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⚫ What is the message of this collage?

The main idea I want to express in this collage is that people all desire to communicate and share.
Driven by this idea, people sometimes express their thoughts and experiences through writing or
even further trigger interactions. I want to relate the example of restaurant reviews mentioned in the
reading material. After people enjoy the service of the restaurant, no matter good or bad, some
people may want others to know how they feel about dining in this restaurant. This is an example
of the desire-driven writing I wanted to express in my collage. Desire-driven writing, that is,
subjectively wanting to convey a message to someone else. In addition, most people in this world
have the urge to express and share, which is reflected in calls with family members, text messages
with friends, and every kind of work that people have written. Another idea I tried to show in my
collage is the opposite of active writing, which is an idea of objective-driven writing. This idea is
inspired by the email example from course reading, which discuss the tone and format students use
when emailing professor. Such a writing is commonly appeared and usually built on some purpose
with more straightforward description. A few examples are emails, homework, or response. In this
case, what we want to do is not share but express our intentions as clearly as possible and solve the
problem as efficiently as possible.

⚫ Why did you use the materials you used?

I chose to use Canva to make this collage first because I am better at using the Internet and electronic
software compared to physical work on paper. Another reason, and the most important reason, is
that it is easier to find pictures on the Internet that can express my ideas. With the help of these
pictures, I may be able to express my point of view more clearly.

⚫ How did you come to the ideas and conclusions in this collage?
When I analyzed the writing log, I found that most of my writing purposes are to complete
homework or answer emails, that is, to write to solve problems. After I concluded this, I wondered
if there was any other intention of writing rather than passive writing. Then, I started to notice the
desire to share. In my writing log, I recorded many chats among friends and posts and comments on
social media. Based on this and connect to the examples in the reading materials, I came up with
the concept of desire-driven writing.

⚫ What do you want viewers to understand differently after viewing your collage?
After reading my collage, readers may realize that writing is not just a boring reply or tedious
assignment. Instead, people often share their own opinions and interesting things they have
experienced through writing. This also brings us back to the two main ideas expressed in collage.
That is, objective-driven writing: which aims to solve problems and desire-driven writing: which is
motivated by embodying humanity and expressing creativity. Driven by these ideas, none of writing
should be boring. On top of that, writing happens all the time, it's just that most of it aren't easily
noticed. However, if we just pay a little attention, we will easily notice that writing is everywhere.

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