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Innovation in the university: virtual educational platform

The first vertex arises when the teacher becomes a key

ABSTRACT actor in the generation of actions that from the teaching
In higher education institutions, the use of the virtual ensure the learning, in the support in the actions tending to
platform, rather than a support tool for the training of the improvement of the educational professional formation
professionals, should favor the teaching-learning process, [1], where he ceases to be the source of all knowledge and
as a superlative purpose it should even ally with teaching acts as a guide for students, facilitating new cognitive and
to favor teaching innovation. Innovation in higher procedural constructions based on the use of resources and
education strengthens the teacher-student and student- tools they need to explore and develop new knowledge and
student relationship in order to make learning skills [2]; therefore he becomes counselor and mediator.
achievements effective. Society, immersed in a
technological world, demands that this space of digital Learning in collaboration involves a process of constant
interaction, become a space for educational innovation. interaction between teacher-student and student-student.
This is enhanced by relating the activities of the platform
The research proposed to identify actions implemented by with the resolution of problems, development of projects or
teaching through the use of the platform and even identify discussions about a specific topic. In addition, it implies a
the characteristics of the actions that are considered process in development of cognitive independence.
innovative. The study found interesting findings that guide
the use of the virtual platform, the training with didactic In this context, each participant has defined their role of
and technological accompaniment is vital for the teacher, collaborator in the achievement of shared learning and
the favorable appreciation to the technology on the part of where the teacher participates as another collaborator, but
the teaching must take advantage in education, the with the functions of counselor and mediator, guaranteeing
innovative practices that have Successful at the Central the effectiveness of the collaborative activity " .[3]
University are associated with research and collaborative
Higher education requires the innovation of strategies to
improve professional training and this is possible when
university professors and researchers have their space to
KEYWORDS build new forms of education”[4]. The university in its
Teaching-learning process, educational innovation, diversity for the areas of study and specializations, requires
learning management system, virtual platform. a teacher to innovate permanently in order to respond to
the needs of individual and global learning.
CCS → Applied computing → Education → Learning The innovation strategies that are applied in the classrooms
management systems by the teaching staff and usually have a limited scope,
including a limited number of students [5]. The virtual
space is the place where teaching innovation strategies are
developed that escape from the traditional physical
classrooms and take us to new spaces mediated by
The World Declaration on Higher Education in the 21st
technology, giving the opportunity to improve its impact
Century defends the need for innovative educational
and application.
methods that generate critical thinking and creativity;
information and communication technology will continue The second vertex refers to the role of information and
to modify the way knowledge is developed, acquired and communication technologies in educational innovation.
transmitted, as well as the creation of new pedagogical The technological innovations are evident when the first
environments; and, that the establishment of an essential users abandon the new products as soon as the masses
element is the definition of a policy on the training of accept it and the next novelty appears [6]; hhowever,
research teaching personnel. Teaching must take care to technology is part of society, so the adoption of
teach its students to learn, to take initiatives and not to technologies becomes relevant because it increases the
become science wells only. [1] possibility of exploiting new opportunities.
In Ecuador and with certainty in many parts of the world, Within the technologies that support the teaching-learning
educational innovations and innovative educational processes we have the Learning Management System
strategies are required. These should contribute to (LMS), which are management systems for learning, virtual
improving the teaching-learning processes in higher classrooms or learning platforms whose main functions
education. include managing activities, managing resources and
performing evaluations[8].
In this context, educational innovation using technology
should be analyzed considering three vertices, the first In the 21st century the development of knowledge is
related to teaching as the driving force of the teaching- marked by the intensive use of technologies, knowledge
learning process, the second related to information and management even requires giving more importance to the
communication technologies as a resource, and the third process than to the product [5]. “Educational innovation is
that identifies innovative practices as the dynamic element. considered an essential element to face the necessary
educational change in the Knowledge Society”[9].
The analysis of the behavior of technological innovations For this, it is necessary to analyze how technologies are
and advances in the cognitive sciences and education, participating in teaching innovation, since the Central
indicate that the near future of the use of information University of Ecuador implemented a platform for
technologies in learning and knowledge management will education three years ago in a definitive and universal way,
be characterized by personalization and adaptability [7]. considering that teachers and students have acceded in a
natural way and systematic This platform is based on the
The third corner is related to innovative practices, moodle architecture.
educational innovation is the selection, organization and
creative use of new elements linked to institutional The speed with which innovations are presented and the
management, curriculum and / or teaching, it is normal for development of technology, the authors raised the need to
an educational innovation to impact in more than one area visualize innovative practices so that they can be exposed
, since it usually responds to a need or problem that to the university community to be replicated or adapted
regularly requires a comprehensive response [10],[11]. according to the requirements of each teacher[17].

The innovative practice is defined as the set of The University must overcome the single fact of the
relationships, transformations that emerge and extend in implementation of the educational platform, since only this
the classroom or educational context [12], in this action the element does not guarantee the improvement of the
teacher is an integrating entity between the educational teaching-learning process. It is necessary to identify what
platform used, the student and the teaching resources used is happening within the classroom with the teacher-student
to support the development of a course, subject or its relationship and the student-student relationship and how
equivalents. this dynamic improves professional training [16].

The innovative experience exceeds the cause-effect The actions carried out by the professors with the purpose
relationship, implies a dynamic relationship between of establishing their participation in the teaching-learning
theory and practice, beyond the simple application process, and the mediating elements of that participation
relationship, is that which includes the production of and their use were of great importance in the research. In
something new in which learns, through the intentional the previous research in 2017 it was observed that
resolution of a problem, which can be both practical and traditional practices could be overlapped with the use of
purely theoretical [2]. modern tools, because it is not enough to just enter the
platform and publish their data to ensure as an educational
When confirming that the innovation process produces innovation; These data are those recorded as an event for
changes in the context involved [4] studies of educational the analysis performed. Therefore, educational innovation
innovation are more valid if they have a detailed study to must be raised from a second level of analysis to determine
test the effectiveness of the strategic innovation involved the good practices of teachers, which give an added value
[13], allowing the analysis of experiences to detect to academic tasks.
innovative practices [14].
1.1 General objectives
When innovation occurs within the classroom, a process
that directly affects the student, professional training and The objective of the work is to identify the innovative
the quality of higher education, it is important that this practices developed by the professors of the Central
element has a permanent follow-up and investigation in University of Ecuador that use the educational platform, as
order to improve it and disseminate it if it is the case [13] well as the interaction they achieve in different
[14]. environments.

Innovation is transversal to university work; however, 1.2 Specific objectives

teacher-student work will be the main core of analysis, The following specific objectives have been defined:
considering that it is important to identify successful
practices within the classroom in order to improve and • Determine the concept of educational innovation that
project them within the University. teachers apply in their teaching environments.

This process will only be possible when a culture of • Identify the appreciation of teachers by associating
identification, analysis, socialization, evaluation and educational innovation with the platform
improvement of innovative practices is created.

Not every educational practice is innovative, so it is • Quantify the use of the platform by teachers of the
necessary to know how to identify it [15], the process University.
involves teachers and students, therefore evaluating it is a
complex and delicate task for the academy. A proposal to • Establish important findings related to good practices in
evaluate innovative practices includes the following educational innovation in the platform.
elements: Characteristics, Motivation, Facilitators, Barriers,
Factors that could improve experiences, Measures of 2 METHODOLOGY
success, Sources of useful information on experiences[16].
The investigation includes the analysis of the interactions
The present investigation is oriented in identifying the that were carried out on the platform
findings of educational innovation practices through the These interactions were carried out during the academic
use of the virtual platform. periods: March-August 2017 and September 2017 to
February 2018. For the university these periods are six
The research includes qualitative and quantitative 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
techniques. With this there is a description of what and
how activities are developed in the virtual platform . 3.1 Demographic of interactions:

The demography of the interactions is the quantitative The Central University of Ecuador has 2035 teachers. In the
establishment thereof and it is very important to determine period 2017-2017 a little more than 40 percent of teachers
the activities that promote the interactions. This is an used the platform. In contrast, in the following period 2017-
exercise that determined the context in which the 2018, 60 percent of teachers used it.
implementation of the virtual platform is developed. More than 90 percent of teachers maintain their
Interaction is every action that teachers or students permanence in the use of the platform.
perform on the platform The total number of teachers who used the platform at least
To select the sample, the teachers that have the most once in at least one period is 1292.
interactions on the platform were established. For this, it
was added by each teacher for each period and selected the
Table 3-1 Number of interactions per teacher per period
hundred that had the greatest number of interactions.
No. of
Frequency P1 Frequency P2
The group was given a survey that allows to study the first interactions
three specific objectives and obtain a scenario in which to 1 – 30 538 942
develop educational innovations.
31 - 70 148 120
The objective of the survey is the description of the use of 71 - 140 109 98
the platform. The survey has four parts:
141 - 350 71 39
Verify if there is a theoretical orientation in which the use 351 - 1000 9 13
of the platform is based on innovative practices.
1001 - 1731 1 1
Approximate criteria that through the use of the platform Total 876 1213
relate technology to innovation The interactions in relation to teachers have a positive bias,
which means that many teachers have few interactions.
Determine the frequency and preference of the use of the
platform in relation to the learning proposed in its syllables, In the period 2017-2017 (Period 1) there were 49,879
interactions. In the period 2017-2018 (Period 2) the total is
Recognize the motivating ideas in the use of the

Through the analysis, the elements that favor the

Table 3-2 Type of interactions per period
realization of an innovative educational practice in the use
of the virtual platform were determined. Also, innovative Interactions Period 1 Period 2
practices that are created today and that can be replicated
3.050 2.776
by the teacher of the Central University of Ecuador. Assistance
Data base 19 8
To determine innovative practices, it was necessary to
determine a new sample of teachers who perform value- 4.606 6.651
added interactions and infer a more complex process for
Lesson 238 98
Book 69 9
To this group of teachers an interview was applied in order
System 41.000 28.310
to find the findings that characterize an innovative practice.
The use of the platform allowed to identify the similarities Workshop 897 416
and constitutive elements of innovation[18]. 49.879 38.268
The questions applied in the interview seek to determine: The selection of teachers was determined based on the
interactions they do. In addition, the following elements
 Why do I use the workshop or the database or the were considered:
lesson on the platform?
 How does the resource used strengthen its chair? 1. Select teachers who had a minimum
 Description of the elements of innovation that of seventy interactions per period.
could be determined; and,
2. Their interactions were added for
 Description of practices and / or good practices
each period and from them the first
that you can share.
At the end of the investigation, the results are analyzed and
one hundred cases were selected.
The group of selected teachers reported 41,551 interactions
out of a total of 88,147. The relation with the number of
total teachers corresponds to 7.74 percent.

Table 3-3 Number of sample teacher interactions

Group of Number of Interactions Interactions
teachers teachers (Total) (%)
The results go on a scale that starts at 1 which refers to
totally disagree to 5 which refers to totally in agreement.
(teachers with
more 100 41.551 47% The obtained values are 3.96; 4.00 and 4.27 to each question
interactions) in the established order. Therefore, at the teaching level,
according to the scale, in all three cases it is affirmed to
Other agree.
teachers 1.192 46.596 53%
The answers in disagreement or totally in disagreement are
Total 1.292 88.147 100% 6, 6 and 5 of the 56 respectively; it leads us to reaffirm a
double reading on the teaching perception, therefore it is
To determine the teachers who present the best possibilities necessary to discuss innovation in education and the
for innovation, of the 88,147 interactions, only 1,676 are support that can be found in the office.
related to database, lesson and workshop. Therefore, a new
selection of teachers is made, which use these interactions,
The following four questions:
the sample corresponds to 10 teachers. They represent
94.45 percent of the interactions i.e. 1.583. 1) "You guide learning tasks in the platform to achieve the interaction between the
From these teachers a qualitative contribution is obtained
teacher-student and student-student",
on the planning, use and results in the platform through the
interview. 2) "The learning tasks created by you in the platform contribute to the student managing
3.2 Results: survey and interview
their learning in open environments, with ethics and
Of the total number of respondents, 56 of them answered authentic performance",
in relation to the first and second part, as well as regarding
the frequency of use of the third part. 3) "Promotes with the learning activities in the platform the development of higher
For the preference of use, there are 53 responses from order skills: analysis, synthesis, information processing,
teachers and referring to motivating ideas add up to 40.The systems thinking and critical thinking";
survey had two questions in its first part. These sought to
ratify the knowledge and theoretical foundation that leads 4) "In the selection of contents prioritizes the
to propose an educational innovation that favors learning. problematization with emphasis on the investigation in
increasingly complex contexts", they refer to the frequency
The first question is: "For your educational innovation is with which the teacher addresses the questions consulted.
associated with", the expected response is: "Creation of
products and services not yet exploited". The favorable For the analysis of the results it is considered that 1 means
results are equivalent to 25 percent; However, the answer never and 5 always.
"Use of the virtual educational platform as support for the
The average results obtained by question are: 4.41; 4.50;
teacher" has a 67.86 percent.
4.39 and 4.14 respectively. The results are between the
The second question proposes that "Educational innovation values of "fairly frequently" and "always".
admits". The expected response is: "The known, improves
The next two questions referred to the preferences in the
and renews it for interaction between different groups" the
use of the activities in the platform.
value of correct answers corresponds to 12.50 percent; the
distractor "profound changes in the teaching method used The first of the group (question 10) ascertains the order of
by teachers" received 55.36 percent of favorable responses importance in the use of technological resources that
and the distractor "The learning problem to achieve the teachers would choose to promote different learning
solution in a structured way" had a response rate of 17.86 environments on the platform.
To determine the order in a list will be assigned higher
score to the first option, for the present case corresponds to
Table 3-4 Appropriate answers to conceptual questions 8 and descending will be reduced by one unit, being the last
No. of Incorrect value of 1. The maximum value that can take a resource is
Correct answer
question answer of 424 and the minimum is 53.
Question 1 14 42
Table 3-5 Order of importance of the resources that
Question 2 7 49
teachers would choose
Resource Weighing
The following group of three questions: 1) "Educational
innovation is related to technological resources", 2) Creation of courses and
"Educational innovation is related to the use of educational modules
platforms", 3) "Do you think that educational innovation is Sending tasks 319
mediated by the use of different environments and File management 290
technological resources? ", collects information on how the
teacher establishes approaches between educational Presentation of case studies 284
innovation and computer technology. Creation of labels 225
URL records 202
Registration of attendance 145 The teaching-learning process is strengthened by certain
processes of research, improves the use of time in students;
Others 119 as well as the levels of analysis, synthesis and critical
judgment. The innovative features implemented in the
The second question of the group (number 11) finds out, platform allow the possibility of generating an amplitude in
according to the teacher, what is the order of use of the handling of information, particularly in the presence of
technological resources by their students on the platform. scientific articles.
Table 3-6 Order of importance of the resources that their The topic must be chosen carefully so that it can be done
students would use, according to teachers on the platform and its approach must be novel. Rubrics
Resources Weighing should be used to evaluate their performance.
Fulfillment of tasks 332 The platform is a mechanism for solving concerns raised or
Answer questionnaires 308 not resolved in class, whether for reasons of time or even
File management 308 fear of the unknown or the public as elements that prohibit
the participation of the student. Feedback to learning
Participate in forums 284 activities is supported by collaborative work.
Creation and use of glossaries 239
The methodology of problem-based learning is favored in
Use of wikis 165 the platform, even with regard to the evaluation of its
Registration of attendance 157 results.
Others 115 The participation of students in the virtual platform must
be permanent and active. It is the teacher's job not to
The last question collects information on the main ideas neglect this aspect at the expense of an irregular
that guide the choice of technological resources. performance is too counterproductive to the use provided
• 36 percent of the thirty-six responses refer to using by the resource.
resources to facilitate learning, have information,
access to knowledge and stand out as a quality 3.3 Discussion
• With 19 percent of responses it is affirmed about the In context it is observed that the teaching of the Central
familiarization of the virtual environment, as a University goes of little incorporating the permanent use to
complementary tool, safe, easy to handle and modern. the virtual platform. The growth trend is significant, even
• With 17 percent the resource is designed to work in when compared with previous periods. At the beginning of
collaborative learning, research development, as the the implementation, 2016, there was a boom, more than 70
student is an actor of their training. percent of teachers used the platform, and in the period
• With 17 percent of responses it is recognized that it is 2017-2018 barely exceeds 60 percent of the total of teachers.
a mechanism that facilitates the teacher-student
relationship, achieves closeness and improves To describe the use of the platform by teachers, it is very
communication. clear that there are many who use this resource very little
• With lower values are the role of facilitator that the and very few who use the platform very often.
teacher assumes, the ease of updating knowledge and
the development in students of higher order skills. In the survey the results of the first two questions lead us
to recognize that the theoretical foundation that supports
Ideas for choosing resources educational innovation is low and innovation is confused
as synonymous with the use of a virtual platform.
30 26
25 The perception that the change of technology, or its use,
20 14 12 12 does not guarantee innovations. Higher education has had
15 some improvements in technology over the last half
10 4 4 century, as it has gone from books to photo static copies, or
5 from transparencies to transparencies, the use of power
0 point did not guarantee a significant change in the
teaching, even the misuse of these practices could
accentuate traditional bad practices.

A relevant and positive element is knowing that the

platform is thought by the teachers who interact
frequently, as a tool that complements its function, the
activities proposed by them are anchored to activate the
student as responsible for their learning. Most of the
Figura 1 Ideas que orientan a escoger recursos de la natural activities of the face-to-face classes are replicated in
plataforma para favorecer la innovación educativa the middle and autonomous work is organized.

In the case of interviews with teachers who carry out In general, it is taken for granted that office automation and
activities to enable innovation, the following responses its tools are a substantial part of educational innovation,
were obtained. The platform achieves teamwork, captures although this assertion is a mistake as previously stated.
bibliographic research, favors the creation of academic The important thing is not to lose sight of the acceptance
essays and encourages self-evaluation and co-evaluation. of its use.
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