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Lesson Plan in Precautions to be Principles and Elements of design in embroidery.

I. Introduction

A. Objectives: At the end of this lesson, the student should be able to:

1. Identify the principles and elements of design in embroidery.

2.Understand the importance of principles and elements of design in embroidery.

3. Applied the principles and elements of design in creating embroidery article.

B. Subject Matter

a. Topic: Principles and Elements of design in embroidery

b. Materials: Manila paper

c. References: TLE -Quarter 3 -Module 3- Create Embroidered Article TLE_HEHD7/8EA-0c-d-

d. Duration: 1 hour

II. Interaction

Daily Routine (5 minutes)

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

 Greetings: Good Morning class! All: Good Morning Ma’am!

 Prayer: Lets start our class with a

prayer, Mr/Ms. ________, can you Student 1: In the name of the Father, the Son
please lead the prayer.
and the holy spirit, Amen

 Checking of Attendance: Ms.

Secretary, kindly report today’s
attendance. Who’s absent for today?
Class Secretary: Ma’am, there is no absence
 Okay, very good
for today

 Checking of Agreement: Class do we

have an assignments? All: None Ma’am

 Recapitulation of the past lesson:

Who can still remember your last topic? Student 2: Ma'am we discussed the different

embroidery stitches and also we perform it.

 Yes that’s it, very good


Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

 Before we proceed to our new topic, I will

post pictures at the board, you're going to
share some opinions or ideas about the
pictures that guided of two questions. If
you want to share, just raise your hand, is
All: Yes Ma’am
that clear class?

 Proceed to your group now and get pad

paper and pen.

 After I read the precautions you will

raising the pad with answer, make sure (The students proceed to their group and
that your answer is visible. prepare)
 Lets start!
 The light should fall from the left side
or from the front onto the working All: Listening
 Correct!
 Next, Do not bite/cut the thread with
your teeth nor tear it with your hands (All group raise their answers) - BEFORE
when working
 Correct!
(All group raise their answers) - DURING
 Clip or tie your hair before you begin
 Correct!

 The thread should not exceed 18

(All group raise their answers) - DURING
inches; otherwise it will tend to coil
towards the end
 Correct!
(All group raise their answers) - DURING
 Keep the needles and the pins at a
certain place.

 Correct

 Do not leave them in the workplace and (All group raise their answers) - AFTER
never put the needles and the pins in
your mouth and do not stick them in

 Correct!
(All group raise their answers) - AFTER
 The embroidery hoop/stiletto should be
fitted properly and should resemble a
drum before starting the embroidery
 Correct!

 Use needles with appropriate numbers (All group raise their answers) - BEFORE
that suit the type of embroidery being

 Correct!

 Do not use hot iron on the part with

embroidery (All group raise their answers) - DURING

 Correct!

 Do not sun-dry the embroidered fabric

 Correct! (All group raise their answers) - AFTER

 That’s it, thank you for participating

(All group raise their answers) - AFTER
on our activity, lets give all of you 5
claps and said very good!

(All students will clap)

Lesson Proper

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

 Yesterday, we discuss the different All: Listening

precautions that will be taken before,
during and after performing embroidery. I
know that all of you are listened to our
discussion, that’s why before we
proceeding today, lets do a recap!

 Who wants to share some precautions Student 1: (Raise the hand) Ma’am, it is
before performing embroidery? important to clip or tie our hair before
beginning embroidering, also the light should
fall from the left side or from the front onto the
working place.

 That’s right! Thank you for answering

 How about precautions during performing

embroidery? Who wants to share? Student 2: (Raise the hand) Ma’am some of the
examples of the precautions during performing
embroidery are do not bite or cut the thread
using our teeth, also the thread should not
exceed 18 inches.

 Very good! Thank you for sharing

 How about precautions after performing

embroidery? Who wants to recite?
Student 3: (Raise the hand) Ma’am the
precautions that we need to do after performing
embroidery are we need to keep the needle,
pins, and other tools and materials after
working, also do not use hot iron on the part of
our clothes with embroidery.

 Thank you so much, your answers are


 I’m so glad that you still remember our

discussion yesterday.

 Lets now proceed to your activity that I Student 4: (Raise the hand) Ma’am our activity
given to all of you yesterday. What was is making role play about precautions to be
you’re activity class?
taken in performing embroidering, we must
create a scenario.

All: Yes ma’am!

 Exactly! I hope you prepared well in
you’re presentation later. Are you
prepared class?

 Okay I will repeat the rubrics that will All: Listening

basis in you’re grades depends on you’re

 Content- 50% (should perform the 10

 Creativity- 30% (props, ideas)
 Originality- 10%
 Unity-10%

 To know what group will first to perform,

I will pick here at my bowl, the bowl
contains numbers 1-5, and i will pick
every after the performance are done by All: Yes ma’am
one group to know the next performer. Is it
clear class?

 Okay now lets start you’re performance!

(The presentations of every group proceeds)

(The presentations of every group proceeds)

 Well done class! You are all did well, I

appreciate everyone efforts. On your
performance show that you really learned
well about our discussion yesterday.
All: (Clap 10 times) We did it!
 Give you’re self 10 claps and said we did
III. Value Integration

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

 Okay now that we are done with your Student 5: (Raise hand) Ma'am, while we
performances, what was you’re experience
making our performance we are happy doing it
while making that performances?
because we share everyone's opinions and
suggestions, and also the unity was there that’s
why our performance went well.

 It is so nice to hear that! That is so

important to accept everyone's suggestions
just to make work successful and beautiful
and also the unity is there.

IV. Generalization

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

 What do you think is

the importance of the
Student 6: The importance of this performance
performance you did?
is we are aware of the different precautions
while performing embroidery. This
performance helps us to apply when we do
embroidery, to avoid different dangers or risks,
and most of all, it makes our embroidering

 Very good! You really

learned today! It means that
we are good to proceed to our
other activity today.
V. Evaluation

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

 Get 1/4 sheet of paper and pen. All: Listening

 Here’s is your activity

 Directions: Choose the proper answer that

founded in the box and fills in the blank
word in the sentence.

Embroidery hoop/stletto front

18 inches Needles mouth

hot iron sun-dry Clip or tie

teeth hands

1. The ___________ should be fitted properly

and should resemble a drum before starting the

2-3. Do not bite/cut the thread with your

______ nor tear it with your _______ when

4. Use ______ with appropriate numbers that

suit the type of embroidery being done.

5. The light should fall from the left side or

from the ______ onto the working surface.

6. __________ your hair before you begin.

7. Do not ________ the embroidered fabric.

8. The thread should not exceed _________ ;

otherwise it will tend to coil towards the end

9. Do not use ______ on the part with


10. Keep the needles and the pins at a certain

place. Do not leave them in the workplace and
never put the needles and the pins in your
_________ and do not stick them in clothing.

 Is it clear class? All: Yes ma’am

 You may now start answering 1. The Embroidery hoop/stletto should be

fitted properly and should resemble a drum
before starting the embroidery

2-3. Do not bite/cut the thread with your teeth

nor tear it with your hands when working.

4. Use Needles with appropriate numbers that

suit the type of embroidery being done.

5. The light should fall from the left side or

from the front onto the working surface.

6. Clip or tie your hair before you begin.

7. Do not sun-dry the embroidered fabric.

8. The thread should not exceed 18 inches

;otherwise it will tend to coil towards the end

9. Do not use hot iron on the part with


10. Keep the needles and the pins at a certain

place. Do not leave them in the workplace and
never put the needles and the pins in your
mouth and do not stick them in clothing.

(All the students will do the task)

(After 10 minutes) Students will pass the papers

 Pass all your papers.

V. Agreement

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

 For your assignment, do the advance

familiarization about different embroidery
All: Yes ma’am!
 Is that clear class?

 That’s all for today,I hope you all learned

more today.
 Good bye class! All: Good bye ma’am!

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