Weekly-Progress-Report-Generic - Hardik - 7

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Capstone Project Weekly Progress Report

Semester Fall 2023

Course Code 3406

Section Section 1

Project Title Smart Meeting

Group Name Five Bees (Group 2)

Student Hardik Solanki (c0852302)

names/Student IDs

Reporting Week 25-02-2023 to 11-03-2023 (Week 7)

Faculty Supervisor Vahid Hadavi

1. Tasks Outlined in Previous Weekly Progress Report

The Idea is Smart Meeting. Last week we developed a Frontend application flow and learned about
different technologies like Django, React, etc. parallelly we were also working on text pre-

2. Progress Made in Reporting Week

As a part of the web application, we have built the flow chart, in which we have mentioned the
processed flow of our entire system. Moreover, we have created the Database architecture, with all
the possible tables and schemas (as of current thought).

We also created the baseline model for the project using the LSA model and evaluated our result using
the rouge method. We got around 97% accuracy of the summary.

3. The areas/tasks in that you could not make progress and/or complete the requested tasks as

In the model part, we expected to complete data collection part, but as it is very time-consuming
process, we only able to collect 1500 videos data, in which we expected to have at least 3000 videos

4. Difficulties Encountered in Reporting Week

Difficulties encountered was choosing the right model to train on our data and applying evaluation
metric on the model. On the other hand, deciding which technology to use and how we will embed
our model to front end is challenging task for us and we are still figuring out and learning about it.

5. Tasks to Be Completed Next Week

Next week we are trying to build the basic front end and we will try to host a meeting using the front
end application.

6. Include the tasks from your sprint planning (Github/Zenhub) for the present period.

7- Include charts/graphs (e.g., burn-down charts) from your project management tool
(Github/Zenhub) that show your progress for the period of this report


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