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The carbon cycle

Carbon is the most important element in the world. Everything is either conformed by carbon, or needs
carbon to live. For example, cells need carbon molecules to be functional.

Biological carbon cycle

1) plant convert carbon dioxide to glucose. The plants store the glucose to keep consuming over time

2) Carbon is transferred trough living things by the food chain. Then after that is done the carbon is
releases by feces or co2. Once the living organism dies it decomposes and the carbon return to the

Geological carbon cycle

1) CO2 makes compounds with water and then with rock which will settle in the ocean floor, and after
time convert to rocks like limestone.

2) when the carbon bonded rocks get into the earth mantle as the gas start to pressurize it stars to look
for a place to escape, and that place is the volcanoes.

3) when carbon main organisms get trapped inside the earths crust after time, they become fossil fuels
that are highly concentrated carbon composite, that can be refined to form petroleum etc.

The human activity has really affected the carbon cycle, because we are increasingly using more and
more, and the natural cycle to convert the carbon cycle to the other composites to keep it balanced,
can’t keep up with our carbon emissions and demands.

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