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CALACAT March 16, 2023


2. Choose 4 and explains the features that should be in teachers’ goals as follows (Demirel, 2012): (20)

 Be student-oriented not teacher orient

Many teachers have adopted a student-centered approach in recent years. Other students, however, insist that
teacher-centered instruction is the more successful approach. Most of the time, it is preferable for instructors to
combine several strategies to make sure that all of their students' requirements are satisfied.
When students can engage with one another and take an active role in their own education, they are more likely
to be interested in what they are studying.
As part of the learning process, students in the class learn how to collaborate and work independently.
 Being limited to one learning product
It should be influenced in a way that requires considerably greater focus and attention while the discussion is
taking place in order for it to be a specific learning objective for the learner. Any information that meets certain
pedagogical goals is referred to as a "learning product" in general. Examples include videos, blogs, online,
distance learning, and classroom courses, events, graphics, and case studies. Moreover, investing in product
knowledge training is a sales enablement approach that will help your organization's complete sales and
customer success teams to clearly articulate what makes your goods unique. These abilities foster
communication between workers and clients, resulting in pleased clients.
 Being Achievable
I also choose this feature because it teaches us to set goals and objectives. Teaching strategies play an important
role in classroom instruction. Without the use of a strategy, teachers would be aimlessly projecting information
that doesn't connect with learners or engage them. Strategies help learners participate, connect, and add
excitement to the content being delivered. A strong teaching plan is student focused and includes: Detailed
information that spells out the goals and expectations for the students. What each student should know and be
able to do upon completion of the class. Measurable assessment tools that gauge learning outcomes.

 Being convenient to the needs of students

Learners and the Teacher must have a good connection by having convenient interactions with both of them.
Identifying and meeting individual learner needs boosts their morale and encourages them. In some cases, the
learner does not gain much from mass instruction.Such as, when the teacher provides individually prescribed
instruction (IPI) it significantly helps many learners to understand and grasp educational concepts. Maintain and
encourage a positive outlook; focus on the good. Provide opportunities for small successes and then celebrate
them. Give assignments/tasks in small, manageable chunks. Acknowledge the students' feelings and their lived
experiences; incorporate student interests/experiences into lessons.
3. Identify at least 2 strengths and weaknesses as future educator. Make an Individual Development Plan for
your career path based on the different approaches. (20)

Strength Developmental Needs Learning Objectives Intervention

STRONG The guidance of a teachers towards To be able to Monitors progress
GUIDANCE her students/learner is really compete in a 21st toward reaching
important. Its like building a century learning learning targets
LEARNING foundation and making it sure it is competency and
PROCESS stable and ready. You need to improve numerous
consider different methods and skills
instances to make sure that your
students are learning from your
discussion. You also need to widen
your knowledge and apply different
mode of teaching and learning to open
up the interest of your learners. Also
you must try different methods of
teaching like exploring outside
classroom and not just focus on the
four corners of the classroom. We are
molding students and teachers must
assure that students are fully equipped
and ready to the change the world and
compete on it.
ADAPTABILITY Being able to fit in and capable to Being able to adapt Teachers are
know the world we have right now. and manage the novel regularly required to
modify lessons,
Because of the various technological and changing
restructure learning
aspect we have, especially in the field situations that occur environments, and
of teaching. Teacher must be one step in these ever adjust content to
meet the diverse
ahead to the student. Teacher must changing
needs of students.
adapt the quick change of educational environments.
system and must know the new
learning system. To be able to give
the new skill and information so that
ypur student will compete in this 21st
century learning styles.
Weakness Developmental Needs Learning Objectives Intervention
GULLIBLE As a teacher you must set as a To be able to know how Respect is important
model and as model you must to value, respect and in building your
display an attitude or behavior that equal treatment towards students connections
would not discreet your role as a the teacher and and as teacher be a
teacher. Gullible is an attitude that students. leader that your
a teacher must not have, because it member will follow
would create a disrespectful you and believe in
treatment from your students and you
they may think that you are easy to
fooled on. This weaknesses is
difficult for me to change. Since I
am more particular in given good
approach to my students and it is
really hard to change it. But
looking forward for the betterment
of my students I will take part and
change it and try to improve by
making other things to consider.
LACK OF Being creative is not my master Being able to create a As a teacher we must
CREATIVITY piece. As a future educator I am learning environment be creative in
trying to create something more with the use of teaching an giving
interesting with the use of few technology but in the learning that our
materials but still the students are creative teaching students needed.
learning form it is the best plan I process. Being innovative and
needed in teaching my future make use of
students. Teaching students in a technology in
21st century is also challenging teaching will give
coming from digital natives teacher the easiest
youngster it is really stressing and and beneficial way
pressure because you want to teach that would gain the
them without judging you as a students interest.

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