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Original Article ADDICTIVE 217

Volume 20, Number 4
December 2021

Suicide Probability Among Tramadol

Ahmed Saad Mohamed, MD, Nesreen M. Ibrahim, MD,
Ayat Mazloum, MSc, Rehab M. Naguib, MD, and Lobna Azzam, MD

attempt(s).2 United Nation reported that

Abstract Middle East and North Africa regions
were among the highest areas of trama-
Tramadol addiction is one of the major addiction dol/opiate abuse over the world.3
problems in growing countries, especially in Egypt. Among all used drugs, tramadol, a
Moreover, there is a strong relation between suicidal- centrally acting analgesic, was the most
ity and addiction even after exclusion of personality
disorders; the burden of suicide adds to the burden heavily used illicit drug in the past decade,
of substance abuse in those individuals and their considered by some as youth plague, not
only in Egypt but also in the neighboring
Materials and Methods: countries. According to the Ministry of
A cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted on Health report on drug addiction in Cairo,
72 tramadol-dependent patients who were recruited
randomly in this study from the addiction outpatient
1.4 million people were addicted to drugs,
clinic of Okasha Institute of Psychiatry of Ain Shams particularly tramadol.4 The link between
University, after obtaining an informed consent. They the risk of suicide and substance use is
are assessed by (1) Structured Clinical Interview for
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disor- well documented.5
ders, 4th Edition Axis I Disorders for diagnosis of Suicide is one of the known mortality
substance use disorder, (2) Structured Clinical Inter- causes among opiate abusers, as attempt to
view for Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental
Disorders, 4th Edition Axis II Disorders for exclusion suicide in opiate-dependent individuals is
of personality disorders, (3) suicide probability scale, nearly 13.5 times more common than that
and (4) Addiction Severity Index.
in the general population.6
Results: Li et al7 showed that the risk of
Regarding suicidal probability, 44.44% of the sample suicide was 7.5 times higher in males and
showed risk of suicide, which was severe among
19.44%, moderate among 11.11%, and mild among
11.7 times higher in females with a mental
13.89% of the sample. Regarding “Addiction Severity or substance use disorder (SUD) compared
Index,” most patients had no real medical problem. In with males and females with no disorder.
the employment domain, 38.89% had a slight prob-
lem. In the drug use domain, 80.56% had a moderate The rate of completed suicide among ad-
problem. dicts is 2 to 3 times higher than among the
There is a significant relation between the degree males who are not addicts. Among wom-
of medical, drug use, and legal problem and the
severity of suicidal risk. Moreover, the longer dura- en, the use of substances increases the risk
tion of addiction and the advanced age of patients are of suicide for 6.5 to 9 times compared with
risk factors for suicidal probability.
women with no addiction.8
Conclusions: Substance-dependent individuals From the Okasha Institute of
There is a suicide probability among tramadol ad- entering into treatment programs are at Psychiatry, Ain Shams
dicts. The duration of tramadol use could be consid-
ered a strong risk factor for suicide, as the longer the
elevated risk for suicide attempts for University, Cairo, Egypt.
duration of tramadol, the higher the suicidal risk. various reasons. They often engage into
Key Words: addiction, substance use disorder, trama- treatment with depressive symptoms The authors declare no conflict
dol use, suicidality, suicidal ideations and a number of severe stressors (rela- of interest.
tionship loss, job loss, health, and finan- Correspondence to: Rehab M.
(Addict Disord Their Treatment
cial problems) that not only impel them Naguib, MD, Okasha Institute of
2021;20:217–225) Psychiatry, Ain Shams
to seek treatment but also put them at
University, Cairo 11835, Egypt
higher risk for suicidal behavior.6 (e-mails: rehab.naguib@gmail.

T he magnitude of the problem of

substance use in Egypt has been
growing lately.1 Up to 40% of patients
Suicidal addicts tend to have certain
emotional problems and behavioral prob-
lems that strongly affect their activities,
com; rehab_naguib@med.asu.
Copyright © 2020 Wolters
seeking treatment for substance de- primarily as impulsive reactions and the Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights
pendence report a history of suicide inability to control certain behavior.9 reserved. DOI: 10.1097/ADT.0000000000000222

Copyright r 2020 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.
218 ADDICTIVE Saad Mohamed et al
Volume 20, Number 4
December 2021 Suicide is closely linked to sub- University Hospitals. The institute is
stance use. Therefore, it is very important located in Eastern Cairo and serves a
to confirm the factors that influence the catchment area of about the third of
possibility of suicidal behavior. As pre- Greater Cairo. It serves both urban and
sented in the literature data, older men rural areas, including areas around
who use drugs are at greater risk for Greater Cairo as well.
suicide attempts than younger addicts.10
Tramadol abuse is steadily increas-
ing in Egypt and Middle East countries.
Ethical Consideration
The prevalence of tramadol in these Written informed consent was ob-
tained from each subject participating in
counties could be attributed to its cheap
the study after the study was explained
price and wide availability. The abuse of
to them, and they were ensured about
tramadol overdose has also been asso-
the confidentiality of the information. It
ciated with violence and fights, road
was clearly explained that participation
accidents, and self-induced unintention-
in the study or withdrawal at any time
al injuries. Egypt has one of the highest
would not interfere with the treatment
death rates owing to road accidents, and
process. This study was approved from
tramadol abuse is associated with 18.7%
the Ethical Committee of Neuropsychia-
of these accidents.11,12
There is also evidence of biological try Department and the Ethical Commit-
tee of Ain Shams University.
correlates. Constant substance consumption
Study period: the study was con-
alters neurotransmitter levels, including
ducted for 7 months.
serotonin receptor,13 which has also been
Study population: A total of 72
related to suicidal behavior14 and enhanced
tramadol-dependent patients were re-
impulsivity, a precipitating factor for suicidal
cruited randomly in this study from the
behavior.15 A polymorphism in the seroto-
Addiction Outpatient Clinic of Okasha
nin receptor allele has been related to crav-
Institute of Psychiatry of Ain Shams
ing in alcohol and suicidal behavior.16
University during the period between
Although tramadol was approved in
Egypt for marketing as a safe analgesic in November 2018 and July 2019. Trama-
dol was their only substance or the main
1995,17 the Egyptian Ministry of Health
substance of abuse, diagnosed as SUD
listed it as a controlled substance in Octo-
ber 2002; moreover, the Egyptian Ministry according to Diagnostic and Statistical
Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edi-
of Health moved it from schedule 3 to 1 for
tion criteria.
highly addictive substances in 2012.18
So, we conducted this work to
detect suicidal probability among trama- Inclusion Criteria
dol addicts and study the effect of se- The following were the inclusion
verity of substance on suicidality. criteria:
(1) Patients fulfilling the criteria of SUD
AIM OF THE WORK according to Diagnostic and Statisti-
cal Manual of Mental Disorders,
This aim was to assess the suicidal Fifth Edition using Structured Clin-
probability among tramadol addicts and ical Interview for Diagnostic and
to correlate the severity of addiction Statistical Manual of Mental Disor-
with suicide probability. ders, 4th Edition Axis I Disorders
(2) Age ranged from 18 to 60 years.
MATERIALS AND METHODS (3) Both male and female sexes.
(4) Able to give consent.
Type of the Study (5) Patients with tramadol dependence
This was a descriptive cross-sectional as main substance of abuse or only
study. substance of abuse.

Place of the Study Exclusion Criteria

The study was conducted at Oka- The following were the exclusion
sha Institute of Psychiatry, Ain Shams criteria:

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Suicidality in Tramadol Addiction ADDICTIVE 219
Volume 20, Number 4
(1) Refusal to sign the informed con- (1) Mean = x/n, where x = sum of obser- December 2021
sent. vations and n = number of observa-
(2) Presence of any serious concomitant tions.
general medical condition or neuro- (2) SD: SD = 1x-x2–n.
logical illness.
(3) Presence of any other psychiatric χ2 Test the hypothesis that the row
illness. and column variables are independent,
(4) Borderline personality disorder and without indicating strength or direction
histrionic personality disorder. of the relationship. Pearson χ2 and like-
lihood-ratio χ2 were used.
ANOVA test was done according to
the computer program SPSS for Win-
Procedure of the Study
dows. ANOVA test was used for com-
All participants involved in the
study were subjected to the following: parison among different times in the
same group in quantitative data.
(1) Full history taking, including socio- The statistical probability was set
demographic data; family history of as follows:
addiction, suicide, and mental illness; P-value > 0.05 = nonsignificant.
past history of suicidal attempt; mo- P-value ≤ 0.05 = significant.
tive of tramadol abuse; and whether it P-value <0.01 = highly significant.
was the only or main substance
of abuse.
(2) SCID-I,19 Arabic version20: it was RESULTS
used for excluding psychiatric co-
morbidity and diagnosing SUD. This is a descriptive cross-sectional
(3) Structured Clinical Interview for Di- study conducted in the outpatient clinic
agnostic and Statistical Manual of of Okasha Institute of Psychiatry Ain
Mental Disorders, 4th Edition Axis Shams University Hospitals between
II Disorders (SCID-II),21 Arabic November 2018 and July 2019.
version22: it was used for exclusion During the study period, 72 pa-
of personality disorders. tients with tramadol use disorder were
(4) Suicide Probability Scale (SPS),23 recruited according to the inclusion and
Arabic version24: it was used to as- exclusion criteria mentioned before.
sess the probability of suicide.
(5) Addiction Severity Index (ASI)25: it Regarding Suicidal Probability
was used for assessment of prob- Scale and Its Severity
lems presented by patients with In the view of subscales signifi-
SUDs. An Arabic version was used cance among the whole study group,
in this study.26 52.78%, 33.33%, 38.89%, and 25% had
significant hopelessness, suicidal idea-
tion, hostility, and negative self-image,
Sampling Size respectively (Table 1).
The sample size was calculated Among the study group, the ma-
using PASS program, setting alpha error jority (55.56%) were subclinical on SPS
5% and power at 80% with confidence with no probability of suicide.
interval width 0.13. Results from a pre- However, 44.44% of the sample
vious study27 showed that suicide rate showed risk of suicide, which was severe
among opioid addict is 8.6%. On the among 19.44%, moderate among 11.11%,
basis of this, the needed sample is and mild among 13.89% of the sample.
72 cases.
Regarding the ASI
Statistical Analysis Most patients had no real medical
Statistical presentation and anal- problem, with no need for treatment
ysis of the present study was con- among 63.89%, followed by 13.89%
ducted, using the mean, SD, χ2 and with a slight medical problem, 13.89%
analysis of variance (ANOVA) tests by with moderate medical problem, where-
SPSS V20. as those with considerable problem and

Copyright r 2020 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.

220 ADDICTIVE Saad Mohamed et al
Volume 20, Number 4
December 2021 In the social domain, most patients
TABLE 1. Suicidal Probability Scale and (38.89%) had a slight problem, where
Degree Among Sample treatment is probable not necessary,
Suicide Probability Scale N (%) followed by 27.78% with no real prob-
lem, 19.44% with moderate problem,
Hopelessness significance and 13.89% with considerable problem
Nonsignificant 34 (47.22) where treatment is necessary.
Significant 38 (52.78) All sample showed no real prob-
lem regarding psychiatric domain.
Suicidal ideation significance
Nonsignificant 48 (66.67)
Significant 24 (33.33)
Negative self-image significance
Regarding Correlation Between
Nonsignificant 44 (61.11)
Addiction Severity and Suicide
Significant 28 (38.89)
There is a significant relation be-
Hostility significance tween the degree of medical problem
Nonsignificant 54 (75.00) and the severity of suicidal risk
Significant 18 (25.00) (χ2 = 29.219, P<0.001): 12 cases (37.50%)
Suicide Probability Scale degree had no real medical problem and no treat-
Subclinical (nonsignificant) 40 (55.56)
ment indicated, of which 8 cases (66.66%)
were with mild probability of suicide.
Mild 10 (13.89) However, 10 cases (31.35%) had consid-
Moderate 8 (11.11) erable medical problem, and all of them
Severe 14 (19.44) (100%) were with severe probability of
Total 72 (100.00) suicide (Table 3).
There is a significant relation between
the degree of drug use problem and the
necessary treatment were the least severity of suicidal risk (χ2 = 19.238,
(8.33%) (Table 2). P = 0.001): 18 cases (56.25%) had no real
On the employment domain, most drug use problem and no treatment indi-
patients (38.89%) had a slight problem, cated, of which 10 (55.55%) were mild on
with probable need for treatment, fol- SPS. Although 12 cases (37.50%) had mod-
lowed by 30.56% with no real problem, erate drug use problem, among which 10
27.78% with moderate problem, whereas cases (83.33%) were with severe probability
those with considerable problem and nec- of suicide.
essary treatment were the least (2.78%). There is a significant relation be-
In the drug use domain, most pa- tween the degree of legal problem and
tients (80.56%) were with moderate the severity of suicidal risk (χ2 = 21.905,
problem with some treatment indicated, P = 0.005): 12 cases (37.50%) had no real
followed by 16.67% with slight problem legal problem and no treatment indi-
and 2.78% with no real problem. cated, of which 8 (66.66%) were mild
Regarding alcohol domain, most on SPS. However, 8 cases (18.75%) had
patients (50%) were with no real problem considerable legal problem, of which 6
with no treatment indicated, followed by cases (75%) were with severe probabil-
25% with slight problem, 13.89% with ity of suicide.
moderate problem, and 11.11% with Regarding other domains includ-
considerable problem where treatment ing occupational, alcohol, social, and
is necessary. psychiatric, they had no statistically sig-
In the legal domain, most patients nificant correlation with probability of
(66.67%) had no real problem, with no suicide.
treatment indicated, followed by 11.11% Clinically, as long as they have
with a slight problem, 11.11% with medical, drug use, and legal problems,
moderate problem, 8.33% with consid- the probability of suicide increases be-
erable problem where treatment is nec- cause of lack of judgment, planning, and
essary, whereas the least (2.78%) were problem-solving skills among addicts,
having extreme problems, where treat- and they try suicide to escape as an
ment is absolutely necessary. immediate solution or impulsive act.

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Suicidality in Tramadol Addiction ADDICTIVE 221
Volume 20, Number 4
December 2021
TABLE 2. Showing Addiction Severity Index Among Study Group

Addiction Severity Index (Degree of Impairment) N (%)

No real problem no treatment indicated 46 (63.89)
Slight problem treatment probably not necessary 10 (13.89)
Moderate problem some treatment indicated 10 (13.89)
Considerable problem treatment necessary 6 (8.33)
No real problem no treatment indicated 22 (30.56)
Slight problem treatment probably not necessary 28 (38.89)
Moderate problem some treatment indicated 20 (27.78)
Considerable problem treatment necessary 2 (2.78)
Drug use
No real problem no treatment indicated 2 (2.78)
Slight problem treatment probably not necessary 12 (16.67)
Moderate problem some treatment indicated 58 (80.56)
No real problem no treatment indicated 36 (50.00)
Slight problem treatment probably not necessary 18 (25.00)
Moderate problem some treatment indicated 10 (13.89)
Considerable problem treatment necessary 8 (11.11)
No real problem no treatment indicated 48 (66.67)
Slight problem treatment probably not necessary 8 (11.11)
Moderate problem some treatment indicated 8 (11.11)
Considerable problem treatment necessary 6 (8.33)
Extreme problem treatment absolutely necessary 2 (2.78)
No real problem no treatment indicated 20 (27.78)
Slight problem treatment probably not necessary 28 (38.89)
Moderate problem some treatment indicated 14 (19.44)
Considerable problem treatment necessary 10 (13.89)
No real problem no treatment indicated 72 (100.00)

Regarding Correlation Between DISCUSSION

Suicidal Probability and Addiction
History There is growing abuse of trama-
Table 4 relates age, age of onset, dol in some African and West Asian
and duration of addiction to the severity countries. Abuse of tramadol has be-
of suicidal risk; those with mean age of come a serious problem in Egypt and
46.25 years (F = 3.588, P = 0.041) and abuse has also been reported by Iran,
longer duration (F = 5.377, P = 0.010) Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Mauritius, and
of addiction (mean 13.5 y) have severe Saudi Arabia.28
suicidal probability. Abuse of tramadol has been re-
Clinically, the long duration of ad- ported to be a serious problem in Egypt
diction and the advance in age of patients during 2011 and 2012. Information
are risk factors for suicidal probability. available to the International Narcotics

Copyright r 2020 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.

Volume 20, Number 4

ADDICTIVE Saad Mohamed et al
December 2021

Copyright r 2020 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.
Copyright © 2020 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.

TABLE 3. The Correlation Between Severity of Addiction and Degree of Suicidal Probability
Suicide Probability Scale Degree [N (%)]

Addiction Severity Index (Degree of Impairment) Mild Moderate Severe Total χ2 P

No real problem no treatment indicated 8 (80.00) 4 (20.00) 0 12 (37.50) 29.219 <0.001
Slight problem treatment probably not necessary 2 (20.00) 2 (25.00) 0 4 (12.50)
Moderate problem some treatment indicated 0 2 (25.00) 4 (28.57) 6 (18.75)
Considerable problem treatment necessary 0 0 10 (71.43) 10 (31.25)
No real problem no treatment indicated 2 (20.00) 0 0 2 (6.25) 10.504 0.105
Slight problem treatment probably not necessary 4 (40.00) 4 (50.00) 2 (14.29) 10 (31.25)
Moderate problem some treatment indicated 4 (40.00) 4 (50.00) 10 (71.43) 18 (56.25)
Considerable problem treatment necessary 0 0 2 (14.29) 2 (6.25)
Drug use
No real problem no treatment indicated 10 (10.00) 6 (75.00) 2 (14.29) 18 (56.25) 19.238 0.001
Slight problem treatment probably not necessary 0 0 2 (14.29) 2 (6.25)
Moderate problem some treatment indicated 0 2 (25.00) 10 (71.43) 12 (37.50)
No real problem no treatment indicated 4 (40.00) 2 (25.00) 0 6 (18.75) 10.034 0.123

Slight problem treatment probably not necessary 4 (40.00) 2 (25.00) 4 (28.57) 10 (31.25)
Moderate problem some treatment indicated 2 (20.00) 2 (25.00) 4 (28.57) 8 (25.00)
Considerable problem treatment necessary 0 2 (25.00) 6 (42.86) 8 (25.00)
No real problem no treatment indicated 8 (80.00) 4 (50.00) 0 12 (37.50) 21.905 0.005
Slight problem treatment probably not necessary 17 (62.00) 8 (20.00) 2 (17.29) 4 (12.50)
Moderate problem some treatment indicated 0 2 (25.00) 4 (28.57) 6 (25.00)
Suicidality in Tramadol Addiction ADDICTIVE 223
0.102 Volume 20, Number 4
Control Board (INCB) suggests that tra- December 2021

madol was smuggled into Egypt from
China and India.29
Our study revealed that the psycho-
logical dimensions within the suicidal
risk, as measured by SPS (hopelessness,

suicidal ideations, negative self-image,


and hostility), were found to be signifi-

cant: significant hopelessness (52.78%),
followed by significant negative self-
image (38.89%), suicidal ideation signifi-
32 (100.00)

cance (33.33%), and hostility significance

8 (18.75)

10 (31.25)
6 (18.75)
6 (18.75)
10 (31.25)
2 (6.25)

To the authors’ knowledge, SPS
was recruited for the first time in Egypt
on tramadol addicts. However, some
studies may have examined the suicide
behaviors in heroin addicts.
Bao-Liang et al30 in a Chinese study
14 (100.00)
6 (42.86)

4 (28.57)
4 (75.57)
6 (42.86)

examined the suicidality in heroin ad-

27 (56)

dicts on methadone treatment and

agreed with our results regarding the
suicidal risk, where lifetime suicide at-
tempt was significantly associated with
injecting heroin before methadone main-
tenance treatment (odds ratio = 2.92).
8 (100.00)
2 (25.00)
2 (25.00)
2 (25.00)
2 (25.00)

According to the ASI, the consid-

15 (32)

erable problem in the studied group was


the most in the social domain (13.89%),

medical domain (13.89%), legal domain
(13.89%), alcohol domain (11.11%), and
the least considerable domain was em-
ployment (2.78%). The drug use and
10 (100.00)
2 (20.00)

8 (80.00)

2 (20.00)

psychiatric domains were not found to

8 (12)

be with considerable problem.


Opposing results were obtained

by Shahin and colleagues, who stated
that the considerable degree of impair-
ment in ASI domains were as follows:
medical (5%), occupational (41%), drug
intake (52%), alcohol (20%), legal (5%),
Slight problem treatment probably not necessary
Extreme problem treatment absolutely necessary

social (62.5%), and psychiatry (75%).

Moderate problem some treatment indicated

This can be explained by the fact that

Considerable problem treatment necessary

Considerable problem treatment necessary

the latest mentioned study was among

No real problem no treatment indicated

No real problem no treatment indicated

patients with polysubstance abuse not

necessarily tramadol included, and also
the duration of addiction among them
was 1 to 11 years.1
Moreover, our current study ex-
cluded any psychiatric comorbidity.
The current study revealed a sig-
nificant correlation between severity of
suicidal probability among tramadol ad-
dicts and considerable degree of impair-
ment of each of medical, drug intake,

and legal domains by 100%, 83.33%, and


75%, respectively. This is contrary to a

study by Dragisic and colleagues, which

Copyright r 2020 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.

224 ADDICTIVE Saad Mohamed et al
Volume 20, Number 4
December 2021
TABLE 4. Correlation Between and Degree of Suicidal Probability and Each of Age of Study
Group, Age of Onset of Tramadol and Duration of Addiction
Suicide Probability Scale Degree Analysis of Variance

Mild Moderate Severe F P

Age (y)
Range 31-49 34-55 39-58 3.588 0.041
Mean ± SD 38.143 ± 5.447 42.000 ± 8.055 46.250 ± 7.611
Age of onset of tramadol use (y)
Range 25-53 24-39 26-40 0.164 0.850
Mean ± SD 32.800 ± 10.779 32.750 ± 5.874 31.286 ± 4.531
Duration of addiction (y)
Range 2-5 5-10 6-23 5.377 0.010
Mean ± SD 6.857 ± 1.875 9.400 ± 5.147 13.500 ± 6.782

reported that there was no statistical probability among tramadol addicts.

significance correlation between legal The duration of tramadol use could be
domain of ASI and severity of suicidal considered a strong risk factor for sui-
probability. This can be explained by cide in tramadol addicts, as the longer
the fact that the previously mentioned the duration of tramadol, the higher the
study was conducted among intrave- suicidal risk.
nous addicts.31
The present study has shown that Study Limitations
there was a significant relationship be- The short duration, small size of
tween long duration of tramadol use and sample, and being a single-center (one
suicidal probability and could be con- hospital) study, suggests that it may not
sidered as a strong risk factor for suicide be representative of all tramadol addicts
among tramadol addicts. Our findings in Egypt.
are in accordance with Guiherme et al32 The tools used in the study were
who conducted a large longitudinal time consuming and this was the main
study and found that the long history cause of noncooperativeness of trama-
of substance use more strongly predicts dol addicts either from the beginning or
suicide attempts in addicts. shortly after participating in the study.
The present study has also shown
that there is a significant relationship
between older age of tramadol addicts Recommendations
and suicidal probability. Our results are Careful and systematized psychiat-
supported by Dragisic and colleagues ric assessment should be done for these
who found that older men who use cases, along with including a protocol
drugs are at greater risk for suicide for suicide prevention in those suscepti-
attempts than younger addicts. This ble groups to be included in the reha-
can be explained by the more problems bilitation programs.
(financial, social, employment, and le- It is recommended to have more
gal) tramadol addicts could be subjected research that can explain the occurrence
to from long duration of use, causing of suicide among tramadol addicts.
(hopelessness, suicidal ideations, and
negative self-evaluation), which may
lead them to suicidal attempt.31
CONCLUSIONS Our thanks go for the patients who
were motivated to volunteer in the re-
Our cross-sectional descriptive search to enrich the scientific knowl-
study revealed that there is a suicide edge and improve the clinical practices.

Copyright © 2020 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.

Copyright r 2020 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.

Suicidality in Tramadol Addiction ADDICTIVE 225
Volume 20, Number 4
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