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“The HighCity must be DESTROYED.

Silko had been working on the potion for more than half of his life. He always though about the
revenge against the HighCity whose security squad wiped out the UnderTown and killed his
Nine years ago, he still remembered his mother locked him in a dungeon when the guards
suddenly attacked without any warning by the neighbors because they had already been killed
before they had time to run. He saw his parents were shot mercilessly to death, and eaten by the
hungry hyaena. When he climbed out, no one was left------ he became an orphan.
He begged on street, was bullied by gangs and thrown into the jail by the police again and again;
barely fell asleep with rats and cockroaches smuggling around his body. Inside he was longing for
something to be a part of, until one midnight he dreamt of a demon fusing itself into his body.
When he woke up he suddenly found him look much different: his incredibly bulging veins turned
purple, and his eyes were dripping with blood. He NOW looked like a monster.
“What happened to me?”
He automatically turned to his back because he felt someone behind him. It was a police who was
obviously terrified by his appearance.
He wasn’t moving at all.
Wait, petrified?
It became astonishing for Silko to accept that he now had some supernatural ability stronger than
most people. He punched the petrified man in the no-one-else lane and it only took him a slight
force to smash the man into pieces.
That is interesting.
Now he no longer had to be afraid. He didn’t have to submit to anyone anymore. He would
become the ruler of both High City and Undertown.
He went into a pub and anyone who dared take a peek at him were turned into stone statues. They
lost their vigor. Even those who tried to take up a weapon and attempted shooting him without
looking at him in vain because the bullets were also petrified before reaching him. Some
experienced assassins copied the Medusa defeat also failed because Silko wouldn’t into stone by
just looking at himself. Now he was undefeatable. He drank however much beer he wanted while
everyone who died stood petrified around him.
He marched toward the HighCity. Anyone, whoever it was visiting noblemen or civilians, security
guards or gangs, were all cleared along his way. He continued his march until the gate of palace
where the HighCity elite judges lived. He stopped there because he felt a sense of powerful
warning from the palace which could overwhelm his own superpower and annihilate him
The door of the palace suddenly opened.

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