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Centre Number ‘Candidate Number | Name MINISTRY OF EDUCATION, BOTSWANA in collaboration with UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE LOCAL EXAMINATIONS SYNDICATE Botswana General Certificate of Secondary Education MATHEMATICS 0563/01 Paper 1 October/November 2006 Candidates answer on the Question Paper. 1 hour 30 minutes Additional Materials: Geometrical instruments, Read the following carefully before you start. Write your centre number, candidate number and name in the spaces provided at the top of this Page. ‘Answer all questions, Write your answers in the spaces provided on the question paper. If working is needed for any question, it must be shown below that question. Omission of essential working will result in loss of marks. Do not use staples, paper clips, highlighters, glue or correction fluid. The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question or part question. The total of the marks for this paper is 50. Ifthe degree of accuracy is not specified in the question and if the answer is not exact, the answer should be given to three significant figures. ‘THE USE OF ANY CALCULATING AID IS NOT ‘ALLOWED IN THIS PAPER. For Examiner's Use This question paper consists of 12 printed pages. SSP (KN) T08542/8 2 ‘Mathematical formulae for papers 1 and 2 Surface area and volume of solids Name of solid ‘Total surface area Volume cone mr? + art farh | pyramid sphere Trigonometry Sine Rule sin _ sinB _ sin€ ab ¢ sin Area of a triangle bor vm te 3 “The table below is an extract of postage rates fora postal service in Botswana. Within B - E SADC Countries ie thin Botswana Surface A Leters P2.10 P5.90 P7.70 | Postcards 0.80 P1.60 P2.70 (a) Masego sends a letter by air mail to a SADC country. How much does she pay? (b)Kabelo sends two posteards within Botswana, and one letter by surface mail to a SADC country. How much does he pay? Answer (a). u (ye BQ 2 xpress 4 asa decimal conect to 2 devimal places Answer el 3 Copper sulphate is made up of 32 parts copper, 16 parts sulphur, 32 parts oxygen. Calculate the mass of copper in I.Skg of copper sulphate. Answer fa cminr's Ce tee Ue 4 4 Inthe diagram below, B is the image of A under a rotation, 5 4 A 3 tt. | B 4 |_t a [ae ear tof re 3s as 6 Te 1 2 Write down the (a) coordinates of the centre of rotation, (b) angle and direction of the rotation Answer (a) ( + ul ().. i 5 In May 2004 the cost of a fruit juice in Zimbabwe was Zim $5100, At the same time, the cost of the same juice in Botswana was PS. Write down the exchange rate between the two currencies in the form PI = i$. Answer. 2) be anor Ue bw unter 5 | 6 Abill for electricity is made up of a fixed amount of P7 plus P0.25 for every unit of electricity used. On the axes below, draw the graph of the bill against units used. 2) Electricity bill (Puta) 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 Number of units used bar Ue Pr vai | 6 7. The table below shows the population of some countries as reported in 2004. _ Country = 7 ' South Pakistan | Argentina | Indonesia | ‘Africa Germany Population | 11x10" | 3.2x108 | 175x108) 44x07 | 78x 107 (a) Which of the countries had the smallest population? (b) Order the countries by population, starting with the least populated. Answer (a) m Answer (D) 2) 8 as a single fraction, Answer 2 bor one the fw 7 fr umn eur “| 9 Oratile’s home is 5800m away from school. ‘ When going to school he walks to the bus stop where he then gets into a bus. ‘The graph below shows his journey from home to school. 4 6400 Schoo! ‘5600 4800 Distance 4000 from home co) 3200 2400 1600 Bus stop Home += { { ~ 0 5 10 15 2» 25 ‘Time (minutes) (a) How far is the bus stop from Oratile’s home? (b) For how long, in minutes, was Oratile at the bus stop? (©) How long, in minutes, did the bus take to reach the school from the bus stop? (d)_ How far, in metres, is the school from the bus stop’ (e) Calculate the average speed of the bus in km/h. AMSWEF (@) coronene m1] (b) minutes (1] ) secemnecenttinates [1] (A) onnmnnnnne am 2] (Coreen enemy [2] All measurements are in centimetres, 8 (a) Find the value of y (b) Calculate the area of the cross-section, 20 Answer (a). (b). | 10 A wooden block is in the form of a prism whose cross-section is as shown in the diagram below. “cm bor bar amin le 11 Inthe diagram, tines KL and NM are parallel. Angle KLN = 38° and angle MKL = 43°, K (a) State with a reason the size of angle p. (b) Calculate angle g. Answer (a) . a Answer (b) pi 12 For any substance, the relationship between density D, mass M, and volume Vis p=. (a) Given that 10cm of petrol has a mass of 9g, calculate the density of petrol in giem’, (b)_Find the mass of 1 litre of petrol Answer (a) u (Doss g 21 mie’ te for smi We 10 lt 13. The diagram shows the graph of a line J. we vy j q 1 a ee Find (a) the gradient of the line, (b) the equation of the line. Answer (a). 14 Factorise Buy + 2a But, Answer 1m t for " Esai “| 15 4 200g packet of chocolate is sold at P9.95. A 300g packet of the same brand of chocolate is sold at P12.95. ‘Tiny needs 600 g of this brand for a party, She decides to buy either 200 g packets or 300g packets. (a) Showing your working clearly, find which packets she should buy to save money. (b) How much money will she save compared to buying the other packets? Answer (a). 1 (oP. a 16 The distribution below shows the amount of rainfall, in mm, recorded at 15 different places. 24, 18, 20, 37, 17, 19, 23, 40, 39, 26, 24, 31, 31, 29, 35 (a) Find the lower quartile. (b) Calculate the inter-quartite range. Answer (a) mm [1] (Boo p1 fw vine’ ue 2 {fi Esai the 17 In the diagram, is the centre of the circle with radius 15 em. AB isa line segment 9em from the centre of the circle. (a) Write down the geometrical name for the line AB. (b) Calculate the length of AB. Oa 1 (b).. em BI 18 _Itis given that the probability of a school child being left-handed is we How many children in a schoo! of 1200 are expected to be left-handed? Answer stn 21 Permission 1 reproduce Hams where ti-paty owned mateal protected by copyright included has boon sougtt and closed where goss. Evry ‘easorabie flo has boon made by he pub (SEC) trace Oop hake, bl any Hens raging Cearance have Uri Bean inudod, ho ‘publisher wilb pleased o rake amends a he ees posse oppor.

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