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How to build a community

Glenlivet has an really old history, which started in 1824, some members have
been drinking this whisky since forever.
The brand is using the process of prosumer: Glenlivet let consumers name its
product "The Glenlivet".The brand has been near its community from the
The developement of the brand is based on storytelling. The story of the brand

is old and based on a legend. Fans of the brand are fascinated by its history.
The product has been created in a small time, full of history, it makes the
consumer even more attach to the brand.
The whisky Glenlivet is a very high standard product, it is not accessible to
everyone.. Glenlivet fans feel that they belong to a community, because they
know the brand and they feel special to have the opportunity to drink it.
It also feels when you belong to the Glenlivet community you can achieve
anything you want. The brand has survived many ordeals during its history.
From Great Depression, to exportation and competition on the whisky
market but it always survived.
The developement of the community

Creation of a real community : The guardian of Glenlivet, it is a worldwide of enthusisats of glenlivet . It is the essence of the the
community, members do have a real connecction with the brand.
The community is so strong that other whisky brand are copying the process. It even reinforce the feeling of belonging to the
Guardian of Glenlivet as members want to show their whisky as something even more special than the others.
The club was launched in 2006, it has now more than 140000 members across the world established in 98 countries. The impact
of this community is so important it has become an international club, it is more than a community as it is even built as a
In deed the club is build in 3 different sections: THE GUARDIAN, THE GUARDIAN AMBASSADOR and , THE GUARDIAN FELLOW.

Those members can interact and even join a special school: the Glenlivet guardian Whisky School. It is a whole way of life built
around the brand where members want to evaluate, attract new mebers and become expert in the whisky field.
They are not representing the brand, they part of it and feel valuate by the brand as they're invitated to special events, they learn
how to drink whisky in their daily life and they also can be in contact with Glenlivet employees.
The community of glenlivet feel evenmore special as they part of unique experience they could probably have never lived if they
were not member of the glenlivet fan club, such as closed whisky tasting event at Altitude, Banyan Tree Kuala Lumpur.
It is something they're proud about as they can share it, and really show their connection to the brand.
To gather its community Glenlivet has develop an hub to ease the interaction with its members. It is even now on
instagramwhich allowed them to have a strongest connection with the new whisky consumer generation.

Similitude(s) Difference(s)

Social link created by Glenlivet: Social

interactions among participants are positive and
collaborative as opposed to limited
Difference on object of desire: According to SC,
the link is very important but the Glenlivet’s
community used to be gathered around one
product: the whiskey, however Soulcycle is a
tribal ritual of people who use the fact to go to
the sports place, to do sport.

Tough mudder created his community on the

Both communities have a common interest,
basis of mutual help and the same value, while
which has allowed then to form such a
Glenlivet relies on storytelling. Tough Mudder
developed and close community
encourage online interactions with a Facebook
page and a youtube channel for example
Proposal of co-creation

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