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Legalization of medicinal cannabis (1000 words) in the context of the Philippines

Weed has been banned for a long time in the U.S, only being legalized a few
years back in a few states, arguing it being a possible gateway for people to more
hardcore illegal drugs. Cannabis or marijuana has been predominantly used for
recreational usage by teens and young adults, to get the feeling of being “high”. The
plant may be known most for its recreational usage but there are also its medicinal
uses, despite this usefulness we should be more cautious in adopting the plant for
healthcare and medicinal settings.

On an article by Gehad Mohamed Tawfik, “A commentary on the medicinal use

of marijuana,“ it states that the plant has a highly beneficial effect in managing chronic
pain in adults and relieving spasticity symptoms in multiple sclerosis, obstructive sleep
apnea syndrome, and fibromyalgia. As well as being used as pain management, and as
an anti-emetic in treatment of chemotherapy-induced vomiting and nausea. Although
cannabis may be beneficial, it is nothing but a possibility and there is insufficient to
prove the drug viable for use in medicinal settings. There are also side-effects in using
the drug, most common of them are dizziness, difficulty concentrating, fatigue, dry
mouth, light-headedness, problems with balance, problems with thinking and memory,
drowsiness, and nausea, and although usually mild or moderate some more severe side
effects can occur. The studies reporting the good of the plant are extremely early in their
findings and with a very little amount of literature supporting the use of the plant, it is
best that its application in medical and healthcare settings be postponed until more
research is done.

Marijuana and subsequent studies into the plant has to possibility to, according to
a research report by the National Institute on Drug Abuse, be a gateway drug.
According the report, some research suggests that marijuana use is likely to precede
use of other licit and illicit substances and the development of action to other
substances. Another study using longitudinal data form the National Epidemiological
Study of Alcohol Use and Related Disorders found that adults who reported marijuana
use during the first wave of the survey were more likely than adults who did not use
marijuana to develop an alcohol use disorder within 3 years. In an experiment using
adolescent rodents, findings showed that early exposure to cannabinoids decreases
that reactivity of brain dopamine reward centers later in adulthood which according to
the report “…could help explain the increased vulnerability for addiction to other
substances of misuse later in life that most epidemiological studies have reported for
people who begin marijuana use early in life.” These findings are consistent with the
idea of marijuana being a so called “gateway drug”. However, the majority of the people
who use marijuana do not go on to use other, “harder” substances but this does not
negate the addictive properties of cannabis. Use of the plant, although may not escalate
to more “hardcore” substances, is a cause for concern with its effect of giving people a
“high” feeling. The plant’s illegal nature can also have people form connections with
more unsavory elements of society. It is important to note that, apart from marijuana’s
abilities and biological mechanisms, there also other factors such as a person’s social
environment. More contact with illegal factors of the society means an increased risk for
a person to indulge in other illicit substances. Caution and iron-fisted regulation are
necessary for the legalization of use of cannabis, but, when these are lost then
implementation of law may, due to the country’s (Philippines) track record and
corruption, become mired with unwanted additions or be improperly practiced.

Many countries---including the Philippines as seen by Padilla’s Senate Bill No.

230 which is awaiting hearing---have started to allow medicinal use of marijuana due to
its beneficial effect in managing chronic pain, spasticity symptoms in multiple sclerosis,
obstructive sleep apnea syndrome, fibromyalgia, and posttraumatic stress disorder. But
medicinal literature lacks benefit-harm analysis for marijuana usage in medicine.
Therefore, an evidence-based report of short-and-long term health effects of marijuana
use, both harmful and beneficial effects, is crucial for further marijuana prescription in
healthcare settings. In short, there is almost no research on the plants’ uses; as such it
is imperative that we take caution in approving the application of marijuana, despite its
benefits, in healthcare and medicine. There are also problems that come with the
regulation of the plant, although it will be controlled when legalized what is stopping
people from secretly cultivating cannabis in their backyards? In a recent article by The
Philippine Star just this 2022, marijuana plants with an estimated value of P113 million
were seized in anti-narcotics operations in Lanao del Sur, Kalinga, Mountain Province,
and Rizal. Drug trafficking and illegal cultivation of these drugs are major problems that
we are facing all over the country. The legalization of cannabis will add another way for
drug lords to spread influence around the country, using it as a gateway drug or a
reward for those who are loyal. We should be more cautious in the application of
cannabis in the future as to avoid problems from popping up.

Although it has its benefits, marijuana---at the current state of research and
studies on its harmful and beneficial effects---simply is lacking in information about its
possibilities. Legalization of cannabis or marijuana, when regulated improperly, can be
used as a “gateway drug” for gangs and other more nefarious organizations to rope in
easily influenced youths towards allegiance for their cause. Some individuals may also
cultivate the plant illegally and sell the drug form of cannabis for major profits. The plant
may have a future, but it is a future with problems if used and regulated incorrectly.
More research should be done before the application of cannabis in medical and
healthcare situations. And, although it can be argued that it is more natural than other
synthetic drugs, it still hasn’t undergone enough trials that it can be used without worry
or side-effects. There are no drugs without side effects, and medicinal cannabis is one
those as such it is necessary that we take the proper measures and steps before
distributing the drug to the populace and those in need of medicine. Observation is key
and we should be even more observant and cautious when what we are talking about
are drugs that can affect a person either negatively or positively.

With bills being passed each year legalizing the medicinal use of marijuana, the
plants’ abilities are slowly coming to light. But, it is still severely lacking in the literature
necessary for proper steps and measures to be taken with its subsequent legalization
for medicinal use. Cannabis is a without a doubt a beneficial plant, but, with the risks it
carries it is simply not yet ready for application in medical and healthcare environments
in the country. Waiting a few more years for research to develop on medicinal cannabis
will not hurt us in any way as it is not the only drug in the market that can treat what it
can. Medicinal cannabis is not ready and we, the country and its people, are also not
informed enough of its usage to properly accept it without misuse and worry. Caution is
key, and a misstep on this will affect a person’s future.

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