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Name: Anjolena Fabionar Program and year: BSED-FILIPINO 2

Subject: Life and Works of Rizal Instructor: Angelie L. Mamites

Life of Jose Rizal

Rizal’s course, as mandated by Republic Act 1425, this course covers the life and works
of the country’s national hero, Jose Rizal. Among the topics covered are Rizal’s biography and
his writings, particularly the novels Noli me Tangere and ElFfilibusterismo, some of his essays,
and various correspondences. Also it talk about his impact on Philippine history and nationhood,
and his relevance to the present.
Jose Protasio Rizal Mercado y Alonso Realonda was born on June 19, 1861 to Francisco
Rizal Mercado y Alejandro and Teodora Alonso Realonda y Quintos in the town of Calamba in
Laguna province. He had nine sisters and one brother. His parents were leaseholders of a
hacienda and an accompanying rice farm held by the Dominicans. Both their families had
adopted the additional surnames of Rizal and Realonda in 1849, after Governor General Narciso
Claveria y Zaldua decreed the adoption of Spanish surnames among the Filipinos for census
purposes (though they already had Spanish names).Upon enrolling at the Ateneo Municipal de
Manila, he dropped the last three names that made up his full name, on the advice of his brother,
Paciano and the Mercado family, thus rendering his name as "Jose Protasio Rizal". Of this, he
later wrote: "My family never paid much attention [to our second surname Rizal], but now I had
to use it, thus giving me the appearance of an illegitimate child!". This was to enable him to
travel freely and disassociate him from his brother, who had gained notoriety with earlier links to
Filipino priests Mariano Gomez, Jose Burgos, and Jacinto Zamora (popularly known as
Gomburza), who had been accused and executed for treason. During his early childhood, Rizal
showed dominant disposition in different areas as intellectual, creative, artistic and excelled in his
academic fields. At an early age of three, he started to learn alphabet and prayers. When he
reached the age of five, he learned how to read and write. At the age of eight, he wrote his first
poem which was written in Tagalog. It was entitled, “Sa AkingMgaKababata.” The poem has a
meaningful message which has a theme, “Love of One’s Language.” The first teacher of Rizal
was his beloved mother. She played an important role in teaching him valuable lessons and she
discovered that her son has a great potential. Her mother gave so much encouragement on Rizal’s
passion in writing. Jose Rizal spent his early education in Calamba and Biñan, Laguna. The
Spanish educational system was very complex but despite all the odds that he had to experience,
Jose Rizal managed to accomplished all necessary requirements for college in Manila. While he
was studying in Manila, Jose Rizal took a degree in Land surveying and Assessment where he
graduated with honors on March 14, 1877. He successfully passed the Licensure exam on the
said course in 1878 and he was given a license when he reached the age of 21. It was the year
1878 when he completed his degree from Ateneo Municipal de Manila and he followed his
passion in Arts. He had his admission at the Faculty of Arts and Letters which has a degree in
Philosophy at the University of Santo Tomas. Unfortunately, Jose Rizal had to set aside his
degree in Philosophy when he heard his mother’s impending blindness so he needed to prioritize
his mother’s situation. It made him decide to study Medicine and in it was year 1878 when he
had his admission in the Faculty of Medical Sciences at University of Santo Tomas to specialize
Ophthalmology. Jose Rizal didn’t stop his burning passion and willingness to learn and it made
him took the risk to leave the Philippines. On this scenario, Jose Rizal was known as a great
Filipino traveller in the history. His first trip was on year 1882 which was bound to Spain.
Having gone through many places, he learned nearly 22 languages. He pursued his desire to
further develop his knowledge in his chosen field of specialization which is Ophthalmology. He
studied at the University of Heidelberg under the well-known eye specialist, Professor Otto
Becker. During his stay in Spain, Rizal had significant recognitions on his different fields of
study like land assessment, medicine, literature, sculpting, painting and architecture. As a poet,
Rizal wrote many meaningful poems dedicated to his personal relationship to others, love to his
country and other aspects of his life. These poems include, Mi Ultimo Adios, To The Philippines,
Our Mother Tongue, Memories Of My Town, Hymn to Labor, Kundiman, A Poem That Has No
Title, Song Of Maria Clara, To The Philippines Youth, To Josephine, Education Gives Luster To
The Motherland, To The Virgin Mary and Sa akingMgaKababata. Rizal’s life was very
remarkable and it is not surprising to think that he had a very interesting personality. Apart from
these achievements of Rizal, there were also romantic side of Rizal’s story that gave spice and
colour on his life. Jose Rizal gained so many friends on his journey and lovers as well. He had
romantic relationships with at least nine significant women in his life, namely,SegundaKatigbak,
Leonor Valenzuela, Leonor Rivera, Consuelo Ortiga, O-Sei San, Gertrude Beckette, Nelly
Boustead, Suzanne Jacoby and Josephine Bracken.
As a young man during his time, Jose Rizal was very much aware of his surroundings
and the difficult situations of his fellowmen under the Spanish colonial government. He was
aware about the tragic scenarios of how the government treated his native land. He had even
witnessed the unfair treatment of the Spanish authorities to his family members especially to his
older brother, Paciano, a man who had been connected to Filipino priests, Gomez, Burgos and
Zamora, popularly known as GomBurZa who sought reform within the Catholic church in
support of equal rights for Filipinos and Spanish priests.When he was still in Europe where he
lived in ten years, Rizal wrote his novel entitled, “Noli Me Tangere.” He wrote his novel using
the Spanish Language and it was published in Berlin, Germany in 1887. The significant story of
his novel tells about a young Filipino man who travelled to Europe in order to study and returned
to his native land with truth on his eyes against the injustices and corruption of government. For
Rizal, Spain was a perfect place in reaching and realizing his dreams. After finishing his studies
in Madrid, he realized that it was the start of a wider part of his ambition. It awakened him to
deeply understand human nature and that his fellow Filipino people needed him. During the re-
organizational meeting of the Circulo-Hispano-Filipino, he was encouraged to pursue the
publication of his book where the members would give contributions on different aspects and
conditions of the Philippines.On his novel, “Noli Me Tangere,” Rizal emphasized the characters
of different personalities between oppressors and oppressed. He gave attention on his novel to
those Filipinos who had adopted the customs and traditions of the foreign colonizers and taking
for granted their own nationality. His novel also centers on Spanish friars in robes who were
described as being lascivious and having selfish desires for wealth in order to satisfy their own
needs. The novel also presents the poor and uneducated members of the society who suffered
under the cruelty of the Spanish authorities on their own native land.
When Jose Rizal returned to the Philippines, he was urgently called by the Governor
General of the Philippine islands to further give explanations about the accusations against him
that he established a rebellion. Rizal was brave enough to face the charges against him and he
openly defended himself. Although he was discharged, his name remained on the watch list of
the Spanish colonial government. Despite the negative reaction to his novel “Noli Me Tangere,”
Rizal did not think it as a distraction to write his second novel. In 1891, his second novel was
published entitled, “El Filibusterismo.” On his first novel whose character named Ibarra was a
peacemaker, the significant character named Simoun on the novel “El Filibusterismo” was more
militant. Both characters on Rizal’s novel lead to the same end where they both wanted to
achieve significant changes in the system of the Spanish colonial government. The word
”filibusterismo” was written by Rizal to his friend named Blumentritt who was not so much well-
known in the Philippines. Inspired by what the word ”filibusterismo”, Rizal’s second novel was
dedicated to the three martyred priests as his adoration to their contributions and to pay respect to
their good deeds.Upon his return to the Philippines in 1892, Rizal arrested and jailed by the
Spanish authorities for getting involved in the rebellion against the government. He was
eventually exiled to Dapitan in Mindanao, the southernmost island group in the Philippines. Jose
Rizal had a very peaceful life during his stay in Dapitan. He even sent a letter to his friend,
Blumentritt describing the serenity of the place. During his exiled in Dapitan, Jose Rizal built a
school that taught young boys the English language. He also worked on agricultural projects on
abaca and he didn’t stop to practice medicine. He experienced how to be a farmer and a merchant
and he earned a prize from the Manila lottery where he used it in building three houses made of
bamboo, wood and nipa. Rizal’s life after his peaceful life in Dapitan focused on how he spent
every moment by letting his loved ones know every detailed happening that he was going
through. During the dawn of Manila bay, he was not able depart for Spain because the Isla de
Luzon which Rizal supposed to board left early before they arrived in Manila.During these days,
he instructed his family members how they could visit him and requested his sister, Narcisa to
buy fruits for the cruise officers who treated him well. He also wrote Narcisa a letter, thanking
her for the hospitality when she lets Josephine bracken stayed in her house. On August 30, 1896,
governor Ramon Blanco sent a letter of recommendation to the Minister of war stating that Rizal
had shown exceptional conduct during his stay in Dapitan and that he had no connection with the
Philippines revolution.
At around six in the evening, Rizal was transferred to the boat Isla de Panay and he was
assisted by the Captain of the boat named Capt. Alemany where he was given the best cabin.
Later, Rizal wrote a letter to his beloved mother in order to let her know that he was in a good
condition on board to the ship. He informed his mother about his departure to Cuba and
extending his comfort that everybody is in the hands of the Divine Providence. Aside from that,
Rizal also asked his sisters to take good care of their aged parents just like what they wanted their
children to do and love them.
Rizal was given privileged by governor General Ramon Blanco to travel in Cuba which
was another Spanish colony during his time. He was requested to support and give medical
missions to eliminate an outbreak of yellow fever. On the way to Cuba, Rizal got arrested in
Barcelona due to political accusations of the friars and he saw the replacement from Blanco to
Camilo de Polavieja. Jose Rizal was brought back to the Philippines to face charges of rebellion
against him where he was found guilty in establishing rebellion and taking part in revolutionary
movement against the Spanish colonial government. He was eventually sentence to death.During
the last hours of Rizal, he spent his last moments without worrying about the difficult situation
that he was facing. On Dec. 29, 1896, around 6:00 to 7:00 A.M., Sr. Mataix requested and asked
permission from Rizal to interview him. It was Capt. Dominguez who read the death sentence of
Rizal. Around 7:00 to 8:00 in the morning, Rizal was transferred to his death cell. After an hour,
Rizal shared his milk and coffee with Fr. Rosell, Lt. Andrade and chief of Artillery. Eventually,
Rizal scribbles a note inviting his family to visit him.A night before Rizal’s execution, he slept
peacefully because he was confident in the goodness of God and his faith strengthens him despite
of his nearly death. On the day of his execution, Rizal picked up imitation of Christ,
reads,meditates and then writes to his wife Josephine and by this very act in itself he gives to her
their only certificate of marriage. Around 5:00 in the morning, Rizal washed up, took breakfast
and attended to his personal needs. He also wrote a letter to his parents, read the bible and
meditate. Unfortunately, his wife Josephine Bracken was restricted by the Spanish authorities in
seeing Rizal. Rizal walked to the place of execution between Fr. March and Fr. Villaclara. On
December 30, 1896 at 7:00 in the morning, his final day of execution, Rizal kept looking around
as if looking for someone and expecting someone to see. The hero’s last words, said in a loud
voice: “It is finished.” The sounds of guns of the firing squad were heard and Rizal turned
halfway around falls down backwards and lies on the ground facing the sun.

Now as we read and witness what Rizal did for our country it is very important to study
the life and work of rizal for the reason of aside from it is required by law ( Republic Act
1425).In terms of the law's significance in the nation-building of a true Filipino, there is a
specific objective that must be achieved, such as recommitting the lives of young people to the
ideals of liberty and nationalism for which our ancestors fought and died. Also, to honor
our national hero for devoting his life and efforts to the development of the Filipino
character. In terms of the course's general relevance to Filipinos' everyday lives today, it
is necessary to promote the growth of Filipino youth in all aspects of citizenship. And to
get a better respect and understanding of what Rizal fought for and died for. In order to do
so, Filipino students must understand the significance of Rizal's principles and teachings in light
of contemporary societal happenings, and advocate the application of such values to current
social and personal difficulties.

The legacy of the of the national hero, Jose Rizal not just only centers on his intelligence,
personality and ideals but it he was also worthy to be named as a national hero because of his
patriotism, optimism, his inevitable love to his country and his belief in his fellowmen which
made him different from others. Rizal not just only believed on the independence of his beloved
country but more importantly, the potential of his fellow Filipinos to overcome the unjust
Spanish colonial government. For this reason, he truly deserve and earned his symbol as a
national hero of the Philippines.Rizal also had a contribution in terms of his philosophies which
was made known to his legacy as a national hero. The philosophy of Rizal in education focuses
on the proper motivation to cultivate the young minds’ intelligence. He also had his religious
philosophy that made him a better person and servant of God as he belonged to a nurtured
Catholic family. When it comes to his political philosophy, he believed that as a victim of
colonization, the Philippines should developed and be civilized. His ethical philosophy, however,
has something to do with human behaviour and focuses between good or bad and right or wrong.
The social philosophy of Rizal, on the other hand includes the wisdom based on his personal
experience. Jose Rizal was greatly known throughout the Philippines as the national hero in the
Philippine history and his life, works and writings continually serve as an inspiration to many
young Filipinos. He was very well-known for his brilliance, courage and compassion in bringing
significant and memorable contributions to the native land.
Finally, I have learned that his life is full of learnings that every Filipino can reflect upon.
The learnings we can get from Jose Rizal are the importance of education, love for country,
making good friends, nothing is impossible, the value of time, and the superiority of pen against
sword. As a filipino, the impact of studying Rizal's course teaches me patriotism and nationalism,
and it teaches a variety of important life lessons. It aids in the development of logical and critical
thinking skills. Rizal may serve as a valuable role model and source of inspiration for all

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