Spring... On The Road (March 2023)

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MARCH 2023


Three simple How to reduce your
maintenance strategies. Six road trip essentials risk of driving distracted.
2 • March 2023 Road Tripping
Road Tripping March 2023 • 3

3 simple maintenance strategies that can keep cars running longer

ksciandra@batavianews.com Vehicle maintenance
The last few years have
not proven the most advan- can save you money
tageous times for new car
Vehicle maintenance is of-
buyers. According to the Con-
ten viewed through the lens of
sumer Price Index Summary keeping cars safe and running
from the United States Bureau smoothly. That impression is
of Labor Statistics, buyers paid accurate, but in addition to po-
12.2 percent more for new tentially saving lives, vehicle
vehicles in January 2022 than maintenance can save drivers
they had in January 2021. money.
Faced with such a signifi- The summer of 2022 was
cant increase in price, many marked by rapid inflation that
drivers understandably want affected prices of just about
everything, including fuel, which
to keep their current cars
rose to such heights that many
longer than they might have drivers sought any way to save
initially planned. money at the pump.
Data released by S&P Global Vehicle maintenance is one
Mobility in early 2022 indi- simple way to reduce fuel costs,
cated that the average vehicle sometimes by a significant
on the road is 12 years and two margin. The U.S. Department
months old, which marked the of Energy estimates that fixing
highest number in the more a faulty oxygen sensor could im-
than 20 years such informa- prove gas mileage by as much
tion has been tracked. as 40 percent.
Smaller measures also can
A host of variables affect save drivers money at the pump,
how long drivers keep their as the DoE estimates that keep-
cars, but the rising cost of new ing tires properly inflated can
vehicles has undoubtedly increase fuel efficiency by as
compelled many drivers to much as 3 percent while using
aspire to keep their cars for the motor oil recommended in
longer periods of time. a vehicle owner’s manual can
Aging cars may require a improve gas mileage by 1 to 2
little more TLC than vehicles percent.
that are right off the dealer- – Metro Creative Connection
When filling up their gas tanks, drivers can avoid topping off, which can prove harmful to vehicles over time.
ship lot. The following are
three simple tips that can help said. “Changing the oil is benefi- create additional noise, will
drivers keep their cars running cial to keep all internal engine be more aggressive which can
2. Know when and components running smooth- affect fuel mileage and will
1. Become a how to fill up. ly,” Mogavero said. “Allowing wear out quickly. Keep those
Every driver has likely the oil to thicken hinders the snow tires for the snow and
more careful driver. visited a filling station when performance of the engine. get some all-season tires for
A careful approach when an oil tanker is busily filling When oil goes in, it’s gold the nicer weather,” said Mo-
behind the wheel is safer than the tanks. That’s traditionally in color. When it comes out gavero.
aggressive driving and benefi- been considered a less than during an oil change, it’s dark And one more thing – check
cial for your vehicle. ideal time to fill up, as the brown or almost black in to see if your air conditioning
When starting, avoid rev- theory is that filling the tanks color. That’s what running it
is working.
ving the engine, which need- stirs up sediment that could through the engine compo-
“If there is an issue,” said
lessly wears it down. When then find its way into con- nents does, so not changing
it at regular intervals can do Mogavero, “it can help to
out on the road, avoid rapid sumers’ gas tanks, adversely get ahead of it and get in for
accelerations, which also con- affecting their vehicles. How- internal damage which can
result in costly repairs. repairs if needed before those
tributes to needless wear and ever, that’s often dependent appointments fill up.”
tear. Even excessive idling can on the station itself and how She continued, “An oil
adversely affect the engine, change with us at Mogavero’s
much its owners prioritize
so keep winter warm-ups to Automotive includes chang-
maintenance of the tank and
around 30 seconds to prevent ing the oil, a new filter, top-
filtration systems. Drivers who
damage to engine compo- ping off all fluids, and greasing
trust their local station owners
nents. the doors and hinges. We also
can fill up when the tankers
Basic maintenance can help offer a complimentary vehicle
are present without worry.
keep your vehicle running at health report that checks 30
In addition, avoid topping
its best for longer. Mogavero different areas of the vehicle.
off once the nozzle clicks
Automotive is an excellent re- Our customers are provided
when filling up. The U.S. Envi-
source for tips to help drivers with a detailed printout of the
ronmental Protection Agency
maintain their vehicles. results, along with any appli-
notes that topping off is harm-
“Keep up on oil changes. It’s cable quotes.”
ful to the planet and the ve- Oil changes remove dirt
the most important thing driv- hicle, as gasoline needs room
ers can do to keep their vehicle and metal particles from the
to expand. When you top off, engine, potentially contribut-
running. Have your air filters the extra gas may damage the
checked and changed at regu- ing to a longer life expectancy.
vapor collection system and More frequent changes can
lar intervals. Dirty air filters cause the vehicle to run less
can affect fuel mileage and the be especially beneficial for ve-
efficiently. hicles that are routinely driven
performance of your engine,”
said Rachael Mogavero of Mo- 3. Change oil more in stop-and-go traffic.
Rising vehicle costs have
gavero’s Automotive. frequently as the compelled many drivers to
“Keeping tire pressures at
the correct pressure (you can
vehicle ages. keep their cars longer than
It’s true that modern ve- they initially planned. Some
check the specified tire pres-
hicles no longer require oil simple strategies can help
sures yourself) on most ve-
changes for every 3,000 miles drivers achieve that goal.
hicles it’s listed on the sticker
driven. However, as vehicles And, if you put snow tires on
on the door panel on the 116 Liberty Street, Albion, NY 14411 • 585-589-5596 • (behind 5 Star Bank)
age, drivers and their vehicles’ for the winter months, don’t
driver’s side. Proper tires and
pressures will keep the vehicle engines may benefit from forget to replace them come Monday - Friday 8AM-5PM • Saturday 8AM-1PM • Sunday 9AM-1PM
more frequent oil changes spring.
riding as it should, helping
“If you have snow tires on
with fuel mileage and keeping
the tires wearing evenly, pro-
than the owner’s manual nec-
essarily recommends.
now, get those changed out.
On dry roads those tires will
longing their life as well,” said “Newer vehicles today have
Mogavero. oil change reminders and
Most vehicle manufacturers some even have oil sensors
provide a time line of vehicle letting you know when the oil
maintenance recommenda- level is low,” said Mogavero.
tions based on the mileage of “However, the best way to
the vehicle. track your oil changes is to
“Following these recom- have them done every 3,000
mendations can keep your miles for synthetic blend oil
vehicle running for a long time changes, and over 5,000 to
and help avoid potential large, 6,000 miles for synthetic oil
costly repairs,” Mogavero changes.”

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4 • March 2023 Road Tripping

How to Signs you might be an

handle aggressive driver
driving in Metro Creative Connection
Signs you might be an
aggSpeeding down the road-
occurs if you’re in a hurry all the
time and don’t want to wait at
traffic signals.
heavy rain way snaking your way in and
out of traffic may seem like the
only way to get to a destination
n Failing to yield the right
of way to others: This is true
of drivers who do not yield to
Metro Creative Connection on time. But such driving can pedestrians or other motorists
The road is filled with vari- put you and others around you when merging.
ables that change each time at risk for accidents and injury. n Not letting someone into
drivers get behind the wheel. The Insurance Information a lane while changing lanes or
Whether it’s aggressive driv- Institute indicates that aggres- merging onto the highway.
ers, road construction crews sive driving is a major factor in n Excessive speeding.
or some other unknown, traffic crashes and plays a role n Weaving in and out of
drivers can never say with in a large number of fatal high- lanes to improve efficiency and
certainty what they will en- way collisions each year in the get places faster.
United States. The National n Intimidating others by
counter while on the road.
Highway Traffic Safety Admin- tailgating and flashing your
Mother Nature is as signifi- high beams in the hopes they
istration characterizes aggres-
cant a variable as any drivers sive driving as instances when will move faster.
will face, and many condi- “an individual commits a com- n Overusing the horn.
tions can turn otherwise or- bination of moving traffic of- n Communicating angrily
dinary trips into ordeals that fenses so as to endanger other with other drivers by gesticu-
put motorists’ skills to the persons or property.” This may lating or yelling out the win-
Whether a road trip lasts a few weeks or a few days, certain items should be packed along for the
test. seem like a harsh definition of dow.
ride to ensure safety and convenience.
Though heavy rain might a rare situation, but aggressive n Becoming frustrated

6 road trip essentials

not seem as difficult to navi- driving is very common. when people drive slowly, es-
gate as snow, it’s vital that Drivers may not think they pecially if there is a lot of traffic.
drivers recognize the threat are aggressive, arguing they’re n Rolling through stop
posed by such conditions. “simply keeping up with traf- signs at most intersections.
The Federal Highway Admin- fic.” But the following habits n Failing to signal when
are indicate aggressive driving: making a turn or changing
istration reports that each Metro Creative Connection registration and proof of 5. Comfort items n Try to beat red lights: This lanes.
year 75 percent of weather- The open road beckons insurance. Be sure that you
related vehicle crashes occur many people, inspiring ev- have valid credit cards, as it Some creature comforts
on wet pavement, while 47 erything from extensive ad- may be challenging to find an can make traveling more in-
percent, or nearly half, hap-
pen while rain is falling.
ventures to short weekend
jaunts. Whether a road trip
ATM in some rural areas.
Keep in mind that cash is
dulgent. Travel pillows, win-
dow shades, seat warmers, a John’s Service Station, Inc.
Owner - John Frank
Such statistics are sober- lasts a few weeks or a few often king, so have some bills toiletry bag with moisturizer
ing and underscore how days, certain items should stashed away when credit and eye drops, sunglasses, 187 Pearl Street
dangerous it can be to drive be packed along for the ride cards are not accepted. In slip-on shoes, and sunscreen Batavia, NY 14020
to ensure safety and conve- addition, tuck away a paper are some of the comforts to
in rain or when roads are wet.
Drivers are not helpless in nience. map, as cell phone signals
may not be strong in moun-
include. Comfort items also
can be customized depend- 585-343-0535
such conditions, especially 1. Safety items tainous areas or where cov- ing on your preference.
when they exercise caution COMPLETE CAR CARE
in wet conditions. Trips necessitate planning erage is blocked for other 6. Snacks NYS INSPECTION • TUNE UP • TIRES
n Slow down. The Na- for the unexpected. When it
Cut back on the number EXHAUST SYSTEMS • COMPUTER
comes to driving, that means 3. Diversions
tional Highway Traffic Safety
certain maintenance tools of stops o be made by bring- DIAGNOSTICS • ALIGNMENTS
Administration notes that
and equipment. Some items Long drives require enter- ing along snacks. Trail mix, RUSTPROOFING
drivers will have a harder granola bars and other items
to keep in a car include: tainment to keep passengers
time controlling or stopping that provide a mix of protein
n jumper cables occupied, no matter the age. OIL BASED
their vehicles on slick roads
than dry roads. And that’s
n spare tire/car jack Playing cards, portable and carbohydrates will keep
everyone from becoming RUSTPROOFING
n antifreeze video games, books, puzzles,
the case for both experienced hungry on the road.
n motor oil movies, and more can be
and novice motorists. When Weekend road trips can go
n windshield washer fluid brought along to pass the
driving in the rain or on wet n flashlight and batteries hours on highways and by- more smoothly when travel- • Complete Car Care
roads, drivers should slow n emergency blanket ways. ers have essentials on hand. • NYS Inspection
down, even if it requires driv- n nonperishable food/wa- Customize the list based on
ing a little below the speed ter
4. Gadgets who’s along for the ride and • Computer Diagnostics
limit. Though it can be dan- n spill-proof gas can Ours is a digital world in how long the trip will be.
gerous to drive too slowly on n flares or traffic cones which technology reigns su-
highways, drivers can use the
far-right lane on such roads,
which is not considered a
n plastic funnel
n first aid kit
2. Important documents
preme. Be sure to bring along
various device chargers,
cameras, power banks, GPS
Time for a New Roof This Spring?
passing lane and is often seen devices, Bluetooth convert-
as the lane designated for ve-
hicles moving more slowly.
Don’t forget to bring along er, and any other gadget that
can make traveling more
We are ready anytime!
the necessary documents for
n Leave extra room be- operating a motor vehicle, in- convenient.
tween your car and other cluding your driver’s license,
vehicles. The NHTSA also
advises increasing the fol-
lowing distance between
your vehicle and the one in Waters Autobody
front of you when driving in
rain or on wet roads. An extra & Paint, L.L.C.
couple of car lengths ensures David S. Waters, Owner
you will have more time to re- Licensed New York State Insurance Estimater
act and stop if vehicles ahead “IT’S WHAT WE DO”
of you encounter issues. Phone (585) 589-7100
n Be mindful of pedes- Fax (585) 589-7135 | 411 West Ave. (Rt 31) Albion, NY 14411-1524
trians and cyclists. Though 78 Years in Business Trusted. Reliable.
pedestrians and cyclists typi-
Complete Collision Service Professional.
cally avoid walking or cycling
in heavy rains, that does not Richard Wendt, President
mean there will be none on
24 Hour Towing
the road. That’s especially
so when heavy rains fall sud-
denly, leaving pedestrians
128 Cedar St. Batavia, NY • 585-343-2400 / 585-356-4300
and cyclists already on the RAHAITZ.COM
road with little options but
to continue. Visibility can be
especially compromised in
heavy rains, which makes it
even harder to see pedestri-
Pellegrino Auto Sales delivers
ans and cyclists. So drivers
should not assume the roads excellence in customer service,
are only populated by fellow
motorists and must be espe- attention to detail. Pellegrino Auto
cially vigilant to avoid hitting
pedestrians and cyclists. Sales continues to advance in
n Travel familiar roads.
Though familiarity does not many aspects of the auto industry
mean motorists can be less
vigilant when driving in rain, including personal achievements,
knowing the roads you’re on
and the route you’re taking growth in sales, and accumulation
can ensure your eyes are fo-
cused on the road at all times
and not periodically glancing
of on-site inventory.
at GPS maps on your dash-
board. If you’re planning a
road trip and know heavy
Stop by Pellegrino Auto Sales
rain will factor in at some
time, familiarize yourself
4060 Pearl Street Rd. to browse
with evacuation routes along your next car, visit their website at
the way to your destination.
The NHTSA also recom-
mends drivers learn which PellegrinoAutoSales.com
local radio stations to tune
into for emergency alerts.
for up-to-date inventory, or call
Driving in heavy rain is no
small task. But drivers can
approach such conditions
(585) 344-2658
with caution to ensure they for more information.
make it home safe.
Road Tripping March 2023 • 5

Older drives can increase

comfort behind the wheel
Metro Creative Connection the discomfort caused by aches
It’s not uncommon for aging and pains and ensure drivers
individuals to feel less comfort- and passengers can tailor the
able driving as they approach temperature in the vehicle to
their golden years. Whether it’s their own preferences.
glare from LED lights, aches and n Protect your eyesight.
pains that often accompany ag- Much of the discomfort older
ing or age-related vision issues, drivers experience behind the
older drivers’ comfort behind wheel has to do with eyesight.
the wheel can be compromised The NIA urges individuals 65
by a host of variables. and older to see their eye doc-
Though older drivers can- tor every year. Such visits can
not reverse the aging process, ensure prescriptions are cur-
they can try various strate- rent and that can make drivers
gies to make themselves more more confident in their ability
comfortable behind the wheel. to see everything on the road.
Among them: Drivers also can speak to their
n Share driving duties on eye doctors about night driv-
long trips. The National In- ing glasses, which are designed
stitute on Aging notes that to help nighttime drivers over-
stiffening joints and weakened come glare from headlights and
muscles are a common byprod- street lamps.
uct of aging. In addition, the Ar- n Drive more defensively. A
thritis Foundation¨ notes that greater emphasis on defensive
more than one in two men and driving also can help aging driv-
two in three women older than ers feel more comfortable be-
METRO CREATIVE CONNECTION age 65 have arthritis, which also hind the wheel. The NIA notes
Avoid making phone calls when behind the wheel to reduce your risk of distracted driving. Hands-free capabilities may make it can make driving less comfort- that reflexes naturally slow
easier to keep both hands on the wheel, but they don’t ensure drivers’ minds will stay on the road. able. Age-related aches and down as a person ages, which
pains and arthritis can make it adversely affects older driv-

How to reduce risk of driving distracted very uncomfortable to drive for

lengthy periods of time when
drivers are sitting in roughly the
same position for the duration
ers’ reaction times. Drivers can
counter this by leaving more
space between their vehicles
and the one in front of them.
Metro Creative Connection the United States receives 46 app push of their trip. In such instances, Braking earlier and avoiding
The prevalence of technology has en- notifications each day. Additional sourc- Defining distracted driving drivers can share driving duties driving during times marked by
sured that many things are competing for es estimate that figure could be closer to to make long trips more man- heavy traffic, such as rush hour,
people’s attention at any given moment. 80 push notifications per day. There’s no Anything that takes a driver’s attention ageable. also can help drivers feel more
That includes when people are driving, denying the allure of such notifications, away from the road is considered a distrac- n Upgrade to a vehicle with comfortable.
which has contributed to a dangerous so drivers who find them too hard to re- tion. That includes adjusting the radio sta- modern amenities. Various It’s natural for aging drivers
phenomenon known as distracted driv- sist can turn all notifications off prior to tion, looking ahead at the route on a naviga- to feel less comfortable behind
tion system, reaching into the fast-food bag
amenities in modern vehicles
ing. getting behind the wheel. This is quickly for a french fry, and answering a phone or make driving more comfortable the wheel than they did when
The National Highway Traffic Safety and easily accomplished through the set- responding to a text. for everyone, especially individ- they were young. But drivers
Administration reports that there were tings function on a smartphone. Distractions can be visual (taking eyes uals with age-related aches and can take various steps to in-
nearly 36,000 fatal crashes involving n Avoid making calls. Hands-free off the road), manual (taking hands off the pains. Heated seats and in-car crease their comfort levels so
distracted drivers in 2020. Such num- capabilities may make it easier to keep wheel), and cognitive (taking your mind off climate control can help reduce they can stay on the road.
bers are sobering, but it’s worth noting both hands on the wheel, but they don’t driving).
Whether it is good for people or not, mul-
that handheld cellphone usage by driv- ensure drivers’ minds will stay on the titasking is now commonplace. That means
ers declined significantly across all age road. Hands-free phone calls and voice- individuals are juggling two or more differ-
groups between 2012 and 2021. NHTSA activated messaging apps take drivers’ ent tasks at one time, even while driving.
data indicates such usage declined from minds off the road. When behind the Certain studies show that multitasking
5.9 percent in 2012 to 3.7 percent by 2021 wheel, resolve to stick to driving and often means the focus and attention to de-
among drivers between the ages of 16 driving alone by avoiding making phone tail supplied to tasks isn’t as great when
and 24. Among drivers between the ages calls or receiving and sending messages. doing two things at once as opposed to fo-
cusing on one task at a time.
of 25 and 69, driver handheld cellphone n Stay focused at stoplights. Red In terms of driving while distracted by
usage dropped from 5.4 percent in 2012 lights present another tempting chance something else, the consequences can be
to 2.5 percent by 2021. to peruse text messages, emails and push great. The National Highway Traffic Safety
But the work isn’t done, as the NHTSA notifications. But drivers can easily be Administration says about 3,000 Ameri-
notes that a significant uptick of driver drawn into conversations that continue cans die in crashes involving a distracted
handheld cellphone usage among driv- long after a red light has turned to green. driver every year. Younger drivers, or those
between the ages of 15 and 20, are more
ers between the ages of 16 and 24 was So it’s best to maintain your focus at likely to become distracted drivers than
reported between 2020 (2.8 percent) and stoplights by waiting patiently for the other age groups. Transport Canada’s METRO CREATIVE CONNECTION
2021 (3.7 percent). light to turn and avoiding your phone National Collision Database indicates dis- Though older drivers cannot reverse the aging process, they can
All accidents involving distracted driv- entirely. tracted driving contributes to an estimated
try various strategies to make themselves more comfortable
ing incidents are preventable. n Utilize airplane mode if necessary. 21 percent of fatal collisions each year and
around 27 percent of serious injury colli- behind the wheel.
With so much to gain from eliminating If none of the above recommendations
distracted driving, drivers of all ages can are working, drivers can always switch There is still work to be done to encour-
consider these strategies to avoid dis- their phones to airplane mode when age drivers to be more attentive behind the
tractions while behind the wheel: driving. Doing so effectively blocks all wheel.
n Turn off notifications. According incoming messages and distractions
to the app industry resource Businesso- from being received by the phone until – Metro Creative Connection
fApps, the average smartphone user in airplane mode is then turned off.

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6 • March 2023 Road Tripping

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PellegrinoAutoSales.com CARL SCHMIDT
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4060 Pearl St. Rd. Batavia

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PellegrinoAutoSales.com ADAM BUKOWSKI
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Sales Hrs: Mon. Tues. Thurs. 9am-7pm, adamb@kenbarrett.com
Wed. Fri. 9am-5pm; Sat. 9am-4pm
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