The above vertical bar graph represents the number of employees and number of braches in the state bank
of India over 40 years i.e. from 1960 to 2000.It shows a dramatic rise in the number of branches and fall in
the number of employees. There has been a considerable fall in the number of employees down the years.

There were 20,000 branches and 25 lakh employees in the year 1960. The number of
employees steadily increased with the number of branches till 1980.The growth of economic activities lead
to the sharp rise in the number of branches in 80’s and 90’s. Thereafter there is a considerable fall in the
number of employees. It came down to35 lakh in the year1990 and 30 lakh in the year 2000.

Due to the advancement of technology, after 1990 the banks started computerizing their services.
This caused the fall of work load. As a result the banks introduced schemes such as voluntary retirement. So
it was inevitable for the bank to cut short the number of employees. The employees have been replaced by
the computes.


Given below is a representation of the number of people migrating from villages to cities

in the past few decades. Write a report to the local newspaper in about 120 words.



In Lakhs 100


1970 1980 1990 2000 2008


The given bar graph throws light on the changing trends in the number of people migrating from villages to
cities, from the year 1970 to 2008. In the beginning people in the rural area focused on agriculture, as a
result they showed no interest in city life. But it is only when people started facing inadequate facilities in
the countryside, they started migrating to cities in search of comforts, luxuries, employment and educational

Young men and women came to cities for studies and jobs. Illiterate villagers arrived in cities in search of
works and formed a large chunk of labor class in the industrial and commercial towns. The result is the
number of migrating people almost doubled in 80’s and 90’s.As the world economy boomed in the year
2000, more opportunities were created. Hence there was a large scale migration during this time. But from
the year 2000 we notice a down trend because of the world economic recession and epidemics.

Pie Charts

Example: 1.

A survey was conducted to understand how the P.U.C. students spend their leisure time. Based on the
information given in the pie chart below, prepare a critical report for your college magazine

Going out 15%

15% Reading Sports on T.V

sleeping watching films/

Serials on T.V
10% 35%


The survey provides ample evidence that how the P.U.C. students misuse their leisure time instead of
utilizing it to get refreshed. They seem to have forgotten the good hobbies such as painting, sketching,
sculpting and music. It is evident from the data that most of the students are addicted to television. They
spend almost half of their leisure time in watching movies, sports and serials on T.V.

As a result of this the students are growing more violent and aggressive in their conduct. They have little
time for playing, sleeping and going out with friends. It is really unfortunate that the students don’t know
what to do with their leisure time. They are under the impression that leisure time means merry making.
Therefore it is necessary on the part of both the teacher and the parents to counsel the students.

Example: 2.


Degree 25%
h school



2. RURAL WOMEN Professionally

Degree. 8%
Qualified. 2%




It is clear from the two pie charts that there is a lot of disparity among the rural and urban women. The rate
of literacy among the rural women is shocking and really pathetic. 70% of the rural women are illiterate as
against the 5% of the urban women. Poverty and the social rigidity are to be blamed for this menace. The
urban women are more literate because of the adequate facilities available in the cities and the liberal minds
of the parents.

Most of the rural women discontinue their education after the primary level. We notice that only 5% of
them are graduates and 2% of them have the professional qualification. But the status of women in the
urban area is much better, as we find that 25% of them are graduates and 10% of them are professionally
qualified. The urban women have an upper hand in all respects.


A survey was conducted on the use of chemical fertilizers and organic manure per acre from 1951 to 2001.
The findings of the survey have been represented in the following bar graph. Using the information, write a
report in about 120 words.

80 68 68 68
52 53 55 50
40 32 32 28 28
10 Chemical
20 Fertiliser
1951 1961 1971 1981 1991 2001
ANSWER:The given bar graph represents two kinds of data namely the use of chemical fertilizers and organic
manure in India per acre over a period of 60 years i.e. from 1951 to 2001.The graph clearly indicates the rise
and fall in the use of chemical fertilizers and organic manure over the years.

There were frequent famines during 1951 and 1961. This led to scarcity of food grains’ production in the
country. Therefore there was a higher need for the food grains’ production. The use of chemical fertilizers
fulfilled the need of multiple cropping and raising higher yields. Nearly 68 and 52 kilograms of chemical
fertilizers were used during 1951 and 1961 respectively. Green revolution was also one of the reasons for
the higher use of chemical fertilizers. Only 10 kg of organic manure per acre was used in 1951 and 32 kg in
the year 1961.

But after independence efforts were directed towards the traditional sources of manures such as cow
dung, compost and urban solid waste. This resulted in the higher use of organic manures during 1971 and
1981. If 53 kg of organic manure per acre was used in the year 1971 and it increased to 68 kg in the year

The use of chemical fertilizers has become inevitable in the recent years because of the fast multiplying
population, scarcity of trees and non availability of green manure. There is a higher use of chemical
fertilizers. If it is 55 kg per acre in 1991.it increased to nearly 68 kg per acre in the year 2001.

Chemical fertilizers played a vital role in the green revolution which was responsible for the immense
growth of wheat and rice crops. Scarcity of trees and green manure has again made us to depend on
chemical fertilizers.


The pie chart given below represents the results of a survey conducted by a non-profit NGO to understand
how a rural family spends its income on various items. Based on the information, write report in about 200

Education, 10%
Savings , 10%

Repaying loans, 20%

Food and
Clothing, 30%


The given pie chart represents the results of a survey conducted by a non-profit NGO to understand
how a rural family spends its income on various items.

The rural people spend their maximum income i.e. 30% for food and clothing. As most of the rural people
are not health conscious and are not aware about health hazards, they face health problems. So they need
to spend nearly a quarter of their total income i.e. 25%. The rural people are not financially self sufficient.
They borrow loans for the purpose of agriculture and spend 20% of their income for the repayments of

Compared to urban people the rural people give less importance to the education of their children. The
amount they spend is hardly 10% of their income. This is very less compared to the amount that they spend
for food and clothing. They are also not aware about the importance of savings. And because of the lack of
banking facilities in the rural area, they are able to save only 10% of their income.

Due to poverty the rural people have to spend 20% of their total income for the repayments of loans



Definition: Pronoun is a word used instead of a noun. Pronouns are used in order to avoid the repetition of

Kinds of Pronouns

Personal pronouns I, We, You, He, She, It, They

Possessive pronouns My, Our, Your, His, Her, Its, Mine, Ours, yours, Theirs, Hers,

Reflexive pronouns Myself, Yourself, Himself, Itself.

Interrogative pronouns Who, Whom, Whose, What, which,

Relative pronouns Who, That, Which,

Demonstrative pronouns This, There, That, Those.

Distributive pronouns Each, Every, Either, Neither.

Indefinite pronouns Anyone, Anybody, Someone, Somebody, No one, Nobody.

QUESTION:1 What do the underlined words in the following extract refer to?

Luisa’s parents did not approve of her marriage to a telegraph operator, and her son Gabriel, the oldest of
twelve children, was sent to live with his maternal grandparents. Marquez later said that his love of
storytelling came from his grandparents. After the riots he went to the university in Cartagena, where he
took up journalism to support himself.

i . her :

ii. his :

iii. where :

iv. himself :


i . her : Louisa’s

ii. his : Marquez’s

iii. where : Cartgena

iv. himself : Marqueza

QUESTION:2 What do the underlined words in the following extract refer to?

Ravi designs the trophies handed over to the winners. These are presented to them with a grand ceremony.
Though Ravi was not a sportsman, his passion for designing the trophies are outstanding. He has his
workshop in West Bengal where he has been living since childhood.

i . these :

ii. them :

iii. his :

iv. where :


i . these : trophies

ii. them : winners

iii. his : Ravi’s

iv. where : West Bengal

QUESTION:3 What do the underlined words in the following extract refer to?

Sheela Rani chunkath encouraged the rural women to buy the bicycles in her district. She ordered the banks
to sanction the loans to them. Most of the women bought the bicycles. The bicycle helps them a lot. It is the
symbol of progress. Sheel Rani Chunkath was honoured for her support.

i . she :

ii. them :

iii. it :

iv. her :


i . she : Sheela Rani Chunkath

ii. them : rural women

iii. it : bicycle

iv. her : Sheela Rani Chunkath’s

QUESTION:4 What do the underlined words in the following extract refer to?

Tammanna had one thousand acres and Basavaiah owned eight hundred. Basavaiah could not tolerate this.
So he sent a word asking him to sell two hundred acres of his land. But Tammanna refused. It made
Basavaiah mad with rage. So he went with his people to acquire the land forcibly

i . he :

ii. his :

iii. it :

iv. his :


i . he : Basavaiah

ii. his : Tammanna’s

iii. it : refusal to sell the land

iv. his : Basavaiah’s


Borges said, “My mother was an extraordinary person. I should speak, above all, of her kindness toward me.
I feel guilty for not having given her the deserved happiness. It is true of all children that when our mother
dies, we feel that we have taken her for granted as we do with the moon or the son.”

i.I :

ii. her :

iii. it :

iv. we :


Very large number of those trained have come back to help new learners. They work free of charge for
Arivoli as ‘master trainers’, and they want them learn cycling, which helps them to gain independence. And it
also offered them a way out of enforced routines.

i . they :

ii. them :

iii. which :

iv. it :


Once a visitor asked George Bernard Shaw, “You are a lover of everything beautiful. How is it that I don’t see
any flowers in your room, though your garden is full of them?” He replied, “You are absolutely right. But I
love children too. Is it necessary for me to show my love by cutting of their heads and displaying them in the

i . You :

ii. I :

iii. them :

iv. their :


Cricket is a bat-and-ball game which is played between two teams of 11 players. It is played by 120
million players in many countries, making it the world's second most popular sport.
The bowler delivers the ball to the batsman who attempts to hit it with his bat away from the fielders
so he can run to the other end of the pitch and score a run.
i . which :

ii. who :

iii. it :

iv. he :



 A sentence is divided into two parts 1. Subject and 2. Predicate

Subject part includes -a noun, pronoun or a noun phrase

Predicate part includes- verbs, verb phrases and complements


1. S+O+V :
I +speak+ English
2. S+ V+ Indirect Object+ Direct Object:
I + will tell+ you+ the story.
3. S + V + Indirect Object + Direct Object +Place + Time
I + will tell + you + the story + at school + tomorrow
4. S + Adverb + V + O
He + always + speaks +English
5. S + V + Direct Object + Adverb
He + drove + the car + carefully
6. S + V + O + Adverb of manner + Adverb of place + Adverb of time
Peter + sang + a song + happily + in the bathroom + yesterday evening
7. S + Intransitive verb + Adverbial Phrase
The birds + fly + high in the sky
8. Subject + verb (transitive verb) + direct object + object complement
The company+ elected + Tom + the president
9. S + V + O + Adjective
Tim + called +his sister +lazy
10. S + V + O + Object Complement
People + called + the man + a saint


1. Interrogative + Auxiliary Verb + Subject + Main Verb + Indirect Object?

What + would + you + like to tell + me?
2. Auxiliary verb + Subject + Main Verb + Direct Object + Place + Time?
Did + you + have + a party + at home + yesterday
3. Modal Auxiliary + Subject + Main verb + Object?
Can + you +answer + this question?


Question: Knowledge/not just/the source of was and freedom/the forest

Answer :The forest was not just the source of knowledge and freedom.

Question: Extremely/expensive/in Brazil/motor cars/are

Answer :Motor cars are extremely expensive in Brazil.

Exercises: Rewrite the jumbled segments to form a meaningful sentence.

1.to/ like/talk / I / you/ to/

2. bad/French / I / speak/extremely/really

3. hates/they/noise/ when/people/he/make

4. they/ night / song / a / sing/every

5. 8’o clock/sell / flowers / we/till/

6.anytime/ see / me / you / can/want/you

7. the/buy / milk / he/for / wants/to/baby

8. feed / you / my / cat / can

9. sister /has /my /got /a dog/ugly/dangerous

10. now/must / the book / read / you/carefully

11. go / now / home / will / I

12. give /the present /tomorrow /we /him / will

13. her / met / last night / at / we / the station

14. was / last week / he / in hospital

15. in /Greece / spend / I / will / next year / my holiday

16. must /at five o'clock / leave / we / the house

17. the library /take / I /the book /will /today / to

18. my mum / breakfast / in the morning / made

19. tonight / want / to the cinema / to go / we

20. wrote / last week / they / at school / a test

21.our holiday/will/at home/we/not/ spend/ next year

22. did/I/him/see/not/last/nigh/at/disco/the

23. a/ going/ are/tonight/party/ not/to/we

24. will/a/ letter/week/ not/ next/send/ you/she

25. the/did/you/tell/he/not/this/truth/morning



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