EN - DR-ID300CL V10 - 0 Product Inspection Procedure

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DR-ID300CL (V10.


Product Inspection Procedure Guideline (HP 600G2)

Initial Version; Sep. 7, 2016

1. Verification upon Unpacking

1) Confirm the followings:
a) The package is not crushed or dented.
b) Attached items are correctly included as specified.
c) The main unit does not seem defective in appearance.
d) The main PC unit is what the specifications indicate it is.
e) The main unit S/N corresponds to S/N on the package box. Be sure to record the S/N.
f) The label includes a CE mark.

2. Verifying BIOS
1) Turn on the PC.
2) As soon as “hp” is displayed, immediately press “F10” key to enter into the BIOS setting screen
3) Check the following settings, and click “Exit”.
> Advanced
> Boot Options
CD-ROM Boot: Unchecked the checkbox.
USB Storage Boot: Unchecked the checkbox.
Network (PXE) Boot: Unchecked the checkbox.
Legacy Boot Order: Unchecked the checkbox. (Or should be grayed out)
> Secure Boot Configuration
Configure Legacy Support and Secure Boot:
“Legacy Support Disable and Secure Boot Disable” is selected.
> Built-In Device Options
Wake On LAN: “Boot to Hard Drive” is selected.
> Power Management Options
PCI Express Power Management: Unchecked the checkbox.
> Remote Management Options
Active Management (AMT) : Unchecked the checkbox.
4) “Save Changes?” screen will be displayed. Click “No”.
5) PC will be restarted.
6) As a login screen for “Administrator” is displayed, enter “fcr-iip” for “Password” and then click

3. Verification of Device Manager
1) Click “Device Manager” in “All Control Panel Item” window.
2) “Device Manager” window will be displayed. Confirm that the yellow “!” does not exist.

4. Checking Hard Disk

1) Click “Start” > “File Explorer”.
2) “File Explorer” window will be displayed. Right click “Local Disk (C:)” and click “Properties”
from the menu shown.
3) “Local Disk (C:) Properties” dialog box will be displayed. Click “Check” for “Error-Checking” on
“Tools” tab.
4) “Error Checking (Local Disk (C:))” dialog box will be displayed. Click “-> Scan drive”.
5) If it is correctly done, “Your drive was successfully scanned” dialog box will be displayed. Click
6) On “Local Disk (C:) Properties” dialog box, click “OK”.
7) Close “Computer” window.

5. Setup Input Verification

1) Right click “Start” button and then select “Control Panel” from the menu shown.
2) “All Control Panel Item” window will be displayed.
3) Ensure that “View by:” is set to “Large icon”.
4) Click “System”.
5) “System” window will be displayed. Check that the following specifications are correct.
Windows edition: Windows 10 Pro
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-6500 CPU @ 3.20GHz
Installed Memory (RAM): 4.00GB
System Type: 64-bit Operating System
Computer name: DAxxxxxxxx
6) Click “<- (Back to ~)” located in the upper left of “System” window, and then return to “All Control
Panel Item” window.

6. Verification of Standard Option Software Installation

1) Click “Start” > “File Explorer” and open “Local Disk (C:)”.
2) “Local Disk (C:)” window will be displayed. Confirm that “DRCSL” file exists.
3) Close “Local Disk (C:)” window.

7. Checking Serial Port

1) Power on DR-ID 300CL and PC for network inspection.
2) When the Opening Screen is displayed, click on the upper left area of the screen and then click on the
upper right area of the screen within 5 seconds.

3) “Service Utility” menu will be displayed. Click “Exit Service Utility”.
4) Connect DR-ID 300CL and the PC for network inspection by a serial cable.
5) Turn on DR-ID 300CL and the PC for network inspection.
6) Insert “DR-ID 300CL Standard KIT V10.0 CD” or “DR-ID 300CL Standard KIT (Lite) V10.0 CD”
into both DVD drives of DR-ID 300CL and the PC for network inspection.
* Following steps, 7) to 17), apply to both DR-ID 300CL and the PC for network inspection.
7) Click “Start” > “File Explorer” and open “DVD RW Drive (D:)”.
8) “DVD RW Drive (D:)” window will be displayed. Double click “SerialPortCheckTool” folder.
9) “SerialPortCheckTool” window will be displayed. Double click “EXP” folder and then double click
“Hypertrm.exe” from the menu shown.
10) “Default Telnet Program?” will be displayed and click “Yes”.
11) “Location Information” dialog box will be displayed. Enter “03” into “What area code[or city code]
are you in now?” and click “OK”.
12) “Phone and Modem Options” dialog box will be displayed and click “OK”.
13) “You may need to install a modem before ~” dialog box will be displayed. Click “No”.
14) “Connection Description” dialog box will be displayed and click “Cancel”.
15) Select “Files” > “Open” on “New Connection - Hyper Terminal” window.
16) “Open” dialog box will be displayed. Select “D:¥SerialPortCheckTool¥EXP¥C1.ht” and click
17) “You may need to install a modem before ~” dialog box will be displayed. Click “No”.
18) “C1 - Hyper Terminal” window will be displayed.
* Up to the above steps apply to both PCs.
19) Enter “123456” from the keyboard of the PC for network inspection.
20) Make sure that “123456” is displayed on “C1-Hyper Terminal” window of DR-ID 300CL.
21) Enter “987654” from the keyboard of DR-ID 300CL.
22) Make sure that “987654” is displayed on “C1-Hyper Terminal” window of the PC for network
inspection. (Ensure that “123456” is still displayed on “C1-Hyper Terminal” of DR-ID 300CL.)
23) Close all the windows opened.
24) Remove the CD from the DVD drive.
25) Turn off the PC. (When the disconnection confirmation message for “Hyper Terminal” is displayed,
click “Yes”.)
26) Disconnect the jig serial cable.

8. Verifying Network Connection

1) Connect DR-ID 300CL and jig PC for network inspection via network.
2) Power on DR-ID 300CL and PC for network inspection.
3) When DR-ID 300CL Opening Screen is displayed, click on the upper left area and then click on the
upper right area within 5 seconds.
4) “Service Utility” menu will be displayed. Click “Exit Service Utility”.
5) Display Command prompt on the Network Inspection PC.

6) Enter “ping” in Command prompt, and then press “ENTER” key.
7) Confirm that the result displayed in Command prompt is “Lost=0”.
8) Close all the windows opened.

9. Checking Media Writing

1) Insert the DVD+RW for “Media writing inspection” (media with data written onto) into the DVD
2) Click “Start” > “File Explorer” and open “DVD RW Drive (D:)”.
3) “DVD RW Drive (D:)” window will be displayed. Check that the data exists.
4) Right click “DVD RW Drive (D:)” on “DVD RW Drive (D:)” window, and select “Format” from
the menu shown.
5) “Format” dialog box will be displayed. Check the following settings and click “Start”.
Capacity: 4.38 GB
File system: UDF 2.01 (Default)
Allocation unit size: 2048 bytes
Format options - Quick Format: Make sure that the checkbox has been checked.
6) “WARNING” dialog box will be displayed. Click “OK”.
7) “Format Complete.” dialog box will be displayed in approximately 1 minute. Click “OK”.
8) On “Format” dialog box, click “Close”.
9) Click “Start” > “File Explorer” and open “DVD RW Drive (D:)”.
10) “DVD RW Drive (D:)” window will be displayed. Check that the data has been erased.
11) Open “C:¥Windows¥Web¥wallpaper¥Flowers” on “DVD RW Drive (D:)” window.
12) On “Flowers” window, select “img7” and drag & drop it onto “DVD RW Drive (D:)” window to
13) Remove the DVD+RW from the DVD drive.
14) Insert the DVD+RW for “Media writing inspection” again into the DVD drive.
15) Click “Start” > “File Explorer”.
16) Right click “DVD RW Drive (D:)” on “File Explorer” window. Select “Properties” from the menu
17) Check that the file system is “UDF”.
18) On “File Explorer” window, open “DVD RW Drive (D:)”.
19) Double click “img7”, which has been copied onto “DVD RW Drive (D:)” window, and then check
that the same image as the “img7” within the “Flowers” is displayed.
20) Close all the windows opened.
21) Remove the DVD+RW from the DVD drive.
22) Insert the CD-RW (Media with data written onto) for “Media writing inspection” into the DVD drive.
23) Click “Start” > “File Explorer” and open “DVD RW Drive (D:)”.
24) “DVD RW Drive (D:)” window will be displayed. Check that the data exists.
25) Right click “DVD RW Drive (D:)” on “DVD RW Drive (D:)” window. Select “Format” from the
menu shown.

26) “Format Options” dialog box will be displayed. Check the following settings and click “OK”.
Capacity: 534MB (in the case of 650MB media)
File system: UDF 2.01 (Default)
Allocation unit size: 2048 bytes
Format options - Quick Format: Make sure that the checkbox has been checked.
27) “WARNING” dialog box will be displayed. Click “OK”.
28) “Format Complete.” dialog box will be displayed in approximately 1 minute. Click “OK”.
29) Click “Close” on “Format” dialog box.
30) Click “Start” > “File Explorer” and open “DVD RW Drive (D:)”.
31) “DVD RW Drive (D:)” window will be displayed. Check that the data has been erased.
32) Open “C:¥Windows¥Web¥wallpaper¥Flowers” on “DVD RW Drive (D:)” window.
33) On “Flowers” window, select “img7” and drag & drop it onto “DVD RW Drive (D:)” window to
34) Remove the CD-RW from the DVD drive.
35) Insert the CD-RW for “Media writing inspection” again into the DVD drive.
36) Click “Start” > “File Explorer”.
37) On “File Explorer” window, right click “DVD RW Drive (D:)” and select “Properties” from the
menu shown.
38) Check that the file system is “UDF”.
39) On “File Explorer” window, open “DVD RW Drive (D:)”.
40) Double click “img7”, which has been copied onto “DVD RW Drive (D:)” window, and then check
that the same image as the “img7” within the “Flowers” is displayed.
41) Close all the windows opened.
42) Remove the CD-RW from the DVD drive.

10. Connecting BCR/MCR

1) Insert BCR into USB port on the back of the computer.
2) Right click “Start” button and then select “Control Panel” from the menu shown.
3) “Control Panel” window will be displayed. Click “Device Manager”.
4) “Device Manager” window will open. Select “Human Interface Device”, right click “USB Input
Device”, and then click “Update Driver Software” from the menu shown.
5) “How do you want to search for driver software?” dialog box will be displayed. Check the checkbox
for “Browse my computer for driver software”, and then click “Next”.
6) Click “Let me pick from a list of device drivers on my computer”.
7) “Select the device driver you want to install for this hardware.” dialog box will be displayed. Click
on an applicable “WinUSB BCR” and then click “Next”.
8) “Windows has successfully update your driver software” dialog box will be displayed. Click “Close”.
9) Perform step 4) to 8) on MCR.
10) Shutdown the PC.

11. Checking DR-ID 300CL Operation
* Confirm the followings. Also, ensure that there is no noise on the monitor display.
1) Power on DR-ID 300CL.
* If DR-ID 300CL does not start up, perform “11.1 When a MAC Address is Not Acquired in the
following paragraph.
2) Check that the screen changes to “Registration screen”.
3) Click on “Menu” button on DR-ID 300CL, and then click “Version Display” from the menu shown.
4) On “Version” dialog box, check the displayed version information and then click “OK”.
5) Read magnetic card for testing (ISO) using MCR and make sure the data gets displayed.
6) Enter “0123456789 “ for “Accession No.” column and click “Next”.
7) “Menu Selection screen” will be displayed. Check that “HEAD” has been selected. Click “SKULL,
FRN” and then click “Reserve a study”.
8) Click “Return to the list screen” button located in the lower left of “Registration screen”.
9) “list screen” is displayed, read the barcode illustrated below, check that the study reserved in Step 10)
is started.

10) Click “Study Complete”.

11) Click “Menu” button, and then click “Shut Down” from the menu shown.
12) “The system will shut down” dialog box will be displayed. Click “OK”.
13) Check that the power of the PC is terminated.
14) Remove the BCR and MCR.

11.1. When a MAC Address is Not Acquired

1) When the opening screen is displayed, click on the upper left area of the screen and then click on
the upper right area of the screen within 5 seconds.
2) “Service Utility” menu will be displayed. Click “Setup Configuration Item”.
3) “Setup Configuration Item” dialog box will be displayed. Select “MAC ADDRESS”.
4) Press “Windows” + “R” key.
5) “Run” dialog box will be displayed, enter “cmd” and then press “ENTER”.
6) Command prompt will be displayed. Enter “ipconfig /all” and then press “ENTER”.
7) Enter the number shown to the right of “Physical Address” of “Ethernet adapter Local Area
Connection 2” for “MAC Address” in “Setup Configuration Item” dialog box.
8) Click “Config” menu located in the upper left of “Setup Configuration Item” dialog box, and then
select “Close”.
9) “Save Configuration?” dialog box will be displayed. Click “OK”.

10) Click “Exit Service Utility” on “Service Utility” menu.
11) Restart DR-ID 300CL.

12. Checking USB Port

1) Connect the jig USB mouse to all the ports (front and back surface) except for the USB port on which
the BCR connection was confirmed, and make sure that they are recognized and functioned.

13. Initializing Database

1) Turn on the PC.
2) When the opening screen is displayed, click on the upper left area of the screen and then click on the
upper right area of the screen within 5 seconds.
3) “Service Utility” menu will be displayed. Click “Database Utility”.
4) Click “ImageDB Initialization”.
5) “Initialize ImageDB?” message will be displayed. Click “OK”.
6) Command prompt will open and initialization of Image Database will start.
7) “Press any key to continue...” will be displayed after “Normal End”. Press any key.
8) Click “PatientDB Initialization”.
9) “Initialize PatientDB?” message will be displayed. Click “OK”.
10) Command prompt will open and initialization of Patient Database will start.
11) “Press any key to continue…” will be displayed after “Normal End”. Press any key.
12) Click “Cancel” on “DataBase Utility” window.
13) Click “Exit Service Utility” on “Service Utility” menu.

14. Checking Application Installation

1) Click “Programs and Features” on “Control Panel” window.
2) “Programs and Features” window will be displayed. Ensure that the following 4 items have been
“SQL Server 2012”
3) Click “Back to Control Panel” located in the upper left of “Programs and Features” window, and
then return to “Control Panel” window.

15. Checking for other setting items

1) Check that the items defined in “DR-ID 300CL V10.0 Manufacturing Procedure Guideline” are
reflected properly.

16. Clear Event Log

1) Click “Administrative Tools” in “All Control Panel Item” window.
2) “Administrative Tools” window will be displayed. Double click “Event Viewer”.

3) “Event Viewer” window will be displayed. Right click “Windows Logs” > “Application” on the left
pane, and then select “Clear Log” from the menu shown.
4) “Event Viewer” dialog box will be displayed. Click “Clear”.
5) Right click “Windows Logs” > “System” on the left pane, and then select “Clear Log” from the
menu shown.
6) “Event Viewer” dialog box will be displayed. Click “Clear”.
7) Close “Event Viewer” window.
8) Close “Administrative Tools” window.

17. Creating backup media to be included with shipment

1) Click “Backup and Restore (Windows 7)” in “All Control Panel Item” window.
2) “Backup and Restore (Windows 7)” window will be displayed. Click “Create System Image” on the
left pane.
3) “Where do you want to save the backup?” dialog box will be displayed. Select “On one or more
DVDs”, and then click “Next”.
4) “Which drives do you want to include in the backup?” dialog box will be displayed. Check the boxes
of all drives and then click “Next”.
5) “Confirm your backup settings” dialog box will be displayed. Make sure that all drives including the I
drive are selected and then click “Start Backup”.
6) “Label and insert a blank media bigger than 1GB” dialog box will be displayed. Insert the first
DVD-R into the DVD drive and then click “OK”.
*Make sure to print the label and PC name (DAxxxxxxxx) on the following DVD-R media for
backup beforehand.
First DVD-R: 114Y2150307B00
Second DVD-R: 114Y2150308B00
7) “Are you sure you want to format this media?” dialog box will be displayed. Click “Format”.
8) Create backup media as instructed by the succeeding dialogs.
9) “Do you want to create a system repair disc?” dialog box will be displayed. Click “Yes”.
10) “Select a CD/DVD drive and Insert a blank disc into the drive” dialog box will be displayed. Make
sure to insert “Win10 Recovery Boot Disk” (114Y2150306B00) with the label and PC name
(DAxxxxxxxx) on it into the DVD drive beforehand.
11) Confirm that the “DVD RW Drive (D:)” is selected, Click “Create disc”.
12) Confirm that “System repair disc complete” is displayed, and then click “OK”.
13) “Using the system repair disc” dialog box will be displayed. Click “Close”.
14) “The backup completed successfully.” Dialog box will be displayed. Click “Close”.
15) Close all the windows opened.

18. Setting Services

1) Click “Administrative Tools” in “All Control Panel Item” window.
2) Double click “Services” on “Administrative Tools” window.

3) “Services” window will be displayed. Right click “Microsoft Software Shadow Copy Provider”
and then select “Properties” from the menu shown.
4) “Microsoft Software Shadow Copy Provider” dialog box will be displayed. Select “Disabled” from
the “Startup type” pull-down menu on the “General” tab, and then click “OK”.
5) Right click “Volume Shadow Copy” and then select “Properties” from the menu shown on
“Services” window.
6) “Volume Shadow Copy” dialog box will be displayed. Select “Disabled” from the “Startup type”
pull-down menu on the “General” tab, and then click “OK”.
7) Close “Services” window.
8) Click “<- (Back to ~)” located in the upper left of “Administrative Tools” window, and then return to
“All Control Panel Item” window.

19. Placing Labels

1) Check the code number of the labels.
2) Place the labels in the specified location.

20. Pre-packing Checking

1) Check that the attached items are correctly included as specified.
2) The main unit does not seem defective in appearance.
3) The main unit S/N corresponds to S/N on the package box.

21. Re-packing
1) Pack the main unit and the attached items in a form closest to the delivery state.
2) Check that S/N on the package box corresponds to S/N on the exam device.

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