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Detailed Lesson Plan in English 2

Name: Jay Marie Balunto


At the end of the lesson the Students are expected to:

A. Identify Made -Up and or Real

B. Differentiate Made -Up and Real

C. Select whether the texts are made up or real

Subject Matter:

A. Topic Difference between Made -Up and Real

B. References: Learners material (English) Department of education , 2013

C Materials :Pictures manila paper

E. Values Integration:

F. Methodology:


Teachers Hint Teachers Activity Student Activity

A. Preliminary Activities Good morning class How is your day -Good morning , Ma'am we are
so far? fine

That’s good to hear So I expect a fully

blast of energy

Greeting Good morning class you may now take Good morning Ma'am
your seats
Thank you ma'am

Prayer Before we start our lesson this In the name of the Father and of the
morning let us all stand and pray Son and Holy spirit Amen
Classroom Management Class before we start (Students will arrange their chairs and
will pick up the trashes.)

Checking of Attendance I think everyone is present I’m so

understands the reasons the reasons
of coming to school regularly.

B Motivation I will divide this class into two groups

Group 1. and Group 2

Each group will guess the picture

made -up or real In text.

The picture should be post in the


What is the word that you got?

Very good. Thank you

C Recall Shows that event is true and possible

to happen

Shows that event is not true and

impossible to happen

D Lesson Proper OK! class i will group you into two

groups then choose your
Activity representative each group. i will give
you 2 minutes to answer the given
question in the board. all you need to
do is

Identify the picture is it Real or Made

up and explain the chosen answer
Analysis Our topic for this morning Example:

Is about the difference between Made Prince watching tv- Real

-Up and Real

The pencil is talking to rona- Made up

Again class what is Made up and the

Real In text?
Ana is flying
Give me Example of Real and Made -
Up Ana is singing

Application Underline the word “real” if it can

happen in real life. Box the word
“made-up” if it cannot happen in real Made -Up
.1. The toys played each other when
Made -Up
kids left the room.
2. The cat meowed loudly.
Made -Up
3. The invisible kitten played with a
ball of yarn.

4. The trees have many leaves.

5. The star smiled.

Generalization -We learned about the difference

between Made -Up and Real

Made-up -shows that event is not

What have you learned today? true and impossible to happen. It is
What are the Made up and real unrealistic and never happened in
real life. It is just in your imagination
like superhero, fairy tale stories and

Real -shows that event is true and

possible to happen. It is existing as a
thing and occurring in fact. It is not
imagination nor artificial.

IV. Evaluation

Write R if the sentence is real and M if it is Made up

________1. The house is flying

_________2. The dog is barking in the yard

_________3. The plate is floating in the air

________4. The boys eat vegetables

_________5. The children are playing sipa

V. Assignment

How would you define real

How would you define Made -Up

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