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B.9/A.1.1(6) - Mobilization/Provision of Combined Field Office, Laboratory & Living Quarters Building for
the Engineer – We will mobilize equipment and manpower upon receipt of Notice to Proceed (NTP). Offices
and Testing Laboratories shall be constructed by the contractor including all the necessary facilities, electricity
& telephone services for the use of the Engineer and staff.

B.5 – Project Billboards/Signboard and safety warning signs should also be installed before the construction
and on-going construction.

Item 103(1)a – Structure Excavation – We will notify in advance the concerned government project engineer
before starting this activity to ensure that the elevations and dimensions are followed to have a good foundation
bed for lined canal and pipe culverts. Excavation for foundation of RCPC should be done with sufficient width
for proper jointing of the pipes and thorough compaction of the bedding.

Item 506(1) – Stone Masonry – This activity could be done simultaneously with excavation for foundation.
The stones to be incorporated should be durable, clean and shall have a thickness of not less than six (6) inches.
Mortar to be used will be one (1) part cement and two (2) parts of fine aggregates by volume with sufficient
water to spread it easily.

Item 404(1)a – Reinforcing Steel – This item shall consist of cutting, bending, fabrication and installation of
reinforcing steel bars for lined canal. We’ll place all reinforcing steel in the position shown on the plans and see
to it that it remains in the same position during placing and setting of concrete.

Item 405(1)a3 - Structural Concrete Class A – We’ll furnish Class “A” concrete on the construction of lined
canal. Concrete will be mixed by volume at the construction site and will be mixed thoroughly in a one (1) –
bagger concrete mixer to ensure uniform distribution of cement and aggregates. Water should be sufficient
enough to have a consistency that the concrete will flow around reinforcing steel.


All plumbing works must be installed following the plumbing plan and design made by a competent plumber
under the supervision and approved of the duly licensed Engineer.

Safety and precautionary measures will be adopted in the process of installation including all the materials to be
used in the installation.

We will check and clean the site when the project is 100% complete, and we’ll see to it that the project is
acceptable to the end-user and other concerned authorities before demobilization of manpower and equipment.

Electrical Works

All electrical works must be installed following the electrical plan and design made by a competent electrician
under the supervision and approved of the duly licensed Electrical Engineer.

Safety and precautionary measures will be adopted in the process of installation including all the materials to be
used in the installation.

We will check and clean the site when the project is 100% complete, and we’ll see to it that the project is
acceptable to the end-user and other concerned authorities before demobilization of manpower and equipment.


This item shall consist of the preparation of the subgrade for the support of overlaying structural layers. It shall
extend to full width of the roadway. Unless authorized by the engineer. Subgrade preparation shall not be done
unless the contractor is able to start immediately the construction of the pavement structure.


This item consist of furnishing, placing and compacting an aggregate subbase course on an prepared sub
grade/subbase in accordance with this specification and the lines, grades, thickness and typical cross sections
shown on the plans, or as established by the engineer.

This item shall consists of pavement of Portland Cement Concrete with or without reinforcement constructed on
the prepared base in accordance with this specification and in conformity with lines, grade, thickness and
typical cross section shown on the plans.

Demobilization – Demobilization of manpower and equipment shall be done only when the project is 100%
complete. The project site shall be checked and cleaned and the project is acceptable to the end-user and other
concerned authorities

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