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Jahirul islam jahir

National University of Bangladesh
Radiant School & College, Dhaka
Formerly : Paramount Kinder Garden ,Genuine Pre-Cadet And High School
ssc english 1 paper suggestion 2023
Seen Passage
1. To be a good citizen, you have*
2. Responsibility is a duty***
3. Pahela Baishakh is the first day**
4. 21 February has been observed**
5. Mother Teresa was moved by***
6. 26 March, Our independence day**
7. 21 February is a memorable day**
8. Michael Madhusudan Dutt wa***
9. Humans can neither change***
10. Steven Paul Jobs, most popularly***
11. ‘Heritage is what we inherit**
12. Zahir Raihan was one of the most***
13. Paharpur is an important French sculptor, Fredric***
14. Countries of the world rely on**
15. The advantages of internet**

Unseen Passage
1. Sir Jagadish Chandra Bose on November 23, 1937.
2. Munshi Abdur Rouf was — in Bangladesh
3. Marconi was an — died in 1937
4. Milton was a great —- literature died.
5. Abraham Lincoln was born — in 1865.
6. William Blake, a poet — sixty-ninth years.
7. Albert Einstein was
8. Nelson Mandela was born— a long illness.
9. Abraham Lincoln was the — in Washington.
10. Humayun Ahmed was — Nuhash Palli.
11. Mother Teresa is — died in 1997
12. Zahir Raihan was — Liberation War
13. Begum Sufia Kamal —November 1999.
14. Captain Mohiuddin Jahangir honour of Birsrestho

E-mail Writing
1. Imagine, you are Rakesh. You are going to visit the Sunderbans next month. Your
friend Raheem wanted to know about this charming place. Now, send an email to your
friend telling him about Sunderbans and inviting him to join you.***
2. Suppose, your name is Raju/Meena. The annual prize-giving ceremony of your school
was held yesterday. Now write an e-mail to your friend Ratul/Rita describing it.***
3. Suppose, you are Meena. You have a friend named Raju. Write an email inviting him to
join your birthday party.***
4. Suppose, you are Neela. Priya is one of your friend. Recently her father has died. Now,
send an email to her consoling her.**
5. Write an e-mail to your friend Ratul inviting him to the marriage ceremony of your
6. Write an email to your mother about how you physically feel after recovery from an
7. Suppose, you have recently enjoyed a train journey. experience. Now, write an email to
your friend about your intimate friends.**
8. Suppose you have a friend’s name is Raju. You have just visited his family. Now write
an email to Raju thanking him for his hospitality he offered you in his house.**

Dialogue Writing
1. Write a dialogue between you and your friend about your aim in life.**
2. Write a dialogue between you and your friend about the importance of education in the
development of a nation.**
3. Write a dialogue between you and your friend on the merits and demerits of using a
mobile phone.***
4. Write a dialogue between you and your friend Farhan on how to eradicate the illiteracy
problem from Bangladesh.**
5. Write a dialogue between you and your friend about the importance / necessity of tree
6. Write a dialogue between you and the librarian of your school library regarding
borrowing a book.**
7. Write a dialogue between you and your friend about the advantages and disadvantages
of village life and city life.**
8. Write a dialogue between you and your friend Meena/Raju about the importance of
reading a newspaper.***
9. Write a dialogue between you and your friend about the bad effects of smoking.***
10.Preparation for SSC examination / Bad effects of copying in exam**

1. Traffic Jam**
2. A street accident / any accident**
3. Tree Plantation***
4. Deforestation ***
5. Climate change**
6. Environment pollution / any pollution***
7.. A school magazine****
8.. Load Shedding**
9. Historical of interest***
10. Parma baize / metro rail**

Graph and Chart Describing

1. Number of Mobile phone users of Bangladesh***
2. The literacy rate in Bangladesh***
3. Population growth rate in Bangladesh***
4. The choice of profession**
5. Number of people living below the poverty line**
6. Different people spending time on various activities**

Completing Story
1. Bayazid’s devotion to his mother***
2. Failure is the pillar of success***
3. A greedy farmer has a wonderful goose***
4. Where there is will, there is way***
5. A dog and a piece of meat**
6. A liar shepherd boy***
7. The proud and overambitious crow**
8. Two rats and the monkey**
9. Truthfulness of Abdur Quadir Zilani**
10. Woodcutter***
ssc english 2nd paper suggestion 2023

1. Your Aim in Life***
2. Population Problem in Bangladesh.***
3. Tree Plantation**
4. Importance of Physical Exercise.**
5. The Game You Like Most***
6. Benefits of Reading Newspaper.***
7. Duties of a Student**
8. Wonders of Modern Science.***

1. Rickshaw Pulle**r
2. A Tea Stall**
3. Winter morning**
4. A Day Laborer
5. Drug Addiction****
6. Your National Flag**
7. Digital Bangladesh / Smart Bangladesh**
8. A Book Fair***
9. Covid 19**
10. Food Adulteration****
11. Mobile phone / Internet **
12. Price hike **
Formal Letter or Application
1. To the Headmaster for increasing common room or library room facilities.**
2. To the Headmaster for set up a computer club, debating club or English language club.***
3. To the Headmaster for seeking permission to go on a study tour.***
4. To the Headmaster for a testimonial.**
5. To the Headmaster for setting up a canteen on your school campus.**
6. To the Deputy Commissioner of your district for relief and medical aid for the flood-affected
people of your area.***
7. To the Headmaster for provide multimedia facilities in the classroom.***
8. Intent after the ssc exam***

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