Brief 1

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22564VIC Certificate IV in Musical Instrument Making and Repair


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Unit(s) of competency BSBSMB402 Plan small business finances
BSBSMB404 Undertake small business planning

Assessment due date Students are given the date at the start of the unit.

Task instructions
In this practical exercise you begin the process of planning a small business. Much of this preliminary planning will
later be utilised and expanded in your business plan. Discuss potential business ideas with your trainer if you are
unsure. You are likely to need to conduct further research and talk to others to develop your ideas.

This assessment includes questions about your small business. You will also need to produce a drawing of an
operational floor plan and a contingency plan for your business.
Conditions for assessment
This assessment is to be carried out in a classroom.
While you may be working in a group, you will be assessed individually.
You must be observed as completing all the actions as listed in the checklist to the standard described and all the
questions must be answered satisfactorily.
You can appeal the assessment decision according to the RTO assessment policy and procedure.

Equipment/resources students must supply: Equipment/resources provided by the RTO:

Pens, pencils Computer access


Consider that you are planning to start a small business and answer the following questions about that business.

Q1. (a) Briefly describe the small business idea.

(b) Describe the location(s) / place(s) where you run your business from (eg. home based).

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Q2. List all activities you will do in your small business.

Q3. What permits, regulations or restriction do you need to be aware of? Seek information from your local council.

Q4. List the services / tools and infrastructures you need to run your business.

Q5. Do you have to modify facilities to be able to run your business? If yes, estimate costs such as fittings and equipment
and providing appropriate access for clients.

Q6. What insurance requirements do you need for running your business? List them.

Draw a floor plan of your business showing the room(s) which you allocated for business. Ensure that you allocate
secure and adequate space for your business machinery; equipment and storage (draw it in your floor plan).

Q7. (a) What workplace health and safety (WHS) issues do you need to consider?

(b) What procedures can be used to eliminate or minimise risks?

(c) Describe the appropriate access for clients.

(d) Are any modifications to existing buildings or structures required?

(You will also need to draw up a concept plan for any modifications to buildings or structures in accordance with
local governmental requirements (if applicable) to obtain approvals from relevant authorities.)

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When planning a home based business, it is important to consider the impact on your neighbours. Answer the following
questions 8-11 related to minimising potential sources of conflict.

Q8. List all possible sources of conflict with neighbours and / or home occupants.

Q9. Develop protocols for occupants, visitors and clients.

Q10. Prepare a work schedule that identifies business and personal activities.

Q11. What are possible events that could impact your business?
(You need to prepare a contingency plan for these possible events).

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Task Requirements Comments
Yes No

Questions - All questions are answered satisfactorily. ☐ ☐

Floor plan completed and shows:
 Egress clearly shown
☐ ☐
 Sources of natural light shown
 Location of machinery, equipment and storage
 Appropriate consideration of WHS issues is indicated
Contingency plan completed indicating actions for:
 Acts of god (flood, fire, etc.)
☐ ☐
 Disputes with the public
 Relationships with regularity authorities
Completed written work in this brief is provided to assessor for sign ☐ ☐
off & validation. Electronic copy of floor plan and contingency plan
are stored on the student assessment folder.

Has the student successfully completed this assessment task? Yes ☐ No ☐

Feedback to the student

Assessor Name Date

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