Fun Facts About Tectonic Plates For K

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Fun Facts about Tectonic Plates for Kids

 In some places, the plates are pulling apart. New crust is pushed up
from below. These are called divergent boundaries and they create
rifts or valleys. Large lakes sometimes form in rifts.

 In other places the plates are pushing against each other,

creating mountains. These areas are known as convergent
boundaries. Sometimes one crust is dragged beneath – or
subducted – below another one. Ocean plates are heavier than
continental plates so these plates are always dragged beneath.

 A transform boundary happens when plates slide past each other

but neither collide nor rip apart. The San Andreas Fault in California
is a transform boundary.
 The Red Sea formed where the African and Arabian plates pulled
apart. This rift is getting larger and the Red Sea will eventually form
an ocean.

Plates are variously-sized (approximately 60 miles thick) areas of the earth's
crust and mantle (also called the lithosphere) that move slowly around the
mantle's asthenosphere and are predominantly responsible for the earth's
volcanoes and earthquakes. The asthenosphere is a portion of the mantle that
consists of extremely hot, plastic-like rock that is partially melted.

Divergent Plate Boundary

The lithospheric, the Earth's crust and upper mantle, includes three plate
boundaries, the first of which is a divergent plate boundary. On a divergent
plate boundary, the plates move apart in opposite directions.

Convergent Plate Boundary

On the second type of boundary, a convergent boundary, the plates are
pushed together. Convergent plate boundaries help create mountains and

Transform Fault
The third type of plate boundary is a transform fault. On a transform fault, the
plates move in opposite but parallel directions along a fracture. In other words,
the plates slide past one another.

The Earth's Core

The innermost part of the Earth is called the core. The core is extremely hot
(4,300 degrees Celsius) and is made mostly of iron. The core is mostly solid
but is surrounded by a liquid molten material.

The Earth's Mantle

The thickest of the Earth's three zones, the mantle surrounds the core and is
mostly solid rock. A small portion of the mantle, the asthenosphere, is very hot
(approximately 3,700 degrees Celsius), partially melted rock.

The Earth's Crust

The Earth's crust is the outermost and thinnest layer of the Earth's three
zones. It consists of the continental and oceanic crusts .

Convection Cells
Convection cells are believed to be what helps keep the plates moving. The
plates rest on the constantly moving, plastic-like rock of the lower mantle
(asthenosphere) and move in a similar fashion to convection in the

Continental Drift
The theory of plate tectonics developed in the 1960s from an earlier theory
called continental drift. Continental drift was introduced by Alfred Lothar
Wegener in 1912, and it claims that the continents were once connected and
that they gradually drifted apart over millions of years. Plate tectonics is
significant because it explains how continental drift can occur.

The 10 countries with the most volcanoes

 United States - 173.
 Russia - 166.
 Indonesia - 139.
 Japan - 112.
 Chile - 104.
 Ethiopia - 57.
 Papua New Guinea - 53.
 Philippines - 50.
Mauna Loa
Tamu Massif dwarfs the largest active volcano on Earth, Mauna
Loa in Hawaii, which measures about 2,000 square miles (5,200 square
kilometers). Made of basalt, Tamu Massif is the oldest and largest feature of
an oceanic plateau called the Shatsky Rise in the northwestern Pacific
Ocean.Sep 6, 2013

Tectonic plates cover the entire Earth and are like a shell that sits underneath the
top layer of the ground. These plates sit on top of hot inner layers of the Earth, and
they slowly move around on this melted layer. Think of it like ice cubes moving
around on top of your glass of water. Even though these tectonic plates are all over,
there is a certain part of the Earth where more trouble happens than others.

How are Volcanoes Formed?

Volcanoes usually happen in a certain area of the Earth, called “The Ring of Fire”.
The Ring of Fire is a circle of volcanoes that is located along the edge of California
and swoops around to the edge of Asia. This area of the Earth has over 75% of the
world’s volcanoes! That’s like cutting a pizza into four big pieces, and then eating
three of them. The Ring of Fire is so full of volcanoes because of how they are
formed. Volcanoes are formed when heavier tectonic plates collide with and slide
underneath lighter tectonic plates. Think of it like smashing two graham crackers
together- one of them will go over the top of the other. The lighter tectonic plate that
goes on the top then begins to melt into magma as it pushes up. This magma will
slowly harden and pile on top of itself, forming a volcano.

ow does an Earthquake Happen?

Have you ever been in an earthquake? Depending on where you live, you may have
never felt one before or you might feel them all of the time. Earthquakes happen
when tectonic plates push against each other, similar to the example of pushing
together two graham crackers from above. The difference with earthquakes,
however, is that the tectonic plates are rubbing against each other and get stuck,
then they suddenly slam into a new position. This quick movement is what causes
the earth to shake. Over 80% of the world’s most powerful earthquakes have
happened along the Ring of Fire, and they have caused tons of damage and harm.
Many places that are located in the Ring of Fire have started using special buildings
that can survive earthquakes, but plate tectonics are unpredictable and you never
know when they will move next.

How does a Tsunami Happen?

A tsunami is a giant wave that starts in the middle of the ocean and usually makes
its way to shore. Tsunamis are also caused by tectonic plates, and start from either
an earthquake in the middle of the ocean, or a strong volcanic eruption in the ocean.
Imagine a tub of water that is gently moving back and forth, just like the ocean
waves. All of a sudden, the tub gets jolted and a giant wave pushes to the edge.
This is what happens when the tectonic plates suddenly shift underneath the water.
Try this the next time you are in the bath!

The Ring of Fire, with all of its earthquakes and volcanoes because of the tectonic
plates, is a popular place for tsunamis. About 80% of the world’s tsunamis happen in
the Ring of Fire, and they can cause horrible effects to the countries they hit. These
gigantic waves flood the shores and far inland, and often destroy everything in their

Quick Facts: Tectonic Plates

 There are eight main tectonic plates and lots of smaller ones

 Tectonic plates are responsible for volcanoes, earthquakes, and tsunamis

 The Ring of Fire is a location on Earth where the big tectonic plates meet and push
against each other

 When a heavy tectonic plate pushes under a light tectonic plate, the lighter one rises
up and becomes a volcano

 When two tectonic plates run by each other and then suddenly snap, this causes an

 When two plates cause an earthquake or volcanic eruption in the ocean, this causes
a tsunami
Tectonic plates cover the entire Earth and play a huge part in some of the natural
disasters the happen. They are always moving and are very unpredictable. These
powerful pieces of land are responsible for earthquakes, volcanoes, and tsunamis,
and are not going to stop moving and shifting anytime soon! By learning about
tectonic plates, we can be better prepared the next time they snap or shake.

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