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TUTORIAL – Material Removal Process

1. Explain why a built-up edge on a cutting tool is undesirable?

2. Describe three main types of wear that occur on a cutting tool?

3. List the conditions that cause the following chips:

(a) continuous
(b) continuous with built up edge
(c) discontinuous

4. State five advantages of a negative rake angle on a cutting tool.

5. List the factors that affect the life of a cutting tool.

6. State three reasons why material removal processes are desirable compared to other type of

7. Describe three limitations of material removal process.

8. List four major independent variables in the cutting process.

9. Compare the difference between HSS tool and cemented carbide.

10. Discuss the causes and remedy for three types of tool wear.

11. Briefly describe the cutting action of a single point metal cutting tool making clear how chips
are formed.
When turning with a H.S.S. single point tool, what types of chip are generally
formed when cutting:
(a) cast iron
(b) aluminium alloys
(c) mild steel.

12. Explain what is meant by the term 'tool life' and state how it is usually measured.

13. Describe with the aid of a diagram two modes of tool failure in metal cutting. In a Particular
metal cutting operation n = 0.59 and C= 1320
(i) Calculate the cutting speed in metres/min which will give a tool life of 100 minutes.
(87.22 m/min)
(ii) If the speed is fixed by other factors at 50 metres/min, what will the tool life be?

14. The life of a lathe tool is 4 hours when operating at a cutting speed of 40 m/min.
Find the highest cutting speed that will give a tool life of 8 hours. The value of n = 0.125.
(C = 1.8996, V = 36.68 m/min).

17. In a machining operation that approximates orthogonal cutting, the cutting tool has a rake angle
of 11. The chip thickness before the cut is 0∙06 mm and the chip thickness after the cut is
0∙13mm. Calculate the shear plane angle and the shear strain in the operation. It was measured
by the dynamometer that cutting and thrust force during the orthogonal cutting operation has
values of 1170 N and 850 N. The width of the orthogonal cutting operation is 0∙29 mm. Based
on these data determine the shear strength of the work material.
18. In an orthogonal cutting operation the chip thickness obtained before the cut was 0.04 mm and
the chip thickness after the cut was 0.12 mm. Calculate the shear plane angle and the shear
strain in the operation which has a rake angle of 12º. Hence compute the (a) friction angle using
the Merchant equation and (b) the coefficient of friction.

19. If a workpiece 35 mm diameter is being turned at 850 revolutions per minute (rev/min), what is
the cutting speed?

20. A 55 mm diameter bar of steel was turned at 387 rev/min and tool failure occurred in 15 min.
The speed was changed to 265 rev/min and the tool failed in 55 min of cutting time. Assume a
straight line relationship exists, what cutting speed should be used to obtain a 30 min tool life.

21. In a cutting test on a centre lathe the workpiece was 82 mm in diameter and a spindle speed of
235 rev/min was used. The feed rate was 0∙2 mm per rev. The dynamometer readings for F c and
Ft were 1570 N and 890 N respectively. Calculate the cutting power and the feed power.

22.Compare the power required to turn a 65mm diameter bar at 160 rev/min with the power
required at 290 rev/min. The tangential force is constant at 770 N in both cases.

23. During an orthogonal machining operation of C-40 steel, the following data were obtained.:
Chip thickness after cut = 0.45 mm
Chip thickness before cut = 0.25 mm
Width of cut = 2.5 mm
Tangential cut force = 1130 N
Feed thrust force = 295 N
Cutting speed = 2.5 m/s
Rake angle = 10
(a) Force of shear at the shear plane;
(b) Kinetic co-efficient of friction at the chip-tool interface.

24. In a machining operation that approximates orthogonal cutting, the cutting tool has a rake angle
of 12. The chip thickness after the cut was 0∙13 mm. Calculate the shear plane angle and the
shear strain in the operation. It was measured by the dynamometer that cutting and thrust force
during the orthogonal cutting operation has values of 1170 N and 850 N. The width of the
orthogonal cutting operation was 0∙29 mm and the sheared was 0.025 mm². Based on these data
determine the shear strength of the work material if the average co-efficient of friction on the
tool face is 0.8.

25. In a machining operation that approximates orthogonal cutting, the cutting tool has a rake angle
of 11. The chip thickness after the cut was 0∙15 mm. Calculate the shear plane angle and the
shear strain in the operation. It was measured by the dynamometer that cutting and thrust force
during the orthogonal cutting operation has values of 1050 N and 690 N. The width of the
orthogonal cutting operation was 0∙33 mm and the sheared was 0.035 mm². Take the shear
strength of the work material as 18 GPa.

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