Assignment 1

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Assignment 1 – Chapter 1

Lubna AlGwaiz - 218410346

1. What are the three categories of business analytics?

I. Descriptive analytics (what has happened)
II. Predictive analytics (what could happen)
III. Prescriptive analytics (what should happen)

2. Gina Fox has started her own company, Foxy Shirts, which manufactures imprinted shirts for
special occasions. Since she has just begun this operation, she rents the equipment from a
local printing shop when necessary. The cost of using the equipment is $350. The materials
used in one shirt cost $8, and Gina can sell these for $15 each.

a. If Gina sells 20 shirts, what will her total revenue be? What will her total variable cost

V = $8 S = $15 X = 20

Revenues = S*X

= 15*20

= $300

Total variable cost = V*X

= 8*20

= $160

b. How many shirts must Gina sell to break even? What is the total revenue for this?

F = $350 V = $8 S = $15 X=?

BEP = 0 = sX – f – vX  X = f / s - v = 350 / 15 – 8

X = $50

Total revenue = S*X

= 15*50

= $750

Gina should sell 50 shirts to break even

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