Practical Research 1 Template

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Bauan National Agricultural & Vocational High School

Senior High School Department



Caibigan, Aljon
Castillo, Maryjoy
De Villa, Tristan
Dilao, Christine Joyce
Mendoza, Bea
Mendoza, Khazhaley
Otico, Alexander
Taberna, Samuel

Bauan National Agricultural & Vocational High School
Senior High School Department


Some students have a habit of being late, late to school means that their

house is next to their school and this can lead to more serious problems that

affect their academic studies as well as their performance, if a student does not.

on time every day the student cannot perform well in class discussions, when

passing their output after the deadline is also an example of being late. One of

the recurring and most "frustrating problems" schools face with their students

today is tardiness.

Nowadays, many students who are always late for their class not only miss

out on valuable instruction for themselves, they also disturb the class and disrupt

the concentration of other students. Sometimes other students can influence their

fellow students to feel that it is okay to be tardy. Teachers may realize that they

have a definite influence on students' lateness.

Bauan National Agricultural & Vocational High School
Senior High School Department

The most important study time of the school day is the morning periods,

especially 7:20 to 8:00. These are the times when students are most alert so

some schools teach more important lessons and subjects during this time. Late

students miss a portion of these lessons or may miss the entire subject period. It

could be worse if the class starts with an exam; the student may lose a large

portion of his grade. What more if there is a major exam scheduled at that time?

The student may lose a lot of time for the exam. The student will be lucky if no

penalty or charge is imposed for his tardiness. This study on tardiness focuses

on knowing what causes students to be late which affects their attention to

academic performance and to find out how to avoid this type of problem.

Having this kind of attitude, being late shows a lack of responsibility. Being

late all the time to class is a sign of carelessness and wasting time, or we can

say not prioritizing their studies. Being on is not only a student's duty but also

part of having good manners. Therefore, students should know how to value their

time and do their responsibility as a student not to be late all the time. Being late

is not much of an issue with students these days, but it seems to be a normal

thing for them. However, some students argue about being late whether they are

committed or not or pressured by peers. Lateness to school is one of the major

problems plaguing many schools; almost no school is exempt from this problem.

Bauan National Agricultural & Vocational High School
Senior High School Department

When students are late to a class, it can result in disruption of the lecture,

disruption of their fellow classmates, hindrance to learning, and generally

damaging class morale. Furthermore, if left unchecked, tardiness can become

chronic and spread throughout the class as there are many possible reasons why

students arrive late to class, considering which one is causing the problem can

help guiding instructors in appropriate responses or strategies. However,

understanding any students' savings in being late has far-reaching effects on

their academic performance beyond teacher grading for being late. Furthermore,

being late too often can result in low grades or worse, dropping out of their

course. Being late for school refers to a situation where a student arrives at

school when the appropriate time for such has passed. This can lead to failed

assignments, written tests, and projects. This can be a habit of some students

that can lead them to more serious problems such as poor process.

The tardiness can be noticed here at BNAVHS, many students are late in the

first period. Sometimes, they don't even go to school because they are late.

Delay can be annoying to those who wait a year late. We see it as something

that should not be tolerated. We want researchers to know the cause of student

tardiness and what its possible effects are on the school. One of the most

Bauan National Agricultural & Vocational High School
Senior High School Department

important things a student can do to achieve academic success is also one of the

most basic things: getting to school on time.


The study is anchored on the concept of Input-Process-Output that

provides the basis for Effects of Tardiness in Senior High School Students.


Students’ reasons
of tardiness Survey Proposed seminar
questionnaire program
Effects of tardiness
towards students’
attitude to learning

Figure 1

Bauan National Agricultural & Vocational High School
Senior High School Department


In order to achieve the goal of the study, the following questions guided the


1. What are the main reasons why students are late on their class?

2. How does being late affect their attitudes toward studying?

3. What course of action may be proposed to help students who are getting late?


The study primarily covers the Effects of Tardiness in Senior High School
Students of BNAVHS. The discussion also focused on determining which among
the effect of tardiness on the students. The study is limited only to the students.
The total number of respondents in this study are 20 to 30 students were
incapable to interview due to unavailability.

Bauan National Agricultural & Vocational High School
Senior High School Department


The results obtained from the research will be useful to the following:

Students. Learning will benefit student by letting them know how important
learning is.

Future Researcher.


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