Groupings Office Management

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1. What is the importance of knowing the basic office etiquettes?

● Knowing the basic office etiquettes is very important and useful. It will really help us
on how to be responsible for ourselves and not only for ourselves but also for others.
If we know the etiquettes we can maintain a happy and peaceful environment in our
workplace because we know the behavior that we need to show and how to treat
those we work with. It can also create a respectful and professional atmosphere in
our work place which will motivate us to be productive and to do our job better.
Exhibiting such a professional manner in the workplace makes it easy to handle your
work and the other employees around you, whether you like it or not you can really
strive to change your habits to get along with others. Employees will feel great if
they know that everyone is their friend and they don’t have an enemy, especially
when we know that we are respected. The job will be easier and everyone can work
more smoothly.

2. Provide 10 situational examples where office etiquettes can benefit you.

1. Willing to help co-workers. One of your co-workers asked you for help in
completing a presentation and you did not hesitate to say yes and help her. When
the day came when you were the one who had to finish the presentation and you
asked for help from your co -workers and she also didn't hesitate to help you
because you were like that with her when she asked for your help. In times of
need it is nice to feel that there are people willing to help you because you are
helping them too.

2. Respect other people's time. Your manager has set up a meeting for the project
you're going to do, so you need to be at the meeting place at that time. When you
find out, you immediately put aside the paperwork that you need to finish now
because there is something important to discuss in the meeting. You also
understand that your manager does not waste time and you have time to finish
the paperwork assigned to you.

3. "Avoid Gossip" for example, you have a rumor in your office about an employee
out of respect for the person so let's not spread it to others because we don't
know the possible consequences of that's the thing.

4. Make a Good First Impression. People often form impressions about others
within seconds after they meet, so it’s important to make sure you present
yourself as a professional in a good way. For example, we must be able to get
along with the people we meet in our work to make our work better.

5. Respect everyone's space. If your coworker isn't around yet and her table is
within reach, it doesn't mean that you can just get everything you wanted and
will become the person that 'oh, she's not in here yet', i will use it before she'll
get here.

6. Don't be absurd. Instead, wait for her and borrow it politely, and after using it
kindly return it before she asks you to do so, it shows integrity. The golden rule
always applies to this: Do not impose on others what you do not wish for

7. Watch your body language. Everyone has bad mornings, and sometimes they
follow you into the office. Be aware of your body language even when you aren’t
saying anything. If you feel angry or frustrated, give yourself a 10 minute
“time-out” in a private space to bring yourself back to neutral. You don’t want to
give the wrong impression during a morning
meeting or during your performance reviews. Office etiquette requires
professionalism even on your worst day.

8. Don’t be late. Whether it is arriving for work or to a meeting, being punctual

actually means being five minutes early. Showing up late is simply disrespectful.
It delivers the message to your coworkers that their time isn’t as important as

9. One of the office etiquette that benefits me is "Listen before speaking".

Respecting others is good manners, especially when you are in office and
someone is speaking in front of you. Listening to others is a way to show respect,
for example you are at the meeting and someone is reporting about their
assigned task. Pay attention and use gestures like nodding, eye contact to
acknowledge the reporter. 

10. Dress appropriately. For example you are at your table with your workmates
talking about something, when your colleague arrives wearing spaghetti strap
sundress and flip- flops. As a concerned workmate, I give him advice about the
dress code in the office. Dress appropriately shows one's character and
represents one's professionalism towards work. 

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