MSC Principle 2

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Roll No. .......................................

(77) 8122
Printed Pages—4] 2M.Sc.(CS)5

Master of Science (CS) (Second Semester)

Examination, Dec. 2018/Jan., 2019

/Duration /Hours /Max. Marks

/Min. Pass Marks

Instructions :

1. The Question Paper is divided in five Units. Each unit carries an internal


2. Attempt one question from each Unit. Thus attempt five questions in all.

3. All questions carry equal marks.

4. Assume suitable data wherever necessary.

5. English version should be deemed to be correct in case of any anomaly in


6. Candidate should write his/her Roll Number at the prescribed space on the

question paper.

8122 1 P.T.O.
I/(Unit I)

Explain the contribution of F.W. Taylor in the field of Management.


Write short notes any two :

(a) Total quality management

(b) Quality circles

(c) Functions of management.

II/(Unit II)

Define decision making. Also explain the steps involved in decision



Write short notes on any two of the following :

(a) Planning

(b) Forecasting

(c) Types of planning.

8122 2
III/(Unit III)

Define centralization. How is it different from decentralization ?



Write short notes on any two of the following :

(a) PERT and CPM

(b) Delegation of Authority

(c) Organisational Design.

IV/(Unit IV)

Define leadership. Also explain any one theory of leadership.


8122 3 P.T.O.
Write short notes on any two of the following :

(a) Motivation

(b) Directing

(c) Team Building.

V/(Unit V)

What do you understand by controlling ? Also explain the methods of



Write short notes on any two of the following :

(a) Inventory Control

(b) Quality Control

(c) Budegetary Control.

8122 4

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