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Project Name: Online Recipe App Development

Project Manager: Jane Doe

Start Date: April 1, 2023

End Date: September 30, 2023

Project Goals:

The goal of this project is to develop a user-friendly online recipe app that allows users to easily search
for and save their favorite recipes. The app should also allow users to create and share their own recipes
with the community.

Scope of Work:

• Research and select appropriate technologies and frameworks for the app development
• Design the app interface and user experience
• Develop the app backend and frontend
• Implement features such as recipe search, save and share options, and user profile management
• Test the app for bugs and user feedback
• Deploy the app to a cloud platform

Project Timeline:

• Research and selection of technologies and frameworks: April 1 - April 15

• Design of app interface and user experience: April 16 - May 15
• Development of app backend and frontend: May 16 - July 31
• Implementation of features and testing: August 1 - August 31
• Deployment to cloud platform: September 1 - September 15


• Personnel: $100,000
• Technology and infrastructure: $50,000
• Marketing and promotion: $20,000
• Contingency: $10,000
• Total budget: $180,000
Risks and Challenges:

• Changes in technology or industry trends that may require changes to the app development
• Difficulty in attracting users to the app
• Technical issues with app performance and security

Communication Plan:

Regular team meetings will be held throughout the project, with additional meetings as needed to
address specific issues or milestones. Progress reports will be provided to stakeholders on a weekly
basis. In addition, a user feedback survey will be conducted at the end of the project to gather feedback
and identify areas for improvement.

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