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Project rubric

Objective: to apply concepts within the EFL context to the planning and creation of an assessment plan and its instruments

Fully Achieved 5 Somewhat Achieved 3 Partially Achieved 2 Fails to Achieve 1

Rationale The rationale clearly justifies The rationale justifies The rationale vaguely The rationale unclearly
the pedagogical and somewhat clearly the justifies the justifies the
professional choices and is pedagogical and pedagogical and pedagogical and
closely aligned with the professional choices professional choices professional choices
overall plan. and is aligned with the and is loosely aligned and is very loosely
assessment plan with the assessment aligned with the
plan. assessment plan.

Overall plan The plan clearly shows how The plan shows how all The plan shows how The plan shows how
all OAs will be assessed and OAs will be assessed some OAs will be few OAs will be
the instruments selected and the instruments assessed and the assessed and the
clearly fit the OA’s nature. selected clearly fit the instruments selected instruments selected
The plan shows a clear OA’s nature. clearly fit the OA’s clearly fit the OA’s
understanding of the The plan shows an nature. nature.
assessment process and the understanding of the The plan shows an The plan shows an
teaching of english. assessment process unclear understanding extremely unclear
and the teaching of of the assessment understanding of the
english. process and the assessment process
teaching of english. and the teaching of

Plan’s quality The assessment plan shows The assessment plan The assessment plan The assessment plan
quality in its design by shows quality in its shows quality in its shows quality in its
successfully conforming to all design by conforming design by conforming design by
principles of validity, quality, to all principles of only some l principles of unsuccessfully
impact,reliability and validity, quality, validity, quality, conforming to
practicality, as well as the impact,reliability and impact,reliability and principles of validity,
principles of autonomy. practicality, as well as practicality, as well as quality, impact,reliability
the principles of the principles of and practicality, as well
autonomy. autonomy. as the principles of

Relation to Decreto The plan includes samples The plan includes The plan includes The plan includes
67 and 83 where is evident that the samples where is samples where is samples where is
core of the assessment is somewhat evident that partially evident unevident that the core
based on formative instances, the core of the evident that the core of of the assessment is
where different means of assessment is based on the assessment is based on formative
representation, expression formative instances, based on formative instances, where
and engagement are clearly where different means instances, where different means of
included. of representation, different means of representation,
expression and representation, expression and
engagement are clearly expression and engagement are clearly
included engagement are clearly included

Samples quantity The samples provided are in The samples provided The samples provided The samples provided
and quality. numerical relation to the are in numerical could have a better are not in numerical
gantt chart, are a suitable relation to the gantt numerical relation to relation to the gantt
amount to the class and OAs, chart, are a suitable the gantt chart, are a chart, are not a suitable
and are carefully designed. amount to the class and suitable amount to the amount to the class and
OAs, and are somewhat class and OAs, and are OAs, and show little
carefully designed. somewhat carefully care in its design..

Sample: test The test correctly assesses The test correctly The test correctly The test incorrectly
all types of comprehension assesses some types of assesses a few types assesses all types of
and offers at least 4 types of comprehension and of comprehension and comprehension and
question formats that are in offers at least 4 types offers less than 4 types offers less than 4 types
line with the assessed of question formats of question formats of question formats
comprehension. that are in line with the that are in line with the that are in line with the
assessed assessed assessed
comprehension. comprehension. comprehension.

Sample rubric The rubric correctly assesses The rubric correctly The rubric incorrectly The rubric incorrectly
production under 5 criteria, assesses production assessed production assesses production
following the principles of under 5 criteria, under 5 criteria, under 5 criteria,
rubric design in its levels, following some the following some of the following none of the
criteria and descriptors. principles of rubric principles of rubric principles of rubric
design in its levels, design in its levels, design in its levels,
criteria and criteria and criteria and
descriptors. descriptors. descriptors.

Sample: Other The instruments designed The instruments The instruments The instruments
instruments correlate with an Oa in all designed correlate with designed correlate with designed correlate with
cases and are varied, an Oa in some cases an Oa in some cases an Oa in few cases and
carefully done and relevant and are varied, and are somewhat are not varied, carefully
to the plan and unit in all carefully done and varied, carefully done done irrelevant to the
cases. relevant to the plan and somewhat plan and unit in all
and unit in all cases. relevant to the plan cases.
and unit in all cases.

Samples: All samples included conform Some samples conform a few samples conform None of the samples
Principles of to all principles of validity, to principles of validity, to principles of validity, conform to principles of
assessment quality, impact,reliability and quality, impact,reliability quality, impact,reliability validity, quality,
practicality, as well as the and practicality, as well and practicality, as well impact,reliability and
principles of autonomy. as the principles of as the principles of practicality, as well as
All samples demonstrate a autonomy. autonomy. the principles of
clear scaffolded sequence of Some samples Few samples autonomy.
assessment. demonstrate a clear demonstrate a clear Few samples
scaffolded sequence of scaffolded sequence of demonstrate a clear
assessment. assessment. scaffolded sequence of

Class work

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