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Azure Data Fundamentals


This document provides information and guidance on how to develop formative and summative assessments for
DP-900 Microsoft Azure Data Fundamentals. It is split into two main sections:

• Section 1: Content Questions – Guidance for assessing student mastery as they progress through the
course. This section includes a set of items for each section of the course that can be used throughout the
course to monitor student progress and inform your instruction; the assessment items are a mixture of
multiple-choice questions and open-ended questions.
• Section 2: Capstone Project – Guidance for using a capstone project to assess students’ ability to apply
what they have learned throughout the course to a real-world scenario. This project requires students to
create and deliver a cloud solution presentation based on client requirements and includes guidance for
both students and the instructor.

This guide is intended to be a reference and starting point for instructors as you plan how to assess your students.
As you read through the guide, you may choose to tailor the assessment strategies, including the assessment items
and rubric, for your classroom.

Table of Contents
Azure Data Fundamentals ......................................................................................................................................................................... 1
Overview......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
Section 1: Questions ................................................................................................................................................................................... 3
Introduction .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 3
Overview of multiple-choice questions ............................................................................................................................................ 3
Overview of open-ended questions .................................................................................................................................................. 3
1: Explore Core Data Concepts ............................................................................................................................................................... 4
Multiple choice questions ................................................................................................................................................................ 4
Open-ended questions ..................................................................................................................................................................... 5
2: Explore relational data in Azure......................................................................................................................................................... 7
Multiple choice questions ................................................................................................................................................................ 7
Open-ended questions ..................................................................................................................................................................... 8
3: Explore non-relational data in Azure ............................................................................................................................................... 9

Multiple choice questions ................................................................................................................................................................ 9

Open-ended questions ................................................................................................................................................................... 10
4: Explore large-scale data warehouse analytics in Azure ............................................................................................................ 11
Multiple choice questions .............................................................................................................................................................. 11
Open-ended questions ................................................................................................................................................................... 12
Section 2: Capstone Project .................................................................................................................................................................... 13
Overview .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 13
Capstone Project - Educator Guide ................................................................................................................................................. 14
Overview and Objectives ................................................................................................................................................................ 14
Capstone Modification Options ................................................................................................................................................... 14
Capstone Parts .................................................................................................................................................................................. 14
Client Scenarios ................................................................................................................................................................................. 16
Preparing and Supporting Students ........................................................................................................................................... 17
Capstone Project - Student Guide ................................................................................................................................................... 18
Overview.............................................................................................................................................................................................. 18
Preparing for the Capstone ........................................................................................................................................................... 18
Capstone Tasks.................................................................................................................................................................................. 18
Support and Resources................................................................................................................................................................... 19
Post-Project Reflection Questions ............................................................................................................................................... 19
Appendix A – Capstone Rubric ......................................................................................................................................................... 20
Appendix B – Example Capstone Architectural Diagram .......................................................................................................... 22

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Section 1: Questions
This section includes multiple choice and open-ended questions that are aligned to the course sections for DP-900
Microsoft Azure Data Fundamentals. Each section includes a sample of five multiple-choice questions and five
open-ended questions.

You are free to use the questions as they are currently presented or modify as appropriate for your classes. The
questions do not appear in any other course materials and are designed to supplement the formative assessment
opportunities that are integrated directly into Microsoft Learn and the Microsoft Official Course (e.g., Knowledge
Checks, “Try-It” activities, Exercises, Walkthroughs, Labs). They are also designed to allow for easy integration into
an online quiz through Microsoft Forms or through your institution’s Learning Management System (LMS). Each set
of questions represents indicative coverage for each section’s objective domain.

Assigning the questions to students as an independent activity will enable you to collect data about individual
student progress. However, we recommend that you set aside class time to review answers and address any
common student misconceptions, as later sections depend on knowledge and understanding gained earlier in the

Overview of multiple-choice questions

The multiple-choice questions require one or more answer responses and will include plausible distractors. These
are set at a level slightly lower than the multiple-choice questions in the DP-900 Microsoft Azure Data
Fundamentals exam.

Overview of open-ended questions

The open-ended questions present further challenges beyond single answer responses and include scenario-based
questions. These questions give students the opportunity to demonstrate critical thinking through their responses.
As the Capstone project for the course is primarily a cloud solution design activity, the open-ended questions at
the end of each section are a useful approach to help build student confidence and critical thinking to encompass
a range of potential solutions.

For their responses, students should be encouraged to explore multiple cloud service solutions and adopt a
design-first approach before settling on a potential solution. Exploring the official Microsoft Azure documentation
is a great place for students to research and investigate the different cloud services that are available.

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1: Explore Core Data Concepts

Multiple choice questions

1. In the context of relational data, which of the following statements best describes the process of data

Select the correct option.

a. The data has been marked as read-only.

b. Data is split into a large number of narrow, well-defined tables. (correct answer)

c. Data is stored in a format that more closely matches the original structure.

d. Data has been ingested and transformed ready for querying.

2. Which activity listed below is the responsibility of the Azure Database Engineer?

Select the correct option.

1. Allocating system storage and planning storage requirements for the database system.

2. Controlling and monitoring user access to the database.

3. Ensuring compliance with the database vendor license agreement.

4. Developing processes for creating and retrieving information from data sets. (correct answer)

3. Which of the roles listed below are most likely to use SQL to query a database?

Select all that apply.

1. Data Analyst (correct answer)

2. Data Engineer (correct answer)

3. Database Administrator (correct answer)

4. Cloud solution Architect

4. In relational database design, which of the following statements best describes the use of a Foreign Key?

Select the correct option.

1. They indicate the column (or combination of columns) that uniquely identify each row.

2. They reference, or link to, the primary key of another table, and are used to maintain the
relationships between tables. (correct answer)

3. They are used to identify whether a user has write-access to a specific table.

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4. They indicate the column where data has been ingested from a different table.

5. Which of the following statements are true of a relational database?

Select all that apply.

1. A table can contain any number of rows. (correct answer)

2. A Primary Key is used to indicate the column (or combination of columns) that uniquely identify
each row. (correct answer)

3. Rows in the same table can have different sets of fields.

4. The data is tabular. (correct answer)

Open-ended questions

1. What is a database administrator’s primary responsibility?

Answer: (Should include a statement on data availability and protecting from data loss, corruption.
And theft.)

2. You are tasked with provisioning a database to support an auction website that has an integrated social network.
The database is required to efficiently query the relationships between entities. Which type of NoSQL database
should you use and why?

Answer: (Should include a statement about using a graph database and some discussion about how
a graph database stores two types of information: nodes as instances of entities, and edges, which
specify the relationships between nodes.)

3. Describe the characteristics of relational database.

Answer: (Should include a statement about how tables are used to store collections of entities. This
should be elaborated further by discussing Primary and Foreign keys and how they are used to
identify rows and link tables together.)

4. Explain why relational databases are ideal for Online Transaction Processing (OLTP) applications.

Answer: (Should include a statement about how OLTP applications are required to process a very
large number of transactions per minute. Relational databases are well suited for OLTP applications
because they naturally support insert, update, and delete operations. A relational database can
often be tuned to make these operations fast.)

5. Creating an index for data in a table can speed up the time it takes to query the data. However, there are times
when adding an index to a table can reduce the performance of a system. When deciding whether to use an index
or not, what needs to be considered?

Answer: (Should include a statement that explains the balancing act between having indexes that
speed up your queries versus the cost of performing other operations. In a table that is read only, or
that contains data that is modified infrequently, more indexes will improve query performance. If a
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table is queried infrequently, but subject to a large number of inserts, updates, and deletes (such as
a table involved in OLTP), then creating indexes on that table can slow your system down.)

6. There are two main approaches to ingesting data: Extract, Load and Transform (ELT) and Extract, Transform, and
Load (ETL). What is the difference between the two approaches and why would you choose one over the other?

Answer: (Should include a statement that identifies when the Transform stage occurs for each
approach. ELT is a scalable approach that is suitable for the cloud because it can make use of the
extensive processing power available. The more stream-oriented approach of ETL places more
emphasis on throughput. However, ETL can filter data before it's stored. In this way, ETL can help
with data privacy and compliance, removing sensitive data before it arrives in your analytical data

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2: Explore relational data in Azure

Multiple choice questions

1. Which of the following statements best describes the benefits of the elastic pool option when it comes to Azure
SQL Database?

Select the correct option.

a. With the elastic option, the database automatically scales, and resources are allocated or deallocated as

b. With the elastic option, Microsoft manages the server, so all you have to do is configure the database,
create your tables, and populate them with your data.

c. With the elastic option, multiple databases can share the same resources, such as memory, data
storage space, and processing power. (correct answer)

d. With the elastic option, you can manually scale the database if you need additional storage space,
memory, or processing power.

2. Which of the Azure SQL Database options listed below would be the best choice if a company wanted to lift-
and-shift an on-premises SQL server instance into the cloud without the management overhead of a virtual

Select the correct option.

a. Single Database

b. Managed Instance (correct answer)

c. Elastic Pool

d. PostgreSQL

3. Which of the following relational database management systems is defined as a ‘hybrid relational-object

Select the correct option.

a. MySQL

b. MariaDB

c. PostgreSQL (correct answer)

d. Oracle Database

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4. Which Azure SQL service provides an Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) approach where applications and
databases can easily be “lift and shift” migrated without change?

Select the correct option.

a. Azure SQL Managed Instance

b. SQL Server on Azure Vims

c. Azure SQL Database (correct answer)

Open-ended questions

1. What are the business benefits associated with running SQL Server on virtual machines?

Answer: (Should include a statement that explains that virtual machines allow you to meet unique
and diverse business needs through a combination of on-premises and cloud-hosted deployments,
while using the same set of server products, development tools, and expertise across these

2. Name the three SQL statement types and explain how they differ.

Answer: (Should include a statement about Data Definition Language (DDL), Data Control Language
(DCL), and Data Manipulation Language (DML). DDL statements are used to create, modify, and
remove tables and other objects in a database (table, stored procedures, views, and so on). DCL
statements are used to manage access to objects in a database by granting, denying, or revoking
permissions to certain users or groups. DML statements are used to manipulate the rows in a
relational table and include statements such as, SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE.

3. What is the expected result for the following SQL statement:


FROM Inventory

JOIN CustomerOrder ON Inventory.Id = CustomerOrder.InventoryId

Answer: (Should include a statement explaining that the result should list the details of orders
placed by customers together with the inventory information for each item ordered.)

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3: Explore non-relational data in Azure

Multiple choice questions

1. In the context of Azure Table Storage, which of the following statements best describes the formulation of a key?

Select the correct option.

a. The key in an Azure Table Storage table comprises two elements; the partition key that identifies the
partition containing the row, and the time of entry.

b. Azure Table Storage uses a universally unique identifier (UUID) as a key to identify individual rows.

c. The key in an Azure Table Storage table is constructed using a hash function to reduce all the fields
into a fixed size string.

d. The key in an Azure Table Storage table comprises two elements; the partition key that identifies
the partition containing the row, and a row key that is unique to each row in the same partition.
(correct answer)

2. Which of the following is not a use case associated with Azure Blob Storage?

Select the correct option.

a. Serving images or documents directly to a browser, in the form of a static website.

b. Storing files for distributed access.

c. Streaming video and audio.

d. Storing catalogue data. (correct answer)

3. Azure File Storage enables you to create file shares in the cloud. Which of the following protocols is used to
expose file shares?

Select the correct option.

a. Server Message Block (SMB) (correct answer)

b. Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS)

c. File Transfer Protocol (FTP)

d. TFTP (Trivial File Transfer Protocol)

4. Which type of database API is not supported by Cosmos DB?

Select the correct option.

a. Azure Cosmos DB for Apache Cassandra

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b. MariaDB (correct answer)

c. Azure Cosmos DB for Apache Gremlin

d. Azure Cosmos DB for NoSQL

Open-ended questions

1. A large number of air quality sensors have been installed around a city with the aim of tracking the air quality in
real-time. What is the most appropriate NoSQL database solution for efficiently storing the vast amounts of data
generated by the sensors, and how would you ensure that the data can be queried quickly based on the location of
the sensor?

Answer: (Should include a statement suggesting that for IoT systems, Azure Table Storage would be
the best option for capturing sensor data. Each sensor could have its own partition id that links to its
location, and the data could be ordered by the date and time each measurement was captured.)

2. Blob storage provides three access tiers which help to balance access latency and storage cost. List the tiers and
explain how they differ.

Answer: (Should include a statement outlining the three tiers. The Hot tier is for blobs that are
accessed frequently. The Cool tier has lower performance and incurs reduced storage charges
compared to the Hot tier. The Cool tier is for data that is accessed infrequently. The Archive tier
provides the lowest storage cost, but with increased latency. The Archive tier is intended for
historical data that must not be lost but is required only rarely.)

3. In the context of Cosmos DB, how does an index improve query time?

Answer: (Should include a statement that explains an index enables you to perform queries that
specify criteria referencing any fields in a container, without incurring the need to scan the entire
partition to find that data.)

4. Why is Azure File Storage not an appropriate choice for scenarios that require multiple concurrent processes
writing files simultaneously?

Answer: (Should include a statement that mentions Azure File Storage should not be used for files
that can be written by multiple concurrent processes simultaneously. Multiple writers require careful
synchronization, otherwise the changes made by one process can be overwritten by another.)

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4: Explore large-scale data warehouse analytics in Azure

Multiple choice questions

1. Azure Data Factory is used for which of the following tasks?

Select the correct option.

a. To store large quantities of raw data

b. To retrieve data from one or more data sources and convert it into a format that you process
(correct answer)

c. To build tabular models to support online analytical processing (OLAP) queries

d. To retrieve data from relational and non-relational sources and save it as SQL tables

2. Which of the following processes is not covered by the Azure Synapse Analytics data service?

Select the correct option.

a. Visualising data (correct answer)

b. Reading data from many sources

c. Processing data

d. Generating models

3. Databricks applications can be coded in several languages, such as Python, R, Scala, Java, and SQL. Which of the
options below is the standard approach to creating Databricks applications?

Select the correct option.

a. Using a Notebook. (correct answer)

b. Using a code editor such as Visual Studio code.

c. Using a graphical user interface inside Azure Data Factory.

d. Using Microsoft Codespaces.

4. In the Power BI common workflow, which of the following steps comes first?

Select the correct option.

a. View and interact with shared dashboards and reports in Power BI Mobile apps.

b. Share dashboards with others, especially people who are on the go.

c. Bring data into Power BI Desktop, and create a report. (correct answer)

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d. Publish to the Power BI service, where you can create new visualizations or build dashboards.

5. Which of the following statements best describes a Power BI dashboard?

Select the correct option.

a. A collection of data that Power BI uses to create its visualizations.

b. A visual representation of data, like a chart, a color-coded map, or other interesting things you can
create to represent your data visually.

c. A collection of visualizations that appear together on one or more pages.

d. A single page from a report or collection of visualisations. (correct answer)

Open-ended questions

1. Describe the workflow for loading data from a variety of sources into Azure Data Lake Storage.

Answer: (Should include a statement about using Azure Data Factory to retrieve data from one or
more data sources. The data sources might present data in different ways and contain noise that
needs to be filtered out. Azure Data Factory enables you to extract the interesting data and discard
the rest. The interesting data might not be in a suitable format for processing by the other services
in your warehouse solution, so you can transform it. Azure Data Factory can then write the ingested
data to Azure Data Lake Storage for processing.)

2. Azure Synapse Analytics and Azure HDInsight both implement a clustered model that distributes processing
across a set of computers. How do they differ?

Answer: (Should include a statement that explains how the nodes for Azure HDInsight run the Spark
processing engine whereas, the nodes for Azure Synapse Analytics use Azure SQL databases.)

3. In the process of ingesting data, there are times when the data in question can have different column names and
data types to those required by the output. What is the best approach to resolve this issue and why?

Answer: (Should include a statement about using Azure Data Factory to define a pipeline that uses
the Copy Data activity. The Copy Data activity provides a graphical user interface (GUI) that makes it
easy to define mappings from one column name and data type to another.)

4. In the context of Azure Synapse Analytics, what is the role of PolyBase and what is it used for?

Answer: (Should include a statement about how PolyBase is used to make external data look like
SQL tables. This allows the data to be queried directly, or the data can be transferred into a series of
SQL tables managed by Synapse Analytics for querying later.)

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Section 2: Capstone Project

This guide features a single, end-of-course Capstone project in which each student creates and delivers an Azure
data solution presentation based on client requirements. The project draws upon the students’ understandings
gained from all sections in the course and presents an opportunity to demonstrate their intellectual curiosity
around the design and presentation of a scenario-based Azure data solution. It is designed to be flexible enough
to be used in a variety of contexts for students of various technical levels.

The Capstone Project Student Guide can be copied and redistributed to students as standalone content, as it
provides an example of a baseline project that could be tailored to fit the needs of various classes. You may
choose to modify some of the content dependent on which parts of the Capstone are to be assessed and whether
a real-world client or pre-defined scenario is used.

The Capstone Project Educator Guide provides additional guidance for modifications that can be made to the
capstone project, as well as comprehensive information on best practices in the preparation and development of
the project.

The Capstone Project Rubric provides additional information for students and teachers in using the project as a
summative assessment. Students may use this document to guide them as they complete the activities, ensuring
that their work reflects what they have learned in the course.

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Capstone Project - Educator Guide

Overview and Objectives

This is the final activity for the course. The primary objective is to create a presentation that summarizes and
justifies an industry client’s needs and goals for an Azure data solution, along with a diagrammatic representation
of the proposed solution. The presentation should also document the estimated service costs and state the
benefits to the client. This is an opportunity for students to reflect on what they have learned throughout the
course, both about Microsoft Azure Data services and the client. There is a specific focus on the Azure database,
storage and analytics services for the Capstone.

Capstone Modification Options

As you plan your course, you may choose to tailor the Capstone project to the unique needs of your students. This
may be in response to particular learning goals or logistical constraints. Depending on the student cohort and the
focus of their study program, you may want to consider changes to:

• The parts of the Capstone students will be assessed on.

• The use of either a real-world client or pre-defined client scenario.
• The rubric criteria

The Capstone can be completed individually or in groups and is modular to suit different student cohorts. You can
select which parts of the Capstone project to deploy for assessment purposes.

To align with industry expectations and real-world application of cloud-driven data skills, the Capstone is primarily
designed as a scenario-based project. In the baseline version of the project, students interact with a real-world
industry client, allowing them to experience the requirements gathering phase and carry out research around
configuring suitable data services and associated components. If this is not possible, you can develop a pre-
defined industry scenario where students will make assumptions based upon the scenario content to develop an
informed set of requirements. You can also ask students to research an existing company and develop a set of
recommendations based on publicly available information.

The rubric criteria can easily be modified to reflect the priorities with your learners. You may choose to add or
remove rows from the rubric or change the details of the scoring criteria.

Capstone Parts

The Capstone is split into three parts that offer some flexibility to adapt to student needs and their program of

• Part 1 – Present the requirements for the real-world client or pre-defined scenario with a proposal that
frames how Azure data services offer the capability to design a solution to meet the client needs and goals.
• Part 2 – Design a cloud infrastructure diagram for the selected cloud data services. For more technical
programs, you may also encourage the students to include a data model diagram as part of this activity.
• Part 3 – Present the cloud data solution with a discussion on the selected services.

It may be more appropriate to assess students on less-technical programs against Part 1 only. Students on more
technical programs may be assessed across Parts 1,2 and 3. This is a judgement that you, as the instructor, are
best equipped to make.

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Part 1 – Produce a list of appropriate cloud data services for a real-world client/pre-defined scenario
Depending on how you deliver the course, students can use class sessions or independent study time to complete
their Capstone work. This can also be facilitated through remote drop-in/support sessions.

Remind students to review the Capstone rubric so they understand the required tasks for Part 1 as listed below:

• A summary description of the client’s current situation, needs, and goals.

• Proposal of how Azure cloud data services provide the capabilities to design a data solution to meet the
client goals.
• Expected costs – use the online Azure Pricing Calculator for this.
• Benefits to their clients.

Part 2 – Design a cloud infrastructure diagram for the selected cloud services
This part of the Capstone project is designed specifically for students in more technical programs. It involves taking
the cloud services identified from Part 1 and integrating them in an interconnected architectural diagram. The
diagram can be created in Microsoft PowerPoint or Microsoft Visio using the Microsoft Azure Icon Set.
Alternatively, there are several free to use web-based diagramming tools that are suitable for the task. An example
diagram is presented in Appendix B that addresses the pre-defined client scenario for a company focused on a
need for cloud data services.

Remind students to review the Capstone rubric so they understand the required tasks for Part 2 as listed below:

• Visualize core cloud data services from the identified list of cloud services.
• Correctly highlight relationships between Cloud data services and other services through connections.
• Identify each of the customer endpoints.

Part 3 – Present the cloud solution with a discussion on the selected services
Students can deliver their presentations either in-class or remotely. In terms of timings, approximately 10 minutes
for the presentation followed by 5 minutes for questions should suffice. Consider the following options to decide
the best format for your students to present their work to an audience:

• Whole-class presentations: Students share their presentations with the whole class, taking turns and
following any time limits – this is only suitable for small class sizes.
• Small group presentations: Divide the class into small groups. Allow each student a set amount of time to
present to the other students in the group.
• Invite the clients: If possible, inviting the clients to the presentations will provide the students with further
feedback opportunities.

Students should be encouraged to discuss and justify why they selected specific cloud services to meet the client’s
needs. You may want to ask students to respond to some or all of these reflection questions:

• Why did you choose a specific service over another?

• What benefits might the client customers expect?
• What was the most challenging part of the project?
• If you had more time, what improvements would you make?

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Client Scenarios

In the baseline project as outlined in the student guide, students are assumed to have access to a real-world client.
However, you may also choose to have students research information about a client or provide them with a pre-
defined client scenario.

Real-world client
The benefits when using a real-world client are clear, it provides a measure of authenticity for the students and also
aligns with industry expectations. Generally, the instructor would be responsible for sourcing one or more clients
with whom the students can have scheduled time to understand their current business needs and goals. Ideally a
session would be arranged with the client in the first instance where they can communicate their needs and goals
to all students, followed by a Q & A session.

The instructor should guide the client to communicate the following information for the students to ensure
students have all the information they need to begin their preparatory work:

• Company type
• Products
• Customer expectations
• Current technology resources
• Projected needs and goals

Researched client
If direct access to real-world clients is not available, you may choose to have students research a client using
publicly available information. This allows for a sense of authenticity without the logistical challenges of managing
client interactions. In this case, you may have students choose from a list of appropriate clients that you have pre-
selected or allow each student to submit their own potential client for approval. Be sure to confirm that students
can find the same information listed in the previous section from publicly available information when creating a list
of appropriate clients and/or approving clients submitted by students.

Pre-defined client
If a client is not available or if there are time constraints to deliver the course, you can also choose to give students
a pre-defined client scenario. See below for a data analytics scenario that can be used as the pre-defined client
scenario. You should feel free to modify the scenario or develop one of your own.

The client company manufactures 5,000 electric vehicles (EVs) a year. They are a relatively new manufacturer looking
for ways to improve the quality, performance and safety of their product. However, their primary focus is on finding
ways to extend the range of the vehicle between charges as they believe this will give them a competitive edge. The
EVs are already fitted with dozens of sensors that log data about the vehicle including but not limited to vehicle
status, battery status, location and user driving behaviors. This data is stored in a log file that can be downloaded
from the EV using a USB drive.

The client believes that a combination of both historical (meaning stored) and real time (meaning streamed from the
source) data could be used to identify ways of improving the range of their EVs. They have developed a telemetry
solution that connects the EV to the cellular network so that the data can be transmitted to a server in real-time. They
would also like to understand how congestion, wind direction, weather and other external factors affect the range of
their vehicles. They require a data architecture that is capable of storing vast amounts of real-time data. Also, they
need the ability to extract data from various locations, load this data into an analytical data store, and then transform
the data, shaping it for analysis.
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The following information can be derived from the client scenario above, which is similar to the basic information
that can be derived from a real-world client:

• Company type – Specializes in automotive manufacturing

• Their products – Smart Electric Vehicle
• Their customers’ expectations – An EV that outperforms the competition.
• Their current situation and how they do things now – Currently, they collect data locally and then
download that data on to a USB drive for processing. They have developed a telemetry system but don’t
have the technology to store, process and analyze the generated data.
• Their projected needs and goals – The company would like to find ways to extend the range of their EVs.
They believe this will give them a competitive edge.

Preparing and Supporting Students

We recommend that you introduce the Capstone after section 2 to allow students to start thinking about how they
can apply what they are learning each week to the project. The end-of-section questions, particularly the
questions with an open-ended format, lend themselves well to preparing your students to think independently
about the processes to design a suitable cloud solution for the project. See the introduction to the Section
Questions section for suggestions of how to encourage high student engagement with the Section Questions to
help scaffold the process of designing a full-scale solution for the Capstone project.

If students have questions or are facing problems while completing the tasks, direct them to the following
problem-solving strategies before asking you for help:

• Review the content in the Student Capstone Guide.

• Research the official Microsoft Azure Documentation.
• Ask peers for help.
• Review their client notes/pre-defined scenario document.

You may consider adding extra sessions as needed for the Capstone preparation and presentation delivery. This
will give students dedicated collaborative time to work in groups and allow you to informally monitor their
progress as they move through the various tasks.

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Capstone Project - Student Guide


In this Capstone, you'll create a presentation that summarizes your client's current situation, needs, and goals; lists
the services you'd recommend for your client; documents the expected costs; outlines an architectural diagram;
and states the benefits for your client. This is an opportunity for you to reflect on what you have learned
throughout the course about Microsoft Azure Data services and your client.

Preparing for the Capstone

To best prepare for the Capstone, consider the following:

• Start preparing early. Read this Capstone guide early in the course.

• Meet with your client and take notes. Take and keep thorough notes about your client and remember it's
better to get too much information from your client than not enough.

• Think about your client in each section. As you learn new concepts in each section, consider how they might
apply to your client.

• Work on the presentation early and complete the end-of-section questions. Consider building your
presentation throughout the course. The end-of-section questions are designed to help support your
understanding of the Capstone tasks, so think about your project as you complete them.

• Refer to the rubric as you work. Use the Capstone rubric document to ensure you fully understand the
requirements for the tasks presented below.

Capstone Tasks

Task 1 - Produce a list of appropriate cloud data services for the client
In the first phase of this project, you will be working to understand your client’s needs and using what you know
about Azure data services to design a solution. By the end of this task, you should have a clear idea of what your
client’s needs are and how your solution meets those needs. You will be using this information to create a
presentation in Task 3, so be sure that you have all the following documented:

• A summary description of their client’s current situation, their needs, and their goals.
• Proposal of how Azure cloud data services provide the capabilities to design a data solution to meet the
client goals.
• Expected costs – use the online Azure Pricing Calculator for this.
• Benefits to their clients.

Task 2 – Design a cloud infrastructure diagram

Use the list of Azure services identified in Task 1 and integrate them in an interconnected architectural diagram.
The diagram can be created in Microsoft PowerPoint or Microsoft Visio using the Microsoft Azure Icon Set.
Alternatively, there are several free to use web-based diagramming tools that are suitable for the task.

Be sure to include the following in your diagram:

• Visualize core cloud data services from the identified list of cloud services.
• Correctly highlight relationships between Cloud data services and other services through connections.

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• Identify each of the customer endpoints.

Task 3 – Present the cloud data solution

In this phase, you will deliver a ten-minute presentation that describes the needs analysis, recommendations, and
explanations that you documented earlier in the project. After the presentation, others will have an opportunity to
ask you questions about your process and recommendations. Make sure you include clear evidence to support the
decisions that you have made, based on the information that you gathered about your client, and that your
presentation is organized and detailed enough for your audience to have a good understanding of the benefits of
your recommendations.

Support and Resources

If you have questions or are facing problems while completing the tasks, use the following problem-solving
strategies before asking your instructor for help:

• Review the content in this Student Capstone Guide.

• Research the official Microsoft Azure Documentation.
• Ask peers for help.
• Review your client notes.

Post-Project Reflection Questions

1. What did you learn in creating and delivering this Capstone presentation that might be helpful to you in the

2. What challenges did you experience? How did you work to overcome them?

3. What components of your presentation went well? What are some things in your presentation that you could

4. Add other comments you would like to make about this project or your work.

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Appendix A – Capstone Rubric

Item Approaches standard Meets standard Exceeds standard Summarize

(Includes items in where & how
Meets Standard) you included
this item

Task 1

Description of Description of the Description of the Description

client’s current client’s situation, client’s situation, goals, includes direct
cloud situation, goals, and needs and needs are clear and quotations from
goals, and needs aren’t clear and relevant to the the client that
relevant. organization. provide details
about their
situation, goals,
and needs and
that are relevant
to the

Recommended Not all Recommendations fit Recommendations

Microsoft Azure recommendations fit clearly with an at times evidence
service solutions the client, or cover all understanding of the critical thinking
for the client and aspects of the course, client. and explain
reasoning or demonstrate an Recommendations products and
understanding of consider services and services that
Azure products and solutions from the weren’t chosen
services. course. Reasoning for and a rationale as
recommendations to why.
demonstrates an
understanding of Azure
and cloud concepts.

Description of Costs aren’t clearly Costs are clearly All costs include
the costs explained or lack explained in a detailed supporting
expected for the detail, or the costs way that’s easy to information that
client don’t include support understand. All costs relates cost to the
or a service- are considered, client’s specific
level agreement (SLA). including support and needs.

Description of Client benefits aren’t Client benefits are Benefits include

the benefits for clearly explained or clearly explained in a supporting
the client lack detail, or a total detailed way that’s easy information that
cost of ownership to understand and relates to the
(TCO) calculation isn’t includes a TCO client’s current
included. calculation. situation and
potential needs in
the future.

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Task 2

Visualize through Diagram conveys a The diagram presents a The diagram

a diagram core basic, but somewhat robust infrastructure presents a well-
cloud data limited cloud solution that should considered cloud
services from the infrastructure solution meet most of the client infrastructure that
identified list of for the client’s needs. requirements. An should fully
cloud Some cloud resource appropriate range of support the
services/solutions types may not be the cloud services are client’s needs. A
from Task 1 best fit or are missing. evidenced. wide range of
cloud services are
presented. Cloud
compute, storage,
networking, and
security are
considered to a
good standard.

Cloud services in Some cloud services Cloud services Cloud services

diagram correctly evidence interconnection and interconnection is
highlight interconnectivities but relationships are well-considered
relationships / lacks cohesiveness presented correctly and and detailed to a
connections to and detail. clearly. good standard for
other services all services.

Task 3

Presentation aids Not all materials are Materials are organized Materials are
organized or easy to and clear. Visual or interesting, easy
understand. Not all audio elements help to understand,
visual and/or audio audience and include at
elements help understanding. least one way to
audience gather audience
understanding, some responses beyond
might distract. just asking if there
are any questions.

Delivery of Presenter isn’t Presenter is prepared Presenter

presentation prepared or doesn’t and engaged with the communicates
engage with the presentation and the beyond just
audience. audience. reading the words
Communication of on the
ideas is mostly clear presentation
and effective. materials.
Communication of
ideas is
consistently clear
and effective.

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Appendix B – Example Capstone Architectural Diagram

The diagram is an indicative example of what a student could produce as a basic implementation to address the
pre-defined client scenario in the Client Scenarios section.

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