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2 CSTP: Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning

Element 2.1 Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
Models and communicates Models fair and respectful Reinforces positive, Develops shared Facilitates student self-
expectations for fair and behavior. Demonstrates responsible, and respectful responsibility with re lection and ongoing
respectful behavior to commitment to fairness and student interactions. students for resolving improvement of the caring
support social respect in communications Assists students to resolve con lict and creating and community based on
development. with students about con licts. maintaining a caring respect, fairness, and the
language and behavior. Incorporates cultural classroom community. value of all members.
Seeks to understand awareness to develop a Supports students in taking
romoting social
P cultural perceptions of positive classroom climate. leadership in developing a
Development and caring community. caring community that is
responsibility within Students demonstrate responsive to the diverse Students take leadership in
a caring community Some students share in Students participate in efforts to be positive, cultural norms of identities resolving con lict and
where each student is responsibility for the occasional community accepting, and respectful of of all students. creating a fair and
treated fairly and classroom community. building activities, designed differences. respectful classroom
respectfully to promote caring, fairness, Students take community where
and respect. responsibility for resolving student’s home culture is
con licts and maintaining a included and valued.
caring classroom Students communicate
community. Students with empathy and
promote respect and understanding in
appreciation for interactions with one
differences. another.

Reinforces positive: Develops: I felt like I was For the midterm for
Students are given quotes more prepared for the start English 10 this year I had
for each RAP so that they of the school year this year. students write a re lection
practice writing quotations Last year, I didn’t know all on what they learned
in the correct format, they the rules because of covid academically this year. I
learn by paying close and I missed out on a few spend so much time
attention to the words, they activities for “getting to listening to students
are exposed to a variety of know you”. The students complain about
writers and writing styles were also more assignments it was nice to
and in order to reinforce comfortable as they had hear about what students
respectful interactions. spent a year on the campus, were actually enjoying. The
Most of the quotes center unlike last year's tenth privacy of re lection and
around kindness. This way graders who were spending writing allowed students to
students are constantly their irst year on the express themselves and
reminded of the bene its of compass. The rules also gave me valid feedback for
kindness whether it is to didn’t seem to change as planning purposes. Giving
others or themselves. many days by day as they students a voice is also
I am also very aware of my had last year. That being effective classroom
interactions with students said with comfort other management and
and while trying to create a issues arise, which is why
Standard 2 CSTP: Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning
fun environment I model it was crucial to set up community building
kind respectful behavior to rules and boundaries from activity. 3/15/23
them and other member of the beginning of the class.
the school. When there is Last year I used the PBIS
an issue I take the time to app and student volunteers
work it out with the student ot make sure that the tables
and if mediation is required were clean with wipes for
I request that a member of each class. This year we
staff or parents are switched from block
involved. I go into each day schedule which was 3
with the understanding that classes per day to to
students are facing extreme periods per day. 8 classes
circumstances and I am per week. This meant more
mindful of my interactions transitions but it was
with them. needed to accommodate
We also establish rules for students who had struggled
reading and other during online learner and
interaction for example if a need the opportunity to
student is not being make up class credits. It
attentive when another made it more dif icult to
student is reading I ask the clean the tables between
student who is reading to each class but I feel like the
stop and wait for the other result has other positive
student to collect effects. Student build a
themselves and reset to a community of caring for
more respectful manner. I one another by taking turns
am also very mindful of my to wipe down the table. It
actions when reading and I also shows them that I care
focus on either giving for them and all the
students PBIS points or student’s health by making
reading along with the that a requirement. Other
student. routines that we put in
I focus on modeling a PBIS place are waiting for
approach to my respect. Iask students to
interactions with the wait when reading to the
students. I create bonds class to make sure that
with my students so that everyone is respecting
they feel safe and heard. them and what they have to
9/19/21 say. This is dif icult for
some students because it
Reinforces positive: means that they have less
Continue to expose students anonymity when they are
to RAP which serves as reading or talking but it is
writing practice and important for them to hear
Standard 2 CSTP: Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning
exposure to vocabulary and and be heard.
positive mindset. Continue
to respond to students in a Students; Students have
respectful manner, using taken on well to the
please and thank you, with routines and norms of the
the underlying classroom. They are
understanding that I working in groups and they
appreciate the work that have learned to collaborate
they do even though it is much better this year.
expected I still appreciate WThey also practice using
their work. respectful language and
I have still consistently professional demeanor
used the PBIS app and when dealing with con licts
refresh my PBIS class store or differences. Overall
with little trinkets and most students are
goodies. We have created a exceptionally inclusive in
formal wear closet through their actions and with their
the Book Club that I words. 10/2022
facilitate and we collect
formal wear for students to
get things out of as they
need. We are fostering
growth and an environment
of philanthropy and good

I continue to create bonds

with my students so that
they feel safe and heard.

This cohort of students are
very mindful this year,
many of then are actively
practicing growth mindset
and empathetic behaviors.
Students are close knit and
protective of one another.
We have had open
discussion in each class
about the experiences we
have faced and we have all
Standard 2 CSTP: Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning
agreed that we need to be
supportive of one another.
Students are very receptive
to this. Students visibly
make positive, responsible
and respectful choices and
when they stumble they
self correct or accept
guidance on how to correct
their behavior. 9/19/21

I am very proud of the leaps

and bounds that students
have made this year. As
their irst year back from
distance learning students
came into the class shy and
unsure. Students have
created strong bonds with
each other and staff and
have shown immense
growth in their social
emotional skills. Students
have learned the
boundaries and rules and
are settling into happy
cohorts. Students show
more knowledge about
growth mindset and are
emerging with
understanding of how their
brain contributes to their
feelings and therefore are
much more mindful of their
choices and actions.
Standard 2 CSTP: Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning
Element 2.2 Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
Is aware of the importance Experiments with and/or Develops physical Maintains physical Adapts physical and/or
of the physical and/or virtual learning environments that re lect environments that re lect environments lexibly to
virtual learning environments that support student diversity and student diversity and facilitate access to a wide
environments that support student learning. provide a range of provides a broad range of range of resources that
student learning. resources for learning. resources, displays, and engage students in
artifacts that are current learning. Ensures that
Is aware that structured Structures for interaction Utilizes a variety of and integral to instruction. environments enhance
interaction between are taught in single lessons structures for interaction learning and re lect
reating physical or
students can support or sequence of lessons to during learning activities Integrates a variety of diversity within and
virtual learning
learning. support student learning. that ensures a focus on and structures for interaction beyond the classroom.
environments that
completion of learning that engage students
promote student
tasks. constructively and Selects from a repertoire of
learning, re lect
productively in learning. structures for interaction
diversity, and
to ensure accelerated
learning for the full range
constructive and
Some students use Students use resources Students routinely use a of students.
available resources in provided in learning Students use a variety of range of resources in
interactions among
learning environments environments and interact resources in learning learning environments that Students participate in
during instruction. with each other to environments and interact relate to and enhance monitoring and changing
understand and complete in ways that deepen their instruction and re lect the design of learning
learning tasks in single understanding of the their diversity. environments and
lessons or sequence of content and develop Students share in structures for interactions.
lessons. constructive social and monitoring and
academic interactions. assessment of interactions
to improve effectiveness
and develop a positive
culture for learning.
Students: Students have This year it has been Develops: Students began Maintains & Integrates
chromebooks and Savvas dif icult to work within the the year with a number of This year I was able to do
textbook( digital and social distancing obstacles to this CSTP. It much more with my
physical copies) students guidelines to promote was their irst time on classroom. We moved our
use tools in the classroom student learning. Therefore campus, we have new desks so that they were in
such as highlighters, this year I feel like I am rules and restrictions pods and much more
pencils, scissors, experimenting. with my because of covid protocol, inclusive for group work
Evidence vocabulary notebook, physical learning and rules and restrictions and collaboration. In
folder and word wall. environment. Examples of were changing day by day. addition, I was able to do a
9/19/21 student work are posted Last week my school beginning-of-the-year
around the classroom and inally allowed students scavenger hunt so that
there are diverse posters and staff to stop wearing students were able to get
with quotes about masks which was at least a comfortable with the
education up. Although I couple of months after LA classroom environment
would normally have county lifted the and understand when they
Standard 2 CSTP: Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning
students seated in pods restriction. My school has who should move freely
this year we have to space been very cautious. As a (get up and get the
seating so that it looks like result our setting has been materials they need) and
a traditional classroom. In in chaos. This is about the when they needed to stay
addition due to the size of level that I feel I would in their seats (when
my room alternative have started the school someone is preventing
seating arrangements had year in an alternate information). In the
to be removed. Students dimension that wasn’t classroom, we actively use
are encouraged to get returning from distance the local library online app
supplies from speci ic learning. Although it is not as well as google
places around the quite where I want to be, I classroom, edpuzzle, no
classroom and I try to keep have experienced growth red ink, and talking points.
a wide variety of tools for and I know that I will make I have also made sure to be
the students to use. changes to my original inclusive with posters and
9/19/21 setup for my classroom books in my classroom,
and rules and procedures focusing on the diversity
Students are using their based on these of voices and
graphic organizers with experiences. 5/10/2022 representations. 10/2022
more understanding. They
are exploring ways to use Students use a variety of We use student work walls
technology to assist in resources in learning and word walls to display
their education. They are environments.. The student work and help
using Chromebooks much primary difference this create belonging and pride
more frequently than year is the ability to seat in student work and
trying to use their phone students in pods and do learning..3/15/2023
for work. Students usually group work. Students are
know where to get the encouraged to use the
materials that they need, resources around them
however, they still rely on when looking for
me to tell them where their clari ication and to
tools are a little more than research possible answers.
I would like. 5/10/22 In addition, students are
encouraged to collaborate
as much as possible while
maintaining the integrity
and using their own words.
Students are also
encouraged to use and are
given academic and
professional language to
use in the classroom with
interactions and when
writing. I have had much
success with students
Standard 2 CSTP: Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning
understanding that cell
phones are not allowed
even for work in the
Standard 2 CSTP: Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning
Element 2.3 Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
Adheres to policies and Recognizes and addresses Anticipates and reduces Integrates support for Shares responsibility with
laws regarding safety that safety issues regarding risks to physical, students to take risks and the students for the
are required by the site, materials, student intellectual, and emotional offer respectful opinions establishment and
district, and state. interactions, and the safety using multiple about divergent maintenance of a safe
Responds to behaviors organization of the strategies that include viewpoints. physical, intellectual, and
that impact student safety learning environments. examining biases in the emotional environment
as they arise. learning environment and focused on high quality
curriculum. and rigorous learning.
stablishing and
E Engages in re lection on
maintaining learning Explores strategies to Models and provides their own language and
environments that establish intellectual and instruction on skills that behavior that contributes
are physically, emotional safety in the develop resiliency and to intellectual and
intellectually, and classroom. support intellectual and emotional safety in the
emotionally safe emotional safety. classroom.
Students demonstrate
Students are aware of resiliency in perseverance
required safety procedures Students follow teacher Students take risks, offer Students develop and for academic achievement.
and the school and guidance regarding opinions, and share practice resiliency skills Students maintain
classroom rational for potential safety issues for alternative perspectives and strategies to strive for intellectual and emotional
maintaining safety. self or others. academic achievement, safety for themselves and
and establish intellectual others in the classroom.
and emotional safety in the
Students are respectful and Anticipates: I anticipate the
follow the guidelines that I needs of the students when
set in order to make the having open discussion, I
learning environment set rules and boundaries
emotionally safe for for the students when
students. When I hear discussing topics, I
inappropriate discussions recognize students who
I ask them to change the are responding
topic and they make the appropriately using the
Evidence changes I ask. Students PBIS app and verbally
follow the guidelines for thanking them for their
reading(being attentive actions/ behaviors. When
and respectful) with a student responded with
occasional reminders. an “incorrect” answer I do
When reminded of the not tell them that they are
expectations they change wrong, rather I seek to
their behavior. I would like validate their response
all students to feel safe while eliciting responses
sharing their thoughts and for what I am looking for. I
Standard 2 CSTP: Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning
answers. When I use make mistakes and I point
random (in the PBIS app,) them out when I see them.
students will read or When students “catch” my
respond to prompts except academic mistakes such as
for a couple of resources a typo on a worksheet or a
students. 9/19/21 spelling mistake I thank
them for the correction
Students are continuing to and give them a PBIS point
be respectful and follow for inding it. I have a
the guidelines that I set in mood board. This is a fun
order to make the learning way for the students to see
environment emotionally that I re lect upon how I
safe for students. When I feel and if I am tired I tell
hear inappropriate them, I am tired today, I
discussions I ask them to might not have a lot of
change the topic and they patience. I am very upfront
make the changes I ask. I with my feelings so that
often ask them to re lect the students know how to
upon whether what they recognize and evaluate
are talking about is their own feelings.
relevant and appropriate. 9/19/2021
Students follow the
guidelines for reading Anticipates: I continue to
(being attentive and anticipate the needs of the
respectful) with students when having
occasional open discussion, am
reminders.Students are constantly reminding and
learning to work in peer upholding rules and
groups. When reminded of boundaries for the
the expectations they students when discussing
change their behavior. I topics, I recognize
would like all students to students who are
feel safe sharing their responding appropriately
thoughts and answers. using the PBIS app and
When I use random (in the verbally thanking them for
PBIS app,) students will their actions/ behaviors.
read or respond to When a student responded
prompts except for a with an “incorrect” answer
couple of resources I do not tell them that they
students. 5/10/2022 are wrong, rather I seek to
validate their response
while eliciting responses
for what I am looking for. I
Standard 2 CSTP: Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning
make mistakes and I point
them out when I see them.
When students “catch” my
academic mistakes such as
a typo on a worksheet or a
spelling mistake I thank
them for the correction
and give them a PBIS point
for inding it. I have added
a social-emotional
curriculum and sprinkled
worksheets throughout
lessons. This offers a short
deviation from academic
work and allows students
to direct their focus to
their social emotional
condition and needs. We
have displaced their work
on a wall that reads:
Feelings aren’t good or
bad, they just are.” This
has had an interesting off
shot of academic
questions from the
students because they
think that the sentence is
grammatically incorrect so
we have the opportunity to
discuss it from an
emotional and academic
stand point. :) 5/10/2022

Students have been more

open to expressing
different opinions and
sharing their perspectives
this year. I believe that this
is due to a school-wide
initiative in order to help
students acclimate to the
in-school learning
environment. Leadership
Standard 2 CSTP: Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning
realized that the switch
from online to in-person
offered our school the to
construct new norms
school-wide. We tried to
treat it as a sort of reset
button. A direct result of
this work is an
environment that is safer
for students to offer
thoughts, ideas, and
opinions that may be
outside the “norm”.

Students write in a
Writer’s Notebook and we
have a section in the
notebook devoted to
social-emotional work.
Thus far we have primarily
used this area for brain
dumps or free-writes
where students literally
"dump" their thoughts
feelings whatever into
their notebook so that they
can process and let it go.
This activity serves as an
academic endeavor to help
students build writing
stamina and give students
the opportunity to practice
writing. 3/15/23

Standard 2 CSTP: Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning
Element 2.4 Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
Focuses the rigor of the Strives for a rigorous Develops a rigorous Integrates rigor throughout Facilitates a rigorous
learning environment on learning environment that learning environment that the learning environment learning environment in
accuracy of answers and includes accuracy, includes accuracy, that values accuracy, which students take
completion of learning understanding, and the analysis, problem solving, analysis, and critical leadership in learning.
tasks. importance of meeting and appropriate levels of reading, writing and Fosters extended studies,
Is aware of the importance targeted learning goals. challenge. thinking. research, analysis and
of maintaining high Works to maintain high Holds high expectations Integrates strategic purposeful use of learning.
reating a rigorous
expectations for students. expectations for students for students. Has an scaffolds and technologies Supports students to
while becoming aware of understanding of throughout instruction that utilize an extensive
environment with
achievement patterns for achievement patterns, and support the full range of repertoire of differentiated
high expectations
individuals and groups of uses scaffolds to address learners in meeting high strategies to meet high
and appropriate
students. achievement gaps. expectations for expectations.
support for all
Some students ask for Students engage in a Students take
teacher support to Some individuals and variety of differentiated Students actively use responsibility to fully
understand or complete groups of students work supports and challenges in supports and challenges to utilize teacher and peer
learning tasks. with the teacher to support ways that promote their complete critical reading, support, to achieve
accuracy and accuracy, analysis, and writing, higher order consistently high levels of
comprehension in their problem solving in thinking, and problem factual and analytical
learning. learning. solving across subject learning.
Strives: In some ways I feel Develops: I have added Integrate: This year I have
like my grading is too more rubrics to my worked hard to use a
lexible, and I offer assignments and used this variety of instructional
assistance too much. I am as a teaching tool as well tools to ensure student
concerned about offering as a way for me to really learning. I have used
the appropriate rigor to my think about what I want several technology based
lessons. When my mentor students to learn. Although tools such as No Red Ink,
came to observe she right now it is very time Google Classroom, Savaas
suggested that we read consuming I am beginning
straight through the text to reap some of the Students are using the No
Evidence this was the third Personal rewards of the time that I Red Ink Program well. It is
Narrative that I had have put in as creation has adapted to each student
assigned and it made become easier for me and and it works based on
sense. The students should it is helping me with Mastery of a skill rather
have been doing the grading. I am still able to than the traditional
assessment questions on be lexible and grade based grading. Advanced
their own at that point. I on improvement. I am also students will spend less
would really like to work giving less explicit time on skill mastery and
on this aspect of this CSTP. instruction and guiding can work on learning new
9/25/21 students to read the skills. 10/2022.
instructions and I am
Standard 2 CSTP: Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning
adding and gathering Students have been
student samples to help progressing very well with
students understand No Red Ink. It really helps
assignments. because when students
understand they are done.
I feel like I am This program allows
experiencing a lot of students who don’t quite
growth in this CSTP. understand it to get extra
5/10/2022 practice and students who
are doing really well to
Students: engage in various spend their time
activities in order to help appropriately. 3/15/23
grow their vocabulary
acquisition including the
use of Wordly Wise
packets and checks for
understanding. Students
also have vocabulary
practice for the stories
and media that we read.
The vocabulary words are
cultivated from the word
list in the text but also
direct questions to the
students to create a list
that is based on their
needs. 9/19/21

Students: Students have

been scaffolding their
knowledge they are now
using the Quote Journal
graphic organizer for their
essays.Most students are
at near mastery with their
Personal Choice Novel
Planners and have learned
how to budget their
reading and their time.
Students are working on
maintaining a professional
environment when
working in groups and
Standard 2 CSTP: Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning
during independent study
time. 5/10/2022

Element 2.5 Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

Establishes expectations, Develops expectations Uses multiple strategies Integrates equitable Facilitates a positive
rules, and consequences with some student including culturally expectations, positive environment using
for individual and group involvement. responsive instruction to supports, and systems that ensure
behavior. Communicates, models develop and maintain high consequences for students take an active
and explains expectations standards for individual individual and group role in monitoring and
for individual and group and group behavior. behavior within and maintaining high
behavior. across learning activities. standards for individual
D Utilizes routine references and group behaviors.
communicating, and Refers to standards for Reviews standards for to standards for behavior Guides and supports
maintaining behavior and applies behavior with students in prior and during students to self-assess,
high standards for consequences as needed. single lessons or sequence individual and group monitor, and set goals for
individual and group of lessons in anticipation work. individual and group
behavior of need for reinforcement. behavior and participation.

Students know Students follow behavior Students respond to

Students are aware of expectations for behavior expectations, accept individual and group Students demonstrate
classroom rules and and consequences and consequences and increase behaviors and encourage positive behavior,
consequences. respond to guidance in positive behaviors. and support each other to consistent participation
following them. make improvements. and are valued for their
unique identities.
Standard 2 CSTP: Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning
I use the PBIS Rewards This year and since this
App in my classroom. I am year and since we came
very aware of treating back from distance
students with equanimity learning due to the covid
as well as being a positive pandemic we wipe down
role model. I have a store the tables with clorox
in my classroom where wipes after each class. We
students can buy fun little have come a long way
trinkets and snacks. When since I began this protocol
a students’ behavior is for my class but I really
inappropriate I try irst to believe that it is bene icial
be understanding and for the students and
respond in a positive way. myself. It creates a certain
I usually let my students classroom culture and a
pick their seats at the norm that I feel some of
beginning of the year and the student's appreciate.
create a seating chart when I've even had a student
it is needed. In my irst thank you for doing it. We
period class I still haven’t use our PBIS rewards
needed to create a seating platform to select people
chart, in my 4th period to clean the desks. Or if a
class we are on our 3rd. I student wants to get more
Evidence think it is important to be points they can volunteer
lexible but also enforce to do it. Students get 3
the rules consistently so points if they get chosen
that students feel safe and and 6 if they volunteer.
have boundaries. I also 3/15/2023
believe that being every
social creatures
sometimes the best thing
you can do is just move
their seats. 9/25/21

Integrates: Students have

been working well with
the norms that we set up at
the beginning of the year.
They have adapted well to
the various changes set for
by constantly changing
covid protocol and
guidelines. I have
continued to enforce the
rules and students are
Standard 2 CSTP: Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning
displaying appropriate
behavior and respect for
one another and staff.
Students are generally
happy to be in our class
and most seem to be doing
well in the environment
that we have created
together. 5/10/2022.

Students discussed the

appropriate rules for the
classroom and created
their own behavior
standards during the irst
weeks of school. We also
laid the groundwork for
how to behave when a
student is reading and how
to respond appropriately
to one another. Because of
the need to wear masks in
the classroom we also
discussed how the
pandemic may have
affected people in the
classroom. Our area was
hit pretty hard with cases
and deaths. So not
respecting the mask
mandate can be very
offensive to someone who
says that they have had a
loved one pass away.

Students respond to
individual and group
behaviors and encourage
and support each other to
make improvements.
Standard 2 CSTP: Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning
Overall students remain
respectful with one
another and the teacher.
Students in the 10th grade
cohort have had a few
minor incidents. The 11th
grade cohort is actually a
focus for our school right
now as they are disrupting
other classes including the
10th graders. Students
have had a ire drill and I
was very proud of their
behavior. We are working
on increasing student
attendance and compliance
with the dress code
through use of PBIS
rewards in the form of ice
cream that I get to hand out
each Friday. 5/10/2022

Integrates: This semester I

have had some wins and
some learning
opportunities. We have
been using the the PBIS
rewards program to write
referrals instead of our old
version of paper based
referrals. In addition I
created and implemented
the irst check in check
out. (Where high risk
students are given up to
three behavior goals and
students rate their
behavior with each teacher
each day. I have also had
the opportunity for growth
because i have had a group
of girls in my Senior
Seminar class that
constantly feel like they
Standard 2 CSTP: Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning
are being picked on. I have
focused on making sure
that my treatment and
rules are unbiased and
equitable because of their
sensitivity and
voaclization of their
perceived unfair treatment.
It has been dif icult for all
of us but I am working to
make this experience into
something that is a
learning opportunity for
myself. 10/2022

Students: Students across

the board this year have
been a lot less volatile in
the classroom. They are
much more willing to give
their phones to me and I
haven’t had to send anyone
to the of ice this year.
Students still check
boundaries frequently
however they are
redirected easily. 10/2022
Standard 2 CSTP: Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning
Element 2.6 Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
Establishes procedures, Develops routines, Maintains regular use of Engages students in Facilitates student
routines or norms for procedures, and norms in routines and procedures monitoring and re lecting participating in
single lessons to support single lessons or sequence that are culturally on routines, procedures, developing, monitoring,
student learning. of lessons with some responsive and engage and norms in ways that are and adjusting routines and
student involvement. students in the culturally responsive. procedures focuses on
development and Maintains a quality maximizing learning.
monitoring of norms. learning climate that Classroom climate
builds on student integrates school
Seeks to promote positive strengths. standards and culturally
behaviors and responds to Provides positive behavior relevant norms.
mploying classroom
Responds to disruptive disruptive behavior. supports. Promotes positive
routines, procedures,
behavior. Responds appropriately to behaviors and consistently Promotes positive
norms, and supports
behaviors in ways that prevents or refocuses behaviors and establishes
for positive behavior
lessen disruptions to the behaviors disruptive to the preventions and a positive
to ensure a climate in
learning climate. learning climate. classroom climate that
which all students
Students participate in eliminate most disruptive
can learn
routines, procedures, and behavior.
norms and receive
Students receive reinforcement for positive
Students are aware of correction for behavior behaviors. Students are involved in
procedures, routines, and that interferes with assessment and Students share
classroom norms. learning, and positive Students receive timely monitoring of routines, responsibility with teacher
reinforcement in following and effective feedback and procedures, and norms in for managing and
routines, procedures, and consequences for ways that improve the maintaining a positive
norms. behaviors that interfere learning climate. classroom climate that
with learning. promotes learning.

Students: During Engages: At the start of the

instruction and individual year I usually have a
and group work I use the scavenger hunt. This year I
PBIS app. to reward wasn’t able to. During this
students who are on task time we ind where
and behaving community items are,
appropriately. I also where items are that
Evidence verbally tell them that I am shouldn’t be touched, we
giving them a PBIS point explore our boundaries
and thank them for the and create rules that
speci ic behavior. When govern our behavior. We
students are behaving focus on kindness and
inappropriately I ask them empathy throughout the
to correct their behavior,, school year. I am
the next time I ask them constantly using the PBIS
Standard 2 CSTP: Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning
again and let them know app to reward student
the consequence if the behavior. I rarely have to
behavior continues (this is correct student behavior
a semi-private interaction or if I do I usually do it by
where I go up to the Thanking another student
student whenever possible for doing it the right way.
so that the student is not Students respond very
embarrassed). The well to this and I ind that I
behavior management rarely have to use the
steps are posted in the negative to get a student to
classroom. 9/19/21 act in an appropriate
manner. 9/25/21

We have maintained the

rules and boundaries that Students feel that they can
we set at the beginning of talk to me when they have
the year. Students work an issue or concern. We
well within these routines have discussed workload
and have been responding and other factors. When
well. I have had to remind issues arise we discuss
students less and less. My them as needed. Students
senior class has been have not acted resentful or
experiencing senioritis and behaved as if they felt
I have been focusing on something was unfair on
getting them through this the few occasions when
inal push. We have students have had to be
continued to use the PBIS sent to the of ice. Students
rewards and students who have had to be sent to
seem content with and we the of ice seem to come
have positive feedback for back without animosity.
the routines and rules that We are currently focusing
we have for classroom on negating racist language
behavior. 5/10/2022 from our school. Although
pop culture, songs, and
media are illed with this
language we are building a
no-tolerance zone for this
sort of language. My
students speci ically are
going through a phase
where they want to use the
word gay as happy. As in
that’s so gay. But I meant
happy miss. I am working
Standard 2 CSTP: Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning
with them to stop treating
this as a joke (my students
are less mature than
pre-pandemic students.)

Engages: This semester I

have been focusing on a no
cell phone policy. It was a
bit dif icult to enforce at
irst but I have stuck with
it. I feel that I am teaching
students that they need to
be responsible with
technology and they can
survive without their
phones for a class period.
When students have free
time they should be
reading. One thing that I
need to do better at is their
reading time on
Wednesdays. Recently I
changed reading time to
reading or make-up work.
But students really need
the reading time. 10/2022

This semester I have had

to move students seats in
period 2 several times. I
have a group of boys who
are off task and disruptive
when they are near each
other. In another class, 6th
period Honors, I’ve had to
move students when their
grades drop. I make sure
not to present these seat
changes as a punishment.
This year I have been able
to allow all students to
chose their seats in the
classroom and then move
Standard 2 CSTP: Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning
them if their grades drop
below passing until they
bring their grades up. This
gives students agency and
incentive to have
privileges for having a
strong work ethic. Even
thought there is a group of
students in my English
honors class that are
constantly talking I have
been able to set
boundaries and they
respect them and quiet
down when I need to
instruct students. I am
very happy with the
seating arrangements for
this year. 3/15/2023

Element 2.7 Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

Paces instruction based on Paces instruction with Paces instruction with Paces instruction to Paces, adjusts, and luidly
curriculum guidelines. some consideration of students to provide include ongoing facilitates instruction and
Develops awareness of lesson type, adjustments adequate time for assessment of student daily activities.
how transitions and for suf icient student work instruction, checking for learning. Supports
classroom management time and transitions to understanding, completion students in the monitoring
impact pacing and lessons. optimize learning. of learning activities and of instructional time.
sing instructional
U closure.
time to optimize Some students complete Students use their
learning learning activities in time Students complete learning Students participate in and instructional time to Students monitor their
allotted. activities and, as needed, complete a variety of engage in and complete own time, are engaged in
may receive some learning activities in the learning activities and are accomplishing learning
adjustments of time time allotted with options prepared for the next goals, and participate in
allotted for tasks or for extension and review. sequence of instruction. re lection,
expectations for self-assessment, and goal
completion. setting.
Standard 2 CSTP: Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning
I feel that I am very good Using No Red Ink in the
about allowing students classroom is very helpful
adequate time to process for imporviing this
and understand questions element. Because the
and check for program grades the
understanding. In fact this students as they work
is an issue where I think through the assignments
that I may have gone too and adjusts the questions
far and I am on the to the students’ needs it is
precipice of the “hand very easy to differentiate
holding” realm. It was very learning. I assign a lesson
good that my mentor for a week and students
mentioned the extra time are able to work on the
that I was spending on the assignments on their own
lesson because I was pace. Students enjoy the
pondering whether I gave autonomy that it gives
the students enough room them and it helps when
to fail. I need students to they inish an assignment
feel comfortable failing early or if they need more
and not protect them from time on assignment they
it. I want my students to be can adjust their schedule
Evidence self-suf icient. and I don’t to suit their lives.
want to hold them back by 3/15/2023
codling them. 9/25/21

Students are also given a

lot of time to complete
assignments. On one hand
they are given extensions
and the opportunity if not
the requirement of redoing
work that they are missing
or is incorrect on the other,
I am trying to balance this
and hold students to a
more rigorous
accountability especially
as we are a college
preparatory high school.

Paces: I have had success

with allowing and often
Standard 2 CSTP: Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning
requiring that students
redo assignments for more
credit. Students have been
using this and the notes
that I write in google
classroom to fail and ix
their work. I have had a
few pacing issues this year
with my honors class and I
haven’t had a chance to
re lect on what happened. I
am going to take a look at
the pacing plan and re lect
on changes for next year
over the summer break.
The regular English 10
class is right where they
need to be to inish out the
semester. I am working on
ways to enforce and hyper
our summer reading
program as well as the
Summer book club.

Students have been

working well with the late
work policy that I have
implemented in the second
semester. we have come up
with several ways for
students to make up for
the lost points if
something is late and the
point deduction for late
work seems to be working
well. It makes things more
equitable and allows
students the power of
ixing their own issues.

Because I had to change

my anchor text this year I
Standard 2 CSTP: Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning
have had to modify many
of my lessons. I am still
working on the pacing of
the assignment and I am
working on enforcing
student t=work time. They
really need to be
productive when they
inish early, 10/2022
Standard 2 CSTP: Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning
Standard 2 CSTP: Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning

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