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The problems are not porn, videogames and junk food, but rather, they are the symptoms,

OF A POOR MENTAL HEALTH. Don’t try to quit anything, just try to improve your mental health, and all is
well. I tought I was on self-improvement for a whole one year. I tought I was improving but in reality I
was for the most part of it , just pretending and tricking my brain, my ego was on the roof, I was still that
person who avoids conflicts, I still used to succumb for instant gratification, I still wanted a ton of
approvals from people. And my drive was not improving but rather “Approval” and a sense of
belongingness, I wanted to be the favorite one in the tribe without contributing much to the tribe.

I still have time, Today jan -17 -23 I realized something that I was buried deep in me, Hamza pulled out
the subconscious message my mind is trying to tell me all this time and I just realized that I was ignoring
it and running away from my own mind. I just found out why I’m still doing the things I hate and I avoid
the things that must be done. I found out why I’m struggling with Addictions and lack focus. It is because
of my poor mental health, and my ego just making me ignore the subtle things that must be done to
change my life around, the simple things that I can do for my health but are a “millions of dollars’
worth!” meditations, spending time in nature, exercising, less screen time and journaling. The major
reason as to why I’m resisting this things is…I feel like I am a late boomer of the late boomers (like
always really late in life and always play the catchup in life, I don’t enjoy the things in the present, I am
always running away from the past into the future. I know I’m just 21 now but I feel like I should have
my life figured out by now. I look around and all I see is people younger than me and more matured
than me, maybe they are just pretending, or maybe not…

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