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Classroom environments promote learning


Taller II: Reflexión crítica y sist. exp. pedagógico.

Septiembre, 2019

Iquique, Tarapacá, Chile.

Classroom environments promote learning

“Habría que dejar atrás los papeles o roles antes desempeñados como docentes y alumnos,
para comenzar el aprendizaje de nuevos roles en una pedagogía de la responsabilidad
compartida” (Ander-Egg, 1999)

The classroom climate is mainly formed by the relationship between teacher-student when
the learning process is carried out. We know that the teacher is no longer the highest authority as
it used to be years ago, with the behavioral paradigm. On the contrary, the constructivist
paradigm is based on the construction of knowledge, so the teacher is a mediator and facilitator
of learning. More than a person who transmits knowledge, the teacher is a model that transmits
attitudes, emotions and thoughts. The mood of the teacher in class is essential to create a good
climate in the classroom. When a teacher arrives with enthusiasm and motivation to a class, it
generates a very pleasant environment, in which his students are motivated to learn. On the other
hand, if a teacher arrives classroom and expresses discomfort, tiredness and a negative attitude
when students make mistakes, atmosphere that his behaviors create is of tension and fear, in
which the student is not able to carry out this learning process because he is not allowed to make
mistakes. In addition the teacher should not only deliver ideas, but also listen to their students,
their opinions, suggestions about the class or something that wasn’t clear. The teacher should be
able to create an environment of respect in which they can discuss and from that, learn; because
the teacher not only teaches, but also learns from his students and vice versa.
The physical space plays a very important role to obtain a good climate in the classroom. It
is essential that the classroom where the teaching and learning process will be carried out is
suitable for this, with everything necessary to carry out the classes. Within the classroom it is
very important that the teacher is responsible of creating motivational stimuli for their students
or using various strategies to achieve effective learning. As the teacher is a mediator and guide
within the classroom, he must also put into practice the values of empathy and generosity, being
a teacher with partial attitudes towards his students, without showing or generating favoritism
towards the students, since this only generates competition and frustration among students, in
addition to causing a lousy environment in the classroom, where learning should be seen as a
source of knowledge or a pleasant process, and not as a competition in demonstrating who is the
best, demonstrating apathy and individualism among classmates . It is for this reason that the
teacher must maintain an equal and motivating relationship with their students, making them
believe in their abilities, demonstrating that they can always give more and never give up,
making an effort to overcome themselves and not want to overcome their own classmates or
someone else.

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