RPP WB 1088

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Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran (RPP)

Sekolah : PKBM Beacon Light

Kelas/Semester : 8 (Delapan)/Sem 1 (Term 2)

Mata Pelajaran : Word Building 1088

Kompetensi Dasar : ● Learn the ō and ŏ sound spellings.

● Learn rules for adding suffix.
● Learn to form adjectives from verbs by adding the suffixes -
able, and -ible.
● Learn to spell some words that are often misspelled.
● Learn to love others and overlook their mistakes-to be

Alokasi Waktu : 11 x 40 minutes

Character Trait : Forgiving

We all need forgiving some time or other; You’ll see that as long
as you live. It’s just like Jesus to forgive another; So, always be
ready to forgive.

Scripture/Bible Verse : Colossians 3 : 13

Forbearing one another, if any man have a quarrel against any:
even as Christ forgave you, so also do ye.

A. Tujuan Pembelajaran
Students will be able:
1. To learn the ō and ŏ sound spellings.
2. To learn rules for adding suffix.
3. To learn to form adjectives from verbs by adding the suffixes -able, and -ible.
4. To learn to spell some words that are often misspelled.
5. To learn to love others and overlook their mistakes-to be forgiving.

B. Langkah-langkah (Kegiatan) Pembelajaran

Meeting Activity Source

1 a. Students memorize and recite Bible verse. Page 1 – 8

b. Students read and understand character trait and
my goal.
c. Students describe/explain on his own words of
character trait committed.
d. Students read his goal.
e. Students write a copy of the sentence from the
PACE on the first line and copy the definition from
dictionary on the second line.
f. Students use blends in parentheses to form new

RPP Word Building 1088 kelas 8 PKBM Beacon Light

words that rhyme with each spelling word.
g. Students write a word the rhyme of words that have
been provided.
h. Students write the spelling words that are
homonyms for the words that had been provided.
i. Students write a copy of the sentence from the
PACE on the first line and copy the definition from
dictionary on the second line.
j. Students complete the verse from the Bible,
including all the punctuation.
k. Students write a copy of the sentence from the
PACE on the first line and copy the definition from
dictionary on the second line.
a. Students score page 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6, correct
mistakes, and rescore.
b. Students read each spelling word and its definition.
Notice that each word has a different definition than
on previous pages, then write copy of the sentence.
c. Students fill in the blanks with correct answers.
d. Students write all spelling words that end with ō
e. Students complete the verse from the Bible,
including all the punctuation.
f. Students score page 7, and 8, correct mistakes, and

2 a. Students fill in the blanks with correct answers. Page 9 - 12

b. Students write all spelling words that end with ŏ
c. Students complete spelling words, putting in thr
correct spelling of the ŏ sound.
d. Students complete spelling words, putting in thr
correct spelling of the ō sound.
e. Students learn the rules for adding “ed”, “ing”,and
f. Students write the present, past, and progressive
forms from the verbs that had been provided.
g. Students add the root word “Solve” to prefixes and
suffixes that have been provided.
h. Students underline word or phrase that best
completes the sentence.
i. Students score page 9, 10, 11, and 12, correct
mistakes, and rescore.
j. Students add the root word “strict” to prefixes and
suffixes that have been provided.
k. Students score page 11, and 12, correct mistakes,
and rescore.

3 a. Students do Check Up 1. Page 13 – 14

b. Students score page 13 and 14, correct mistakes,

RPP Word Building 1088 kelas 8 PKBM Beacon Light

and rescore.

4 a. Students read a story that had been provided, and Page 15 – 19

write down of three situations in which demonstrated
Christian love.
b. Students read and study the spelling of words and
copy that in the best handwriting.
c. Students add the root word “pend” to the prefixes
and suffixes.
d. Students write the meaning of forgiving.
e. Students read and study the spelling of words and
copy that in the best handwriting.
f. Students score page 16, 17, 18, and 19, correct
mistakes, and rescore.

5 a. Students match the definition with the correct Page 20 – 24

spelling word.
b. Students memorize the scripture.
c. Students follow the rules that had been provided by
adding “-able” or “-ible” to the verbs.
d. Students complete rule for adding suffixes that begin
with the vowel.
e. Students choose and write the spelling word that is
adjective formed from the verbs that had been
f. Students write adjectives formed from the noun that
had been provided.
g. Students write spelling words in alphabetical order.
h. Students add the root word “verse” to the prefixes
and suffixes.
i. Students score page 20, 21, 22, 23 and 24 correct
mistakes, and rescore.

6 a. Students do Check Up 2. Page 25 – 26

b. Students score page 25 and 26, correct mistakes,
and rescore.

7 a. Students read a sentence of the word as the part of Page 27 – 29

speech indicated.
b. Students complete the verse from the Bible,
including all the punctuation.
c. Students read a sentence of the word as the part of
speech indicated.
d. Students check (🗸) before the statement that gives
the meaning of 1 Corinthians 2:2.
e. Students ask supervisor to score page 27, 28, and

RPP Word Building 1088 kelas 8 PKBM Beacon Light

8 a. Students match definition with the correct spelling Page 30 – 34
b. Students complete the verse from the Bible,
including all the punctuation.
c. Students read spelling words and definition then
copy the sentence.
d. Students complete spelling word by writing the
missing letter or letters in the blanks.
e. Students write “yes” or “no” beside the letter that
spells the schwa sound.
f. Students write letter or letters that form ō sound in
the word that had been provided.
g. Students write letter or letters that form ŏ sound in
the word that had been provided.
h. Students write formed from the word and the suffix
that had been provided.
i. Students add the root word “cess” to the prefixes
and suffixes.
j. Students write five sentences in which words used
from the list that had been provided.
k. Students fill the column A using the spelling word
that means “to cook in an oven or over an open fire”.
l. Students score page 30, 31, 32, 33, and 34, correct
mistakes, and rescore.

9 a. Students do Check Up 3. Page 35 – 36

b. Students score page 35, and 36, correct mistakes,
and rescore.

10 a. Students do Self Test. Page 37 – 39

b. Students ask permission to do Self Test.
c. Students recite Bible verse.
d. Students score page 37 to 39 correct mistakes, and

11 a. Students do Final PACE Test.

b. Students ask permission to do Final PACE Test at
Test Table.
c. Supervisor prays for students before starting the
d. When completed, students should raise flag for
permission to hand up the test.

C. Asesmen Pembelajaran
Tes tertulis/Final PACE Test (terlampir).

RPP Word Building 1088 kelas 8 PKBM Beacon Light

Tangerang Selatan, Juni 20…
Guru Kelas
Kepala Sekolah

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RPP Word Building 1088 kelas 8 PKBM Beacon Light


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